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TABLE OF CONTENTS. No. Title Media Source Page


Academic year: 2021

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Daily News Update Page 1


No. Title Media Source Page

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Recorded PNPB of Rp 69.31 Trillion, This is the Performance Record of the Ministry of ESDM in 2021

Bukukan PNPB Rp69,31 Triliun, Ini Catatan Kinerja Kementerian ESDM di 2021

PTBA Boss Warns Ahead of a Coal Distress

Bos PTBA Wanti-wanti Jelang Masa Suram Batu Bara

Gold prices are trending up, this is the analyst's recommendation for ANTM shares

Harga emas tren naik, ini rekomendasi analis untuk saham ANTM

Pandemic, J Resources Prioritizes Workers' Health

Pandemi, J Resources Utamakan Kesehatan Pekerja

This is the Strategy of UNTR's Subsidiaries to Face Coal Business Pressure

Ini Strategi Anak Usaha UNTR Hadapi Tekanan Bisnis Batu Bara

Right on Indonesia's Independence Day, Coal Prices Drop More than 2%

Tepat di Hari Kemerdekaan RI, Harga Batu Bara Anjlok 2% Lebih

Metso Outotec and TOMRA to supply particle ore sorting solutions for mining

Copper price extends decline on fears over fourth covid-19 wave

Metso Outotec educates industry on minerals processing Dalian coking coal in tight range on lean demand outlook, supply remains tight

Coal and Coke Export in January-June 2021 Up 13%

IDX Channel Bisnis Kontan Berita Satu Bisnis CNBC Indonesia Int'l Mining Mining.com Australian Mining Reuters Sea News 2 4 5 8 9 11 13 13 15 15 16


Daily News Update Page 2

Recorded PNPB of Rp69.31

Trillion, This is the Performance

Record of the Ministry of ESDM

in 2021

Until the first semester of 2021, the

Ministry of ESDM recorded Non-Tax State

Revenue (PNBP) of around Rp. 69.31


Oktiani/Sindo Newspaper


NTIL the first semester of 2021, the

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has recorded Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) of around Rp. 69.31 trillion, or more than 50% of the 2021 target set at Rp. 121.2 trillion.

In addition, the realization of the budget in the same period has reached 27.88% of the ceiling of the Revised 2021 State Budget of Rp5.87 trillion, or Rp1.64 trillion. Mean-while, for investment, USD11.3 billion has been achieved from this year's target of USD34.8 billion.

For the Oil and Gas (Migas) sub-sector, oil and gas lifting was recorded at 1,644 mboepd and the gas price was successfully adjusted to USD6/mmbtu with a volume reaching 2,656.6 BBTUD. For the wider community, 280 locations of One Price Fuel Oil (BBM) and 673,222 Househol d Connections (SR) Natural Gas Networks (jargas) have been built.

"Until the first semester of 2021, the One Price BBM program has succeeded in reducing the price of Premium and Solar in 280 locations. 10 gas network work packages have been contracted, and the physical realization of construction work and construction progress has reached about 38 percent. Currently,...

Bukukan PNPB Rp69,31 Triliun,

Ini Catatan Kinerja Kementerian

ESDM di 2021

Hingga Semester I tahun 2021,

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya

Mineral mencatatkan Penerimaan

Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) sekitar

Rp69,31 triliun.

Oktiani/Koran Sindo


INGGA Semester I tahun 2021,

Kemen-terian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) telah mencatatkan Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak ( PNBP) sekitar Rp69,31 triliun, atau lebih dari 50% dari target tahun 2021 yang ditetapkan sebesar Rp121,2 triliun.

Selain itu, realisasi anggaran pada periode yang sama telah tercapai 27,88% dari pagu APBN Perubahan 2021 Rp5,87 triliun, atau sebesar Rp1,64 triliun. Sementara, untuk investasi, telah tercapai USD11,3 miliar dari target tahun ini sebesar USD34,8 miliar.

Untuk subsektor Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Migas), lifting migas tercatat mencapai 1.644 mboepd dan harga gas berhasil disesuaikan menjadi USD6/mmbtu dengan volume mencapai 2.656,6 BBTUD. Untuk masyarakat luas, telah terbangun 280 lokasi Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) Satu Harga dan 673.222 Sambungan Rumah Tangga (SR) Jaringan Gas Bumi (jargas). "Hingga semester I 2021, program BBM Satu Harga telah berhasil menurunkan harga Premium dan Solar di 280 lokasi. Telah berkontrak 10 paket pekerjaan jaringan gas, dan realisasi fisik pekerjaan konstruksi dan progres konstruksi men-capai sekitar 38%. Saat ini...


Daily News Update Page 3 Currently, the total installed gas network is

673,000 SR," said the Special Staff of the Minister of ESDM in the Field of Governance for the Acceleration of Mineral and Coal Governance, Irwandy Arif, in a written statement, Wednesday (18/8/ 2021).

From the Electricity and New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) sub-sectors, the achievements of the Ministry of ESDM until the first semester of 2021 are also encouraging. It was noted that the electrification ratio reached 99.37%. The target is that this year, electrical energy can reach 99.9% of households throughout Indonesia. Then the total capacity of NRE power plants becomes 10,673 Megawatts (MW), an increase of 206 MW from 2020.

"Until June 2021, the use of biodiesel is 4.31 million KL which saves foreign exchange of around Rp. 9.5 trillion. In addition, 166 battery-based electric motor vehicle charging infrastructures (KBLBB) have been built in 135 locations, and 31.32 Megawatt Peak (MWp) PLTS Roof has been built, for 3,781 customers," added Irwandy. The government is currently drafting a derivative regulation of Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining which was stipulated on June 10, 2020, namely 3 Draft Government Regulations (RPP) and 1 Draft Presidential Regulation. "In addition, domestic coal utilization was recorded at 63 million tons until the first semester. Coal production was recorded at 286 million tons. Then, until 2020, 19 smelters had been completed," he added. From the geology sub-sector, progress has been made of Geothermal Government Drilling activities, in which geoscience and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data have been acquired in several areas in West Java and East Nusa Tenggara.

Saat ini total jaringan gas terpasang adalah 673.000 SR," ujar Staf Khusus Menteri ESDM Bidang Tata Kelola Percepatan Tata Kelola Mineral dan Batubara, Irwandy Arif, dalam keterangan tertulis, Rabu (18/8/2021). Dari subsektor Ketenagalistrikan serta Energi Baru, Terbarukan, dan Konservasi Energi (EBTKE), capaian Kementerian ESDM hingga semester I 2021 juga menggembira-kan. Tercatat, rasio elektrifikasi mencapai 99,37%. Targetnya, tahun ini energi listrik dapat menjangkau 99,9% rumah tangga di seluruh Indonesia. Kemudian total kapasitas pembangkit EBT menjadi 10.673 Megawatt (MW), meningkat 206 MW dari tahun 2020. "Hingga Juni 2021, pemanfaatan biodiesel sebesar 4,31 juta KL yang menghemat devisa sekitar Rp9,5 triliun. Selain itu, telah dilakukan pembangunan 166 infrastruktur pengisian Kendaraan Bermotor Listrik Berbasis Baterai (KBLBB) di 135 lokasi, serta telah dibangun 31,32 Megawatt Peak (MWp) PLTS Atap, bagi 3.781 pelanggan," tambah Irwandy.

Pemerintah kini tengah menyusun per-aturan turunan Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 2020 tentang Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara yang telah ditetapkan pada 10 Juni 2020 lalu, yaitu 3 Rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah (RPP) dan 1 Rancangan Per-aturan Presiden.

"Selain itu, pemanfaatan batubara domestik tercatat mencapai 63 juta to n hingga Semester I ini. Produksi batubara pun tercatat sebesar 286 juta ton. Kemudian, hingga tahun 2020 lalu telah diselesaikan sebanyak 19 smelter," imbuhnya.

Dari subsektor geologi, tercatat kemajuan kegiatan Government Drilling Panas Bumi, di mana telah dilakukan akusisi data geosains dan Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) di beberapa daerah di Jawa Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Timur.


Daily News Update Page 4 "The acquisition of geoscience and LiDAR

data in the Cisolok and Sisukarame areas in West Java, as well as Nage in NTT, has been completed in a geothermal drilling project by the government," concluded Irwandy. (TYO)

"Akuisisi data geosains dan LiDAR di daerah Cisolok dan Sisukarame di Jawa Barat, serta Nage di NTT, sudah selesai pada proyek pemboran panas bumi oleh pemerintah," pungkas Irwandy. (TYO)

PTBA Boss Warns Ahead of a

Coal Distress

Author: Denis Riantiza Meilanova


RESIDENT Director of PT Bukit Asam

Tbk (PTBA) Suryo Eko Hadianto assessed that domestic coal reserves should be utilized as much as possible. This step needs to be taken before the black gold business enters a gloomy period amid the pressures of climate change.

He said that the coal business will one day experience a dark period and will no longer sell with increasing international pressure to abandon the use of coal and switch to clean energy.

However, on the other hand, coal reserves in Indonesia are still very abundant which can be utilized for the welfare of the nation. For that, according to him, the role of coal cannot be ignored and immediately switch to adopting clean energy technology offered by developed countries.

"Are we going to fall asleep with clean energy technology, even though we haven't mastered it, and leave our coal in the ground. Once the dark period of the coal business we realized that the reserves in the bowels of the earth were never utilized for the welfare of the Indonesian people," Suryo said in a webinar, Monday (16/8/ 2021).

Bos PTBA Wanti-wanti Jelang

Masa Suram Batu Bara

Author: Denis Riantiza Meilanova


IREKTUR Utama PT Bukit Asam Tbk

(PTBA) Suryo Eko Hadianto menilai bahwa cadangan batu bara di dalam negeri harus dimanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin. Langkah itu perlu dilakukan sebelum bisnis emas hitam itu memasuki masa suram di tengah tekanan perubahan iklim.

Dia mengatakan, bisnis batu bara suatu saat akan mengalami masa kegelapan dan tidak laku lagi dengan makin masifnya tekanan dunia internasional untuk meninggalkan penggunaan batu bara dan beralih ke energi bersih.

Namun, di sisi lain, cadangan batu bara di Indonesia masih sangat melimpah yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk kesejahteraan bangsa. Untuk itu, menurutnya, peranan batu bara ini tidak bisa diabaikan begitu saja dan serta merta beralih mengadopsi teknologi energi bersih yang disodorkan oleh negara-negara maju.

"Apakah kita akan ternina bobo dengan teknologi energi bersih, walaupun belum kita kuasai, dan tinggalkan batu bara kita di dalam tanah. Begitu masa gelap bisnis batu bara kita baru sadar cadangan yang ada di perut bumi ini tidak pernah termanfaatkan untuk kesejahteraan bangsa Indonesia," ujar Suryo dalam sebuah webinar, Senin (16/8/2021).


Daily News Update Page 5 Therefore, he considers that while there is

still time, coal must be exploited on a large scale by downstreaming to produce coal derivative products that are more environ-mentally friendly.

In addition, according to him, coal business actors also need to start setting aside funds for investment in carbon capture develop-ment so that carbon emissions from coal can be suppressed.

"In the future, coal-based businesses will aim to use technology that is more environmentally friendly in their operations and comply with regulations regarding carbon emissions. This is something that all coal mining personnel must strive for. The efforts include decarbonizing operational processes and carbon capture. , utilization, and storage [CCUS] must be developed immediately so that we can exploit coal but capture carbon emissions," said Suryo. Editor : Yustinus Andri DP

Oleh karena itu, dia menilai bahwa selagi masih ada waktu, batu bara harus di-eksploitasi besar-besaran dengan cara melakukan hilirisasi untuk menghasilkan produk turunan batu bara yang lebih ramah lingkungan.

Selain itu, menurutnya, para pelaku usaha batu bara juga perlu mulai menyisihkan dana untuk investasi pengembangan carbon capture sehingga emisi karbon dari batu bara bisa ditekan.

"Ke depan, bisnis berbasis batu bara akan mengarah kepada penggunaan teknologi yang lebih ramah lingkungan dalam operasinya dan comply terhadap aturan mengenai emisi karbon. Ini mau tidak mau harus diupayakan oleh seluruh insan penambangan batu bara. Upayanya antara lain, dekarbonisasi proses operasional dan carbon capture, utilization, and storage [CCUS] ini harus segera dikembangkan sehinga batu bara kita bisa eksploitasi tapi emisi karbon kita capture," kata Suryo. Editor : Yustinus Andri DP

Gold prices are trending up, this

is the analyst's recommendation

for ANTM shares

Reporter: Achmad Jatnika | Editor: Adi Wikanto


HE PRICE of gold on the world market is

in an uptrend. In the midst of rising gold prices, are the shares of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) also worth collecting? Check out the following analyst recommendations for ANTM stocks.

Gold prices rose slightly in the middle of this week. Wednesday (18/8) at 7.10 WIB,...

Harga emas tren naik, ini

rekomendasi analis untuk

saham ANTM

Reporter: Achmad Jatnika | Editor: Adi Wikanto


ARGA emas di pasar dunia dalam tren

naik. Di tengah harga emas yang naik, apakah saham PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) juga layak dikoleksi? Simak rekomendasi analis untuk saham ANTM berikut ini.

Harga emas naik tipis pada pertengahan pekan ini. Rabu (18/8) pukul 7.10 WIB,...


Daily News Update Page 6 Wednesday (18/8) at 7.10 WIB, spot gold

price was at US$ 1,786.31 per troy ounce, strengthened from yesterday's closing trade at US$ 1,786.19 per troy ounce. Meanwhile, the price of gold contract in December 2021 on the Commodity Exchange rose to US$ 1,788.20 per troy ounce from yesterday's closing trade at US$ 1,787.80 per troy ounce.

Analysts predict Antam will record a good performance in the first semester of 2021. It is estimated that Antam's performance will be better compared to the same period in 2020.

Kiwoom Sekuritas analyst Ike Widiawati assesses that Antam's gold sales in the first semester of 2021 will be able to grow 69% to 13,341 kg. In addition, nickel ore production performance is also expected to increase to 5.34 million wet metric tons (wmt), according to him, this figure will increase significantly from the same period last year.

Similarly, Samuel Sekuritas Analyst Dessy Lapagu by looking at Antam's performance trend from 2020 to the first quarter of 2021, then in the second quarter of 2021, ANTM will still grow positively in terms of volume, especially for the nickel ore and ferronickel segments.

With the condition of the world economy which is currently trying to rise, and is still trying to get out of the 3rd wave of Covid-19 in the world. According to her, the price of gold commodities will be influenced by how the Fed is at the FOMC regarding its tapering policy.

“This will certainly affect the movement of gold prices later. As for the sentiment from the uncertainty of the tapering schedule, it is estimated that it will depress the gold price in the future," Ike said to Kontan, Monday (16/8).

Rabu (18/8) pukul 7.10 WIB, harga emas spot berada di US$ 1.786,31 per ons troi, menguat dari penutupan perdagangan kemarin pada US$ 1.786,19 per ons troi. Sedangkan harga emas kontrak Desember 2021 di Commodity Exchange menguat ke US$ 1.788,20 per ons troi dari penutupan perdagangan kemarin pada US$ 1.787,80 per ons troi.

Analis prediksi Antam akan mencatatkan kinerja yang baik di semester I/2021. Diperkirakan kinerja Antam akan lebih baik dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama pada tahun 2020.

Analis Kiwoom Sekuritas Ike Widiawati menilai penjualan emas Antam di semester I/2021 akan mampu tumbuh 69% menjadi 13.341 kg. Selain itu kinerja produksi bijih nikel juga diperkirakan akan meningkat menjadi 5,34 juta wet metric ton (wmt), menurutnya angka ini akan meningkat signifikan dari periode yang sama tahun lalu.

Senada, Analis Samuel Sekuritas Dessy Lapagu dengan melihat tren kinerja Antam dari tahun 2020 sampai kuartal I/2021, maka di kuartal II/2021, ANTM masih akan tumbuh positif dari volume, terutama untuk segmen bijih nikel dan feronikel. Dengan kondisi perekonomian dunia yang saat ini sedang berusaha bangkit, dan masih berusaha untuk keluar dari gelombang ke-3 Covid-19 di dunia. Harga komoditas emas menurutnya akan di-pengaruhi oleh bagaimana The Fed di FOMC mengenai kebijakan tapering-nya. “Hal ini tentu akan memengaruhi per-gerakan harga emas nantinya. adapun sentimen dari ketidakpastian jadwal tapering inilah yang diperkirakan menekan harga emas nantinya,” kata Ike kepada Kontan, Senin (16/8).


Daily News Update Page 7 In semester II/2021, Ike assesses that

Antam's gold sales will still be high, mainly because people are starting to care about investing or saving money. According to him, this is a factor in the demand for gold bullion, which seems to be still in a positive trend.

Dessy estimates that until the end of the year the estimated net profit recorded by issuers with the stock code ANTM will be at Rp. 2.4 trillion with the driving factor being the strengthening trend of global nickel prices. "And volume growth from nickel ore and FeNi," she said.

As for some of the sentiments that will boost the performance of ANTM's shares, seen by Ike, are investment awareness in the community and the development of technology that allows these manufac-turers to require an increasing demand for gold.

In addition, according to him, nickel will benefit greatly from the transition from fossil energy to renewable energy. "Nickel is an important component in green energy so that demand for this commodity will still be good even for the next 5 years," said Ike.

However, Dessy views that the factor that can restrain ANTM's stock performance comes from the gold segment with volume growth and global gold prices which are still flat.

Ike assesses the fair price of ANTM's shares with a target EV/EBITDA of 13.5x, at Rp 2,750 per share, with a buy recommendation. Meanwhile, Dessy recommends buying ANTM shares with a target price of Rp 3,230 per share.

That's ANTM's stock recommendation. Remember, disclaimer on, all investment risks based on this ANTM stock recommen-dation are your own responsibility.

Di semester II/2021, Ike menilai penjualan emas Antam masih akan tinggi, terutama karena masyarakat yang mulai peduli dengan investasi atau menabung uang. Hal tersebut menurutnya menjadi faktor dari permintaan emas batangan yang nampak-nya masih dalam tren positif.

Dessy menaksir, hingga akhir tahun perkiraan net profit yang dicatatkan oleh emiten dengan kode saham ANTM berada di angka Rp 2,4 triliun dengan faktor pen-dorong dari tren penguatan harga nikel global. “Serta pertumbuhan volume dari nickel ore dan FeNi,” katanya.

Adapun beberapa sentimen yang akan mendorong kinerja saham ANTM dilihat Ike adalah kesadaran investasi di masyarakat dan semakin berkembangnya teknologi yang memungkinkan manufaktur tersebut membutuhkan permintaan emas yang juga meningkat.

Selain itu, untuk komoditas nikel, menurut-nya akan sangat diuntungkan dengan adanya peralihan dari energi fosil ke energi terbarukan. “Nikel menjadi komponen penting dalam green energy sehingga permintaan komoditas ini masih akan tetap baik bahkan hingga 5 tahun ke depan,” ujar Ike.

Akan tetapi, Dessy memandang faktor yang dapat menahan kinerja saham ANTM datang dari segmen emas dengan pertum-buhan volume serta harga emas global yang masih flat.

Ike menilai harga wajar saham ANTM dengan target target EV/EBITDA di 13.5x, di angka Rp 2.750 per saham, dengan rekomendasi beli. Sementara Dessy me-rekomendasikan beli saham ANTM dengan target harga Rp 3.230 per saham.

Itulah rekomendasi saham ANTM. Ingat, disclaimer on, segala risiko investasi atas rekomendasi saham ANTM ini menjadi tanggung jawab Anda sendiri.


Daily News Update Page 8

Pandemic, J Resources

Prioritizes Workers' Health

By: Whisnu Bagus Prasetyo/WBP


T J RESOURCES Bolaang Mongondow

(JRBM), a gold mining company operating in Bolaang Mongondow, North Sulawesi, places human resources (HR) as an important asset. Especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, the company's attention to the health and safety of workers has been increased.

President Director of PT J Resources Asia Pacific Tbk (PSAB), the parent company of JRBM, Edi Permadi emphasized that the company places HR as an important asset. During this pandemic period, the health and safety of workers is above all, although there must be additional costs incurred including for self-isolation facilities. "Because when these workers feel cared for and protected by the company, work productivity will increase," said Edi in his written statement Monday (16/8/2021). The chairman of the PT JRBM Labor Union, Didi Efendi Podomi, acknowledged the company's high attention to the health and safety aspects of workers and their families. In the area of operations, the company applies health protocols (prokes) according to government regulations and additional management. "If anyone violates will be subject to sanctions," explained Didi. In addition, when an employee is positive for Covid-19, the company rents a hotel for self-isolation (isoman). During the isoman period, there is a medical team that regularly monitors the progress of employees. "The company is also proactive in helping the families of workers who are positive, including providing ambulances and oxygen cylinders," Didi continued.

Pandemi, J Resources Utamakan

Kesehatan Pekerja

Oleh : Whisnu Bagus Prasetyo/WBP


T J RESOURCES Bolaang Mongondow

(JRBM), perusahaan tambang emas yang beroperasi di Bolaang Mongondow, Sulawesi Utara menempatkan sumber daya manusia (SDM) sebagai salah satu aset penting. Apalagi di masa pandemi Covid-19, perhatian perusahaan pada kesehatan dan keselamatan pekerja lebih ditingkatkan. Presiden Direktur PT J Resources Asia Pasifik Tbk (PSAB), induk usaha JRBM, Edi Permadi menegaskan perusahaan menem-patkan SDM sebagai aset yang penting. Selama masa pandemi ini, kesehatan dan keselamatan pekerja di atas segalanya, meski harus ada tambahan biaya yang dikeluarkan termasuk untuk fasilitas isolasi mandiri. "Karena ketika para pekerja ini merasa diperhatikan dan dilindungi per-usahaan, maka produktivitas kerja akan meningkat,” tandas Edi dalam keterangan tertulisnya Senin (16/8/2021).

Ketua Serikat Pekerja PT JRBM Didi Efendi Podomi mengakui tinginya perhatian perusahaan pada aspek kesehatan dan keselamatan pekerja dan keluarga. Di area operasi perusahaan menerapkan protokol kesehatan (prokes) sesuai ketentuan pemerintah maupun tambahan manajemen. "Jika ada yang melanggar akan dikenakan sanksi,” terang Didi.

Selain itu ketika ada karyawan positif Covid-19, perusahaan menyewa hotel untuk isolasi mandiri (isoman). Selama masa isoman, ada tim medis yang rutin memantau per-kembangan karyawan. "Perusahaan juga proaktif membantu keluarga pekerja yang positif di antaranya menyediakan ambulance dan tabung oksigen,” lanjut Didi.


Daily News Update Page 9 Didi admits that with optimal service,

employees can stay focused on working in the midst of a pandemic. "During the pandemic, operations will run normally. It was only recently that when the number of new cases increased, the company temporarily suspended production activities. During that time, there were sterilization activities," said Didi.

The same thing was conveyed by one of the workers, Intan Mangompa. She has joined PT JRBM since 2014. Intan is a resident of the village surrounding the mine and recently tested positive for Covid-19. He then underwent Isoman at a hotel in Kotamobagu. “During the isoman, the company's medical team always monitors the progress of our health. Medicines are available, healthy food and routine checks from the medical team," explained Intan. GM PT J Resources Bolaang Mongondow Irwan Lupoyo said the Covid-19 pandemic had an impact on mining operations. “However, by providing a sense of security for employees, the company's operational performance is not much disturbed. Production activities are still running, although some adjustments have to be made," he explained.

Didi mengakui dengan pelanyan optimal, karyawan dapat tetap fokus bekerja di tengah pandemi. “Selama pandemi, kegiatan operasi berjalan normal. Hanya beberapa waktu lalu ketika angka kasus baru meningkat, perusahaan menghentikan sementara kegiatan produksi. Selama itu, ada kegiatan sterilisasi,” kata Didi.

Hal yang sama disampaikan salah satu pekerja, Intan Mangompa. Ia telah bergabung dengan PT JRBM sejak 2014. Intan merupakan salah satu warga desa lingkar tambang dan beberapa waktu lalu dari hasil dinyatakan positif Covid-19. Ia kemudian menjalani Isoman di salah satu hotel di Kotamobagu. “Selama isoman, tim medis perusahaan selalu memantau perkembangan kesehatan kami. Obat-obatan tersedia, makanan sehat dan kontrol rutin dari tim medis,” terang Intan. GM PT J Resources Bolaang Mongondow Irwan Lupoyo mengatakan pandemi Covid-19 berdampak pada kegiatan operasi pertambangan. “Namun dengan memberi rasa aman bagi karyawan, kinerja operasional perusahaan tidak banyak terganggu. Aktivitas produksi tetap ber-jalan meski harus dilakukan beberapa penyesuaian,” terang dia.

This is the Strategy of UNTR's

Subsidiaries to Face Coal

Business Pressure

Author: Denis Riantiza Meilanova


T PAMAPERSADA Nusantara, a

sub-sidiary of PT United Tractors Tbk. (UNTR), explores the development of coal down-streaming and carbon capture technology to mitigate global demands towards a clean energy transition.

Ini Strategi Anak Usaha UNTR

Hadapi Tekanan Bisnis Batu


Author: Denis Riantiza Meilanova


T PAMAPERSADA Nusantara, anak

usaha PT United Tractors Tbk. (UNTR), mendalami pengembangan hilirisasi batu bara dan teknologi carbon capture untuk memitigasi tuntutan global menuju transisi energi bersih.


Daily News Update Page 10 President Director of Pamapersada

Nusantara (PAMA) Frans Kesuma realizes that the pressure on the coal industry is getting stronger in line with the international push to switch to clean energy. According to him, there are two keys that can be done to mitigate this pressure.

"There are two things that must be considered and become part of our study at PAMA, namely downstreaming and carbon capture, utilization, and storage [CCUS]. We are aware that industry pressure is very strong and we can only mitigate it in that way," Frans said in a webinar statement, Monday (17/8/2021). According to him, carbon capture technology is one solution to be able to continue to use coal without conflicting with Indonesia's commitment to the Paris Agreement in reducing carbon emissions. Meanwhile, the development of coal downstreaming is also considered to significantly reduce carbon emissions generated by the use of coal.

"We understand that all protests against coal are actually only one, namely carbon. If it can be captured it will all disappear. Downstreaming is also one way to significantly reduce carbon so that coal can be used without being in direct conflict with the Paris Agreement," he said.

Meanwhile, in addition to running a mining contractor business, PAMA through its subsidiary, PT Tuah Turangga Agung, also has a coal mining concession in Central Kalimantan.

Frans added that another effort made by the company to deal with pressure on the coal mining industry was to diversify into the gold mining business and develop new and renewable energy.

Presiden Direktur Pamapersada Nusantara (PAMA) Frans Kesuma menyadari bahwa tekanan terhadap industri batu bara makin menguat seiring dengan dorongan dunia internasional untuk beralih ke energi bersih. Menurutnya, ada dua kunci yang bisa dilakukan untuk memitigasi tekanan tersebut.

"Ada dua hal yang harus dipikirkan dan menjadi bagian dari studi kami di PAMA, yakni hilirisasi dan carbon capture, utilization, and storage [CCUS]. Kami sadar tekanan industri sangat kuat dan kita hanya bisa memitigasi dengan cara itu," ujar Frans dalam sebuah webinar, Senin (17/8/2021). Menurutnya, teknologi carbon capture merupakan salah satu solusi untuk bisa tetap memanfaatkan batu bara tanpa bertentangan dengan komitmen Indonesia terhadap Perjanjian Paris dalam mengu-rangi emisi karbon.

Sementara itu, pengembangan hilirisasi batu bara juga dinilai akan mereduksi secara signifikan emisi karbon yang dihasilkan oleh penggunaan batu bara.

"Kami paham yang semua protes terhadap batu bara hanya satu sebetulnya, yakni karbon. Kalau itu bisa di-capture itu semuanya hilang. Hilirisasi juga merupakan salah satu cara untuk menurunkan karbon secara signifikan sehingga batu bara dapat dimanfaatkan tanpa bertentangan keras dengan Perjanjian Paris," katanya.

Adapun, selain menjalankan bisnis kontrak-tor tambang, PAMA melalui anak usahanya, PT Tuah Turangga Agung, juga memiliki konsesi tambang batu bara di Kalimantan Tengah.

Frans menambahkan, upaya lain yang dilakukan perusahaan untuk menghadapi tekanan terhadap industri tambang batu bara adalah melakukan diversifikasi ke bisnis pertambangan emas dan pengem-bangan energi baru terbarukan.


Daily News Update Page 11 "We don't have large [coal] reserves and

will run out in 10-15 years, so we inevitably face difficult conditions, especially ESG [environmental, social, and governance] concerns, we are preparing to diversify into gold and other minerals. and enter into renewable energy, such as hydro, solar PV, and others," he said. Editor : Muhammad Khadafi

"Kami tidak memiliki cadangan [batu bara] yang besar dan akan habis dalam 10-15 tahun sehingga mau tidak mau meng-hadapi kondisi yang sulit, terutama ESG [environmental, social, and governance] concern, kami mempersiapkan diversifi-kasi ke tambang emas dan mineral lain, serta masuk ke energi terbarukan, seperti hidro, solar PV, dan lainnya," katanya. Editor : Muhammad Khadafi

Right on Indonesia's

Independence Day, Coal Prices

Drop More than 2%

Hidayat Setiaji, CNBC Indonesia


FTER a long rally, coal prices finally fell

as well. Right on Indonesian Independence Day, the price of the black stone fell more than 2%.

Yesterday, the price of coal on the ICE Newcastle (Australia) market was recorded at US$ 165.8/ton. Dropped 2.33% compared to the previous day's position. Coal prices had risen for four consecutive days and repeatedly posted record highs, at least since 2008. In those four days, prices rose 5.07%.

So do not be surprised if there will come a time when investors want to make profits. Understandably, the money you get is not small, so it is very tempting to disburse. This selling action made the price corrected.

Coal Prospect Still 'Burning'

But going forward, coal prices still have the potential to rise again. Toby Hassall, Refinitiv analyst,...

Tepat di Hari Kemerdekaan RI,

Harga Batu Bara Anjlok 2%


Hidayat Setiaji, CNBC Indonesia


ETELAH reli panjang, akhirnya harga batu

bara turun juga. Tepat di Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia, harga si batu hitam ambruk 2% lebih.

Kemarin, harga batu bara di pasar ICE Newcastle (Australia) tercatat US$ 165,8/ ton. Anjlok 2,33% dibandingkan posisi hari sebelumnya.

Harga batu bara sempat naik selama empat hari beruntun dan berkali-kali membukukan rekor tertinggi, setidaknya sejak 2008. Dalam empat hari tersebut, harga naik 5,07%. Jadi tidak heran akan datang saatnya investor ingin mengeruk keuntungan. Maklum, cuan yang didapat memang tidak kecil sehingga sangat menggoda untuk dicairkan. Aksi jual ini yang membuat harga terkoreksi.

Prospek Batu Bara Masih 'Membara'

Namun ke depan, harga batu bara masih berpotensi untuk naik lagi. Toby Hassall, Analis Refinitiv,...


Daily News Update Page 12 Toby Hassall, Refinitiv analyst, said there

are a number of factors that will boost the price of this commodity.

The first is the price of natural gas which is also rising. Since the end of 2020 (year-to-date/ytd), the price of natural gas has jumped by almost 51% and is now at US$ 3.83/MMBtu.

Expensive gas prices make coal once again ogled as a primary energy source for power plants. In Europe, the cost of coal-fired power generation on 16 August 2021 is EUR 40.24/MWh. The cost of generating natural gas is more expensive at EUR 47.75/MWh.

"We estimate that the price of electricity generation with natural gas will still be more expensive than coal until at least early 2022. This provides an incentive to choose coal," said Hassall in his research. The second reason is that the world economy is recovering quickly after being hit by the corona virus pandemic (Corona-virus Disease-2019/Covid-19). Now many countries have 'passed' the recession test, including Indonesia.

Ultra-loose fiscal and monetary policies will help further economic expansion. This recovery will increase the demand for electricity which will automatically boost the demand for coal.

Third, supply growth has not been able to keep up with the surge in demand. Supply will still be limited as the business world is in a consolidation phase after being hit by the pandemic, while demand is increasing faster than expected.

"The increase in supply is likely to be limited. Tight supply and increased demand will push up coal prices, this situation may persist in the near term," said Hassall. CNBC INDONESIA RESEARCH TEAM (aji/aji)

Toby Hassall, Analis Refinitiv, menyebut ada sejumlah faktor yang bakal mendongkrak harga komoditas ini.

Pertama adalah harga gas alam yang juga naik. Sejak akhir 2020 (year-to-date/ytd), harga gas alam sudah melonjak hampir 51% dan sekarang berada di US$ 3,83/MMBtu. Harga gas yang mahal membuat batu bara kembali dilirik sebagai sumber energi primer pembangkit listrik. Di Eropa, biaya pem-bangkitan listrik bertenaga batu bara pada 16 Agustus 2021 adalah EUR 40,24/MWh. Biaya pembangkitan dengan gas alam lebih mahal yaitu EUR 47,75/MWh.

"Kami memperkirakan harga pembangkitan listrik dengan gas alam tetap akan lebih mahal dibandingkan batu bara setidaknya sampai awal 2022. Ini memberi insentif untuk memilih batu bara," sebut Hassall dalam risetnya.

Alasan kedua, ekonomi dunia pulih dengan cepat setelah dihantam oleh pandemi virus corona (Coronavirus Disease-2019/Covid-19). Kini sudah banyak negara yang 'lulus' dari ujian resesi, termasuk Indonesia.

Kebijakan fiskal dan moneter yang ultra-longgar akan membantu ekspansi ekonomi lebih lanjut. Pemulihan ini akan membuat permintaan listrik meningkat yang otomatis mendongkrak permintaan batu bara.

Ketiga, pertumbuhan pasokan belum bisa mengimbangi lonjakan permintaan. Pasokan masih akan terbatas karena dunia usaha dalam fase konsolidasi setelah terpukul akibat pandemi, sementara permintaan meningkat lebih cepat dari perkiraan.

"Peningkatan pasokan sepertinya masih akan terbatas. Ketatnya pasokan dan pening-katan permintaan akan mendorong harga batu bara, situasi ini mungkin masih akan bertahan dalam waktu dekat," demikian Hassall. TIM RISET CNBC INDONESIA (aji/aji)


Daily News Update Page 13

Metso Outotec and TOMRA to supply particle ore sorting solutions for


Posted by Daniel Gleeson


ETSO Outotec and TOMRA Mining have agreed to continue a non-exclusive cooperation to

supply particle ore sorting solutions for the mining and metallurgical industries.

The collaboration expands Metso Outotec’s and TOMRA’s capability to offer leading-edge solutions that help increase the overall value of ore deposits by reaching new levels of energy efficiency and productivity, decreasing costs and extending the life of mining operations, the companies said.

“Separating ore from waste rock as early and as efficiently as possible is essential in minerals processing. The best result can be achieved by combining state-of-the-art crushing systems with advanced ore sorting,” Guillaume Lambert, Vice President, Crushing at Metso Outotec, said. “The combination of Metso Outotec’s crushing know-how and TOMRA’s particle ore sorting expertise is an excellent match, providing substantial benefits to our customers.” TOMRA’s sensor-based sorting solution has proven itself in the mining sector through many major installations.

It can reduce specific energy consumption by 15%, as well as the amount of water used by three to four cubic meters per tonne of ore, according to the company. This makes it a cost-effective and sustainable solution that can benefit both mining operations and the environment.

Mathilde Robben, Key Account Manager at TOMRA Mining, said: “TOMRA, as an original equipment manufacturer, can add significant value to the process and engineering optimisation of sensor-based sorting inclusive solutions when engaging with our customers within a cooperation agreement framework.”

TOMRA Sorting Solutions and Outotec (prior to merging with Metso) struck a cooperation agreement to supply Outotec-branded sorting solutions for the mining and metallurgical industry all the way back in 2014.

Copper price extends decline on fears over fourth covid-19 wave

MINING.COM Staff Writer


HE COPPER price extended its decline on Tuesday, after dropping the most in nearly two

weeks in the previous session, on investors’ concerns about subdued global macroeconomic outlook due to a fresh surge in coronavirus cases in Europe and North America.


Daily News Update Page 14 Copper for delivery in September fell 2.2% from Monday’s settlement price, touching $4.23 per pound ($9,306 per tonne) on the Comex market in New York.

The most-traded September copper contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange fell 0.6% to 69,820 yuan ($10,777.35) a tonne, tracking overnight losses in London.

As a gauge of global economic health, the copper price has been weighed down by possible policy tightening in some major economies and rising global coronavirus cases, which could drag on recovery.

Top consumer China announced this week that its refined copper imports fell for the fourth straight month in July, adding to the sense of lost momentum.

“The lack of excitement reflects a dearth of speculative interest in copper right now, with fund positioning low on the LME, the CME and the Shanghai markets,” said Reuters columnist Andy Home.

“Macro headwinds in the form of slowing growth impetus in China and the spread of the Delta variant of covid-19 are currently outweighing copper’s micro-dynamics in investor minds.” Goldman Sachs suggests that while Chinese demand has got copper to where it is, struggling supply will provide the next lift in price.

According to the bank, the tension between macro negativity and micro positivity is “particularly acute for copper,” given a structurally challenged supply chain. (With files from Reuters and Bloomberg)


Daily News Update Page 15

Metso Outotec educates industry on minerals processing

Henry Ballard


ETSO Outotec has released a comprehensive handbook on the practices of minerals

processing and materials handling, emphasising knowledge as one of a miner’s most important assets.

The 12th edition of the Basics in Minerals Processing Handbook outlines not only the way minerals are processed and handled, but also the plethora of equipment at hand to do so. Amid a debilitating skilled-worker shortage across the west of Australia, it is skills such as these which can turn a business around.

“The intention is to give technicians involved in mineral operations practical and useful information about the process equipment used, their systems and operational environment,” the handbook states.

“The technical data given are basic, but will increase the understanding of the individual machines, their functions and performances.”

The hazards of dust, noise and wear are also discussed within its downloadable pages, to ensure the mining industry can achieve its increasingly prioritised safety goals.

Metso Outotec’s expertise in the area of minerals processing will be put to work at Northern Star Resources’ Thunderbox gold mine in Western Australia, where the miner has ordered a Premier SAG Mill from the manufacturer.

The mill is typically worth around €15 million ($24.15 million) depending on the application, exemplifying the amount of value Metso Outotec can bring to the industry.

The contract follows a deal signed in June with Karara Mining to design a tailings filtration plant expansion at its iron ore project in Western Australia.

The expansion will increase the tailings filtration capacity at the Karara mine by more than 50 per cent – from 30,000 tonnes per day to more than 45,000 tonnes per day.

Dalian coking coal in tight range on lean demand outlook, supply

remains tight


HINESE coking coal futures closed slightly higher on Tuesday, after falling as much as 3% in

morning session, hurt by expectations of cooling demand from mills and coking plants, while supply-side shortages were expected to recover.


Daily News Update Page 16 China's crude steel output fell for a second straight month in July, down 7.6% from a month earlier to 86.79 million tonnes, as the country aims to reduce carbon emissions by reducing production of the metal. Intensifying output controls at coking plants in northwest and central China could also hurt consumption for coking coal, analysts at GF Futures wrote in a note.

Meanwhile, as Beijing has recently stepped up efforts to boost coal supply and stabilise commodity prices, supply for coking coal blending could be improved, though overall imports for the ingredient remains tight, GF Futures said.

The most traded coking coal futures on the Dalian Commodity Exchange , for January delivery, was down as much as 3.0% to 2,157 yuan ($332.93) per tonne. They recovered and ended up 0.7% at 2,239 yuan a tonne. Coke futures on the Dalian bourse rose 0.7% to 2,947 yuan a tonne. Benchmark iron ore futures fell 1.6.% to 834 yuan at close, though spot 62% iron ore was unchanged at $162 a tonne on Monday, according to SteelHome consultancy.


* Steel rebar on the Shanghai Futures Exchange fell 0.8% to 5,345 yuan a tonne.

* Hot rolled coils , used in cars and home appliances, dipped 0.1% to 5,670 yuan a tonne. * Stainless steel futures on the Shanghai exchange increased 0.7% to 18,380 yuan per tonne. * China's state planner said it would resolutely crack down projects with high

energy-consuming and high emissions, but in an orderly manner.

($1 = 6.4788 Chinese yuan renminbi) (Reporting by Min Zhang and Shivani Singh; Editing by Shounak Dasgupta and Rashmi Aich)

Coal and Coke Export in January-June 2021 Up 13%


CCORDING to the RF Federal Customs Service, in January-June 2021 Russia exported 101.9

mn tons of coal, up 13.4% year-on-year. In terms of value, coal export amounted to over $6.8 bn, up 15.9% year-on-year.

Coal import during the period under report made 10.4 mn tons, down 5.1% year-on-year, worth $197 mn, up 27.5% year-on-year.

Coke and coal char export in January-June 2021 made 1.7 mn tons, up 61.5% year-on-year, worth $423 mn (up 2.3-fold year-on-year).

In June, coal export made 20.5 mn tons, up 16.3% year-on-year and up 20.6% month. Value-wise, coal export increased by 32.2% year-on-year and by 27.3% month-on-month making 1.5 bn.

Coke and coal char export in June amounted to 281.4 thousand tons, up 30.2% year-on-year and down 3.9% month-on-month. In terms of value it was worth $83.4 mn, up 2.3-fold year-on-year and down 5.9% month-on-month.


Daily News Update Page 17 8 9 ,8 62 .7 1 01 ,8 8 6 .4 1 ,0 2 7 .3 1 ,6 5 8 .7 1 87 .6 4 23 5 ,8 9 9 .9 6,8 4 2 .4 1 7, 6 0 9 .3 1 6 ,9 8 5 .5 20,4 8 3. 7 21 6. 1 29 2. 7 28 1. 4 1 ,1 5 0 .3 1 ,1 9 3 .8 1 ,5 2 0 .3 37 8 8. 7 83 .4


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