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Pertemuan-3: DESAIN PENELITIAN 6-1


Academic year: 2021

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Metode Penelitian

• Prosedur penelitian urutan tugas yang harus dilakukan dalam penelitian

• Teknik penelitian  instrumen/cara apa yang digunakan dalam penelitian

• Metode penelitian  semua prosedur dan teknik yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan penelitian




Apa itu Desain Penelitian?

• Suatu rencana dan struktur penyelidikan untuk memperoleh jawaban terhadap

pertanyaan-pertanyaan penelitian

• Suatu kerangka kerja untuk menentukan

hubungan diantara variabel-variabel yang diteliti

• Suatu cetak biru (blueprint) untuk pengumpulan, pengukuran dan analisis data



Esensi dari Desain Penelitian

• Suatu rencana berdasarkan waktu dan aktivitas

• Rencana yang selalu berdasarkan pada pertanyaan penelitian

• Panduan untuk pemilihan sumber daya dan jenis-jenis informasi

• Suatu kerangka kerja untuk menentukan

hubungan-hubungan diantara variabel-variabel penelitian


8 “Descriptor” Desain Penelitian

1. Tingkat perumusan masalah

2. Metode pengumpulan data

3. Kemampuan peneliti dalam memberi pengaruh pada variabel-variabel yang diteliti

4. Tujuan penelitian

5. Dimensi waktu

6. Ruang lingkup topik – luas dan kedalaman – penelitian




1. Tingkat perumusan masalah

Studi penjajakan (exploratory study)  biasa digunakan untuk membangun suatu hipotesis atau pertanyaan untuk penelitian selanjutnya

Studi formal (formal study)  digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis atau menjawab pertanyaan penelitian



2. Metode Pengumpulan Data

Studi pengamatan (monitoring):

• Peneliti memantau kegiatan-kegiatan suatu subyek tanpa berusaha untuk mendapatkan tanggapan dari siapapun.

Survei (Communication studies):

• Peneliti mengajukan pertanyaan kepada subyek dan mengumpulkan jawabannya

melalui cara-cara personal atau nonpersonal (misal: melalui wawancara, angket dsb.)


3. Pengendalian Variabel oleh Peneliti

Eksperimen : peneliti berusaha untuk mengendalikan dan/atau memanipulasi variabel penelitian.

Ex post facto design : peneliti tidak mempunyai kendali/kontrol terhadap

variabel-variabel penelitian; mereka hanya melaporkan tentang apa yang telah terjadi.



4. Tujuan Penelitian

Studi pelaporan (Reporting study): provides summation of data, often recasting data to achieve a deeper understanding or to generate statistics for comparison

Descriptive study attempts to describe or define a subject, often by creating a profile of a group of problems, people or events, through the collection of data and tabulation of the frequencies on research variables or their interaction  finding out who, what, where, when or how

Causal study see how one variable produces changes in another

 learning why

Causal-explanatory try to explain relationship among


Causal-predictive to predict an effect on one variable by

manipulating another variable


5. The Time Dimension

Cross-sectional studies are carried out once and represent a snapshot of one point in time

Longitudinal studies are repeated over an extended period



6. The Topical Scope

Statistical studies attempt to capture a population’s characteristics by making

inferences from a sample’s characteristics

Case studies place more emphasis on a full contextual analysis of fewer events or conditions and their interrelations


7. The Research Environment

Field condition  occur under actual environmental conditions

Laboratory conditions  manipulated condition

Simulations  to replicate the essence of a system or process



8. A Participant’s Perceptions

– Usefulness of a design may be reduced when

people in the study perceive that research is being conducted

– Participants’ perceptions influence the outcomes of the research  not natural effect




• The process of collecting information to formulate or refine management, research, investigative, or a measurement questions

• Loosely structured studies that discover future research tasks, including developing concepts, establishing

priorities, developing operational definitions, and improving research design

• A phase of research project where the researcher

expands understanding of the management dilemma, look for ways others have addressed and/or solved problems similar to the management dilemma or management question, and gathers background

infromation on the topic to refine the research question


Why do Exploratory Studies?

Exploration is particularly useful when

researchers lack a clear idea of the



Exploratory Techniques (1)

1. Qualitative Techniques

– Individual depth interview – Participant observation

– Film, photograph, videotape

– Projective techniques and psychological testing – Case studies

– Elite or expert interviewing – Document analysis


1.a. Secondary Data Analysis – Books – Journals – Magazines – Newspapers – Internet – Reports – etc.

Exploratory Techniques (2)



1.b. Experience Survey

– Seeking information from person experienced in the area of study

1.c. Focus Group

− A group of people (6-10 participants), led by a trained moderator, who meet for 90 minutes to 2 hours to exchange of ideas, feelings and

experiences on specific topics


1.d. Two-Stage Design

A design in which exploration as a distinct stage precedes a descriptive or causal







Descriptive study attempts to describe or define a subject, often by creating a profile of a group of problems, people or events, through the

collection of data and tabulation of the

frequencies on research variables or their interaction  finding out who, what, where, when or how




Causal Studies (1)

• Objective: to study aspects of who, what, when, and how of a topic.

1. Causal Studies

The essential element of causation is

– A “produces” B




2. Causal Study Relationships

– How a variable influences other variables

• There are 3 posibility relationships:

(1) Symmetrical  two variables fluctuate together, but

they are not influenced each other

(2) Reciprocal  two variables interact each other

(3) Asymmetrical  Any change of a variable causes

change in other variable


1. Stimulus-Response:

A phenomenon/incident cause a respond in an object

2. Property-Disposition:

Commonly applied in business and social researchs

Exp.: The influence of age on saving behavior.

3. Disposition-Behavior:

Exp: The relationship about opinion of a brand and purchasing brand itself

4. Property-Behavior:

Exp: The relationship about age and participation in sport

Types of Asymmetrical Relationships






Case - Group Discussion

Use the eight design descriptors to

profile the research in case of Cheskin

Knows Teens.




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