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Vocational High School English teachers` lived experience on English Computer-based national examination.


Academic year: 2017

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Murti, Merry Trisna (2016). Vocational High School English Teachers’ Lived Experience on English Computer Based National Examination. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Assessment is needed in every learning process. In Indonesia to have same standard of graduated students, National examination is conducted. The old method of national examination was paper-pencil test. Although it was old method, it was used until now by some schools. The schools that conducted paper-pencil test was the schools that have not conducted the new method of national examination yet. In 2015 the government started new method in national examination. The new method was computer based test. However, there not all of the schools used this method. Based on Education Department of Yogyakarta, in Yogyakarta there were only 16 schools which conducted this method. All of them were vocational high schools. computer based test started since April 2015. Since this computer based test was new method in national examination, there was various lived experiences from the vocational high school English teachers.

The research problem in this research is “What does the implementation of English Computer Based National Examination mean to Vocational High Schools English teachers in Yogyakarta?”

This research used phenomenology approach. The participants of this research were three English teachers from different schools in Yogyakarta. The interviews were done after the implementation of computer based test. As a result, the wed participants’ story and interpretation regarding the implementation of English computer based national examination. There were four general themes which appeared from the data elaborated. They were facilities, standardization, effective testing method and opportunity. Teachers and students were trained to be familiar with computer based test national examination. There were many advantages of computer based test for teachers, students and government. The facility is the main requirement for conducting computer based test. Then, the national examination result becomes standard of every educational level in Indonesia and one of require to continue higher education. Computer based test also become effective testing method to replace paper pencil test.



Murti, Merry Trisna (2016). Vocational High School English Teachers’ Lived Experience on English Computer Based National Examination. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Penilaian sangat di butuhkan di setiap proses belajar. Di Indonesia untuk mendapatkan standar lulusan yang sama, dilaksanakanlah ujian nasional. Metode ujian nasional dari waktu kewaktu adalah paper-pencil test. Pada tahun 2015 pemerintah mulai menggunakan metode baru dalam ujian nasial yaitu Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer. Namun, tidak semua sekolah dapat menggunakan metode baru ini. Berdasarkan Dinas Pendidikan Kota Yogyakarta, hanya ada 16 sekolah di kota Yogyakarta yang sudah menerapkan metode ini. Semua sekolah yang sudah menggunakan metode ini adalah Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Test berbasis komputer ini mulai dilaksanakan pada April 2015. Oleh karena tes berbasis komputer ini adalah metode baru dalam ujian nasional, maka ada berbagi pengalaman mengenai metode ini dari guru mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris di SMK.

Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah (1). Apakah makna dari implementasi Ujian Bahasa Inggris berbasis komputer bagi guru Bahasa Inggris SMK di Yogyakarta?

Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan phenomenologi. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah tiga guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang mengajar di SMK. Wawancara dilakukan setelah sekolah melaksanakan Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer ini. Sebagai hasilnya, peneliti memaparkan cerita dari partisipan dan tafsirannya berhubungan dengan penerapan teknik Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Komputer. Ada empat tema umum yang didapat dari elaborasi data yaitu fasilitas, standarisasi, metode tes yang efektif dan kesempatan. Guru dan siswa dilatih untuk mengenal metode tes yang baru. Ada banyak manfaat dari test berbasis computer bagi guru, siswa dan pemerintah. Fasilitas adalah syarat utama yang harus ada dalam melaksanakan ujian nasional berbasis komputer. Kemudian ujian nasional juga digunakan sebagai standar atau tolok ukur di setiap tingkat pendidikan di Indonesia dan menjadi salah satu syarat utuk melanjutkan ke jenjang pendidikan lebih tinggi. Ujian berbasis komputer juga merupakan metode tes yang efektif untuk menggantikan paper pencil test.






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Merry Trisna Murti Student Number: 111214051













Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Merry Trisna Murti Student Number: 111214051








Murti, Merry Trisna (2016). Vocational High School English Teachers’ Lived Experience on English Computer Based National Examination. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Assessment is needed in every learning process. In Indonesia to have same standard of graduated students, National examination is conducted. The old method of national examination was paper-pencil test. Although it was old method, it was used until now by some schools. The schools that conducted paper-pencil test was the schools that have not conducted the new method of national examination yet. In 2015 the government started new method in national examination. The new method was computer based test. However, there not all of the schools used this method. Based on Education Department of Yogyakarta, in Yogyakarta there were only 16 schools which conducted this method. All of them were vocational high schools. computer based test started since April 2015. Since this computer based test was new method in national examination, there was various lived experiences from the vocational high school English teachers.

The research problem in this research is “What does the implementation of English Computer Based National Examination mean to Vocational High Schools English teachers in Yogyakarta?”

This research used phenomenology approach. The participants of this research were three English teachers from different schools in Yogyakarta. The interviews were done after the implementation of computer based test. As a result, the wed participants’ story and interpretation regarding the implementation of English computer based national examination. There were four general themes which appeared from the data elaborated. They were facilities, standardization, effective testing method and opportunity. Teachers and students were trained to be familiar with computer based test national examination. There were many advantages of computer based test for teachers, students and government. The facility is the main requirement for conducting computer based test. Then, the national examination result becomes standard of every educational level in Indonesia and one of require to continue higher education. Computer based test also become effective testing method to replace paper pencil test.




Murti, Merry Trisna (2016). Vocational High School English Teachers’ Lived Experience on English Computer Based National Examination. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Penilaian sangat di butuhkan di setiap proses belajar. Di Indonesia untuk mendapatkan standar lulusan yang sama, dilaksanakanlah ujian nasional. Metode ujian nasional dari waktu kewaktu adalah paper-pencil test. Pada tahun 2015 pemerintah mulai menggunakan metode baru dalam ujian nasial yaitu Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer. Namun, tidak semua sekolah dapat menggunakan metode baru ini. Berdasarkan Dinas Pendidikan Kota Yogyakarta, hanya ada 16 sekolah di kota Yogyakarta yang sudah menerapkan metode ini. Semua sekolah yang sudah menggunakan metode ini adalah Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Test berbasis komputer ini mulai dilaksanakan pada April 2015. Oleh karena tes berbasis komputer ini adalah metode baru dalam ujian nasional, maka ada berbagi pengalaman mengenai metode ini dari guru mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris di SMK.

Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah (1). Apakah makna dari implementasi Ujian Bahasa Inggris berbasis komputer bagi guru Bahasa Inggris SMK di Yogyakarta?

Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan phenomenologi. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah tiga guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang mengajar di SMK. Wawancara dilakukan setelah sekolah melaksanakan Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer ini. Sebagai hasilnya, peneliti memaparkan cerita dari partisipan dan tafsirannya berhubungan dengan penerapan teknik Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Komputer. Ada empat tema umum yang didapat dari elaborasi data yaitu fasilitas, standarisasi, metode tes yang efektif dan kesempatan. Guru dan siswa dilatih untuk mengenal metode tes yang baru. Ada banyak manfaat dari test berbasis computer bagi guru, siswa dan pemerintah. Fasilitas adalah syarat utama yang harus ada dalam melaksanakan ujian nasional berbasis komputer. Kemudian ujian nasional juga digunakan sebagai standar atau tolok ukur di setiap tingkat pendidikan di Indonesia dan menjadi salah satu syarat utuk melanjutkan ke jenjang pendidikan lebih tinggi. Ujian berbasis komputer juga merupakan metode tes yang efektif untuk menggantikan paper pencil test.




First of all, I would like to express my greatest and highest praise to my Almighty God, Jesus Christ, for giving me strength, guidance, and patience during the process of finishing this thesis. Without His blessing, I would not have been able to finish this thesis and to attain this degree. I also would like to thank Mother Mary for listening to all of my prayers.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to my beloved advisor, Fidelis Chosa Kastuhandani, M.Hum., for his help, guidance, support, and advice from the beginning until the end of the process in finishing my thesis. His support and suggestion have surely helped me. My deep gratitude also goes to the research participants from SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta, SMK Negeri 1 Yogyakarta and SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta, whom I cannot mention the names, for their

willingness to take part of this research.

I would also give my sincere gratitude to my parents, Bapak Heribertus Sarmono and Ibu Tri Widayati, for their endless love, care, prayers, and support during my study, so that I can finish this thesis. I could not imagine how I could finish this thesis without their support. I would like to thank my brother, Ruddy Cahyanto for his love, prayers, and support.

My study in Sanata Dharma University would not be colorful without the love and support from my friends. First, I would like to thank ELESP students of batch 2011, especially PBI Class A family, and our beloved Bunda Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, Ed.M. For my examiners, Miss Carla Sih Prabandari, S.Pd., M.Hum., and Dr. Antonius Herujianto, M.A. thank you so much for guiding me patiently during my thesis defense.



of my study. My gratitude also goes to my friends in UKM NATAS (Dedi, Nino, Nana, Vania Rosa, Eva and other members that I cannot mention) for being my family in almost 3 years. I would like to thank my family in Yogyakarta, my grandmothers, my aunty, my uncles, for the support, love and caring.

My special gratitude goes to Thomas Baskoro Riandaru and Mas Guntur Firmansyah for the love, care, patient and support during the highest and lowest part in my life. I could not imagine how I finish my thesis without their support.

Finally, I would also like to thank the readers of this thesis and everyone, whom I cannot mention one by one, for the love, support, prayers, and help during the process of finishing this thesis. May Jesus Christ always be with them.









ABSTRAK ... vii






A.Research Background ... 1

B.Research Problem ... 2

C.Problem Limitation ... 2

D.Research Objectives ... 3

E.Research Benefits ... 3

F.Definition of Terms ... 4

1.Definition of Lived Experience ... 4

2.Computer Based Test ... 5


A.Theoretical Description ... 7



a. Computer-Based Test………. 9

b. National Examination……… 14

2. Vocational High School ...17

a. Curriculum………...18

b. Subject……… ...19

3.English Teacher ...20

a. Role……… 20

b. Activities………21

c. Test Preparation……….22

d. Vocational High School Teacher………...23

4.Lived experience ...23

B.Theoretical Framework ... 24


A.Research Method ... 28

B.Research Setting ... 29

C.Research Participants ... 29

D.Instrument and Data Gathering Technique ... 30

E.Data Analysis Technique ... 32

F.Research Procedure ... 32


A.Text description ... 34

1. Story of Participant 1 ...34

2. Story of Participant 2 ...37



B.Interpretation ... 39


2.Standardization ...41

3.Effective testing method ...44

5.Opportunity ...46


A.Conclusions ... 48

B.Suggestions ... 50








Appendix 1 The Research Permission Letter………. 52

Appendix 2 Interview Guidelines ... 53

Appendix 3 Sample of Research Verbatim ... 58





This chapter is made to provide basic information to the reader about the teachers’ lived experience on the implementation of National Examination using computer to assess English subject. This chapter consists of six sections, namely research background, problems limitation, problem formulation, research objectives, research benefits, and definition of terms.

A.Research Background


means for Vocational High Schools English teachers with the implementation of CBT for English national examination. Therefore, in this research, the researcher did not focus on “test as a method of measuring a person’s ability” but the

researcher focused on "computer based test as new test method in national examination”.

B.Research Problem

Computer based test was new method of national examination in Indonesia. Then, the English teachers should be aware of what, why and how the computer based test could influence the process of national examination. The English computer based test gave experiences to the teachers and the students of what English computer based test that was conducted in their schools was. Therefore, based on the discussion of the topic above, this research is conducted to answer this following question:

“What does the implementation of English Computer Based National

Examination mean to Vocational High Schools English teachers in Yogyakarta?”

C.Problem Limitation


The goal of this this research was to explain teachers’ lived experience in

English national examination with CBT. There were some subjects that were tested in computer based national examination. The researcher limited the discussion based on how the English teachers inteprete the implementation of computer based national examination. The researcher focused on the English computer based national examination. This research was more on the teachers’ experiences rather than researcher’s views.

D. Research Objectives

This research is aimed to describe the teachers’ lived experience on the implementation of English computer based national examination. Therefore, the objective of this study was to describe what the teachers’ experiences on the

implementation of English computer based national examination. E. Research Benefits

This research gives several benefits to the education field that can be stated as follows:

1. School


2. Teacher

This research also gives benefits to the teachers, especially for the teacher of several subjects that will be assessed in national examination and for teachers whose schools have not conducted computer based test national examination. The researcher focuses in English subject. By reading this research the teachers will know what they should do to prepare the students to face the computer based test national examination. Through this research, the teachers are expected to be able to use computer based test as the method of assessment in the classroom.

3. Policy Makers

This research is beneficial to the government especially for the Cultural and Educational Minister to know the strengths and the weaknesses of this Computer Based Test that really happen in the school. Then, the policy makers can do some improvements to make the Computer Based Test better.

4. Other Researcher

This research also gives benefits to the other researchers who may have an idea to conduct the research related to the NE assessment. The researcher hopes that this research can inspire and build new idea for the other researchers to find the further decision related to Computer Based Test that may be beneficial to students, teachers and other target of research.

F. Definition of Terms


1. Definition of Lived Experience

According to van Manen (1990) lived experience is the starting points and end points of phenomenological research. Phenomenology research is used to transform lived experience into a textual expression of its essence. In this study the researcher wants to describe the English teacher lived experience in the implementation of English and how the teachers’ reflection of this new method of national examination. Moreover, Van Manen (1990) describes that through meditations, conversations, day dreams, inspiration and other interpretative acts then assign meaning to the phenomena of live our life. Then, the lived experience in this research is what teachers mean about the implementation of computer based test national examination.

2. Computer Based Test

Luecht and Sireci (2011) say Computer Based Test is a broad-based industry that encompasses a large variety of assessment types, purposes, test delivery designs, and item types appropriated for educational accountability and achievement testing, college and graduate admission testing, professional certification and licensure testing, psychological testing, intelligent testing, language testing, employment testing, adult education, military use.


technology offers some advantages according to (Brown, 2004) like classroom-based testing, self-directed testing on various aspects of language (vocabulary, grammar discourse, one or all of the four skill, etc), practice for upcoming high-stakes standardized tests and large-scale standardized tests that can be administrated easily to thousands of test-takers at many different station, then scored electronically for rapid reporting of result.





In this chapter, the researcher presents the theories that related to this research. These theories used to answer the research problems logically. There are two parts in this chapter. The first part discusses about theoretical description. The researcher divides this theoretical review in four sections: test, vocational high school, English teacher, lived experience. Then the second part discusses about theoretical framework. The researcher will relate the theories to the study in the theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

In this study, the researcher uses some theories that are related to the research of teacher lived experience in English computer based National Examination. The explanation includes the discussion of Vocational High School, English teacher, test, computer based test, national examination, computer based national examination.

1. Test


taxonomy is based on the hierarchy of six educational objectivities (Brown, Bull, and Race (2003). Test is prepared administrative procedures that occur at identifiable times in a curriculum when learners master all their faculties to offer peak performance, knowing that their responses are being measured and evaluated (Brown, 2004). Test is a part of assessment and the assessment is a part of teaching. Here is a diagram of the relationship among testing, teaching, and assessment

Figure 2.1. Tests, assessment, and teaching (Brown, 2004, p.5)

Based on National Examination Standards Operating Procedure Year 2014/2015 (SOP 2014/2015), in the English computer-based national examination, there are 50 items, consist of 15 listening comprehension task item or 15 reading item for deaf students and 35 items of multiple choice. Time allocation for doing the test is 120 minutes. Traditionally, computer-assisted assessment (CAA) has been synonymous with multiple choice questions (MCQs) (Heywood, 1989). So, both of CAA and pencil-paper based questions are same, because both of them use multiple choice questions. The main difference of those method is the media pencil-paper based test uses paper and CAA uses computer.



a. Computer-Based Test

Computers are becoming an essential part of everyday life, requiring most of the population to become skilled in the use of common information technology (IT) tools such as word processors and spreadsheets (Brown, Bull, & Race, 2003). Computers are used almost in every public places such as companies, hospitals, airport, library, universities, schools, and other places, even in our house.

According to Brown, Bull, and Race (2003) computer based assessment (CBAs) are now in widespread used in higher education. Based on Ripley (2009) computer-based exams are part of e-assessment, which Ripley (2009) defines as “the use of technology to digitize, make more efficient, redesign or transform

assessments and tests” that is includes “professional examinations, qualifications,

certifications and school tests, classroom assessment for leaving” (p.93). Over the years the other ways in which assessments could be facilitated by using computers have been envisaged and in many cases tried. Surgeons and pilot often do computer-based exams using simulators, some oral language exams have included „talking‟ into the computer (Pearson Education Australia, 2012, as cited in

Newhouse (2013).


computer in teaching is not teaching about computer but any subject beside computer. So, in other word teacher can use computer to teach any subject they need.

Computer based examination is the form of assessment in which the computer is an integral part of question papers‟ delivery, response storage,

marking of response or reporting of result from a test or exercise (Whittington, Bull & Danson, 2000). Computer based examination can be used to promote more effective learning by testing a range of skills, knowledge and understanding. Accessing and managing of information and managing and developing communication skill are possible to assess online which cannot be assessed in regular essay based examination (Brown, Race, & Bull, 2003). Then, according to Bodmann and Robinson (2004) computer based test offers several advantages over traditional paper-and-pencil or paper-based. Technology based assessment provide opportunities to measure complex form of knowledge reasoning that is not possible to engage and assess through traditional method. It is also important that sitting a computerize assessment in a non IT-based subject should require nothing more than very basic computer skills; such as maze navigation and „clicking procedures‟ (Brown, et al 2003).


Hodgson, 2010). The computer-based exam could be delivered on a stand-alone personal computer, or within an isolated Local Area Network (LAN) or use online technologies, such as web-pages over the internet (Taylor, 2005). Nowadays computer based test have been used in many countries, including Indonesia.

In 2015 Indonesian used this in National Examination (NE) as one of examination method. According to Brown, et al (2003) from the teacher‟s point of

view, the most meaningful way to test the utility of computer-based assessment may be to compare it with what existed before. In national examination there are two method of testing. First method Paper-Based Test or Paper-Pencil Test. The second is Computer Based Test (CBT). Based on National Examination Standards Operating Procedure 2014/2015 from BSNP, Paper Based National Examination (Paper Based Test (PBT) that hereinafter called UN-PBT is an examination system in National Examination (NE) that uses exercise sheets and National Examination Answer Sheets (NEAS) paper-based. While Computer Based Test National Examination is an examination system in NE that uses computer system.

1) Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Based Test


and make written report. There was no logistic work such as distributed the answer sheet, save the paper, test participant also could see the result faster (Suyanto, n.d.). Davey (2011) also says that for the random form items in CBT also more secure because the students cannot cheat their friends. Moreover, based on Kozma (2009) there were also other advantages of CBT such as; reduced cost; increased adaptability to individuals; opportunity to collect process data on student performance; the provision to tools integral to modern practice, and the last were better feedback data.

Although CBT has some advantages it also has some disadvantages. Based on Suryanto (n.d.) CBT make schools dependence of computer, need sufficient computer laboratory (hardware and software), and when there were system bugging the implementation of CBT should be postponed, and students should have knowledge and skill of computer. Dunkel (1991) also says that usage of CBT also concern on the high cost of computer hardware and software. Moreover, based on Dunkel (1991) other disadvantages of CBT is the time required to introduce examinees with the computer before test. In other word, the examinees have to familiar with computer before CBT.

According Kozma (2009) there are two main challenges of CBT. First challenge is using digital technologies including: the need to choose between standardization and “native” application and the need integrated application and


The second challenges based on Kozma (2009) is methodological challenge. Methodological challenges contain some aspects, first, the extent of equivalence with paper-pencil. Then, the others challenges are the design of appropriate complex tasks, making efficient and reliable high-level professional judgement, and scoring students‟ processes and strategies.

2) Computer-based test national examination criteria

Based on Prosedur Operasional Standar Penyelenggaraan Ujian Nasional Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015 from BSNP, there are some criteria to become a school that use UN-CBT. First, there are available infrastructures as the followings; (1) Personal Computer (PC) or laptop as client with the ratio of the amount client and the number of UN participant minimum 1:3 and reserve client minimum 10%; (2) Adequate server that equipped with UPS; (3) Local Area Network (LAN) with cable media; (4) Adequate speed internet connection; (5) Adequate intake electricity (have adequate generator set is preferred) (6) Adequate examination room.


b. National Examination

1) A Brief History of National examination

According to Kellaghan (2004) a national assessment is an exercise designed to describe the level of achievements; not of individual students, but of a whole education system, or a clearly defined part of it. Then, based on Educational and Cultural Minister‟s Decision no 5 years 2015, national examination means the activity of measurement and grading the achievement of competence of graduates in certain subjects. National examination had been changed time to time. Here are the changed of NE based on Hartanto (n.d.). First, in 1965-1971 the final examination system named Ujian Negara and applied for all subject. In this period, the examination still centralized so the implementation was decided by the government. Then, in 1972-1979 Ujian Negara was deleted and replaced with Ujian Sekolah. This system gave authority for each school to conduct their own final examination. Exercise and result process also submitted to the schools. The central government role was only arranged and release general examination guideline.

After Ujian Negara, in 1980 until 2000 it changed became Evalasi Belajar Tahap Akhir Nasional (EBTANAS). This system was applied to improve and control education quality. It was also used to get indicator (grade) that mean “same” to make it as comparison among schools. In the implementations,


became Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN). There was a big difference between EBTANAS and UAN in the way of determining graduation. (Hartanto, n.d.)

Then in 2005, to reach compulsory quality, the government applied national examination for junior high school and senior high school or equal. Meanwhile, for elementary school or equal Ujian Akhir Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (UASBN), now called National Examination (NE) just implemented in 2008. The evaluation in a form of NE was supported by a system that secure the quality and the secret of NE question and also the implementation of NE that safe, honest and fair.

The NE result was used as one of determinants of students‟ graduation from an educational unit. Then, it also became one of the considerations for admission to continue higher education level. The result of NE also used to make quality mapping, develop and provide assistance for quality improvement.

2) Strengths and weaknesess of National Examination


new students‟ admission of higher education level. (Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor

19 Tahun 2005, Pasal 68)

Based on National Examination Policy Changes from Indonesian Educational and Cultural Minister there are some weaknesses of NE such as; cheating behavior, teaching-to-the-test behavior, students became “victim” (answer sheet dirty or ripped in paper-pencil test), students became distress, the learning process did not finish, lack of standardize test, and high-stake testing attitude.

3) Policy Changes






Figure 2.2. Police Changes Adapted from National Examination Policy Changes from Indonesian Educational and Cultural Minister 2015 (kemendikbud.go.id)

2. Vocational High School

According to Educational and Culture Minister‟s decision No: 0490/U/1992 Vocational High School is a form of secondary education units which is held to continue and enlarge primary education, then prepare the students to enter the workforce and develop professional manner. There are six categories programs in Vocational High School according to Educational and Cultural

Organizer Examination Type Result


Class repeatation School Final



Certificate of


Country National

Examination Remedial?

Certificate of NE Result


Minister‟s decision no.080/U/1993: Agriculture and Forestry, Technology and

Industry, Business and Management, Public Welfare, Tourism, and Arts and Crafts.

According to Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Sistem Pendidikan Nasional 2003 Vocational High School‟s goal is improving students‟ knowledge and skill to

prepare them as middle-level manpower who are skilled, educated, professional, and be able to develop themselves accordance with knowledge and technology development. Vocational High School focused on the students‟ skill after graduate

because they are prepared to enter the workforce. a. Curriculum

Curriculum in Vocational High School is simple, flexible, dynamic, and relevant. Its material and organizing can be adapted by ongoing process in school level. In order to make the curriculum of Vocational High School really link and match with the needs of workforce, then adaptation and synchronization of the curriculum must be done time to time (Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, 2003)


Curriculum is important in education because classroom decisions cannot be made without reference to structures operating outside the classroom. (Lamb and Nunan, 1996). Curriculum development represents a dedicate juggling act involving the incorporation of information about the students, the language, and about the learning process. Based on Lamb and Nunan (1996), curriculum is taken to refers to statements about what should happen in the teaching and learning situation. It means that curriculum have been produced to guide teaching and learning.

Curriculum structure is the organizing of main competence, basic competence, content of learning, subjects and the burden of learning in every educational units and educational program. Main competencies in Curriculum 2013 consist of; spiritual attitude main competence, social attitude main competence, knowledge main competence, and skill main competence. While basic competence is the breakage of main competences. (Educational and Cultural Minister‟s decision no 60/2014)

b. Subjects


knowledge competence, and skill competence of students, related to environment in social, cultural and art field. Then, vocational specialization subject group C is a curricular program that aims to develop attitude competence, knowledge competence, and skill competence of students‟ accordance with the interest, talent

and/or the ability in vocational fields, vocational program, vocational package. . Regular subject group A consist of six subjects; Religious and Moral Education, Pancasila and Nationality Education, Bahasa Indonesia, Mathematic, Indonesian History, and English. Then, for regular subject group B consist of three subjects, they are; Art and Culture, Sport Physical Education and Health, and Craft and Entrepreneurship. The last, vocational specialization subject group C is grouped in stages of Basic Vocational Field, Basic Vocational Program, and Vocational Package. Based on Educational and Cultural Minister‟s decision no.080/U/1993 there are six program categories in Vocational High School. However, in Educational and Cultural Minister‟s decision no.60/2014 there are nine basic vocational fields; Technology and Engineering, Information and Communication Technology, Health, Agribusiness and Agro-technology, Marine and Fisheries, Business and Management, Tourism, Artwork, and Performing Art.

3. English Teachers a. Role

Hammer (1991) suggest that most classroom roles required of the teacher can be placed somewhere along a continuum, with “teacher as controller” and

one extreme, and “teacher as facilitator” at the other. Based on Lamb and


the teachers want the whole class to be attending to what they have to say. Other roles include teacher as assessor, the teacher as organizer, teacher as prompter, the teachers as participant, the teacher as resource and the teacher as investigator. Based on Hammer (1991) the roles of teacher in traditionalism view of on the nature of language and learning; as central and active (teacher-dominated method); as provides model (controls direction and pace). Then in communicative language teaching view, teacher become facilitator of the communication process, needs analyst, counselor, and process manager. Besides that, Richard (1998) also says the role of teacher‟s principles and

believes and how these shape their approaches to teaching has also become an issue of increasing significance in teachers understanding of teaching.

b. Activities


2013. Then, to reach the goal of teaching teachers also use effective media. From three Vocational English teachers as participants in this research, all of them use computer in the classroom activities. The participants used computer as a media to present videos, movie, songs, or PowerPoint related the learning material. As Lamb and Nunan (1991) say it can allow the non-native teacher to bring samples of genuine interaction to the classroom and enable the students to eavesdrop on that communication, studying it repeatedly, and absorbing aspects of communication that are difficult to access in any other way.

c. Test Preparation


factors that influence NE goals. There is also the use of CBT national examination for some schools that had passed the verification.

d. Vocational High School Teacher

Study program teacher‟s role is teaching one or more subjects or study

program theory, including normative, adaptive, or productive program. According to Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (2003) Vocational High School which consist of various field of expertise, needs teacher with educational background, ability and vocational skills which called specialization. It is matched with their educational background, ability and their areas of expertise majors. There is specialization teacher who has authority to teach only a certain subject, and there is also teacher who teaches more than one related subjects. In Vocational High School there are 21(twenty-one) expertise field which consist of 89(eighty-nine) expertise programs. Teacher need analysis based on learning pattern which is required by applicable curriculum. (Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, 2003)

4. Lived Experience


on Dilthey 1985, as cited in van Manen (1990) in its most basic form lived experience involves our immediate, pre-reflective consciousness of life: a reflexive or self-given awareness which is, as awareness, unaware itself. Lived experience is about how people see a phenomena and make a reflection of it. Dilthey also suggested that lived experience is to the soul what breath is to the body: “Just as our body needs to breathe, our soul requires the fulfillment and

expansion of its existence in the reverberation of emotional life” (p.59).

Based on van Manen (1990) lived experiences gather hermeneutic significance as people (reflectively) gather them by giving memory to them. Through meditations, conversations, day dreams, aspirations and other interpretive act people assign meaning to the phenomena of lived life. Lived-experience descriptions can be found in a multitude of expression or form; in transcribed taped conversations; in interview materials; in daily accounts or stories; and so on. Naturally, some types of descriptions of lived experiences are more difficult to gather than others (van Manen, 1990). There always be something for us to gather when a person shares with us a certain experience.

B.Theoretical Framework


the learner to be familiar with development of technology, motivate in test preparation, and honest.

The implementation of computer based test give many benefits for teachers and students. The students will not spend much time to encircle the answer sheets with pencil. Although it sounds simple it influences the result of the test. If the students do not circle the answer properly, their answer cannot be read by the computer. However, in computer based test that kind of situation will not happen. The students just have to click the answer and it will be saved by the program.

The new method of national examination gives the opportunities to teachers and students to have new experience. Conducting this computer based test is not really easy because of the requirement that should be fulfilled. Then, the success of the implementation of English computer based test national examination will be explained by some English teachers from different schools.

In this research, the researcher provided the construct of the research in order to get a clear explanation of how Vocational High School English teachers gave meanings in the implementation of English computer based national examination. In order to gain the data, the researcher discussed the teachers‟ background including educational background, their previous experience and their personal motivation. Besides, the researcher also discussed the teachers‟ belief in

English subject, teachers‟ belief in test and teachers‟ belief in computer including


Then the researcher discussed about what computer based test is, its benefits in education, and how teachers‟ belief in computer based test. The


Figure 2.3 Construct of the research

Pencil - Paper Test Strengths


Problems: for teachers, for students, for others



This chapter provides the explanation of research method, research participants, research setting, instrument and data gathering techniques, data analysis techniques and research procedures.

A.Research Method

In this research, the reseacher used the qualitative approach. Based on Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen, and Razavieh (2002) qualitative inquires seek to interpret human actions, institutions, events, customs, and the like, and in so doing construct a “reading”, or portrayal, of what is being studied. The strengths of

qualitative studies should be demonstrated for research that is exploratory or descriptive and that stresses the importance of context, setting, and participant’s frames of reference (Marshall and Rossman, 2006: p.54). In order to gather the data, the researcher interviewed three Vocational High School English teachers to see how they gave meanings to the implementation of English Computer Based National Examination.


phenomenological involves a return to experience in order to obtain comprehensive description that provide the basis for a reflective structural analysis that produce essence of the experience. The aim of phenomenological study is to determine what an experience means for the persons who have had the experience and are able to provide a comprehensive description of it. Phenomenological study uses to find the essence or structure of the experience. (Moustakas,1994).

B.Research Setting

The interview was conducted in January 4th, 2016 to January 12th, 2016. There are three participants in this research. As stated previously, they are teaching in three different schools that have conducted Computer Based National Examination before. In order to find the schools in Yogyakarta that have conducted the Computer Based National Examination, the reseacher looks for the information to Yogyakarta Educational Department. Then, the researcher got the list of school, the reseacher permitted to three schools that have choosen before. After that, the reseacher met the teachers and make an agreement when we would conduct the interview. After the researcher and the participants made the agreement, the researcher went to the schools and conducted the interview there.

C.Research Participants


(2010), in purposive sampling, sample elements judged to be typical, or representative, are chosen from the population. In purposive sampling, the researcher chose the participants based on certain criteria. The researcher made three criteria as follows: first, the participants are Vocational High School teachers. Second, the participants are teaching English. Then the third, participant had experienced of English Computer Based National Examination preparation.

In this research, the participants are teaching in Yogyakarta. Since the participants are teaching in different school, then they will have different experiences in English Computer Based National Examination.

D.Research Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

The researcher gathered the data by interviewing three Vocational High School English teachers from different schools, who had already implemented English computer-based national examination. According to Seidman (1991) Recounting narratives of experience has been the major way throughout recorded history that humans have made sense of their experience (p.2). Interview is used to gather data from people about opinions, beliefs, and feelings about situations in their own words (Ary, Jacob and Sorensen, 2010). The purpose of the interview is to know the teachers’ perception of English computer-based national examination. The data collection was an open-ended interview. Since the research method that used in this study is phenomenological research, the interview is typically more probing and open-ended and less structured than the interview used in quantitative research but varies considerably in the way it’s conducted (Ary,


gathering responses to open-ended questions is to understand and capture the points of view of other people without predetermining those points of view through prior selection of questionnaire categories. The interview was used to gather data of people’s opinions, experiences, and beliefs on their own way, rather

than testing hypothesis.

The advantages of conducting interviews are that interviews give data of personal opinion that cannot be obtained through questionnaire or observation. Interviewing provides access to the context of people’s behavior and thereby provides a way for researchers to understand the meaning of that behavior. A basic assumption in in-depth interviewing research is that the meaning people make of their experiences affects the way they carry out that experience. (Seidman 1991: p.4)


Based on Ary, Jacob, and Sorensen, 2010 in qualitative research, the human investigator is primary instrument for the gathering and analyzing of data. The concept of human as instrument was introduced to emphasize the unique role that the researchers play in their inquiry (Lincoln and Guba, 1985 as cited from Ary, Jacob and Sorensen (2010). Then, the human instrument in this research is the researcher.

E.Data Analysis Techniques

The data which was got from the interviewees would be preceded by phenomenological steps according to Moustakas (1994). The recording of interview reformed into manuscripts or verbatim. Then, the researcher gave marks of every expression relevant to the experience, usually it called horizonalization. The interview transcripts were categorized based on the theories in the review of literature, without making additional information to represent some categories of those theories.

For the preparation, the researcher reviewed the professional and research methods, formulated the researcher question, described the topic and research question and selected participants. In phenomenological research, the interview’s questions should have both social meaning and personal significance.


The researcher uses Bahasa Indonesia during interview to prevent the bias in the interview.

F. Research Procedure

This part shows the procedure of conducting the research from the beginning until the report of the data. First, the researcher found three possible participants to be interviewed. Since not all schools in Yogyakarta had conducted computer based test, the researcher asked to Educational Department of Yogyakarta to find which schools that have already used computer based test national examination. After that, the researcher asked permission to “Dewan Perizinan Kota Yogyakarta” to conduct research. Then, the researcher asked teachers’ permission to be the participants of this research. After that, the researcher interviewed the participants about their lived experience on English computer-based national examination.




In this chapter, the researcher presented and analyzed the data from the interview result of three teachers as participants. The findings from the interview were discussed to answer the reseach question: “What does the implementation of English computer based national examination mean to Vocational High Schools English teachers in Yogyakarta?”. Then, it would be a discussion about teachers’ lived-experiences in English subject national examination using computer based test.

A.Text description

In this part, the researcher shows the teachers’ story background in the

relation of teaching English and English computer based national examination.

The summary of teachers’ story based on participants’ lived experience which is

conducted in depth interview. There was correlation between participants’

background and the participants’ mean toward the implementation of English

subject national examination in Vocational High Schools.

1. Story of Participant 1


become a teacher in this school for about ten years. She graduated from English Literature Faculty of Gadjah Mada University.

She explained why she wanted to become a teacher. She said it might be a role model, because her father and her mother were teachers. Then, after she graduated from university she started to teach in STIKES and STBA before she became a teacher in SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta.

She realized that English was very important subject to learn in this globalization era. She said that many of her students realized it after they had graduated and then they worked in a company. She argued that learning English

was depended on each students’ motivation. Students who wanted to continue

their study usually learned English seriously. However, she said that some of students in certain department, such as Building Technique Department thought that English was not important because it would not be used in their field.

She said that she had to give motivation and understanding to her students that learning English was important for them. She gave an example of her explanation to her students. She had to relate English to students’ real life. She asked students whether they liked to listen to the English music or not. They said

“yes”, and she started to asked next question “Did you know the meaning of the

lyric?” and most of them said no. Then, she explained that it was one of the


Besides that, she also used computer or laptop when she taught her students. She realized that using computer/laptop was very useful in the classroom. The students did not have to take note during the teaching process.

They could copy the material from the teachers’ laptop. She said it saved the time

and effective. Then, she added that she also used internet to help her made teaching material. She also used Facebook to communicate and provide useful material for students outside the class. She thought that Facebook could be used for positive things. The students would not only waste their time when they opened their Facebook account but also got something useful for them.


2. Story of Participant 2

She is an English teacher in SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta. She has become a teacher in this school more than ten years ago. She graduated from English Education Faculty of Muhamaddiyah University. She became an English teacher because she loved English. She started to love English because her father was very good in some language such as, English and Dutch, besides Javanese language and Indonesian. However, the participant 2 was more interested in English because it was easier than other language.

She said learning English was important because Indonesian was entering ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). She also said that students needed to have good English to prepare the competition. She used the facilities from school such as LCD and computer in teaching. Besides that, she also used those facilities to assess her students, usually in pre-test and post-test. However, she still used essay for testing her students in the classroom. Then, to assess speaking usually she

used project that had relation with students’ department. For example; she asked

her animation department’s students to make short movie using English. She also

used internet to find learning material. She thought that internet was very useful for her because she could find and download the material freely.


improve students’ skill in computer. It would help students when they already had

job, besides their major skill they also would be able to operate computer. She said that in this era the students had to have skill in computer, so they would not become ancient in this modern era.

3. Story of Participant 3

He was an English teacher in SMK Negeri 1 Yogyakarta. He graduated from Sanata Dharma University. He has already taught in SMK Negeri 1 for more than fifteen years. He said that English was a foundation for students to find job and continue their education. He also said that in AEC era nowadays, English that they master was plus value.

At the beginning he did not really like to be a teacher. He liked becoming private worker or other better than a teacher. He said that he ever applied for a job in Singapore Airline and at that time he was called for interview, but he could not come because he still had contract as English teacher in Yogyakarta. There were people who said that he had personality which suitable to become a teacher. Then he thought that maybe it was right, so he tried becoming a teacher. He also said if he had to become a teacher not civil state worker, may be teacher in a course institution. Shortly, not civil state worker, but there was someone who brought him to become state worker and gradually he felt comfortable as civil state worker, at last there was no problem for him.


that students cannot see in Indonesia. He could browse it in internet and show them about many things that maybe strange for them. He also said that using laptop was more efficient, he could display picture or video directly from laptop. However, he said that he never used laptop, email, or via internet for learning evaluation. Based on his opinion it was not effective because they have not had the program for this yet, and if he took from internet he thought there was no material that was exactly suitable. So, he preferred using manual method. He also agreed with national examination. Based on his opinion there must be national examination, without it there was no standard in our country. He also said that measuring was important, we needed to know nationally whether we had been successful in teaching or not. Although he did not use computer based test in the classroom but he agreed with the use of computer based test in national examination. He said that it was very ideal method, but it did not mean that it could be implemented nationally, because not all Indonesia area could access internet. Based on his opinion computer based test gave many advantages for the schools, students, teachers and also government.


This part elaborated the main themes that appeared from the data gathered. There were four themes which were mostly showed by the participants from their personal experienced in-depth-interviews. Those were facilitation, effective testing method, standardization, and opportunity.


The facilities have important role in computer based test. English computer based national examination cannot be held if there were not enough facilities in the schools. The schools have to have computer laboratory, good internet access, and stable electricity in order to conduct computer based test. The English teachers in SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta, SMK Negeri 1 Yogyakarta and SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta as the participants in this research, had already familiar with computer and internet in the process of learning. They used this

schools’ facilities to improve the students interest during the learning process. It

was based on participant 3’s view which was proved when she used computer as a teaching media in the classroom. She also stated that computer and LCD also helped her to give interesting learning process for students.

“…of course it is helpful miss, with the use of media like computer and LCD in the classroom the students more concentrate in learning process. Then if we use picture or songs in learning process, the students will not be bored. Moreover, when we teach in the afternoon when the students have already tired, the use of media increase the students’ learning motivation because it is more interesting than if we just teach and explain the material in front of schools manually.” P3-8

Although the participants’ schools have already had enough facilities to


“… The number of the students in this school is very high. There are 23 classes for about 700 students but the school has limited number of

computers…” P1-36

Then, to solve that problem the students were divided into some groups and they had to alternate because the computers in schools did not enough if they did it together at the same time. It became one of the weaknesses of the English computer based national examination implementation in Yogyakarta. Participant 3 stated that it was pity that students have to divided into morning and afternoon shift.

“But the time becomes so long. It’s pity that students have to be divided into morning and afternoon shift. Then they also need longer time because with CBT they only can do one subject in one day, while with paper-pencil based test students can do two subjects in one day.” P3-43

“The weakness is the limited facility; it wastes students’ time because they have to do session by session.” P1-36

Then in the SMK Negeri 1 Yogyakarta, the school facilities also had been old and out of date. They still used tube monitor while some schools had already used LCD. It was stated by participant 2, he also stated that although the computers were still useable, according to him the computers needed to be replaced.

“…but this school is state school which is handled by regional government. Our equipment have been old, it is government’s resposibility to replace with the new one, isn’t it?”P2-41


CBT because not all schools in Indonesia had computer laboratory. There were also some schools in rural area that still could not access the internet.

“…very ideal, but it doesn’t mean that it can be implemented nationally, because not all area in Indonesia can access internet. If they can access only use chip card like in mobile phone, it is not enough.” P2-33

In sum, the facilities were important aspects in the implementation of computer based test. Participant 2 also said that was the government’s responsibility to develop the schools’ facilities in Indonesia to make computer based national examination could be implemented for more schools in Indonesia. The facilities like internet also help schools in touch with information from outside area. Then, the facilities like LCD and computer in the classroom also helped the teachers provided interesting learning process for the students.

Schools’ facilities were influence the time in conducting English computer based

national examination.

2. Standardization

National examination become national standardization for each level of education, started from Elementary School, Junior High School, and Senior High School. National examination was needed to give national education standard. Participant 2 and participant 3 stated that national examination was still needed; it

was used to measure students’ ability with national standard. While based on

participant 1’s opinion there must be national examination, without it there was no


“…There must be national examination, without it there is no standard in our country.” P1-25

“…We still need national examination, because this is standard. It is used to measure students’ ability with national standar.” P2-17

“…National examination still needed so we can determine the standard that can be applied in every schools in Indonesia. It because standard in every school might be different so that we need national standard for all of schools in Indonesia.” P3-31

The questions in national examination also become important part. As an educational standard in our country the questions of national examination also should have good standard. The importance of clear and good questions in national examination was stated by participant 2 who said that he agreed with national examination but the questions in national examination must be repaired again. As participant 2 stated that the lattice matter need to be repaired. The lattice mater that was not clear made the teacher difficult to compose questions.

“…yes, I agree, but the questions must be repaired again. The lattice matter need to be repaired. I think the the base problem is lattice matter. Sometimes, the lattice matter is not clear as a result teachers are difficult to coompose questions.” P2-23


“…I think it’s not good, because nationally our education is not standardized. At last all students can graduate, can’t they? Then probably their marks are good. There is injustice in education. I don’t agree if the result of national examination doesn’t become diterminant of students’


In sum, national examination still needed in Indonesia. Although it did not mean that schools could not have their own right to decide whether their students could graduate or not, those schools would have their own standard. They would not have same standard. Besides that, every schools also had different standard of quality for their students. It was stated by participant 2 in his interview.

3. Effective testing method

The participants agreed that computer based national examination was ideal method for national examination. They gave positive response for this new national examination method. They also compared CBT with the previous method, pencil-paper test. According to participants’ opinions pencil-paper test method had more weaknesses than CBT. Participant 1 and 2 said that paper-pencil test spent more time and cost.

“Yes, paper-pencil test spends more time and cost, there is factor. Well, there is also X factor which influence CBT. In paper-pencil test there are some factors which influence such as paper is torn, pencil is out of standard. So, student probably feel that he/she can do the examination, but the result is bad.” P1-22


Paper pencil test might be harm the students with some factors, such as students used not standard pencil in examination. It made the answer could not

read by the scanner. It would influence students’ examination result. When the

answer sheet was broken or dirty the scanner also could not read it. That was stated by participant 3.

“I think paper-pecil test is not effective. First, many students use pencils which are not suitable with the ditermined standard, so their answers cannot be scanned. The paper must not be broken or dirty” P3-37

Some problems of paper-pencil test could be solved by using CBT, for examples: time consumed problem, cost, broken or dirty paper, and paper consumed. CBT was the ideal method to replace paper-pencil test. Participant 3 said that paper-pencil test also spent more time in distribution. She said that they had to distributed the question sheets from her school to rayon, and they still needed to checked either there were mistakes or not.

“…it wastes time, because we have to distribute. From here to rayon, and we still have to check either there are mistakes or nor, etc…” P3-38


Figure 2.1 Test assessment and teaching……………………………………....8
Figure 2.1. Tests, assessment, and teaching (Brown, 2004, p.5)
Figure 2.2. Police Changes Adapted from National Examination Policy Changes from Indonesian Educational and Cultural Minister 2015
Figure 2.3 Construct of the research


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