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Allen Iverson s Exclusion from the Dream Team is a Clear Mistake


Academic year: 2017

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Allen Iverson´s Exclusion from the Dream Team is a Clear Mistake Word Count:

319 Summary:

I considered it insulting and inexplicable when I heard that Allen Iverson got left out of the Dream Team by Jerry Colangelo. The executive and managing director of the United States Men’s National Team made a sure mistake when he decided not to ask Iverson to the tryouts in Las Vegas this summer.


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Article Body:

I considered it insulting and inexplicable when I heard that Allen Iverson got left out of the Dream Team by Jerry Colangelo. The executive and managing director of the United States Men’s National Team made a sure mistake when he decided not to ask Iverson to the tryouts in Las Vegas this summer. The Dream team has not been giving out its best results since 2004 but then again the U.S. wasn’t represented by its best talent in Athens or Indianapolis if you don´t send the best you´ve got don´t expect the best results.

But this time the nation´s superstars where standing in line to represent the country and bring back some glory. The selection committee chose seven of the eight leading scorers in the NBA, but they left Iverson behind. Colangelo said it was because the team needed distributors.

Iverson’s age has also been used as an excuse and not a exactly a bad one when you think that Iverson will be 33 when the Beijing Olympics are played outside 2008, but Bruce Bowen will be 37, Chauncey Billups and Antawn Jamison will be 32, so for the others age isn’t a legitimate argument to keep him out. Plus, Iverson has yet to slow down. Iverson is not without his flaws, but he is one of just two NBA players -- along with Dwyane Wade -- who rank in the top 10 in scoring and assists. Kobe Bryant, the league’s leading scorer, ranks 28th in assists.

This team is talented enough to win with or without Iverson, but he should’ve at least been given the opportunity to compete. If he misses out on making the final roster of 12, then fine. But Iverson has earned the right to be there, not only because of his past with USA Basketball but because he remains at the top of his game although he’s a few months shy of his 31st birthday. He deserved better.

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