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Academic year: 2018



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1st Practicum Zoology Vertebrate Report I. Title : Classification and Nomenclature II. Introduction

It has been a long time ago, peopple in this world try to grouping every single thing they had. The main aim is to make it easier to find or learnt and used. Every group have their own way to classify things include palants and animals. Various viewpoint they used as base to classify it. One way to make us easier to classify is make a determination key.

Determination key is a tool that is created and used to identify the organism and then grouping them into scientific categories. Up to now there are several types of determination key known by scientists and used to this day. Type the determination key is the key comparison, a key analysis, and key synopsis.

There are 5 classes that learnt in this lecture, zoology vertebrate, and joined in animalia kingdom.those are namely the class of mammals, reptiles, Aves, Amphibian and Pisces (Irnaningtyas, 2014). In this report we will discuss the four classes; those are mammals, Aves, Amphibian and Pisces. Every class represented with one species. Every species are so easy find out in our invironment, those are dog, parrot fish, frog and also cock. Every species that represented has the characteristic that we can identification to make a determintion key.


pore for digestive are different with urine (Campbell, 2010; Syaifuddin, 2011).

The class of Aves or in general we also can call them birds, they also have special characteristic on their group. Aves also has their own bramch of science, namely Ornithology. Word aves is from Latin language that mean bird, ornithos is greek language that also mean bird. Aves has feather that covered their body; The body consist chepal (head), cervix (neck), trunctus (body) and caudal (wings); The heart separated into four chamber; the mouth has rostrum or beak; the respiration tool is also lung and completely combining with saccus pnematicus or air pocket that used when they are fly high; same with mammals, their blood is homoioterm; internal fertilization; egg as their product of fertilization (ovipar); digestivum of aves start from rostrum – esophagus – crop – gizzard – intestine – cloacae, cloacae is excretion and defecation pore in aves because they don’t have specifically pore like owned by mammals (Irnaningtyas, 2014; Campbell, 2010; Nugroho; 2014).

The other class is amphibian, well known as organism that has two phase habitat on their life cycle. And the adult organism can live in two habitat (terrestrial and fresh water). The outer protection is only skin that has mucosa glands; the blood temp can change or piokiloterm; the eyes still has membrane nictitans used to protect the eye when they are swimming; the fertilization is external with amphlexus; ovipar; respiration tools when still in larva phase is gill, but after grow old respiration tools is their skin and also lung; has two type extremities, font legs (Extremities anterior) that has membrane among fingers used to swim and back leg (extremities posterior) that longer used to jump and also swim; the heart separated into 3 chambers, 2 atriums and 1 ventricle (Campbell, 2010; Radiopoetra, 1983).


are only two chamber for the heart, fish only has 1 athrium and 1 ventricle (Irnaningtyas, 2014; Efendi, 2009).

III. Practicum Goals

1. Observing the characteristics of an organism and can classify organisms into the levels of classification (categories) based on its characteristics 2. Create and use a determination key as one of the techniques in

identifying an organism

IV. Tools and Materials a. Tools

1. Lup / stereomicrosecop b. Materials

1. Pictures of animal or animal speciment from many species (that have preserved)

V. Working Procerdures

a. 1st Activity. The Students identified by saw the characteristics and natures each animals.

In this activity the students wrote down the characteristics based on the questions that has been made.

b. 2nd activity. The students grouped the similarty that owned by each animals.

In this activity the students determined the characteristics and natures to group each animals into taxon and make determination key.

c. 3rd Activity. The Studenst made the determination key.

In this activity the students made dicotomous determination key for classis in subphylum vertebrate. Characteristics and nature that use based on table 1 and table 2.


is niloticus) gallus) familiaris)

1 Habitat Water Terrestrial Terrestrial TerrestrialWater &

2 Skin structure Scales Feathers Hair Skin

3 Locomotors Fins & Tail Legs & wings

Front &

back legs Back legs

4 Number of limbs Two fins Two wings &two legs Four legs Two backlegs

5 Eye location Right & leftside of head Right & leftside of head In front ofhead In front ofhead

6 Body temperature Poiokiloterm Homoioterm Homoioterm Poikiloterm

7 Respirator Gills Lung Lungs Skin &


8 Number of fingers - 4 4 4

9 Feed type Omnivore Omnivore Carnivore Carnivore

10 Earlobe - - Has

-11 Fingers shape - Nails Nails No nails

12 Tail structure - - Has

-13 Canines - - Has

-14 Mandibula structure Has - Has


Tabel 2. Animals grouping based on equation


Dicotomous Simple Determination Key

1. a. Procaryote...Monera b. Eucaryote...No. 2 2. a. Autotrof...No. 3 b. Heterotrof...No. 4 3. a. Unicellular...Green Algae

b. Multicellular...Plantae (No. 5) 4. a. owned cell wall...Fungi

b. Without cell wall...No. 6

5. a. with spore...Pteridophyta b. with seed...Magnoliophyta 6. a. Active movement...No. 7

b. Passive movement...Phylum Porifera 7. a. Vertebrae...No. 8

b. Avertebrae...No. 9

8. a. apoda...Superclass Pisces (No. 10) b. poda...No. 11


10. a. body construct from chodreocyte covered by placoid scales type...Class Condichthyes b. body construct from osteocyte cover or uncover scale...No. 14

11. a. respiration tools only lung...No. 15

b. respiration tool lung and mucose skin...Class Amphibia (No. 16) 12. a. Life cycle in medusa dominant phase...Phylum Cnidaria

b. life cycle in cecile dominan phase...Phylum Ctenophora 13. a. Coelom from digestive tube...Phylum Echinoderm

b. Coelom from cell masses...Phylum Annelida 14. a. Without scales, without thorax fin, body shape is cylinder...Monopterus albus

b. Scale type is ctenoid fin found in dorsal and ventral also thorax...Oreochromis niloticus 15. a. External Protection is Feather...Class Aves (No. 17)

b. External Protection is Hair...Class Mammals (No. 18) 16. a. body with tail bone structure, extrimities in same length beetwen extrimities anterior & posterior...Ordo Urodela

b. body without tail bone structure, extrimities anterior shorter than posterior...Ordo Anura (No. 19) 17. a. wing bone structure function is fly high, predator...Ordo Falconiformes

b. wing bone structure function not to fly high seed or caterpillar feed...Ordo galliformes (No. 20) 18. a. have mouth shape like beak, metatheria... Ordo Monotremata


b. Smooth skin, wide mouth with teeth...Rana Sp. 20. a. The Egg has patch as genetic code...Coturnix Sp.

b. The egg no patch, brown and smooth...Gallus gallus 21. a. Maxilla and Mandibulla stucture flush with face...Felis Sp.


VII. Discussion

Determination keys

Determination key function is the most common way used to identify specimens especially if we do not have a reference specimen to compare. Determination key is power analyzer that contains characteristics taxon specimens it covers. The characteristics are intended to obtain an answer in the form of the desired animal identification. By using determination key, especially complex determination key, we can determine the specimen into compatible categories where it must be, even on classis, family or ordo. Determination key contain morphology and also anatomy characteristic prepared very complex and so easy to use with directional number in the left side of the key, especially for dicotomous key every single number contain opposite characteristic, like 1(a) apode (no legs) (b) poda (have legs); there we can determine exactly. We also can make a simple determination key used characteristics that collected by saw the morphology or etology or physiology of the speciement. After we made the simple determination key we can use it with other speciment someday soon. (Radiopoetro, 1983)


feathers. Every characteristic has represented the most character of every class (Campbell, 2010).

Phylogenic tree

Shared homologies allow us to devise hypothetical "family trees" of living organisms called phylogenies. These can be represented as a branching diagram called a phylogenic tree or evolutionary tree. If we see from the observation result, we posted about the phylogenic tree (figure 1). There we can see about the simple phylogenic three among five class of vertebrate. The division every branch based on few things such as similarity of structure, presence or absence of amniotic, presence or absence of podos or legs.

The three purple marks on the tree represent evolutionary innovations shared by all the groups above it, on the tree. Such shared characters allow evolutionary biologists to determine common ancestry. From the beginning of the tree, animals grouped into two big groups based on podos, apoda and tetrapod. Tetrapod group subdivided into two major groups over evolution. the subdivision based have on have or unhave amnion. There also explanation that tell us in amniotic organism will be had the homologue structure. From image we also can see about modification outer protection as feathers (Cummings, 2008).

VIII. Conclusion

1. Parrot fish (Oreochromis niloticus) is a species that has classification code : Animalia – Chordata – Pisces (Osteichthyes) (– Perciformes – Cichlidae – Oreochromis). Cock (Gallus gallus) is a species that has classification code : Animalia – Chordata – Aves (– Galliformes – Phasianidae – Gallus). Dog (Canis familiaris) is a species that has classification code : Animalia – Chordata – Mamalia (– Camdae – Carnivore – Canis). And the last animal is frog (Rana Sp.) where’s this animal classification code : Animalia – Chordata – Amphibia (– Anura – Ranidae – Rana).



Campbell, Neil A., Jane B. Reece. 2010. Biologi edisi ke 8 jilid II. Alih bahasa: Darmaning Tyas Wulandari dengan judul asli Biology 8th

edition. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.

Cummings, Benjamin. 2008. Evidence of Evolution: Homology (lecturers).

Materials could access on webpage:

http://www.bio.miami.edu/dana/160/160S13_5.html. Accessed on 2015, February 25th.

Efendi, Yempita. 2009. Serial Biologi Perikanan :Sistem Organ Ikan oleh

Yempita Efendi, ISBN 978-602-8899-46-8 (E-book). Materials

could access on webpage:


%20Organ%20Ikan/bab_2_sistem_integumen.pdf. Accessed on 2015, February 25th

Irnaningtyas. 2014. Biologi untuk SMA/MA kelas X (berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013). Jakarta: Erlangga.

Nugroho, G. 2014. Sistem Pencernaan Hewan. Materials could access on webpage: http://staff.unila.ac.id/gnugroho/files/2014/06/SISTEM-PENCERNAAN-HEWAN.pdf. Accessed on 2015, February 25th Radiopoetra, 1983. Zoology. Jakarta : Erlangga.


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