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Academic year: 2017

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Expat shopping Word Count: 432


Sampling the local food in another country can be an eye opening and often rewarding experience for those expats who are willing to be open minded. Depending on what country you are living in as an expat, will depend on just how open minded you have to be.


expatriate, shpping

Article Body:

Sampling the local food in another country can be an eye opening and often rewarding experience for those expats who are willing to be open minded. Depending on what country you are living in as an expat, will depend on just how open minded you have to be.

There is a phrase that says "you can take the man out of the city, but you can’t take the city out of the man." The same can be said for your tastes. How many times have we heard the typical Brits say "you can’t get a proper cup of tea in spain", or "that’s not real bacon!". That is probably the truth, but you have to bear in mind that you are not in the UK. Whilst most of us are happy to try new foods and new tastes, most of us still miss the tastes we have been brought up with. One of the problems you face by living in foreign country, is the fact that you cannot get hold of the food you are used to back home.

The Internet has no doubt made the world a smaller place. Combine that with modern travel, and the world is your oyster. If oyster is not your taste, then maybe baked beans are!

There are a number of expat shopping websites that have been developed to cater for the needs of expatriates missing the taste of home. In this modern lifestyle we have, most things are readily available in most countries, but there are still things that are unique to specific countries. This is where expat shopping can help.

One of the expat shopping sites we have teamed up with at Xpatpals, is the Coop in Wooldale, located in the UK. From their site, you can order your goods online and they will have them shipped out to you. They offer worldwide shipping and can have your goods with you within 2-3 days if you are in Europe, or anywhere from 5-10 days for other countries worldwide. If you are longing to taste that special something you miss from back home, it may be worthwhile giving expat shopping a try. Just think, within a few days, you could be starting your morning with a proper bacon sandwich, smothered with brown sauce. Enough to make your mouth water!

We have focused on expat shopping that is available from the UK. If you know of shopping that is available from other countries, catering for different nationalities, then why not start a topic in the forums. Sharing your information on expat shopping sites will help your fellow expats.

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