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THE INFLUENCE OF JALIL, RASHEED, AND LAILA ON MARIAM’S PERSONALITY CHANGES IN KHALED HOSSEINI’S A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS A Thesis Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education


Academic year: 2019

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A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain theSarjana PendidikanDegree

in English Language Education


Paskalina Widiastuti Ratnaningsih Student Number: 041214088







A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain theSarjana PendidikanDegree

in English Language Education


Paskalina Widiastuti Ratnaningsih Student Number: 041214088





Keep on asking and it will be given to you; keep on seeking and you

will find; keep on knocking [reverently] and [the door] will be opened

to you.

Matthew 7:7

This thesis is dedicated to:

God, Jesus Christ, and Mother MaryMy beloved parents:

Ignatius Lagiman and Florentina Suratiyem

My brother:

Stefanus Brian Dwi Nugroho

My grandparents:

Suparno Warnotiyoso and Satirah Warnotiyoso




I would like to express my sincere gratitude to those who have helped and motivated me to finish this thesis.

Firstly, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to the Almighty Lord, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, and Mother Mary who have given me blessing so that I can finish this thesis. I thank them for teaching me life, showing me how to endure in the hard times, and blessing me and my family. I also thank them for life experiences which make my faith, hope and affection stronger from time to time and also for timeless love to me. I also thank my guardian Saints and Angels for accompanying me in this life, praying for me, and directing me to walk in fidelity.



to thank Heri Widodo, S.Psi., M.Si. for giving me information related to personality changes.

Thirdly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my father, Ignatius Lagiman, and my mother, Florentina Suratiyem, for giving me support and prayer during my study. I thank them for listening and understanding me during the completion of this thesis. I thank them for providing me with the best education by their hard work. I also thank them for teaching me how to face good and bad situations in this life. Moreover, I thank them for always reminding me to keep my faith and hope in Jesus Christ through real learning when we experience difficulties in life. I thank them for teaching me the power of prayer. Prayers bestow miracles and strengths. I also thank my brother, Stefanus Brian Dwi Nugroho, for his support, assistance, and kindness in finishing this thesis. I thank him for his encouragement to finish my study as soon as possible. I also would like to express my gratitude to my grandfather, Suparno Warnotiyoso, and my grandmother, Satirah Warnotiyoso, for their prayers and support during the completion of this thesis. I also would like to express my gratitude to my family in Klaten and Cirebon for motivating me in finishing my study.

Fourthly, I would like to thank my friends who have motivated me to finish my study. My special thanks to people in my boarding house: Lusi, Agnes, mbak

Titik, mbak Imah, mbak Zaki, mbak Soyi, mbak Mislah, bu Niken, and dek Nisa. I thank them for their support to finish my study and also for their friendship. I would like to thank my friends in Babarsari boarding house: Amel Diaz, mbak Meda, kak



friendship. Furthermore, I would like to express my gratitude for all my friends from Jambi who study in Yogyakarta. I thank them for their support in my study.

Fifthly, I would like to express my gratitude to friends in PBI: Anik, Alin, Rina, Kenyar, Yanu, Ahmad, Albert, Adi, Evy, Novi, Hana, Rita, Yuni, Jati, Ine, Tika, Indri, Riska, Pius, Ndari, Silvi, Santi, Voni, Festi, Heni, Gendis, Fidel, Ferdi,

mbakUpik, mbak Sasha,mbak Lidia, andmas Bowo. I also would like to thank my SPD teammates (Anas, Lani, Danti, Riri, Yanu, and Bernard) for their support.

Sixthly, I would like to thank the people in Jambi, my hometown. I thank my neighbors in Jambi, especially Mamak Ika’s family: Mamak, Bapak, Bang Ujang’s family,BangAyik’s family, andAyukIka for their prayers for my study. I also thank my teachers and friends in SMP and SMA Xaverius I Jambi for giving me knowledge in science and life. Thanks to the churchmen and churchwomen in St.Theresia Church Jambi, especially Romo Marwoto and Romo Agus for their prayers for me.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all people who cannot be mentioned one by one. I thank them for their support and contributions to me during the completion of my study.











ABSTRACT... xiii

ABSTRAK ... xv

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 4

C. Objectives of the Study ... 4

D. Benefits of the Study ... 4

E. Definition of Terms ... 5

CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL REVIEW 7 A. Review of Related Theories ... 7

1. Theory of Character and Characterization ... 7



3. Theory of Psychology ... 10

a. Characteristics of Change ... 10

b. Variations in Personality Change ... 12

c. Conditions Responsible for Personality Change ... 13

B. Theoretical Framework ... 15

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY 17 A. Object of the Study ... 17

B. Approach of the Study ... 18

C. Method of the Study ... 19

CHAPTER IV. ANALYSIS 20 A. The Characteristics of Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila ... 20

1. The Characteristics of Jalil ... 20

a. Handsome ... 20

b. Loving ... 21

c. Selfish ... 24

2. The Characteristics of Rasheed ... 26

a. Unattractive ... 26

b. Partial ... 27

c. Disparaging ... 29



e. Dishonest ... 34

f. Selfish ... 35

g. Hypocritical ... 36

3. The Characteristics of Laila ... 38

a. Beautiful ... 38

b. Smart ... 39

c. Brave ... 40

d. Loving ... 43

e. Appreciative ... 45

B. The Influence of Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila on Mariam’s Personality Changes ... 46

1. The Influence of Jalil on Mariam’s Personality Changes ... 47

a. Mariam’s Self-Respect ... 47

b. Mariam’s Affection ... 49

2. The Influence of Rasheed on Mariam’s Personality Changes ... 53

a. Mariam’s Reflection ... 54

b. Mariam’s Self-Respect ... 56

c. Mariam’s Submissiveness ... 58


xii 3. The Influence of Laila

on Mariam’s Personality Changes ... 64

a. Mariam’s Friendliness... 64

b. Mariam’s Bravery ... 68

c. Mariam’s Affection... 70

d. Mariam’s Self-Respect ... 75


B. Suggestions ... 82

1. Suggestions for Future Researchers ... 82

2. Suggestions for English Teachers : Teaching Intensive Reading by Using A Thousand Splendid Suns ... 83


APPENDICES Appendix A : The Summary of A Thousand Splendid Suns ... 89

Appendix B : Biography ... 93

Appendix C : Syllabus of Intensive Reading II ... 94

Appendix D : Lesson Plan ... 96



Ratnaningsih, Paskalina Widiastuti (2009). The Influence of Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila on Mariam’s Personality Changes in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

This study discusses a novel by Khaled Hosseini entitled A Thousand Splendid Suns. This novel is very heartwarming due to the fascinating depiction of human life. The writer chooses to analyze personality changes of Mariam, one of the major characters, since there is an interesting description of Mariam’s personality which changes from time to time because of significant people in Mariam’s life. The significant people are Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila.

There are two problems analyzed in this thesis: (1) How are the characters of Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila described in the novel? (2) How do Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila influence Mariam’s personality changes in the novel?

This study used psychological approach since this study focused on personality changes. The method used for the analysis was library research. A novel entitled A Thousand Splendid Suns was the primary data in this study. The secondary data were books on character, characterization, and personality changes which were used to analyze the novel.



personality change, such as: ages of change, kinds of people, and areas of personality pattern.




Ratnaningsih, Paskalina Widiastuti (2009). The Influence of Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila on Mariam’s Personality Changes in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Studi ini membicarakan sebuah novel berjudul A Thousand Splendid Suns.

Novel ini menarik karena ada penggambaran kehidupan manusia yang menarik. Penulis memilih untuk menganalisa perubahan kepribadian Mariam, salah satu tokoh utama, karena terdapat penggambaran yang menarik dari kepribadian Mariam yang berubah dari waktu ke waktu karena orang-orang penting dalam kehidupan Mariam. Orang-orang penting tersebut adalah Jalil, Rasheed, dan Laila. Ada dua masalah yang dianalisa dalam skripsi ini: (1) Bagaimana tokoh Jalil, Rasheed, dan Laila digambarkan di dalam novel? (2) Bagaimana Jalil, Rasheed, dan Laila mempengaruhi perubahan kepribadian Mariam di dalam novel?

Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan psikologi karena studi ini berpusat pada perubahan kepribadian. Metode yang digunakan untuk analisis adalah studi pustaka. Novel berjudul A Thousand Splendid Suns adalah data utama dalam studi ini. Data sekunder adalah buku-buku mengenai tokoh, penokohan, dan perubahan kepribadian yang digunakan untuk menganalisa novel ini.



dirinya sendiri. Dari perubahan-perubahan tersebut, Jalil dan Rasheed membuat kepribadian Mariam berubah menjadi lebih baik dan lebih buruk, perubahan kuantitatif dan kualitatif, dan perubahan yang lambat, sedangkan Laila membuat kepribadian Mariam berubah hanya untuk lebih baik, perubahan kuantitatif dan kualitatif, dan perubahan yang lambat. Perubahan kepribadian Mariam juga dihubungkan dengan variasi dalam perubahan kepribadian, seperti: umur perubahan, jenis-jenis orang, dan bidang-bidang dari pola kepribadian.



This chapter consists of background of the study, problem formulation, objectives of the study, benefits of the study, and definition of terms. Background of the study focuses on the reasons for choosing the novel and rationale of the topic. Problem formulation focuses on the problem to be analyzed through the novel. Objectives of the study focus on the aim of this study. Benefits of the study focus on the benefits for readers, English teachers, and future researchers. Finally, definition of terms focuses on some terms related to the novel discussed.

A. Background of the Study


According to Roberts and Jacobs (2), there are three genres in literature. The first is prose fiction or narrative fiction, such as novel, short story, epic, myth. The second is poetry. The third is drama. This study focuses on prose fiction. Prose fiction is generally about “one or a few major characters who undergo some kind of change as they meet other characters or deal with problems or difficulties in their lives” (Roberts and Jacobs 2). According to Pickering and Hoeper (17), most people refer fiction to short story and novel because they have had big influences since the late eighteen century. Stanton (44) differentiates between short story and novel that is “the peculiar strength of the short story is its ability to imply more than it tells; the peculiar strength of the novel is its ability to render a complex subject fully, to create a complete world”. This study is specified in novel rather than short story since novel describes characters, relationship between characters, situation, and conflicts more completely.


the problems of ethnicity in Afghanistan. His second novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns which is discussed in this study, tells about two Afghan women and the society problems during the last three decades. The fourth reason is there are many life values that the readers can take from this novel. The last reason which is the most important reason is there is an interesting description of human personality in this novel.

The personality is essential to human life. People react differently to the same thing in this life because they have different personality. “It is undeniably clear that life can become a profoundly dissimilar thing for different persons because of their differences in personality” (Leeper and Madison 27). Hence, personality determines how we live. Personality can also be influenced by other people. Those influences can make someone’s personality either static or dynamic. If the personality changes, it means people react in different ways in life from the previous ways.


character of Laila, the other major character, which in contrast to Mariam causes Mariam to have personality changes. Those influences of other characters on Mariam are interesting to be discussed.

Hence, this study would like to discuss the influence of Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila on Mariam’s personality changes in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns.

B. Problem Formulation

This study focuses on two problems in order to be specific, they are: 1. How are the characters of Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila described in the novel? 2. How do Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila influence Mariam’s personality changes in

the novel?

C. Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are derived from the problem formulation above. The first objective is to find out the character descriptions of Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila in the novel. The second objective is to find out the influences of Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila on Mariam’s personality changes in the novel.

D. Benefits of the Study


For the English teachers, this study is also useful to develop teaching materials from this novel. The English teachers can provide this novel as a sample of material to explore characters from a psychological aspect.

Moreover, the writer expects this study can inspire future researchers in studying A Thousand Splendid Suns. The future researchers can analyze this novel from other aspects besides personality development. The future researchers can discuss education and society in Afghanistan.

E. Definition of Terms

1. Influence

Drever (137) defines influence as “any past or present condition, experienced as or actually playing a part in determining one’s behaviour, or course of thought, in the present”. In this study, Mariam experiences condition where Mariam lives with Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila. Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila play important roles on Mariam’s personality.

2. Characters


characters. In this study, characters refer to the individuals in the novel, Mariam, Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila, and also the characteristics of those individuals.

3. Personality Changes




This chapter consists of two parts. The first part is Review of Related Theories. This part explains the theories used to answer the problem formulation. This part contains Theory of Character and Characterization, Theory of Criticism, and Theory of Psychology. The second part is Theoretical Framework. This part explains the contribution of the theories given and how to apply it in this study.

A. Review of Related Theories

This part would like to tell about the theories which are used to conduct this study.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization


Forster in Pickering and Hoeper (28) divides characters in two ways. They are flat characters and round characters. Flat characters are “those who embody or represent a single characteristic, trait, or idea, or at most very limited number of such qualities”. The very flat character can be characterized in one sentence. The flat characters are usually minor characters although it is not always. On the other hand, round characters are characters which have complex characteristics and a number of qualities. The round characters are usually the major characters in the fiction.

Pickering and Hoeper (29) also divide characters into static characters and dynamic characters. Static characters do not have capability to develop or change. Round characters have capability to develop or change because of experiences.

Characters in the novel are presented in the novel through characterization. Gill (127) states the difference between a character and characterization. A character is “a person in a literary work”, whereas characterization is “the way in which a character is created”.


person’s conversation, or through other characters. The fifth is conversation of others. The author describes someone through the conversation of other people and through what they think and say about him. The sixth is reactions. The author describes characters through how they react in certain situations and events. The seventh is direct comment. The author gives comments to the characters directly. The eight is thoughts. The author presents characters through what they think about. The last is mannerism. The author gives clues about the characters through their manners and habits.

2. Theory of Criticism

According to Rohrberger and Woods (6-15), there are five approaches to literary works. They are: The Formalist Approach, The Biographical Approach, The Sociocultural-Historical Approach, The Mythopoeic Approach, and The Psychological Approach.

The Formalist Approach is an approach to literary criticism by focusing on the literary work itself. It means the formalist approach criticizes the elements of fiction. The formalist approach does not refer to the outer sides of literary works, such as: psychology, sociology, and civilization.


The sociocultural-historical approach is an approach which focuses on the civilization and its effect to the society and culture. This approach tells about how certain people act in the certain period of time during civilization.

The mythopoeic approach is an approach that uses myth to analyze the literary works. It seeks how myth influences human mind.

The psychological approach is an approach that focuses on the psychological side of human being. The sample of psychological side is personality changes.

3. Theory of Psychology

Considering the focus on this study which is on the influence of Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila on Mariam’s personality changes, theories of personality changes are needed. The theories are characteristics of change in personality, variations of personality change, and conditions responsible for personality change.

a. Characteristics of Change in Personality

According to Hurlock (120-122), there are three categories of change in personality. They are better versus worse, quantitative versus qualitative, and slow versus rapid changes.


Quantitative and qualitative changes have different meaning. A qualitative change means “either the complete replacement of a desirable trait by an undesirable one or vice versa” (121). From the definition above, the term “qualitative change” means the change in type or kind. Hurlock (121) mentions that an example of a qualitative change is when a character who is a self-effacing person becomes a boastful person. In this case, the previous personality that is self-effacing is replaced by a new type or kind of personality that is boastful. Hence, the indicator of a qualitative change is the total replacement of personality to become the new type or kind of personality. On the other hand, a quantitative change means “characteristics already present are reinforced, strengthened, or weakened” (121). It means the change is not in type. The personality remains consistent, but the personality is strengthened or weakened. Hurlock (121) mentions that an example of a quantitative change is when a character who firstly is shy is strengthened to become less shy. In this case, shy is not replaced by a new type or kind of personality, but the change is by strengthening that personality trait. Since a quantitative change is applied in the literary works, the indicator to know that the character’s personality is strengthened or weakened from the previous one is by looking at the dialogue, speech, thought in the novel. An evidence of this can be known from some dialogues which show that a character in the past was shy and that character in present becomes less shy through other dialogues. The term “quantitative change” is also related to areas of personality changes (123) in which there is personality which fluctuates over time.


to know that personality changes are regarded as slow or rapid is by seeing the process. The personality changes are normally slow because it needs a process to change from the previous learned habit and then to learn the new habit. On the other hand, rapid changes happen in short duration in which there is not much time for a process to change from the previous learned habit, for example: someone who is depressed may change temporarily to be a happy person under the influence of alcohol or narcotics and someone who gets breast cancer may have rapid changes in her self-confidence from good to being bad.

b. Variations in Personality Change

According to Hurlock (122-124), there are three variations in personality change. They are ages of change, kinds of people, and areas of personality pattern.

Ages of change means ages influence the personality changes. The personality changes usually happen in the early ages of life. However, personality changes may happen at any age during the whole life of someone.

Kinds of people mean personality changes are based on the kinds of people. There are two kinds of people. They are other-directed people and inner-directed people. Other-directed people are people who tend to have more personality changes since they are easily influenced by social pressure and significant people in their lives. On the other hand, inner-directed people are people who tend not to have many personality changes since they have had their own values and goals in their lives.


quantitative change in which there is no replacement in kind, but the change is the personality which is strengthened in some occasions and weakened in other occasions. Fluctuation can be described as a wave going up which relates to strengthen and going down which relates to weaken. Furthermore, the personality which changes is related to qualitative change which means the change in kind. Life experience, hereditary, and motivation may cause someone’s personality to either persist or fluctuate or change. The example is someone who is self-confident may become less self-confident because he/she experiences many failures in his/her life.

c. Conditions Responsible for Personality Change

People change their personalities because of some conditions. According to Hurlock (124-130), there are eight conditions which are responsible for someone’s personality changes. They are physical changes, changes in environment, significant people in someone’s life, changes in social pressure, changes in roles, strong motivation, changes in self-concept, and use of psychotherapy.

Firstly, physical changes in someone can change his/her personality. The physical changes are caused by some aspects, such as illness, blindness, and injuries in which those changes may make someone’s personality change. The physical changes also happen when someone is at puberty in which those changes may make someone have personality change in self-concept.


adjusts himself/herself to the new environment. The environment changes can make improvement in someone’s personality changes in two conditions. The first is whether someone can meet equilibrium with the environment. The example is moving to a friendly environment can lead someone to be an accepted person. The second is the timing of the movement. The example is parents’ divorce when their children are still young has a greater effect than when their children are adults.

Thirdly, significant people in someone’s life can be responsible for personality changes. The significant people who influence someone’s personality changes depend on someone’s age whether he/she is in childhood, adulthood, or old age. The example is the significant people who are responsible for someone’s personality changes in adulthood are spouse, children, friends, neighbors, and employers.

Fourthly, changes in social pressure make people change their personality in order to be accepted socially. Personalities which are rejected by social tend to change, for example: bossiness. On the other hand, personalities which are accepted by social tend not to change, such as: affection.


Sixthly, strong motivation to improve personalities leads to someone’s personality changes. People tend to have strong motivation to change personalities that can make them have good social relationship. The example is unpopular people tend to change their personalities in order to have better social relationship.

Seventhly, changes in self-concept is the center of personality changes. Changes in self-concept are more difficult in older people. There are three obstacles to the changing of self-concept. The first is the intellectual. The example is people who are accustomed to certain behaviour of solving problems are difficult to see that there are other ways to solve those problems. The second is the emotional. The example is people who usually think to be a follower experience dissatisfaction when they think to be a leader. The third is environment. The example is people have difficulties to have good self-concepts if they are in the environment which tend to judge them based on race or religion.

The last, use of psychotherapy can change someone to be better in personality. The example is children who are not confident become self-confident after having psychotherapy.

B. Theoretical Framework

This study is focused on the discussion about the personality changes of Mariam which are caused by Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila in the novel.


approach since this approach focuses on the psychological side of human being, such as human personality.

In order to answer the description of characters in the novel, the theory of character and characterization are needed. The theory of character explains the persons in the novel and the characteristics of them. The theory of characterization explains how characters in the novel are made.



This chapter consists of three sections. The first section is object of the study which is used to explain physical description of the novel. This section is also used to tell about the novel in brief. The second section is approach of the study which is used to explain the approach for the analysis. It tells about the description of the approach and the reason for choosing the approach. The third section is method of the study. This section explains the primary and secondary data and also steps to conduct the study.

A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is the novel entitled A Thousand Splendid Suns. The author of this novel is Khaled Hosseini. This is his second novel and a bestseller novel. His first novel, The Kite Runner, is also a bestseller novel. In 2006, Khaled Hosseini was chosen as an US goodwill envoy for United Nations Refugee Agency (“Biography”).


part consists of chapter forty-eight until chapter fifty-one. There are also extra pages for author’s afterword, acknowledgment, postscript by Khaled Hosseini, and a reading guide.

This novel tells about two women, Mariam and Laila. Mariam is an illegitimate child. Jalil who is Mariam’s father marries off Mariam to Rasheed because he does not want to accept Mariam as his daughter. Rasheed always behaves badly to Mariam. Then, several years later, Rasheed gets married with Laila. At first, Mariam does not like Laila who is her husband’s second wife. However, Mariam turns to like Laila because Laila helps Mariam when Rasheed is going to beat her. Mariam and Laila become close friends. One day, Mariam kills Rasheed to save Laila. After that occasion, Mariam is sentenced to death, whereas Laila lives with her children and her new husband, Tariq.

B. Approach of the Study


C. Method of the Study

Method of the study used was a library research. It included books, references, and articles to conduct the study. This study used a novel entitled A Thousand Splendid Suns as the primary data. The secondary data were books that could support to analyze the novel. Some books used were Hurlock’s Personality Development, Murphy’s Understanding Unseens: An Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students, Pickering and Hoeper’s Literature, Roberts and Jacobs’ Fiction: An Introduction to Reading and Writing, and Rohrberger and Woods’ Reading and Writing about Literature.




This chapter discusses the characters of Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila who influence the personality changes of Mariam. This chapter also discusses the personality changes of Mariam.

A. The Characteristics of Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila

This part discusses the characters of Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila. The characters of Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila are described by using theory of characters by Forster in Pickering and Hoeper as stated in Chapter II. Then, the characterization of Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila are analyzed by using theory of characterization by Murphy as reviewed in Chapter II.

1. The Characteristics of Jalil

According to Forster in Pickering and Hoeper (28), a round character has complex characteristics. Jalil is a round character since he has complex characteristics. He is handsome, loving, and selfish.

a. Handsome


personal description. Jalil is described as a handsome man. Jalil always keeps his physical appearance good in front of other people.

Suspended in the air, Mariam would see Jalil’s upturned face below her, his wide, crooked smile, his widow’s peak, his cleft chin-a perfect pocket for the tip of her pinkie-his teeth, the whitest in a town of rotting molars. She liked his trimmed mustache, and she liked that no matter the weather he always wore a suit on his visits-dark brown, his favorite color, with the white triangle of a handkerchief in the breast pocket-and cuff links too, and a tie, usually red, which he left loosened. Mariam could see herself too, reflected in the brown of Jalil’s eyes: her hair billowing, her face blazing with excitement, the sky behind her. (21)

b. Loving

Mariam is Jalil’s illegitimate child, but Jalil loves her. From direct comment, it is stated that Jalil always comes to the kolba, the place where Mariam and her mother live, every Thursday to visit Mariam. “It happened on a Thursday. It must have, because Mariam remembered that she had been restless and preoccupied that day, the way she was only on Thursday, the day when Jalil visited her at thekolba” (3).

It is also clearly stated that Jalil shows his love to Mariam by giving her a present each time he visits thekolba.


a choker with lapis lazuli beads another. That day, Mariam opened the box and found a leaf-shaped pendant, tiny coins etched with moons and stars hanging from it. (23)

Another evidence showing that Jalil loves Mariam is by never calling her a

harami, an illegitimate child. On the contrary, Nana who is Mariam’s mother always says that Mariam is aharami.

She understood then what Nana meant, that a harami was an unwanted thing; that she was an illegitimate person who would never have legitimate claim to the things other people had, things such as love, family, home, acceptance.

Jalil never called Mariam this name. Jalil said she was his little flower. (4)

From the direct comment above, it can be inferred that Jalil loves Mariam very much because he does not want to hurt Mariam by calling her aharami.

Jalil also shows his love to Mariam by teaching her several things. Jalil tells Mariam stories that contain knowledge.


Jalil brought clippings from Herat newspaper, Ittifaq-i Islam, and read from them to her. He was Mariam’s link, her proof that there existed a world at large, beyond the kolba, beyond Gul Daman and Herat too, a world of presidents with unpronounceable names, and trains and museums and soccer, and rockets that orbited the earth and landed on the moon, and, every Thursday, Jalil brought a piece of that world with him to thekolba. (22 – 23)

In addition, Jalil teaches Mariam how to fish well. When Jalil visits Mariam every Thursday, Jalil always asks Mariam to go fishing with him. Then, Mariam learns from Jalil how to fish.

After tea with Nana, Mariam and Jalil always went fishing in the stream. He showed her how to cast her line, how to reel in the trout. He taught her the proper way to gut a trout, to clean it, to lift the meat off the bone in one motion. (22)

Other evidences showing that Jalil loves Mariam is Jalil cares for Nana and Mariam’s life. Through direct comment, it is clearly stated that Jalil and his sons build thekolbawhich is a place to live for Nana and Mariam.

In the clearing, Jalil and two of his sons, Farhad and Muhsin, built the small kolba where Mariam would live the first fifteen years of her life. They raised it with sun-dried bricks and plastered it with mud and handfuls of straw. (10)


Jalil put in a new cast-iron stove for the winter and stacked logs of chopped wood behind the kolba. He added atandoor outside for making bread and chicken coop with a fence around it. He brought a few sheep, built them a feeding trough. He had Farhad and Muhsin dig a deep hole a hundred yards outside the circle of willows and built an outhouse over it. (10)

From the direct comment above, it can be concluded that Jalil really loves Nana and Mariam because Jalil does not build thekolbacarelessly, but he builds the


Jalil also provides daily needs for Nana and Mariam. He asks his legitimate sons to bring food for them once a month. “The wheelbarrow came once a month filled with rice, flour, tea, sugar, cooking oil, soap, toothpaste. It was pushed by two of Mariam’s half brothers, usually Muhsin and Ramin, sometimes Ramin and Farhad” (13).

c. Selfish


had made her gather her few things from the servants’ quarters, where she’d been living, and sent her off” (7).

Besides acting selfishly to Nana, Jalil also acts selfishly to Mariam. One day, Mariam wants to go to Jalil’s cinema with Jalil as her birthday present. On the day when Jalil should come to thekolba and take Mariam to his cinema, Mariam waits for a long time. In the end, when Mariam realizes that Jalil will not come, she decides to go to Herat by herself although her mother has reminded Mariam that she will not meet her again if she goes. Mariam sleeps outside Jalil’s house overnight to wait for Jalil because Jalil’s driver says that Jalil goes somewhere for business. In fact, Jalil is in his house. Jalil does not allow Mariam to go inside his house because he wants to keep his honor. It shows that Jalil is selfish. Jalil does not think about Mariam who has sacrificed herself to wait for him. Jalil just sees Mariam from the window the next morning.

Her gaze skimmed over all of these things before they found a face, across the garden, in an upstairs window. The face was there for only an instant, a flash, but long enough for Mariam to see the eyes widen, the mouth open. Then it snapped away from view. A hand appeared and frantically pulled at a cord. The curtains fell shut. (34)


just think about themselves. They do not care about Mariam’s will. They just care about their own honor.

They had been disgraced by her birth, and this was their chance to erase, once and for all, the last trace of their husband’s scandalous mistake. She was being sent away because she was the walking, breathing embodiment of their shame. (48)

2. The Characteristics of Rasheed

Rasheed is a round character since Rasheed has complex characteristics. He is unattractive, partial, disparaging, roughshod, dishonest, selfish, and hypocritical.

a. Unattractive

Theory of personal description by Murphy is used to explain Rasheed’s physical characteristic. Rasheed is described as an unattractive man. His body is not good looking.


table clinked in tune with his steps. With a thick grunt, he dropped on a chair beside her. He breathed noisily. (51-52)

Rasheed’s face is also unattractive. It is shown by the shape of his eyes, nose, teeth, and cheeks.

In the mirror, Mariam had her first glimpse of Rasheed: the big, square, ruddy face; the hooked nose; the flushed cheeks that gave impression of sly cheerfulness; the watery, bloodshot eyes; the crowded teeth, the front two pushed together like a gabled roof; the impossibly low hairline, barely two finger widths above bushy eye-brows; the wall of thick, coarse, salt-and-pepper hair. (53)

b. Partial


Rasheed also says in the analogy of the kinds of car. Rasheed says that if Mariam and Laila were cars, Mariam would be a Volga (216). Meanwhile, Rasheed says that Laila is like a Benz.

“You,” Rasheed said to the girl, “you, on the other hand, would be a Benz. A brand-new, first-class, shiny Benz. Wah wah. But. But.” He raised one greasy index finger. “One must take certain… cares … with a Benz. As a matter of respect for its beauty and craftsmanship, you see. (216)

As a result of that analogy, Rasheed says that if Laila needs something outside the house, she can ask Mariam to go outside and fulfill it.

If I am away and you need something urgently, I meanabsolutelyneed it and it cannot wait for me, then you can send Mariam and she will go out and get it for you. You’ve noticed a discrepancy, surely. Well, one doesn’t drive a Volga and a Benz in the same manner. (217)

Rasheed is also partial to Laila’s children, Aziza and Zalmai. When Rasheed knows that Laila’s first child is a girl named Aziza, Rasheed does not care at all for the baby. However, when Laila gives birth to a boy named Zalmai in the second pregnancy, Rasheed really cares for him. Rasheed loves Zalmai very much, but he does not love Aziza. When Aziza is born, Rasheed does not care about Aziza’s needs, such as clothes. On the contrary, when Zalmai is born, Rasheed makes him a crib and buys new supplies for Zalmai, such as: new clothes.


leopards painted on the side panels. He’d paid for new clothes, new rattles, new bottles, new diapers, even though they could not afford them and Aziza’s old ones were still serviceable. One day, he came home with a battery-run mobile, which he hung over Zalmai’s crib. Little yellow-and-black bumblebees dangled from a sunflower, and they crinkled and squeaked when squeezed. A tune played when it was turned on. (288)

c. Disparaging

Rasheed’s character that is disparaging can be inferred from Rasheed’s speech to Mariam. When Mariam asks Rasheed about something she does not know, Rasheed answers her disparagingly, for example: when Mariam asks Rasheed what communist is.

Rasheed snorted, and raised both eyebrows. “You don’t know what a communist is? Such a simple thing. Everyone knows. It’s a common knowledge. You don’t… Bah. I don’t know why I’m surprised.” Then he crossed his ankles on the table and mumbled that it was someone who believed in Karl Marxist. (97)

Then, when Mariam asks Rasheed again about what the communist wants, Rasheed also answers her disparagingly.

“What I meant was, what do they want?” Mariam asked. “These communists, what is it that they believe?”


know nothing, do you? You’re like a child. Your brain is empty. There is no information in it.” (97)

d. Roughshod

Rasheed’s character that is roughshod can be inferred from three ways. The first is through Rasheed’s reaction. Rasheed is frequently rough to Mariam and Laila if they do wrong things. The second is through Rasheed’s speech. From Rasheed’s speech, it can be inferred that Rasheed is also rough through his words. The third is through direct comment by the author. Sometimes, the author gives comments in order to show that Rasheed is rough.

One day, Rasheed is rough to Mariam because he thinks that the rice cooked by Mariam is bad. Mariam says that she has boiled the rice five minutes more, but Rasheed does not believe her.

“What’s the matter?” he mewled, mimicking her. What’s the matter is that you’ve done it again.”

“But I boiled it five minutes more than usual.” “That’s a bold lie.”

“I swear-”


Then, Rasheed goes outside his house. He takes some pebbles and goes inside his house again. He forces Mariam to chew pebbles. He says that the taste of rice which Mariam cooked is like pebbles. Mariam does not want to chew the pebbles, but Rasheed uses his hands to put pebbles into Mariam’s mouth.

“Now chew,” he said.

Through the mouthful of grit and pebbles, Mariam mumbled a plea. Tears were leaking out of the corners of her eyes.

“CHEW!” he bellowed. A gust of his smoky breath slammed against her face.

Mariam chewed. Something in the back of her mouth cracked. (102 – 103)

At another time, after Laila gives birth for the first time, Laila is brave to oppose Rasheed. Laila asks Rasheed to take care of Aziza. Rasheed thinks that Laila opposes him because of Mariam’s influences. Hence, Rasheed is going to beat Mariam.

He held a belt in his hand, the brown leather one he’d bought for hisnikka

with the girl, and was wrapping the perforated end around his fist. “It’s your doing. I know it is,” he snarled, advancing on her.

Mariam slid out of her bed and began backpedaling. Her arms instinctively crossed over her chest, where he often struck her first.


When Mariam and Laila begin their friendship, Laila plans to run away from Rasheed’s house and asks Mariam to go with her and her daughter, Aziza. However, they are caught by the police. Then, they are interrogated by the police and sent back to Rasheed’s house. After that occasion, Rasheed becomes rough to Mariam and Laila. At first, Rasheed is rough to Laila.

Laila didn’t see the punch coming. One moment she was talking and the next she was on all fours, wide-eyed and red-faced, trying to draw a breath. It was as if a car had hit her at full speed, in the tender place between the lower tip of the breastbone, and the belly button. She realized she had dropped Aziza, that Aziza was screaming. She tried to breathe again and could only make a husky, chocking sound. Dribble hung from her mouth. (261)

After Laila is treated roughly, Rasheed becomes rough to Mariam. Laila hears that Rasheed is rough to Mariam firstly in the downstairs.


Besides Rasheed is rough to his wives by beating them, Rasheed is also rough to them by saying in a bad manner to them. One day, Rasheed’s shop is on fire. After the fire, Rasheed becomes rough to Mariam, Laila, and Aziza.

After the fire, Rasheed was home almost every day. He slapped Aziza. He kicked Mariam. He threw things. He found fault with Laila, the way she smelled, the way she dressed, the way she combed her hair, her yellowing teeth.

“What’s happened to you?” she said. “I’m married a pari, and now I’m saddled with a hag. You’re turning into Mariam.” (297)

After Laila gives birth to her first child, Laila gives birth to her second child several years later. Her second child is Zalmai. Zalmai loves her mother and father very much. When Zalmai knows that her mother has a friend, Tariq, he cannot accept it. At dinner time, Zalmai tells Rasheed, his father, about a man who meets his mother. Zalmai says that her mother has a conversation with a man who has a limp. After Rasheed realizes that Laila and Tariq have relationship again, Rasheed becomes rough to Laila.

Without saying a word, he swung the belt at Laila. He did it with such speed that she had no time to retreat or duck, or even raise a protective arm. Laila touched her fingers to her temple, looked at the blood, looked at Rasheed, with astonishment. It lasted only a moment or two, this look of disbelief, before it was replaced by something hateful.


e. Dishonest

From direct comment, it can be inferred that Rasheed is dishonest. When Laila stays in Rasheed’s house because he saves her, Rasheed lies to Laila. Rasheed says that he respects Commander Massoud whereas the truth is Rasheed does not like Commander Massoud.

Mariam’s eyebrows shot up of their own will. CommanderMassoud? In her head, she could hear Rasheed’s rants against Massoud, how he was a traitor and a communist. But, then, Massoud was a Tajik, of course. Like Laila. (206)

Then, Rasheed continues to tell other lies to Laila. Rasheed says that Rasheed is not rough to Mariam after he saves Laila. “It wasn’t so much what he said, the blatant lies, the contrived empathy, or even the fact that he had not raised a hand to her, Mariam, since he had dug the girl out from under those bricks” (207).

Rasheed’s character which is dishonest can also be seen from another character, Laila. When Laila has been living in Rasheed’s house for several days, a man comes to the house and brings news to Laila that Tariq is dead. After several years, Laila and Mariam discover that Tariq is still alive. One day, Tariq goes to Rasheed’s house and meets Laila. Rasheed is angry that Laila talks to Tariq in his house. Laila is also angry with Rasheed. She says that he has lied about Tariq.


“You duped me. You lied to me,” Laila said, gritting her teeth. “You had that man sit across from me and…You knew I would leave if I thought he was alive.” (328 - 329)

f. Selfish

Rasheed’s character that is selfish can be inferred from reaction and direct comment. When Rasheed’s wives are pregnant, he always wants the baby to be a boy. When Mariam is pregnant for the first time, Rasheed says that the baby will be a boy and gives name for the unborn baby.

Every time the bus bucked over a pothole and jerk forward, his hand shot protectively over her belly.

“What about Zalmai?” he said. “It’s a good Pashtun name.” “What if it is a girl?” Mariam said.

“I think it’s a boy. Yes. A boy.” (85)

Rasheed does not think Mariam’s feeling when Rasheed hopes very much that Mariam will give birth to a boy. Mariam is anxious because of Rasheed’s high expectation on the baby. It shows that Rasheed is selfish because he just thinks about his will.


After Mariam miscarries several times, Rasheed blames Mariam by becoming rough to her.

In the four years since the day at the bathhouse, there had been six more cycles of hopes raised then dashed, each loss, each collapse, each trip to the doctor more crushing for Mariam than the last. With each disappointment, Rasheed had grown more remote and resentful. (98) This shows that Rasheed is selfish because if Rasheed’s will is not fulfilled, he blames other people. Rasheed is also selfish when his second wife, Laila, is pregnant for the first time. He hopes that Laila will give birth to a boy. “It was this story that was circling in Laila’s head after she gave Rasheed the news about the baby. He had immediately hopped on his bicycle, ridden to a mosque, and prayed for a boy” (222).

After Laila gives birth to the first child, Aziza, Rasheed does not care about Aziza because Rasheed just wants a boy. It shows that Rasheed is selfish since he just wants his wives to give birth to a boy.

g. Hypocritical

Rasheed says to Mariam that she must wear aburqa, a cloth which covers all parts of the body except eyes which are covered by a mesh screen, when she goes everywhere. Rasheed says that a woman must keep her honor and pride by wearing a



without shame. They wear makeup and skirts that show their knees. Sometimes they even put their feet in front of me, the women do, for measurements, and their husbands stand there and watch. They allow it. They think nothing of a stranger touching their wives’ bare feet! They think they’re being modern men, intellectuals, on account of their education, I suppose. They don’t see that they’re spoiling their own nang

andnamoos, their honor and pride.” (69)

However, one day Mariam comes to Rasheed’s room to clean his room and finds magazines containing the pictures of naked women.

On every page were women, beautiful women, who wore no shirts, no trousers, no socks or underpants. They wore nothing at all. They lay in beds amid tumbled sheets and gazed back at Mariam with half-lidded eyes. In most of the pictures, their legs were apart, and Mariam had a full view of the dark place between. In some, the women were prostrated as if-God forbid this thought-in sujda for prayers. They looked back over their shoulders with a look of bored contempt. (81)

From Rasheed’s speech and direct comment above, it can be inferred that Rasheed is hypocritical about women. On one side, Rasheed wants Mariam to wear a


3. The Characteristics of Laila

Laila is a round character since she has complex characteristics. She is beautiful, smart, brave, loving, and appreciative.

a. Beautiful

Laila’s beauty can be inferred from personal description. Laila is a beautiful girl. When Laila is born, her beauty has been seen. The midwife who helps her mother gives birth to Laila and Laila’s family themselves are amazed by Laila’s beauty.

At her bedside, the elderly midwife, Wajma, watched as Fariba’s husband and sons passed around the infant. They were marveling at the baby’s light hair, at her pink cheeks and puckered, rosebud lips, at the slits of jade green eyes moving behind her puffy lids. (101)

When Laila was young, her mother always says that she was beautiful. It is clearly stated that Laila’s beauty is inherited from her mother and her great-grandmother.


b. Smart

Laila is seen as a smart person in two ways. The first is through her intelligence. The second is through her ability to make decisions quickly.

The first is Laila is smart as seen in her intelligence. When Laila was young, she was seen by another character, her father, to be a smart girl. “You’re a very, very bright girl. Truly, you are. You can be anything you want, Laila. I know this about you” (114). It is also clearly stated by the author that Laila is a smart girl in her school. Laila often gets the awal numra certificate which is given for top-ranked students (114). Hasina, one of Laila’s best friends, also says to Laila that she will see Laila in a newspaper one day. “But you, Laila, you’ll make us two dummies proud. You’re going to be somebody. I know one day I’ll pick up a newspaper and find your picture on the front page” (163).

The second is Laila is smart as seen in her ability to make decisions quickly. When Laila is pregnant for the first time, she has no husband. From direct comment, it is clearly stated that Laila is smart by agreeing to marry Rasheed as soon as possible before he knows that she is pregnant. “Six weeks had passed since her time with Tariq. Any longer and Rasheed would grow suspicious” (213).

When Rasheed and Laila have their first night after getting married, Laila is also smart to make decision quickly. It is clearly stated by the author that Laila makes her index finger bleed and then drops the blood on the bed sheet to prove her virginity.


she punctured the pad of her index finger. Then she lifted the blanket and let her finger bleed on the sheet where they had lain together. (214)

c. Brave

There are two ways of characterization indicating that Laila is brave. The first is through direct comment from the author. The second is through reaction. Laila’s reaction in facing various events shows that she is brave, for example: Laila’s bravery to oppose Rasheed if he is rough and does wrong things.

After Laila gets married to Rasheed, Laila is brave to oppose Rasheed if he does a wrong thing. Firstly, when Laila has a baby named Aziza, she does not allow Rasheed to do anything wrong in front of the baby, such as smoking.

Some nights, Mariam overheard them arguing. She tiptoed to their door, listened to him complain about the baby-always the baby-the insistent crying, the smells, the toys that made him trip, the way the baby had hijacked Laila’s attentions from him with constant demands to be fed, burped, changed, walked, held. The girl, in turn, scolded him for smoking in the room, for not letting the baby sleep with them. (231)

At another occasion, Laila is brave to insist that Rasheed buy disinfectant and clothes which are suitable for a girl.


pajamas to wash and hang to dry. These clothes, like other things about the baby, become a point of contention.

“What’s the matter with them?” Rasheed said. “They are boys’ clothes. For abacha.” (232)

Then, Laila is brave to restrain Rasheed to beat Mariam. When Rasheed wants to beat Mariam with his belt, Laila restrains him.

“Stop it,bas!” the girl said. “Rasheed, you can’t do this.” “Go back to the room.”

Mariam backpedaled again. “No! Don’t do this!


Rasheed raised the belt again and this time came at Mariam.

Then an astonishing thing happened: The girl lunged at him. She grabbed his arms with both hands and tried to drag him down, but she could do more dangle from it. She did succeed in slowing Rasheed’s progress toward Mariam. (235)

Another occasion showing that Laila is brave is when Laila plans to run away from Rasheed’s house by using the money which she has stolen and her wedding ring and other jewelry which she has pawned.


time drew close, as well as the other jewelry that Rasheed had given her the year before when she was stillmalikaof his palace. (241)

Laila’s effort to run away is not successful. She lives in Rasheed’s house again. Then, several years later, she is pregnant. When Laila wants to deliver the baby, the doctor says that the position of the baby is not normal and needs to be operated. However, the doctor says that there is no supply, such as X-ray, suction, oxygen, and antibiotics in the hospital. When NGOs want to help, Taliban takes control over it. The doctor says to Laila that there is no anesthetic to operate on her. However, Laila is brave. Laila says to operate without anesthetic.

The doctor took a breath, then told Laila that the hospital had no anesthetic.

“But if we delay, you will lose your baby.”

“Then cut me open,” Laila said. She dropped back on the bed and drew up her knees. “Cut me open and give me my baby.” (283)

Several years later, Rasheed has a money crisis. Rasheed asks Laila to make Aziza a street beggar. Laila does not agree and opposes him. Rasheed slaps Laila. She replies by punching him.


hallway before Mariam and the children were in the living room, their eyes shifting from her to Rasheed and back.

Then Laila punched him. (292)

d. Loving

Direct comment is the characterization showing that Laila is a loving person. Laila loves her children, Aziza and Zalmai and also Mariam. After Aziza, Laila’s first child, is born, Laila loves her very much. Laila likes to spend time with Aziza.

Of all earthly pleasures, Laila’s favorite was lying next to Aziza, her baby’s face so close that she could watch her big pupils dilate and shrink. Laila loved running her finger over Aziza’s pleasing, soft skin, over the dimpled knuckles, the folds of fat at her elbows. (239)

After several years, Laila is pregnant again. After Zalmai, her second child is born; Laila also loves him very much.

Laila loved the moist kisses Zalmai planted on her cheeks, loved his dimpled elbows and stout little toes. She loved tickling him, building tunnels with cushions and pillows for him to crawl through, watching him fall asleep in her arms with one of his hands always clutching her ear. Her stomach turned when she thought of that afternoon, lying on the floor with the spoke of a bicycle wheel between her legs. How close she’d come. (287 – 288)


Rasheed says that when he gets more money, he will take Aziza out from the orphanage. Laila loves Aziza very much. When Aziza is in the orphanage, Laila always tries to go to meet Aziza. That time is Taliban era. There is a rule that if a woman goes out of the house, she must be accompanied by a man who is her relative. If a woman does not obey it, she will be beaten and sent back home. Hence, if Laila wants to meet Aziza in the orphanage, she must be accompanied by Rasheed. At first, Laila asks Rasheed to accompany her. Rasheed agrees. After a long time, Rasheed does not want to accompany Laila again. However, she tries to go to the orphanage by herself although she gets beaten by the Taliban. She does it because she loves her daughter.

And so Laila’s life suddenly resolved around finding ways to see Aziza. Half the time, she never made it to the orphanage. Crossing the street, she was spotted by the Taliban and riddled with questions-What is your name? Where are you going? Why are you alone? Where is your

mahram?-before she was sent home. If she was lucky, she was given a tongue-lashing or a single kick to the rear, a shove in the back. Other times, she met assortments of wooden clubs, fresh tree branches, short whips, slaps, often fists. (313)


e. Appreciative

Speech is the characterization showing that Laila is appreciative. Through speech, it can be inferred that Laila is an appreciative person. Laila shows her appreciation by saying thank you to Mariam for what she has done for her. Firstly, Laila thanks Mariam for caring for her when she was sick because her body was heaped up by the ruin of her house.

“And I see your wounds are healed up now. So you can start doing your share of the work in this house-”

The girl was nodding quickly. Some of her tea spilled, but she didn’t notice. “Yes, that’s the other reason I came down, to thank you for taking care of me-” (219)

Secondly, Laila thanks Mariam because she has given clothes for Aziza, her baby although Mariam does not pay much attention to her. The clothes which are suitable for a girl, remembering Rasheed gives clothes for a boy.

Laila sat in a corner and draped her knees with the hem of her dress. “Thank you,” she said.

Mariam took no notice of her. She finished cutting up the first trout and picked up the second….

“The clothes are lovely.” (242)


cannot answer the questions as smart as Laila. However, Laila appreciates Mariam’s effort by saying that it is not her fault.

Mariam’s interview lasted only a few minutes. When she came out, she looked shaken.

“He asked so many questions,” she said. “I’m sorry, Laila jo. I am not smart like you. He asked so many questions, I didn’t know the answers. I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, Mariam,” Laila said weakly. “It’s mine. It’s all my fault. Everything is my fault.” (260)

B. The Influence of Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila on Mariam’s Personality Changes According to Hurlock (124-130), personality changes of someone are caused by several conditions. They are physical changes, changes in environment, significant people in someone’s life, changes in social pressure, changes in role within a group, strong motivation, changes in self-concept, and use of psychotherapy. Mariam’s personality changes are caused by significant people in Mariam’s life. The significant people are Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila. The characters of Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila have great influences on Mariam’s personality changes.


marries Rasheed, he brings personality changes to Mariam. Then, Laila comes into Mariam’s life. When Laila becomes the second wife of Rasheed, Laila brings personality changes to Mariam.

1. The Influence of Jalil on Mariam’s Personality Changes

There are two influences of Jalil on Mariam’s personality changes. They are on Mariam’s self-respect and Mariam's affection.

a. Mariam’s Self-Respect

Jalil has made Mariam have self-respect. The way Jalil treats Mariam has made Mariam have personality changes. Mariam does not respect herself because Nana, Mariam’s mother, always calls her aharami, an illegitimate child. Her mother also calls her a harami with a bad manner. “Mariam did surmise, by the way Nana said the word, that it was an ugly, loathsome thing to be aharami, like an insect, like the scurrying cockroaches Nana was always cursing and sweeping out of thekolba” (4).

However, Jalil loves Mariam. He never treats Mariam as aharami, he treats Mariam well. He even tells Mariam that she is his little flower (4). Hence, it makes her feel respected by her father. “The truth was that around Jalil, Mariam did not feel at all like aharami” (5).


She understood then what Nana meant, that a harami was an unwanted thing; that she, Mariam, was an illegitimate person who would never have legitimate claim to the things other people had, things such as love, family, home, acceptance. (4)

Nevertheless, Mariam feels that she deserves love and acceptance when she is with Jalil. Every Thursday, Jalil always comes to the kolba to spend time with Mariam and gives her presents. Because of this, Mariam feels that she deserves to get good things. “For an hour or two every Thursday, when Jalil came to see her, all smiles and gifts and endearments, Mariam felt deserving of all the beauty and bounty that life had to give. And, for this, Mariam loved Jalil” (5).

Another evidence showing that Nana has made Mariam have a lack of self-respect is by calling her a weed. However, Jalil does not call Mariam as a weed.

To Jalil and his wives, I was a pokeroot. A mugwort. You too. And you weren’t even born yet.”

“What’s a mugwort?” Mariam asked.

“A weed,” Nana said. “Something you rip out and toss aside.”

Mariam frowned internally. Jalil didn’t treat her as a weed. He never had. But Mariam thought it was wise to suppress this protest.” (8)


that, Mariam who firstly has self-respect now has a loss of self respect again. Mariam remembers Nana’s words that she is nothing for Jalil and his family.

And as Mariam watched Jalil shake these strangers’ hands, as she saw him cross his palms on his chest and nod to their wives, she knew that Nana had spoken the truth. She did not belong here.

But where do I belong? What am I going to do now?

I’m all you have in this world, Mariam, and when I’m gone you’ll have

nothing. You’ll have nothing. You are nothing?(40)

b. Mariam’s Affection

Because of Jalil’s love for Mariam, Mariam shows affection to Jalil. Mariam becomes an affectionate person. Because of Mariam’s affection to Jalil, Mariam believes everything that Jalil tells her. Mariam does not believe her mother’s version when telling something. One of the examples is about the story of Mariam’s birth. Mariam believes that Jalil had planned to place Nana in a hospital when she wanted to give birth to Mariam. Mariam does not believe Nana’s version that Nana gives birth to Mariam alone.

By the time itdidoccur to her, around the time she turned ten, Mariam no longer believed this story of her birth. She believed Jalil’s version, that though he’d been away he’d arranged for Nana to be taken to a hospital in Herat where she had been tended to by a doctor. (11)


Mariam came to disbelieve this part of the story as well. Yes, Jalil admitted, he had been horseback ridding in Takht-e-Safar, but, when they gave him the news, he had not shrugged. He had hopped on the saddle and ridden back to Herat. He had bounced her in his arms, run his thumb over her flaky eyebrows, and hummed a lullaby. Mariam did not picture Jalil saying that her face was long, though it was true that it was long. (12)

Another occasion is that Mariam disbelieves Nana that someday Jalil will let Mariam slip through his fingers and let her fall to the ground when Jalil tosses her up high.

Nana said that one of these days he would miss, that she, Mariam, would slip through his fingers, hit the ground, and break a bone. But Mariam did not believe that Jalil would drop her. She believed that she would always land safely into her father’s clean, well-manicured hands. (21)

Jalil’s love has made Mariam love him very much. Jalil is the one that Mariam wants very much to come to thekolba. Before Thursday, the day when Jalil comes to the kolba, and Thursday itself, Mariam is attacked by anxiety that Jalil cannot come. It is because Mariam is full of affection for Jalil. She is afraid that Jalil cannot come to thekolba.


absentmindedly into the coop. She went for aimless walks, picking petals from flowers and batting at the mosquitoes nibbling on her arms. Finally, on Thursday, all she could do was sit against a wall, eyes glued to the stream, and wait. If Jalil was running late, a terrible dread filled her bit by bit. Her knees would weaken, and she would have to go somewhere and lie down. (20)

Because Mariam is full of affection for Jalil, she keeps being a good daughter for Jalil. When Mariam does a wrong thing, she is afraid that Jalil will be angry with her. One day, when Jalil’s legitimate sons bring daily needs to the kolba, Mariam once yells to Jalil’s sons to please Nana. Mariam becomes anxious that they will say it to Jalil. “Once, to please Nana, Mariam even yelled at Muhsin, told him he had a mouth shaped like a lizard’s ass-and was consumed later with guilt, shame, and fear that they would tell Jalil” (14).

From the explanation above, it can be inferred that Mariam is an affectionate person. She loves Jalil very much. She shows her affection by believing everything that Jalil tells her. Before Thursday, Mariam is also anxious that Jalil cannot come to the kolba. It is because she loves her father very much. Mariam also tries to be a good daughter for Jalil because Mariam has affection for Jalil.


she loved him very much in the past, but not in the present. She says that she used to admire Jalil. She also says that she was anxious while waiting for Jalil every Thursday. Furthermore, Mariam tells him that she used to pray for him. She also says that she did not know that he was ashamed of her (54).

After all of those words, Mariam says to Jalil that he does not need to visit her in Kabul. Mariam tells Jalil that there is no relationship between her and him anymore.

“I’ll visit you,” he muttered. “I’ll come to Kabul and see you. We’ll-” “No. No,” she said. “Don’t come. I won’t see you. Don’t you come. I don’t want to hear from you. Ever.Ever.”

He gave her a wounded look.

“It ends here between you and me. Say your good-byes.” (55)

When Mariam is on the bus and when the bus pulls away, Mariam does not look at Jalil at all.

She didn’t turn to look when Jalil’s palms pressed on the glass, when his knuckles rapped and rapped on it. When the bus jerked forward, she did not turn to see him trotting alongside it. And when the bus pulled away, she did not look back to see him receding, to see him disappear in the cloud of exhaust and dust. (55)


table clinked in tune with his steps. With a thick grunt, he dropped on a


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