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Contoh Soal dan Kunci Jawaban UTSPTS II Bahasa Inggris Kelas urikulum 2013


Academic year: 2018

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1. Contoh soal beserta jawaban dibuat dengan pendekatan ilmiah dan profesional. Namun demikian, kami tidak menjamin bahwa contoh soal beserta jawabannya tersebut akan benar-benar menjadi soal yang diujikan.

2. Contoh soal beserta jawaban dibuat dengan niat membantu belajar para peserta didik. Jika terdapat kesalahan baik secara redaksional maupun kesalahan substansial, hal tersebut terjadi karena human error semata dan kerugian atasnya bukan merupakan tanggung jawab kami.

3. Dengan menggunakan soal beserta jawaban ini sebagai sarana belajar, pengguna dianggap setuju terhadap poin nomor 1 dan nomor 2 di atas.

▸ Baca selengkapnya: soal ujian sekolah btq kelas 9 dan kunci jawaban



1. It is a clever mammal that can solve problems and hold things in their hands. It lives in

groups called troops. It eats pla ts, irds’ eggs, s all a i als, a d i se ts. Most of the

live in the forest.

The a i al i the des riptio is …. A. Elephant

B. Monkey

C. Bear

D. Tiger

2. It has thick fur coats to protect them from the cold. Most of it lives in northern parts of

the world. It is large and powerful. It has a good sense of smell. Some of it eats meat,

and some of it eats honey. In winter,it finds a snug place to hibernate.

The animal in the description is

A. Elephant

B. Monkey

C. Bear

D. Tiger

3. It is the heaviest land animals. It is also intelligent and have good memories. Most of it

lives in Africa and Asia, such as in Lampung, Indonesia. It uses its long trunks almost like

an arm, to put food and water in their mouths. it eats grass and plants.

The animal in the description is

A. Elephant

B. Monkey

C. Bear

D. Tiger

4. It is the biggest of all cats. It lives in the grasslands and forests. Its stripped coat gives it

good camoulage when they hunt. It loves meat to eat.

The animal in the description is

A. Elephant

B. Monkey

C. Bear

D. Tiger

5. It is a tame animal. It has two long ears. It eats carrot. It hops. It lives in burrows.

The animal in the description is

▸ Baca selengkapnya: kunci jawaban soal bahasa inggris expressing likes and dislikes


A. Cat

B. Every Sunday

C. Every time

D. Every Saturday

9. When my sister and I get up early in the morning, we also help our mother to prepare

for the ….

A. Lunch

B. Breakfast

C. Supper

D. Dinner

10.Before preparing breakfast for the family, my sister and I usually do some ….

A. Running

B. Walking

C. Watching television

D. Exercise

11.When my sister and I get home, we do the assignments from our teachers. We do and

finish our

▸ Baca selengkapnya: kunci jawaban bahasa sunda kelas 10 halaman 133


A. Homework

places in their uniforms.

▸ Baca selengkapnya: contoh soal dialog invitation bahasa inggris dan jawabannya


A. They

B. We

C. Our

D. Their

18.Tedi, Dayu, and I always go to school together every day because ….. houses are not too

far away from the school.

always do this happily.

▸ Baca selengkapnya: contoh soal dan jawaban btq smk


A. Is

B. Are

C. Were

D. Was

24.Some students are writing ….

A. In their notebook

B. In their class

26.Read the following conversation carefully!

Tedi: ……. Udin?

Udin: I’m doing my homework for tomorrow.

A. What are you doing

B. What is going on

C. What is happening

D. What day is it today

27.Read the following conversation carefully!

Tedi: What are the girls doing right there?

Udin: They are ….

A. Studying

B. Study

C. Studied

D. Have been studying

28.Read the following conversation carefully!

Tedi: What are they ….. ?

Udin: They are talking about the football game.

A. Talking on


B. Talking in

C. Talking about

D. Talking to

29.Read the following conversation carefully!

Tedi: Are you studying English?

Udin: ….. . I’m studying mathematic

A. No I am not

B. No we are not

C. No I do ’t

D. No they do ’t

30.Read the following conversation carefully!

Tedi: Are they talking about us?

Udin: No, ………….

A. I think so.

B. They are talking about us


A. Better

B. Worse

C. Less good

D. The best


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