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T BP 1403002 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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Aditya, N. (2014). Diejek teman karena sepatunya rusak siswa kelas 4 SD gantung diri. [online]. Diakses dari: www.kriminalitas.com: http://kriminalitas.com/diejek-teman-karena-sepatunya-rusak-siswa-kelas-4-sd-gantung-diri/.

Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2010). Dasar-dasar evaluasi pendidikan. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta.

Awana, P.R., Thomas J.K., Melissa A.B., William R.J., Elaine C., dan Kimberly A.L. (2001). Self-esteem, gender-role perception, gender-role orientation and attributional style as a function of academic competence: smart girls are different, but a boy is a boy is a boy. Canadian Journal of School

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Barlow, D. H, Mathew K. Nock & Michael Hersen. (2008). Single case

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Edition). New York: Pearson

Bennett, Oliver. 2011. Cultures of optimism. Cultural Sociology, 5(2) 301–320.

Boman, P., Furlong, M. J., Shochet, I., Lilles, E., & Jones, C. (2009). Optimism and the school context. In Gilman, e. al, R. Gilman, E. S. Huebner, & M. J. Furlong, Handbook of positive psychology in schools (p. 81). New York: Routledge.

Boman, P., Smith, D. C., & Curtis, D. (2003). Effects of pessimism and explanatory style on development of anger in children. School Psychology

International, 24 (1), 80-94.

Brodhagen, Alison dan Deborah Wise. (2008). Optimism as a mediator between the experience of child abuse, other traumatic events and distress. Journal

Family Violation, 23, 403-411.

Burns, Kidge. (2005). Focus on solutions a health professional’s guide. London: Whurr Publishers Ltd. explanatory style in predicting social support during adolescence. Australian

Journal of Psychology, 60 (S1), 146-146.

Ciarrochi, J., Heaven, P. C., & Davies, F. (2007). The impact of hope,


well-being: A longitudinal study. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 1161–1178.

Creswell, W. J. (2012). Educational research: planning, conducting, and

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Darminiasih, E., Dharsana, I. K., & Suranata, K. (2014). Penerapan konseling behavioral dengan teknik implosif dan pembanjiran untuk meningkatkan sikap optimis siswa kelas VIII B8 SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja. e-Journal

Undiksa Jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling, 2 (1).

De Shazer, Steve et al. (2007). More than miracles: the state of the art of solution

focus brief therapy. New York: The Haworth Press.

Ek, Ellen. (2004). Sosial and developmental predictors of optimism from infancy to early adulthood. Social Indicator Research, Vol 2, 219-242.

El-Anzi, F. O. (2005). Academic achievement and its relationship with anxiety, self-esteem, optimism, and pessimism in kuwaiti student. Social Behavior

and Personality, 33 (1), 95-103.

Erford, Bradley T, Susan H.E., Emily M.B. dan Katherine A.Y. (2010). 35

techniques every counselor should know. New Jersey: Merrill.

Frankl, Viktor E. (2008). Optimisme di tengah tragedi. (Alih bahasa: Dharma, Herawati L.). Bandung: Nuansa.

Furqon. (1999). Statistika terapan untuk penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta

Gentry, Doyle. 2008. Happiness for dummies. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing.

Gibb, B. E. (2006). Predictors of attributional style change in children. Journal of

Abnormal Child Psychology, 34( 3), 425–439.

Gillham, Jane E., Reivich K.J., Shatte A.J. (2001). Building optimism and preventing depressive symptoms in children. Dalam Chang, Edward C.,

Optimism & pessimism: implications for theory, research and practice.

Washington DC: American Psychological Association.

Gillham, Shatte A.J., Reivich K.J., Shatte A.J. dan Seligman M. (2001). Optimism, pessimism and explanatory style. Dalam Chang, Edward C.,

Optimism & pessimism: implications for theory, research and practice.

Washington DC: American Psychological Association.

Grant, Anthony M., et al. 2012. Development and validation of the solution-focused inventory. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 7 (4), 334–348.


Hasan, N., & Power, T. G. (2002). Optimism and pessimism in children: A study of parenting correlates. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 26 (2), 185–191.

Hirsch, et. al. (2009). Optimistic explanatory style as a moderator of the association between negative life events and suicide ideation. Crisis, 30(1), 48–53.

Hoeksema, S. N., Girgus, J. S., & Seligman, M. E. (1986). Learned helplessness in children : a longitudinal study of depression, achievement, and explanatory style. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51 (2), 435-442.

Horner, R. H., Carr, E. G., Halle, J., McGee, G., Odom, S., & Wolery, M. (2005). The use of single-subject research to identify evidence-based practice in special education. Council for Exceptional Children, 71(2), 165-179

Huan, Vivien S., Lay S.Y., Rebecca P.A. dan Wan H.C. (2006). The influence of dispositional optimism and gender on adolescents perseption of academic stress. Adolescence. 41 (163), 533.

Javanmiri, L., Kimiaee, S. A., & Abadi, B. A. (2013). The study of solution-focused group counseling in decreasing depression among teenage girls.

International Journal of Psychological Studies, 5 (1), 105-111.

Johnson, Lynn D. dan Scott D. Miller. 1994. Modification of depression risk factors: a solution-focused approach. Psychotherapy. Vol 31 (2), 244-253.

Jombikova, E., & Kovac, D. (2007). Optimism and quality of life in adolescents-bratislava secondary school student. Studia Psychologica, 49 (4), 346-355.

Leggett, Maria Elsa Soto. 2004. The effects of a solution-focused classroom

guidance intervention with elementary students. Dissertation. Texas A & M

University-Corpus Christi.

Lyrakos, G. N., & Kostanapagiotou, G. (2011). Relationship between dispositional optimism and musculoskeletalpain: an analysis of the role of optimism in health related quality of life among health care professionals with musculoskeletal pain. Dalam P. R. Brandt, Psychology of optimism. New York: Nova Science .

Macdonald, A. J. (2007). Solution-focused therapy: theory, research & practice. London: SAGE Publications.

Martin-Krumm, Charles P., Philippe G. S., Christopher P., Jean-Pierre F. (2003). Explanatory style and resilience after sports failure. Personality and

Individual Differences. Vol 35, 1685–1695.


Mavioglu, Rezan Nehir et al. (2015). Causes of individual differences in adolescent optimism: a study in Dutch twins and their siblings. Europe

Child Adolescence Psychiatry. 1, 1-8.

McAvoy, Julie. 2014. A solution-focused gestalt group for adopted elementary

school students. Dissertation. USA: ProQuest LLC Franklin (2008)

McMillan, James H. dan Sally Schumacher. (2001). Research in education: a

conseptual introduction. United States: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Milner, Judith dan Jackie Bateman. (2011). Working with children and teenagers

using solution focused approaches. London: Jessica Kingsley Publisher.

Nes, Lise Solberg dan Suzanne C. Segerstrom. (2006). Dispositional optimism and coping: a meta-analytic review. Personality and Social Psychology

Review. Vol. 10 (3), 235-251.

Nims, D. R. (2007). Integrating play therapy techniques into solution-focused brief therapy. International Journal of Play Therapy , 16, No. 1, 54 – 68.

Noordjanah, Andjarwati. (2013). Hubungan harga diri dan optimisme dengan motivasi belajar pada siswa MAN Maguwoharjo Sleman Yogyakarta.

Jurnal Psikologi Terapan dan Pendidikan, Vol 1 (1).

Nourbakhsh, Mohammad Reza & Kenneth J. Ottenbacher. (1994). The statistical analysis of single-subject data: a comparative examination. Journal of

American Physical Therapy Association. Vol. 74. No. 8, pp. 768-776

NSPCC. (2014). Solution-focused practice: a toolkit for working with children

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Oberle, E., Reichl, S. K., & Zumbo, B. D. (2010). Life satisfaction in early adolescence: personal, neighborhood, school, family, and peer influences.

Journal Youth Adolescence, 40, 889–901.

Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2004). Character strengths and virtues: a

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Posadzki, P. (2011). A mixed method approach to optimism research. Dalam P. R. Brandt, Psychology of optimism. New York: Nova Science.

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Rodriguez, C. M., & Pehi, P. (1998). Depression, anxiety, and attributional style in new zealand sample of children. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 27 (1) , 28-34.

Scheiera, & Carver. (2009). Optimism. In S. J. Lopez, Encyclopedia of positive


Seijin Oh, Jonathan G., dan Woontack W. (2007). Explanatory style for socially

interactive agents. Appears in 2nd International Conference on Affective

Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Lisbon Portugal

Seligman, Martin. (2008). Menginstal optimisme. (Alih Bahasa: B. Yogapranata) Bandung: Momentum.

Seligman, Martin. (2006). Learned optimism. New York: Vintage Books.

Seligman, Martin. (2002). Authentic happiness: menciptakan kebahagiaan

dengan psikologi positif. (Alih Bahasa: E. Y. Nukman) Bandung: Mizan.

Sethi, Sheena dan Martin E.P.Seligman. (1993). Optimism and fundamentalism.

American Psychological Society, 4 (4), 256-259.

Subino. (1987). Konstruksi dan analisis tes. suatu pengantar teori tes dan

pengukuran. Jakarta: Dikti

Sunanto, Juang, Koji Takeuchi & Hideo Nakata . (2005). Pengantar Penelitian

dengan Subjek Tunggal. Jepang : CRICED University of Tsukuba.

Suryabrata, Sumadi. (1994). Metodologi penelitian. Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada.

Sukmadinata, Nana S. (2005). Metode penelitian pendidikan. Bandung: Rosda Karya

Thompson, C. L., & Henderson, D. A. (2007). Counseling children. (Seventh edition). Belmont: Thomson.

Wilson, Jenna A. (2015). Hope-focused solutions: a relational hope focus of the

solution-building stages in solution focused brief therapy. Dissertations.

Nova Southeastern University

World Health Organization. (2014). Preventing suicide: a global imperative. WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data.

Wray, Tyler B., dan Rob D. Dvorak. (2013). Optimism and pessimism as predictors of alcohol use trajectories in adolescence. Journal of Child &

Adolescent Substance Abuse, Vol 22, 58–68.

Yates, Shirley M. (2002). The influence of optimism and pessimism on student achievement in mathematics. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 14 (1), 4-15.


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