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Academic year: 2017



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A thesis

Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Language and Arts State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number: 2101321008






Devi, Sri Meilani Yupita. Reg. No.2101321008 The Effect of Using Movie

Poster on The Students’ Writing Achievements in Descriptive Text. A Thesis. English Department of Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan 2014.

This study is aimed to investigatethe effect of Movie Poster on the students’ writing achievement in descriptive text. The objective was to find outthe using of Movie posters could effect students’ achievement on writing descriptive text. This study was conducted by experimental research. The population of this study was the tenth grade students’ of SMA Negeri I Aek Song-Songan. Two classes from three parallel classes was taken for the observation by cluster random sampling which divided into two groups, each group consisted of 36 students as control group and experimental group. The experimental group was taught by using Movie Poster meanwhile the control group was taught without using Movie Poster. The instrument for collecting data was writing test. In the calculation of Ttest, the mean of students’ score in experimental group was 19,4 and the mean of students’ score in control group was 13.6. Standard deviation of experimental group was 1950.96, standard deviation of control group 2034.42, and the total number of samples was 72, Tobserved was higher than Ttable. 3.433> 1.994 at the level of significance 0.05 for two tailed. It proved that applying Movie Poster as a media in students’ writing achievement in descriptive text is significantly effective than without using Movie Poster.




Prasies and greatest thanks to almighty Allah SWT, the most merciful who

has blessed and given time, opportunity, and health so that this thesis entitled ‘

The Effect of Using Movie Poster on The Students’ Writing Achievement in

Descriptive Text’ could be completed. This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of SarjanaPendidikan of the English Department,

Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan (UNIMED).

In completing this thesis, the writer would like to express her gratitude,

indebtedness and thanks for giving permission, suggestion, advising and

contribution during completing her thesis. Support, love, prayer, motivation, help

and encouragement to pursue a better life and achieve the best education that

might not requited to people who have been involved in her accomplishment the


1. Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of Medan.

2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., Dean Faculty of Languages and Arts and her staff for giving the administrative information as well.

3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Dra. Meisuri, M.A., Secretary of English Department, Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Department and her Thesis Advisor, and the Head of English Literature Department, Dra.

Rahmah, M.Hum.

4. Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D., and Neni Afrida Sari, S.Pd, M.Hum her Thesis Advisors.

5. Drs. Muhammad Natsir, her Academic Advisor.

6. Drs. Johan Sinulingga,M.Pd and Dra. Sri Juriati Ownie, M.A, as her Reviewer and Examiner.

7. All the Lecturers of English Department who have taught, guided, and advised his throughout the academic years.



9. Sugiran and Nurhayati, her beloved parent.

10. Ramayuni Sahfitri, S.E., Sry Untung Siregar, S.H., Ade Agus Pranata, S.Pd, Eny Yunienti, Desti Eka Sari, Dodi Afrizal, S.Pd., and Nurul Aidillia her best brothers and sisters.

11. Nurhabibah, Indah Pratiwi, S.Pd., Nurhaminta Hasibuan,S.Pd, Irna Junita, S.Pd., Filzah Farhana, Riza Handayani, Deby Arif Syahputra, Elnoviamy, Ayu Widyaningtyas, Frendi Yudistira Simarmata, and Perkasa Alamsyah Tanjung, S.H and The Genk, her best friends.

12. RegulerDik. C 2010, her friends in PPLT in SMK Nasional Kisaran, and all friends that are not mentioned one by one who helped the writer

during completing her thesis.

Medan, March 2015

The Writer,

Sri Devi Meilani Yupita


iv A. Theoretical Framework ... 6

1. Students’ Writing Achivement ... 6

a. Students’ Achievement ... 6

b. Definition of Writing ... 7

c. Process Writing ... 8

d. Genre in Writing ... 10

e. Descriptive Text ... 12

f. Writing Assesment ... 16

2. The Criteria of Scoring ... 17

3.Media in Language Teaching ... 19

a. Kinds of Media ... 20

b.Posters ... 21

c. Type of Posters ... 22

d. Criteria of Posters ... 24

e. Movie Posters ... .. 25

f. The Advantages of Using Movie Posters ... 26

g. The Application of Movie Posters in Teaching Descriptive Text ... 27

B. Conceptual Framework ... 29

C. Hypotheses ... 31


B. Population and Sample ... 33

1. Population ... 33

2. Sample ... 34

C.Instrument for Collecting Data ... 34

D.The Procedure of Research ... 35

1. Pre-test ... 35

2. Treatment ... 35

3. Post-test ... 37

4. Scoring The Test ... 37

E. The Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 41



2. The Reliability of the Test ... 42

F.Technique of Analyzing the Data ... 43

G. The Statistical Hypothesis ... 44

CHAPTER IV The Data Analysis and Research Findings... 45

A. The Data ... 45

B. Data Analysis ... 46

1. Data Analysis by Using Reliability ... 46

2. Testing Normality ... 47

3. Data Analysis by Using T-Test Formula ... 50

C. Hypothesis Testing ... 52

D. Research Findings ... 52

E. Discussion ... 54

CHAPTER V Conclusion and Suggestion ... 56

A. Conclusion ... 56

B. Suggestion ... 57





Table Page

2.1 The Example of Descriptive Text ... 16

2.2 The Criteria of Scoring Test... 17

2.3 The Example of Descriptive Text ... 29

3.1 Research Design ... 33

3.2 Teaching Procedure of Experimental Group... 35

3.3 Teaching Procedure of Control Group ... 36

3.4 The Scoring of Descriptive Text ... 41

4.1 Testing Normality of Pre-test in Experimental Group ... 47

4.2 Testing Normality of Post-test in Experimental Group ... 48

4.3 Testing Normality of Pre-test in Control Group ... 49




Figure Page




Appendices Page

Appendix A The Calculation of The Reliability of The Test ... 60

Appendix B Testing Normality of Pre-Test in Experimental Group ... 62

Appendix C Testing Normality of Post-Test in Experimental Group ... 63

Appendix D Testing Normality of Pre-Test in Control Group ... 64

Appendix E Testing Normality of Post-Test in Control Group ... 65

Appendix F The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test by The Students of Control Group ... 66

Appendix G The Score of Pre-test and Post-test by The Students of Control Group ... 68

Appendix H 1. The Calculation of T-Test for Experimental Group ... 70

2. the Calculation of T-Test for Control Group ... 72



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. The Background of The Study

Sharples(1999:6) states that writing is necessarily, constrained. Without

constraint there can be no language or structure, just randomness. Constraints should

not be seen as restrictions on writing, but as means of focusing the writer’s attention

and channeling mental resources. Writers need suitable language to structure these

ideas in the form of a coherent discourse. The purpose, therefore, is to help learners

produce self-contained compositions. But for the learners to do so, they have to link

and develop information, ideas, or argument in logical sequences. Without writing

practice, students have difficulty in achieving clarity, which is the goal of any writing


Based on KTSP Educational Curriculum, learning English in Senior High

School is emphasized on four skills of language. They are listening, reading,

speaking, and writing. By these four skills students are expected to have the good

prestige in their school, college, or in their place when they are working. According

to KTSP Educational Curriculum, writing is one of the skills which should be

developed in learning English. The students use writing simple to complex activities

every day such as writing notes, letters, shopping list, stories, novels, poems, essays,

conversation, including to sign or label, etc. Written product is influenced by some



Unfortunately, the fact is there are so many difficulties that faced by the

students in learning English. By interviewing the students and the English teacher in

SMANegeri I Aek Song-Songan, the researcher find the data and the problems that

faced by the students in learning English. The students of SMA Negeri I Aek

Song-Songan could not build and develop especially in expressing their ideas, choosing the

right dictions and using the grammar. The students also could not able to write a text

based on the genre even after being taught, especially in descriptive text. These

occurred because the teacher did not apply the student centered learning in a way of


Conventional ways such as lecturing in teaching English for the students of

SMANegeri I Aek Song-Songan make the students bored and they don’t enjoying

their lessons. Explaining the materials along the teaching learning process in the

classroom will make the students get some difficulties to understand the materials and

apply it in their life. Based on the data from the English teacher, the students’

achievement is rather good. In the first semester the students’ achievement is approximately 65 and the second semester the students’ achievement is

approximately 67. But these scores still not fulfill the KKM or the standard scoring

for English Lesson, which is the students, must get score of English in 75 for

minimum. Based on this sorrowful facts, the researcher will be conducted the media

in Teaching-Learning process in SMA Negeri I Aek Song-Songan for the students in



According to Kariman (2010:247) media can be used appropriately and

correctly based on the curriculum, can assist and enlighten the teachers’ burden to

explain language meaning and construction, engage students in a topic or as a basis of

a whole activity for practical (creativity) and for motivational reason. It means that

media is a tool of communication used to transfer information from the source to

learners to stimulate them to follow learning activity. In learning anything including

learning a foreign language, media plays a very important role because it can make

learning far more concrete and memorable.

Movie poster is one of the media that will be conducted to the students in

this research. According to Rahmadhani (2014:4) the previous researcher of movie

posters states that using movie poster will help a teacher to transfer the material,

attract the students’ attention, and illustrate what the students will write about.

Besides, the students will be interested in writing if they look at the pictures which

are provided by the teacher and they can imagine what they should write about.

Therefore using movie poster as one of the significant media can be used to increase

students’ writing achievement in descriptive text.

The previous researchers Tengku Nova Mulyana has been doing the research

of using movie poster in SMAN 1 Galang academic year 2011/2012 and found that

from 36 first grade students, there were 34 students (94,44%) achieved score 70 and

above in writing descriptive text. It can be concluded that by analyzing movie posters,

the students will give more attention to the subject to develop their descriptive ability.



teaching learning process in SMA Negeri I Aek Song-Songan for her research in

descriptive text.

B. The Problem of The Study

The problem of this study is as the following, “Is there any significant effect

of using movie posters on the students’ writing achievement in descriptive text?.”

C. The Objective of The Study

The objective of this study is aimed to find out whether using Movie Poster

affect significantly on the achievement of ten grade students in SMA Negeri I Aek

Song-songan in writing descriptive text.

D. The Scope of The Study

Descriptive text is basically a text describes someone or something. In this

study, the scope is limited to writing descriptive text based on Movie Poster as a

media in teaching-learning process. They are expected to be able to write the

descriptive by following the Movie Poster that shown.

E. The Significance of The Study

Findings of the research are expected useful for these people:

1. Writer; by having this research, the writer will enrich knowledge about

the importance of using media in teaching learning process to increase

the students’ writing achievement.

2. Teacher; through this research, teacher will find the effect of using the

movie posters as the media to teach the materials of descriptive text in



3. Students; through this research, students will increase their motivation

and mastery of writing comprehension especially in descriptive texts.

4. Researchers; through this research. The researchers will have the

references and sources to conduct the similar topic media with the

different topic discussion.

Others; this research will give them some information, data, sources about Movie





A. Conclusion

After analyzing the data, it was concluded that the using of Movie Poster

significantly affected the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text. The using

of Movie Poster gives the better effects and results than using the conventional

method. The conclusion can be drawn as follows:

1. The using of Movie Poster significantly affected the students’ achievement

in writing descriptive text since the t-test > t-table (3,43> 1,994; df=70) at

the level of the significance of 0,05 of two-tails test.

2. The applying of Movie Poster in teaching writing descriptive text enables the

students to explore their ideas with their own words by thinking and to

remember the information from the movie poster in long term memory. It

means the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha)

was accepted because there was significant effect of applying Movie Poster

on students’ writing achievement.

Therefore, it can be concluded that teaching writing descriptive text by using

Movie Poster as a media has more significant effect than teaching writing by using



B. Suggestion

Based on the finding, it is suggested that:

a. English teacher should use Movie Poster in teaching writing

descriptive because it enables the students to remember the

information from something in long term memory.

b. English teacher should be able to make some variations in teaching

descriptive text in writing which is appropriate with the ability of

the students so that they can explore their ideas totally by thinking

and share also give and accept any comments or information from

the whole class.

c. This media learning is suitable to use for peoples with ability in

learning process in visual method.

d. The readers who are interested in further study related to this

research should explore the knowledge to enlarge their

understanding about how to improve students’ writing achievement




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Table  Page 2.22.1 The Example of Descriptive Text ..................................................................
LIST OF FIGURE Figure       Page


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