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Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(1) The results obtained from using performance measurement are worth more than the resources expended to obtain the performance measurements.


(2) I have a positive view of the results generated from the use of performance measurement in my library administrative unit.Response) (3)The results obtained from the use of performance measurement system(s) provide stakeholders with an accurate account of the overall quality of library service.Response)

(4) The results from using performance measurement system(s) effectively report the total organizational impact of the library.Response)

(5)Performance measurement is one of the top five priorities for my library administrative unit.Response)

(6) The library administrative unit would no longer use performance measurement if it were no longer required by government agencies to receive financial resources.Response)

(7)In the reality of my library administrative unit, the focus of performance measurement is to just complete it; not to focus on how well it gets completed or how the results will be used.Response)

(8) In my library administrative unit, conducting effective performance measurement undermines the library’s ability to provide effective service.


(9) The overall ‘‘community good’’ that the library administrative unit provides out weighs any need of Help!! accounting for resources.

Response) Section # 2 Contd.


Agreement Level Lowest Agreemento- - - -4Highest Agreement Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(10)Most library administrators agree on the type of performance measures to be used to report service quality.Response)

(11)Most library administrators lack an understanding of how to interpret performance measurement results.Response)

(12)The precision of performance measurement in our library administrative unit lends credibility to library administrators’ decision making.Response)

(13)Performance measurement has greatly improved the library’s abilities to provide quality service.Response)

(14)Florida’s State Aid to libraries should be dispersed to library systems based solely on a competitive comparison of performance measurements to be determined by the Legislature.Response)

(15)An annual weeklong workshop on performance measurement should be required of all Florida public library administrators.Response)

Section # 3

Performance Measurement Resources (Three Questions)

This section of the study will collect data on the resources allocated to performance measurement within the library administrative unit. Help!!

(16)Please estimate the overall percentage of the total paid staff time in the administrative unit dedicated solely to performance measurement in an average year. Please round to the nearest whole number. Please select one option and record the option number in the box below.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

Less than 1% 1–5% 6–10% More than 10% Response) (17)What was the total overall percentage of the budget dedicated to conducting performance measurement last year in the library administrative unit? Please select one option and record the option number in the response box below.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Response) Less than 1% 1–5% 6–10% More than 10%

(18)What percentage of total training time provided to staff members in the past year dealt specifically with using performance measurement? Please select one option and record the response in the box below.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option # Less than 1% 1–5% 6–10% More than 10% Response) Section # 4

Performance Measures Usage Nine Questions

This section will obtain information on how and what performance measures are used for in your library administrative unit.

(19)Performance measurements collected for evaluating customer service are conducted how often?

Please select one option and record the response in the box below.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5

Daily Weekly Yearly As required only Never


(20)Performance measurements collected for evaluating technology are conducted how often? Please select one option and record the response in the box below.


Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5

Daily Weekly Yearly As required only Never


(21)What types of performance measurement are currently being used in your library administrative unit? Please record an ‘‘X’’ in each response box that applies. For each type of measurement used, please indicate the year the measurement was first implemented. If the implementation date is not known, please leave blank.

Used Date

____NonElectronic Output Measures ____Electronic Output Measures

____United Way Outcomes Measurements

____Quality Management Measurements (i.e. TQM) for definitions ____Sterling Measurements or examples, click

____Six Sigma the online

____Performance-Based Budgeting Measurements assistance link ____Balanced Score Card (BSC) below.

____Other Methods

If you use performance measures other than those listed above, please describe them in the boxes below. If you do not use any other performance measurement methods, skip to theQuestion 22.

Type of Measurement(s):

(1) (2) (3)

How are measurements used?

(1) (2) (3)

When was this type of measurement implemented?

(1) (2) (3)

Question 21 Contd.

Why were these types of measurement implemented?

(1) (2) (3)

(22)Excluding the State Library of Florida, who receives performance measurement data from your library administrative unit at least annually?

Please record an ‘‘X’’ in each response box that applies.

Department of Education (State or Federal)Response)____

Friends/Trustees/Volunteers of the library Response)____

Library Associations (State or National) for definitions Response)____

Library Multitype Cooperatives or examples,Response)____

Local Community Groups click theResponse)____

Local Government Officials onlineResponse)____

Local Media assistanceResponse)____

Local School Officials below.Response)____

Program Collaborators/PartnersResponse)____

Staff (Library) Response)____


Others (If used, name of Others)4Response)____

(23)Who regularly participates in the actual performance measurement process in your library? Place an ‘‘X’’ in the Participates Column Box for each type of person/group who participates in performance measurement in your library administrative unit. Select all that apply.

Participates in Performance Measurement Director/Assistant Director ____

Head of Information Sys/Technology ____

Branch Manager/Department Head ____

Front Line Staff ____

Library Users ____

Friends Groups/Volunteers/Trustees ____

Library Advisory Board ____

Local Government Officials ____

Local Media/Community Groups ____

Outside Consultants ____

Public Relations (PR) Staff Member ____

(Specially trained and dedicated to PR only) Performance Measurement (PM) Staff Member ____

(Specially trained and dedicated to PM only) Other (Please specify): ____

Reporting Performance Results

(24)Do you use performance measures to perform the following evaluation actions in your library administrative unit? If the type of performance measurement is used, select the evaluative action that it is primarily used for listed below. Select only one for each evaluative action. If the type of


performance measurement is not used, place an ‘‘X’’ in the ‘‘Not Applicable’’ box for each type of performance measurement.

Reporting Efficiency/Effectiveness ____

Reporting Service Impacts ____

Not Applicable ____

NonElectronic Output Measures ____

Electronic Output Measures ____

United Way Outcomes ____

Quality/Process Management Measurements ____

Reporting Efficiency/Effectiveness ____

Reporting Service Impacts ____

Not Applicable ____

Sterling Measurements ____

Six Sigma ____

Pay for Performance ____

Balanced Score Card (BSC) ____

Other Methods ____

(25)The governing body of the library administrative unit primarily requests what type of evidence to demonstrate service effectiveness? Circle the appropriate response.

Option # Response

(1) Cost-benefit analysis (2) Efficiency scores (3) Process review (4) Outcomes/Impact (5) Other (6) None

(26)The patrons of the library administrative unit primarily request what type of evidence to demonstrate service effectiveness? Circle the appropriate response.

Option # Response

(1) Cost-benefit analysis (2) Efficiency scores (3) Process review (4) Outcomes/Impact (5) Other (6) None

(27)The library administrative unit primarily requests what type of evidence from service partners to demonstrate service effectiveness?

Option # Response

(1) Cost-benefit analysis (2) Efficiency scores (3) Process review (4) Outcomes/Impact (5) Other (6) None

Section 5

Performance Measurement Impact Five Questions

This section will obtain information on the impact of performance measures usage in your library administrative unit.

(28) Making a Difference with Performance Measurement

In theory, performance measures are utilized in order to improve the library administrators’ ability to improve and report the quality of service in their administrative unit. In order to determine whether this is true, please indicate below how each type of performance measurement has impacted the quality of service provided by your library administrative unit. If your library administrative unit does not use a particular type of performance measurement, select the choice ‘‘N/A’’ (Not Applicable). Place an ‘‘X’’ in the appropriate box below.

N/A Very


Somewhat negative

No difference


Somewhat positive

Very positive

Non-Electronic Output Measures Electronic Output Measures United Way Outcomes Measurements Quality Management Measurements Sterling Measurements Six Sigma Performance- Based Budgeting Measurements Balanced Score Card (BSC) Other Methods


(29)What type of performance measurement would you use to respond most effectively to requests from your governing body to demonstrate accountability or effectiveness for each of the following quality or service criteria? Please select one option (from the list below) for each quality or service criteria and record the option number in the appropriate response box to the right of each question.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Outputs Cost-effectiveness Customer Outcomes New measure

Satisfaction Assessment Needed Option #

(a) Overall Service Quality Response______

(b) Overall Customer Service RatingResponse______

(c) Availability of InformationResponse______

(d) Effective Resource UsageResponse______

(e) Access to InformationResponse______

(f) Effectiveness of TechnologyResponse______

(g) Community Impact Response______

(h) Human Resource DevelopmentResponse______

(i) Quality of Information ProvidedResponse______

(30)What type(s) of performance measurements will your library administrative unit be using in three years?Why?Reply below.

(31)Please describe any negative impacts from the use of performance measurement on your library administrative unit in the box below. Please list all of the negative impacts that apply in your library administrative unit.

If there are no negative impacts, please state this.

(32)Please describe any positive impacts from the use of performance measurement on your library administrative unit in the box below. Please list all of the positive impacts that apply in your library administrative unit.

If there are no positive impacts, please state this.

(33)How would you respond to the following statement:

‘‘Everyone knows that libraries are a good thing for the community. We also know that the total operating budget of the library administrative unit is a small percentage of the overall governing body operating budget. So, why should anyone really care about performance measurement in public libraries?’’Do you agree with these statements? Please explain your response.

Thank you for completing this survey. Your effort is appreciated

The survey needs to be completed and returned to Larry White on/before October 10, 2001. Participants are encouraged to return the survey (via e-mail when possible) using the addresses below:E-mail: white_l@firn.edu Standard Mailing: Attn: Larry White or cinfo@orgdoctors.com6284 Crestwood Drive Tallahassee, FL 32311.