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Academic year: 2021



Teks penuh




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4. Muhlisah F. Tanaman Obat Keluarga. Jakarta: PT. Penebar Swadaya; 2001 5. Santosa M.H dan Zaini N.C. Prospek Tantangan Penelitian, dan

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LAMPIRAN II. Tabel kadar glukosa darah yang diberi ekstrak kayu manis.

kelompok tikus ke kadar glukosa darah mg/dl

normal post treat 30 menit ke-

pre 1 2 3 4 k- 1 95 172 163 166 152 143 2 86 167 169 157 148 139 3 78 165 163 159 147 141 4 69 163 169 165 157 142 5 87 175 173 150 154 141 Rerata 83 168,4 167,4 159,4 151,6 141,2 K1 1 98 162 158 143 131 126 2 100 164 159 148 142 128 3 80 158 157 151 134 129 4 82 173 169 148 150 135 5 87 166 155 159 142 127 Rerata 89,4 164,6 159,6 149,8 139,8 129 K2 1 83 162 143 136 130 117 2 75 170 152 135 129 114 3 84 163 156 141 126 119 4 85 167 158 138 128 116 5 92 174 162 132 133 120 Rerata 83,8 167,2 154,2 136,4 129,2 117,2 K3 1 110 159 148 124 110 83 2 93 167 140 111 124 89 3 87 163 149 119 112 97 4 84 154 147 121 114 91 5 100 171 154 121 108 93 Rerata 94,8 162,8 147,6 119,2 113,6 90,6 gliben 1 77 172 128 122 100 75 2 88 159 138 105 94 81 3 73 163 132 104 99 82 4 82 166 127 97 106 84 5 77 155 133 108 107 89 79,4 163 131,6 107,2 101,2 82,2


Lampiran III. KONVERSI PERHITUNGAN DOSIS (LAURENCE & BACHARACH, 1964) Mencit 20 gr Tikus 200 gr Marmot 400 gr Kelinci 1,5 kg Kucing 2 kg Kera 4 kg Anjing 12 kg Manusia 70 kg Mencit 20 gr 1.0 7.0 12.25 27.8 29.7 64.1 124.2 387.9 Tikus 200 gr 0.14 1.0 1.74 3.9 4.2 9.2 17.8 56.0 Marmot 400 gr 0.08 0.57 1.0 2.25 2.4 5.2 10.2 31.5 Kelinci 1,5 kg 0.04 0.25 0.44 1.0 1.08 2.4 4.5 14.2 Kucing 2 kg 0.03 0.23 0.41 0.92 1.0 2.2 4.1 13.0 Kera 4 kg 0.016 0.11 0.19 0.42 0.45 1.0 1.9 6.1 Anjing 12 kg 0.008 0.06 0.1 0.22 0.24 0.52 1.0 3.1 Manusia 70 kg 0.0026 0.018 0.031 0.07 0.076 0.16 0.32 1.0


Lampiran IV


1. Ekstrak kayu manis (Cinnamomun burmannii)

Dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus berdasarkan konversi perhitungan dosis antara jenis hewan (LAURENCE & BACHARACH, 1964)

1. Konversi dosis manusia (70 kg) ke tikus (200 gram ) = 0,018

2. Dosis kayu manis pada manusia (70 kg) = 420 gram

3. Dosis kayu manis-tikus (200 gram) = 70/70 x 0,018 x 420 = 7,56 gram / 200grBB

4. Kemudian diturunkan dan dinaikan sesuai deret ukur menjadi :

1. 7,56 gr / 2 = 3,78 gram / 200grBB

2. 7,56 gr x 2 = 15,12 gram / 200grBB

2. Dosis Glukosa yang dipakai

Dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus berdasarkan konversi perhitungan dosis antara jenis hewan (LAURENCE & BACHARACH, 1964)


2. Dosis glukosa pada manusia = 75 gram

3. Dosis glukosa manusia-tikus (200 gram) = 0,018 x 75

= 1,35 gram /


3. Dosis Glibenklamid

Dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus berdasarkan konversi perhitungan dosis antara jenis hewan (LAURENCE & BACHARACH, 1964)

1. Konversi dosis manusia (70 kg) ke tikus (200 gram) = 0,018

2. Dosis glibenklamid pada manusia (70 kg) = 5 gram

3. Dosis glibenklamid manusia-tikus (200 gram) = 70/70 x 0,018 x 5


Explore Kelompok


Case Summaries 5 5 5 5 5 5 83.00 168.40 167.40 159.40 151.60 141.20 9.874 4.980 4.336 6.504 4.159 1.483 86.00 167.00 169.00 159.00 152.00 141.00 69 163 163 150 147 139 95 175 173 166 157 143 5 5 5 5 5 5 89.40 164.60 159.60 149.80 139.80 129.00 9.154 5.550 5.459 5.891 7.497 3.536 87.00 164.00 158.00 148.00 142.00 128.00 80 158 155 143 131 126 100 173 169 159 150 135 5 5 5 5 5 5 83.80 167.20 154.20 136.40 129.20 117.20 6.058 4.970 7.225 3.362 2.588 2.387 84.00 167.00 156.00 136.00 129.00 117.00 75 162 143 132 126 114 92 174 162 141 133 120 5 5 5 5 5 5 94.80 162.80 147.60 119.20 113.60 90.60 10.474 6.648 5.030 4.919 6.229 5.177 93.00 163.00 148.00 121.00 112.00 91.00 84 154 140 111 108 83 110 171 154 124 124 97 5 5 5 5 5 5 79.40 163.00 131.60 107.20 101.20 82.20 5.771 6.519 4.393 9.203 5.357 5.070 77.00 163.00 132.00 105.00 100.00 82.00 73 155 127 97 94 75 88 172 138 122 107 89 25 25 25 25 25 25 86.08 165.20 152.08 134.40 127.08 112.04 9.522 5.752 13.320 20.386 19.024 23.153 85.00 165.00 155.00 136.00 129.00 117.00 69 154 127 97 94 75 110 175 173 166 157 143 N Mean St d. Dev iation Median Minimum Maximum N Mean St d. Dev iation Median Minimum Maximum N Mean St d. Dev iation Median Minimum Maximum N Mean St d. Dev iation Median Minimum Maximum N Mean St d. Dev iation Median Minimum Maximum N Mean St d. Dev iation Median Minimum Maximum Kelompok K-K1 K2 K3 Gliben Total


Tests of Normality .219 5 .200* .970 5 .877 .226 5 .200* .878 5 .300 .247 5 .200* .946 5 .705 .172 5 .200* .950 5 .738 .261 5 .200* .938 5 .650 .211 5 .200* .942 5 .678 .200 5 .200* .971 5 .879 .201 5 .200* .946 5 .705 .136 5 .200* .990 5 .980 .130 5 .200* .992 5 .987 .245 5 .200* .871 5 .272 .344 5 .054 .804 5 .087 .198 5 .200* .949 5 .730 .253 5 .200* .947 5 .713 .194 5 .200* .940 5 .665 .205 5 .200* .933 5 .618 .220 5 .200* .929 5 .593 .147 5 .200* .995 5 .994 .284 5 .200* .860 5 .228 .265 5 .200* .912 5 .482 .207 5 .200* .947 5 .715 .215 5 .200* .943 5 .687 .179 5 .200* .984 5 .955 .274 5 .200* .867 5 .254 .215 5 .200* .929 5 .593 .246 5 .200* .956 5 .777 .300 5 .161 .836 5 .154 .175 5 .200* .974 5 .899 .179 5 .200* .984 5 .955 .206 5 .200* .978 5 .926 Kelompok K-K1 K2 K3 Gliben K-K1 K2 K3 Gliben K-K1 K2 K3 Gliben K-K1 K2 K3 Gliben K-K1 K2 K3 Gliben K-K1 K2 K3 Gliben Normal GD pre GD post 1 GD post 2 GD post 3 GD post 4

St at ist ic df Sig. St at ist ic df Sig. Kolmogorov -Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

This is a lower bound of the true signif icance. *.

Lillief ors Signif icance Correction a.


Test of Homogeneity of Variance 1.161 4 20 .358 .602 4 20 .665 .602 4 17.671 .666 1.124 4 20 .373 .156 4 20 .958 .165 4 20 .954 .165 4 18.857 .954 .160 4 20 .956 .385 4 20 .817 .220 4 20 .924 .220 4 16.456 .924 .360 4 20 .834 .688 4 20 .609 .447 4 20 .773 .447 4 13.230 .773 .670 4 20 .620 1.305 4 20 .302 .659 4 20 .628 .659 4 13.392 .631 1.304 4 20 .302 1.068 4 20 .398 .923 4 20 .470 .923 4 13.739 .479 1.049 4 20 .407 Based on Mean Based on Median Based on Median and with adjusted df

Based on trimmed mean Based on Mean

Based on Median Based on Median and with adjusted df

Based on trimmed mean Based on Mean

Based on Median Based on Median and with adjusted df

Based on trimmed mean Based on Mean

Based on Median Based on Median and with adjusted df

Based on trimmed mean Based on Mean

Based on Median Based on Median and with adjusted df

Based on trimmed mean Based on Mean

Based on Median Based on Median and with adjusted df

Based on trimmed mean Normal GD pre GD post 1 GD post 2 GD post 3 GD post 4 Lev ene

Stat istic df 1 df 2 Sig.


GD pre


GD post 2


GD post 4


ANOVA Normal 731.840 4 182.960 2.534 .072 1444.000 20 72.200 2175.840 24 Between Groups Within Groups Total Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Multi ple Comparisons Dependent Variable: Normal

Tukey HSD -6.400 5.374 .756 -22.48 9.68 -.800 5.374 1.000 -16.88 15.28 -11.800 5.374 .222 -27.88 4.28 3.600 5.374 .961 -12.48 19.68 6.400 5.374 .756 -9.68 22.48 5.600 5.374 .833 -10.48 21.68 -5.400 5.374 .850 -21.48 10.68 10.000 5.374 .369 -6.08 26.08 .800 5.374 1.000 -15.28 16.88 -5.600 5.374 .833 -21.68 10.48 -11.000 5.374 .281 -27.08 5.08 4.400 5.374 .922 -11.68 20.48 11.800 5.374 .222 -4.28 27.88 5.400 5.374 .850 -10.68 21.48 11.000 5.374 .281 -5.08 27.08 15.400 5.374 .065 -.68 31.48 -3.600 5.374 .961 -19.68 12.48 -10.000 5.374 .369 -26.08 6.08 -4.400 5.374 .922 -20.48 11.68 -15.400 5.374 .065 -31.48 .68 (J) Kelompok K1 K2 K3 Gliben K-K2 K3 Gliben K-K1 K3 Gliben K-K1 K2 Gliben K-K1 K2 K3 (I) Kelompok K-K1 K2 K3 Gliben Mean Dif f erence

(I-J) St d. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound 95% Conf idence Interv al


Normal Tukey HSDa 5 79.40 5 83.00 5 83.80 5 89.40 5 94.80 .065 Kelompok Gliben K-K2 K1 K3 Sig. N 1 Subset f or alpha = .05

Means f or groups in homogeneous subset s are display ed. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 5.000.

a. Oneway ANOVA GD pre 126.000 4 31.500 .943 .460 668.000 20 33.400 794.000 24 Between Groups Within Groups Total Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Multi ple Comparisons Dependent Variable: GD pre

Tukey HSD 3.800 3.655 .834 -7.14 14.74 1.200 3.655 .997 -9.74 12.14 5.600 3.655 .555 -5.34 16.54 5.400 3.655 .588 -5.54 16.34 -3.800 3.655 .834 -14.74 7.14 -2.600 3.655 .951 -13.54 8.34 1.800 3.655 .987 -9.14 12.74 1.600 3.655 .992 -9.34 12.54 -1.200 3.655 .997 -12.14 9.74 2.600 3.655 .951 -8.34 13.54 4.400 3.655 .749 -6.54 15.34 4.200 3.655 .779 -6.74 15.14 -5.600 3.655 .555 -16.54 5.34 -1.800 3.655 .987 -12.74 9.14 -4.400 3.655 .749 -15.34 6.54 -.200 3.655 1.000 -11.14 10.74 -5.400 3.655 .588 -16.34 5.54 -1.600 3.655 .992 -12.54 9.34 -4.200 3.655 .779 -15.14 6.74 .200 3.655 1.000 -10.74 11.14 (J) Kelompok K1 K2 K3 Gliben K-K2 K3 Gliben K-K1 K3 Gliben K-K1 K2 Gliben K-K1 K2 K3 (I) Kelompok K-K1 K2 K3 Gliben Mean Dif f erence

(I-J) St d. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound 95% Conf idence Interv al


GD pre Tukey HSDa 5 162.80 5 163.00 5 164.60 5 167.20 5 168.40 .555 Kelompok K3 Gliben K1 K2 K-Sig. N 1 Subset f or alpha = .05

Means f or groups in homogeneous subset s are display ed. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 5.000.

a. Oneway ANOVA GD post 1 3676.240 4 919.060 31.605 .000 581.600 20 29.080 4257.840 24 Between Groups Within Groups Total Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Multi ple Comparisons Dependent Variable: GD post 1

Tukey HSD 7.800 3.411 .190 -2.41 18.01 13.200* 3.411 .008 2.99 23.41 19.800* 3.411 .000 9.59 30.01 35.800* 3.411 .000 25.59 46.01 -7.800 3.411 .190 -18.01 2.41 5.400 3.411 .524 -4.81 15.61 12.000* 3.411 .016 1.79 22.21 28.000* 3.411 .000 17.79 38.21 -13.200* 3.411 .008 -23.41 -2.99 -5.400 3.411 .524 -15.61 4.81 6.600 3.411 .332 -3.61 16.81 22.600* 3.411 .000 12.39 32.81 -19.800* 3.411 .000 -30.01 -9.59 -12.000* 3.411 .016 -22.21 -1.79 -6.600 3.411 .332 -16.81 3.61 16.000* 3.411 .001 5.79 26.21 -35.800* 3.411 .000 -46.01 -25.59 -28.000* 3.411 .000 -38.21 -17.79 -22.600* 3.411 .000 -32.81 -12.39 -16.000* 3.411 .001 -26.21 -5.79 (J) Kelompok K1 K2 K3 Gliben K-K2 K3 Gliben K-K1 K3 Gliben K-K1 K2 Gliben K-K1 K2 K3 (I) Kelompok K-K1 K2 K3 Gliben Mean Dif f erence

(I-J) St d. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound 95% Conf idence Interv al

The mean dif f erence is signif icant at the .05 lev el. *.


GD post 1 Tukey HSDa 5 131.60 5 147.60 5 154.20 154.20 5 159.60 159.60 5 167.40 1.000 .332 .524 .190 Kelompok Gliben K3 K2 K1 K-Sig. N 1 2 3 4 Subset f or alpha = .05

Means f or groups in homogeneous subsets are display ed. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 5.000.


Oneway ANOVA GD post 2 9185.200 4 2296.300 58.223 .000 788.800 20 39.440 9974.000 24 Between Groups Within Groups Total Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Multi ple Comparisons Dependent Variable: GD post 2

Tukey HSD 9.600 3.972 .152 -2.29 21.49 23.000* 3.972 .000 11.11 34.89 40.200* 3.972 .000 28.31 52.09 52.200* 3.972 .000 40.31 64.09 -9.600 3.972 .152 -21.49 2.29 13.400* 3.972 .022 1.51 25.29 30.600* 3.972 .000 18.71 42.49 42.600* 3.972 .000 30.71 54.49 -23.000* 3.972 .000 -34.89 -11.11 -13.400* 3.972 .022 -25.29 -1.51 17.200* 3.972 .003 5.31 29.09 29.200* 3.972 .000 17.31 41.09 -40.200* 3.972 .000 -52.09 -28.31 -30.600* 3.972 .000 -42.49 -18.71 -17.200* 3.972 .003 -29.09 -5.31 12.000* 3.972 .047 .11 23.89 -52.200* 3.972 .000 -64.09 -40.31 -42.600* 3.972 .000 -54.49 -30.71 -29.200* 3.972 .000 -41.09 -17.31 -12.000* 3.972 .047 -23.89 -.11 (J) Kelompok K1 K2 K3 Gliben K-K2 K3 Gliben K-K1 K3 Gliben K-K1 K2 Gliben K-K1 K2 K3 (I) Kelompok K-K1 K2 K3 Gliben Mean Dif f erence

(I-J) St d. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound 95% Conf idence Interv al

The mean dif f erence is signif icant at the .05 lev el. *.


GD post 2 Tukey HSDa 5 107.20 5 119.20 5 136.40 5 149.80 5 159.40 1.000 1.000 1.000 .152 Kelompok Gliben K3 K2 K1 K-Sig. N 1 2 3 4 Subset f or alpha = .05

Means f or groups in homogeneous subsets are display ed. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 5.000.

a. Oneway ANOVA GD post 3 8095.040 4 2023.760 68.509 .000 590.800 20 29.540 8685.840 24 Between Groups Within Groups Total Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Multi ple Comparisons Dependent Variable: GD post 3

Tukey HSD 11.800* 3.437 .020 1.51 22.09 22.400* 3.437 .000 12.11 32.69 38.000* 3.437 .000 27.71 48.29 50.400* 3.437 .000 40.11 60.69 -11.800* 3.437 .020 -22.09 -1.51 10.600* 3.437 .041 .31 20.89 26.200* 3.437 .000 15.91 36.49 38.600* 3.437 .000 28.31 48.89 -22.400* 3.437 .000 -32.69 -12.11 -10.600* 3.437 .041 -20.89 -.31 15.600* 3.437 .002 5.31 25.89 28.000* 3.437 .000 17.71 38.29 -38.000* 3.437 .000 -48.29 -27.71 -26.200* 3.437 .000 -36.49 -15.91 -15.600* 3.437 .002 -25.89 -5.31 12.400* 3.437 .013 2.11 22.69 -50.400* 3.437 .000 -60.69 -40.11 -38.600* 3.437 .000 -48.89 -28.31 -28.000* 3.437 .000 -38.29 -17.71 -12.400* 3.437 .013 -22.69 -2.11 (J) Kelompok K1 K2 K3 Gliben K-K2 K3 Gliben K-K1 K3 Gliben K-K1 K2 Gliben K-K1 K2 K3 (I) Kelompok K-K1 K2 K3 Gliben Mean Dif f erence

(I-J) St d. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound 95% Conf idence Interv al

The mean dif f erence is signif icant at the .05 lev el. *.


GD post 3 Tukey HSDa 5 101.20 5 113.60 5 129.20 5 139.80 5 151.60 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Kelompok Gliben K3 K2 K1 K-Sig. N 1 2 3 4 5 Subset f or alpha = .05

Means f or groups in homogeneous subsets are display ed. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 5.000.

a. Oneway ANOVA GD post 4 12573.360 4 3143.340 215.593 .000 291.600 20 14.580 12864.960 24 Between Groups Within Groups Total Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Multi ple Comparisons Dependent Variable: GD post 4

Tukey HSD 12.200* 2.415 .001 4.97 19.43 24.000* 2.415 .000 16.77 31.23 50.600* 2.415 .000 43.37 57.83 59.000* 2.415 .000 51.77 66.23 -12.200* 2.415 .001 -19.43 -4.97 11.800* 2.415 .001 4.57 19.03 38.400* 2.415 .000 31.17 45.63 46.800* 2.415 .000 39.57 54.03 -24.000* 2.415 .000 -31.23 -16.77 -11.800* 2.415 .001 -19.03 -4.57 26.600* 2.415 .000 19.37 33.83 35.000* 2.415 .000 27.77 42.23 -50.600* 2.415 .000 -57.83 -43.37 -38.400* 2.415 .000 -45.63 -31.17 -26.600* 2.415 .000 -33.83 -19.37 8.400* 2.415 .018 1.17 15.63 -59.000* 2.415 .000 -66.23 -51.77 -46.800* 2.415 .000 -54.03 -39.57 -35.000* 2.415 .000 -42.23 -27.77 -8.400* 2.415 .018 -15.63 -1.17 (J) Kelompok K1 K2 K3 Gliben K-K2 K3 Gliben K-K1 K3 Gliben K-K1 K2 Gliben K-K1 K2 K3 (I) Kelompok K-K1 K2 K3 Gliben Mean Dif f erence

(I-J) St d. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound 95% Conf idence Interv al

The mean dif f erence is signif icant at the .05 lev el. *.


GD post 4 Tukey HSDa 5 82.20 5 90.60 5 117.20 5 129.00 5 141.20 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Kelompok Gliben K3 K2 K1 K-Sig. N 1 2 3 4 5 Subset f or alpha = .05

Means f or groups in homogeneous subsets are display ed. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 5.000.


Normalitas dan Homogenitas

Variabel Kelompok Shapiro-Wilk (p) Levene Test (p)

Normal K- 0,877 0,358 K1 0,300 K2 0,705 K3 0,738 Gliben 0,650 GD pre K- 0,678 0,958 K1 0,879 K2 0,705 K3 0,980 Gliben 0,987 GD post 1 K- 0,272 0,817 K1 0,087 K2 0,730 K3 0,713 Gliben 0,665 GD post 2 K- 0,618 0,609 K1 0,593 K2 0,994 K3 0,228 Gliben 0,482 GD post 3 K- 0,715 0,277 K1 0,687 K2 0,955 K3 0,254 Gliben 0,875 GD post 4 K- 0,777 0,259 K1 0,154 K2 0,899 K3 0,955 Gliben 0,867


Tabel Uji Multivariat tidak berpasangan One Way ANOVA

Variabel Kelompok Mean  SD p

Normal K- 83 ± 9,874 0,072 K1 89,4 ± 9,154 K2 83,8 ± 6,058 K3 94,8 ± 10,474 Gliben 79,4 ± 5,771 GD pre K- 168,4  4,980 0,460 K1 164,6  5,550 K2 167,2  4,970 K3 162,8  6,648 Gliben 163  6,519 GD post 1 K- 167,4 + 4,336 < 0,001* K1 159,6 ± 5,459 K2 154,2 ± 7,225 K3 147,6 ± 5,030 Gliben 131,6 ± 4,393 GD post 2 K- 159,4 ± 6,504 < 0,001* K1 149,8 ± 5,891 K2 136,4 ± 3,362 K3 119,2 ± 6,229 Gliben 107,2 ± 9,203 GD post 3 K- 151,6 ± 4,159 < 0,001* K1 139,8 ± 7,497 K2 129,2 ± 2,588 K3 113,6 ± 6,229 Gliben 101,2 ± 5,357 GD post 4 K- 141,2 ± 1,483 < 0,001* K1 129 ± 3,536 K2 117,2 ± 2,387 K3 90,6 ± 5,177 Gliben 82,2 ± 5,070 Keterangan : * Signifikan p < 0,05


Tabel Uji Post Hoc K1 K2 K3 Gliben GD post 1 K- 0,190 0,008* < 0,001* < 0,001* K1 – 0,524 0,016* < 0,001* K2 – 0,332 < 0,001* K3 – 0,001* GD post 2 K- 0,152 < 0,001* < 0,001* < 0,001* K1 – 0,022* < 0,001* < 0,001* K2 – 0,003* < 0,001* K3 – 0,047* GD post 3 K- 0,020* < 0,001* < 0,001* < 0,001* K1 – 0,041* 0,002* < 0,001* K2 – 0,002* < 0,001* K3 – 0,013* GD post 4 K- 0,001* < 0,001* < 0,001* < 0,001* B1 – 0,001* < 0,001* < 0,001* B2 – < 0,001* < 0,001* B3 – 0,018* Keterangan : * Signifikan p < 0,05




Nama : Bobby Adi Chandra

NIM : G2A007048

Tempat/tanggal lahir : Semarang/16 Oktober 1989 Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki

Alamat : Jl.Singa Tengah II no 11A, Semarang

Nomor HP : 081215151501

e-mail : bobby_adichandra89@yahoo.co.id

Riwayat Pendidikan Formal

1. SD N 04 Semarang : Lulus tahun:2001 2. SMP N 06 Semarang : Lulus tahun:2004 3. SMA N 02 Semarang : Lulus tahun:2007 4. FK UNDIP : Masuk tahun:2007


Tabel Uji Multivariat tidak berpasangan One Way ANOVA
Tabel Uji Post Hoc  K1  K2  K3  Gliben  GD post 1  K-  0,190  0,008*  &lt; 0,001*  &lt; 0,001*  K1  –  0,524  0,016*  &lt; 0,001*  K2  –  0,332  &lt; 0,001*  K3  –  0,001*  GD post 2  K-  0,152  &lt; 0,001*  &lt; 0,001*  &lt; 0,001*  K1  –  0,022*  &lt; 0,


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