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The Procedure of Context Clues Strategy


6) The Procedure of Context Clues Strategy

The are some procedure of context clues based on Gebhard and Thornbury, followed:

a) The writer gave a text based on the topic in the book.

b) The writer asked the students to read through the text once and circled the unfamiliar words without looking the meaning in the dictionary.

c) The writer asked the students to decide the part of speech of the unfamiliar words and looked for further clues word's immediate collocates, if it was a noun, did it have an article and if it was a verb did it have an object?

d) The writer asked students to look at the wider context clues, such as synonym, antonym, example, and punctuation which

were usually preceded or followed by signposting words, such as, but, and, or, for example.

e) The writer asked students to make a guess to the meaning of the unfamiliar words.

f) The students were given vocabulary exercise related to the context clues test.

g) The writer confirmed and discussed the correct answer together with the students.33

7) Indicator of Using Synoym and Antonym Context Clues Strategy

There are some indicator of context clues strategy that should be followed, they are:

1. Students are able to answer some sorts or reading comprehensionin multiple choice, such as determining main idea, inference, and finding the detail information.

2. Students are able build on the new vocabulary 3. Students are able decide how to pronounce word.

At last, the conducting of context clues strategy at SMA Purnama Trimurjo is based upon the consideration that the students has a diffculty in comprehending the text, because of unfamiliar words on the text. The students need a good strategy to improve the student‟s reading comprehension ability. So, here the researcher

33 Nurul Fitriyah Almunawaroh,Teaching Vocabulary

tried to use context clues strategy to help the students to improve the student‟s reading comprehension ability.

B. Action Hypothesis

Based on the frame of theories and assumption above, the researcher formulates the hypothesis is as follow “using synonym and antonym context clues strategy can improve reading comprehension ability of the tenth grade students of SMA Purnama Trimurjo Central Lampung.”


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Variable And The Operational Definitions of Variables

Operational definition is the definition which based on characteristic of things that will be defined, observed, and measured. Furthermore, Creswell stated that “A variable refers to a characteristic or attribute of an individual or an organization that can be measured or observed and that varies among the people or organization being studied”. 34

Based on the quotations above, it can be inferred that the operational definition of variable is the indication of how to measure the variable.

Furthermore, the following of the operational definitions of variable as follows:

1. Independent Variable

The independent variable is the variable that causes, influences, or influences the outcome. It is also called a treatment, manipulation, or predictor variable. It can be said that the independent variable where the measuring process affects student outcomes. The researcher used the class room action research, which pre-test and post-test design. In this design, the pre-test and post-test intended to investigate whether using synonym and antonym context clue.

The independent variable (X) of this study is a synonym and antonym context clue one effective strategy to motivate students' reading

34 Creswell, W John, Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. (Sage Publications, London, 2002), p.93


comprehension ability. There are several indicators of context clues, namely:

a. Students are able build on the new vocabulary b. Students are able decide how to pronounce word.

Which used of using the context hints of synonym and antonym students will be more excited and interest in the learning process, but there were interactions between students and teacher, so students will be more active in communication..

2. Dependent variable

Dependent variable was variable that dependent on the independent variable. It was the results of the influence of the independent variable. In this case dependent variable (Y) is English reading comprehension ability.

The indicator of this variable are:

a. Be able to understand the text.

b. Be able known detail and specific information of the text.

c. Be able understand structure of th text and answering the questions well.

In this research the students can identify and analyze the reading material. This variable can be measured by using test especially the type of multiple choice test. The test consists of 25 questions that have four options;

A, B, C , and D. The students will get one score if they answer the question correctly and they get zero for wrong answer. The tst will be given two times, that are before the treatment or called as pre-test and after treatment or called post-test.

B. Setting of the Study

This research conducted at the tenth grade of SMA Purnama Trimurjo Central Lampung. Total of the students from the tenth up to twelfth graders are 106 students and total of the teachers were 29. This research is about improving the students‟ reading comprehension by using synonym and antonym context clues strategy at the tenth grade of SMA Purnama Trimurjo.

Actually, there are sixs classes for the tenth graders of IPA and IPS.

However, the researcher will choose the tenth grader of IPA and IPS. The total students were 29 students because their reading comprehension is low.

This is based on the result of pre-survey at the tenth grade of SMA Purnama Trimurjo Central Lampung.

C. Subject of the Study

Subject of the study in this research is the students of tenth grade IPA and IPS SMA Purnama Trimurjo. The data can be seen below:

Tabel 4

Data of the Subject of the Research No Class

Sex Total

Male Female

1 X IPA 4 9 13 Students

2 X IPS 12 4 16 Students

D. Object of Study

The object of the study is the use of synonym and antonym context clue to improve reading comprehension ability at the tenth grade of SMA Purnama

Trimurjo Central Lampung. The classroom action research was conducted in class X IPA and IPS which consists of 29 students. The researcher chose X class, because the students have the lowest English reading comprehension ability than other class, especially in vocabulary mastery.

E. Action Plan (Classroom Action Research)

In this chapter, the researcher told a brief history of classroom action research. As the focus on my research is how the researcher synonym and antonym context clues strategy to improve students‟ reading comprehension ability.

Action research is a term which refers to a practical way of looking at your own work to check that it is as you would like it to be.35 Furthermore, Elliott states action research is about improving practice rather than producing knowledge.36 It can be inferred that classroom action research is the inquiry toward the problems faced in learning activity by conducting an action to improve the quality of process and the result of learning process.

Furthermore, McNiff suggests that action research was conducted with critical partner.37 It means the researcher would conduct the research together with friend.

In this research, the researcher will conduct in 2 cycles. If the first cycle is failed, it will be continued in the second cycle. It will conduct until there is

35 Jean McNiff, Action Research for Professional Development: Concise advice for new and experienced action researchers. (UK, Dorset: September Books, 2010), p. 8.

36 Jean, McNiff, et.al.You and Your Action Research Project, (USA and Canada: Taylor &

Francis e-Library, 2002). p. 10.

37 Jean McNiff and Jack Whitehead, Action Research: Principles and Practice, (London and New York: Routledge Falmer, 2002), p. 15

an improving on the students‟ reading comprehension ability. There are four steps in each cycle which have relationship one another, they are: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Those steps can be illustrated as follow:

Figure 1

Spiral Classroom Action Research

From the illustrated above, the explanations about four steps of action research procedure were conducted in each cycle:

1. Cycle 1 a. Planning

Planning is the first of classroom action research. It is prepared before do the action. In this step, the writer explains about what, why,

The Preparation of Study









when, where, who, and how the action is conducted. In this research, the writer conducted some plans, namely:

1) The researcher identifies the problems and finds the problem solving.

2) The researcher preparing English subject lesson plan.

3) The researcher preparing materials and media of learning.

4) The researcher making observation sheets and list of students‟ name.

5) Making work sheets and answer sheets which will be learned by the student.

6) Making test which used in pre-test and post-test.

b. Acting

Acting is the second step of this classroom action research. After fininshing the planning, the learning process will be done at the tenth grade oof SMA purnama Trimurjo Central Lampung. In this action, the researcher did pre-test, treatment and post-test to the students. This action conducted in some meetings. . In this step the written act as follows:

1. The researcher applies the lesson plan.

2. The researcher explains teaching of reading comprehension by using synonym and antonym context clue.

3. The researcher did treatment by using synonym and antonym context clue strategy to explain the material about explanation text.

4. The researcher explains the advantages of using synonym and antonym context clue strategy to improve reading comprehension.

5. The researcher teach using and antonymsynonym context clue.

c. Observing

In this step, the researcher observes the process of teaching learning by using synonym and antonym context clue format observation. The impotant things in process of teaching learning are noted by researcher.

d. Reflecting

Reflecting is the last step in this research. The researcher analyzes and discusses the result of observation during teaching learning process, such as the weakness and the strength of the action in this step. The researcher uses the data from evaluation to make improvement for the second cycle, the researcher decides that the cycle focus on the weakness in this cycle.

2. Cycle 2

In this cycle, what the researcher does is as same as with the first cycle if the aim is to repeat the success in this cycle before or to make the result of the cycle first stronger but, generally what the researcher does in the second cycle has some addition to improve the result of this first cycle

and make it better. Here, the researcher would compare the score of pre- test and post-test in reflecting. The researcher reviews and reflects on the activities of students and teacher performance whether it is positive or negative, the second cycle is enough or need the next cycle to get the best result.

F. Data Collection Technique

In this research, the researcher would collect the data by using test, documentation, and observationas follows:

1. Test

Test is a way which is used to measure a person‟s ability or knowledge in a given domain. 38 in this research the researcher will use the test to know the students‟ English ability especially reading comprehension.There two kinds of test was given to students. They are pre test and post test.

a) Pre-test

The researcher was given pre test to students before the students get more explanation about synonym and antonym cotext clue to improve reading comprehension ability. Pre test is the first activity before the researcher given treatment and post test. The purpose of pre test is to know how far students comprehend about reading comprehension. The result of students‟ in pre test will be reference for researcher conducted her research.

38H, Brown, Doughlas, Op. Cit., p.384

b) Post-test

Post test give to the students after researcher conducted the treatment. It was to know improve reading comprehension ability by using synonym and antonym context clue after they were given treatment. The researcher gave a post test to the students to proper reading comprehension ability by using synonym and antonym context clue. It is to know the result of students‟ achievement.

2. Observation

Observation is particular events in a class (or category) and on the basis of the observed event, made inference about the whole class. The researcher observed three objects in the school. There are place, people, and activity. This research was conducted at the tenth grade of SMA Purnama trimurjo as the place of observation. Students in x class in SMAPurnama trimurjo who consist 29 students in the tenth grade as the participant. The activity in this research is to know result of students‟

achievement that has been save in school documentation.

3. Documentation

Documentation is the method which is used to get information from the written source or document. The researcher was known information and data of school such as history of school, total students and teachers and condition of the school.

4. Fieldnote

In order to record the student‟s activity in teaching and and learning process using synonym context clue strategy the writer will use fieldnote.

In this case the researcher take a note the students‟ activity and participation in teaching and learning process.

G. Research Instrument

An instrument is a tool used to collect data. It means that instrument is a tool that used by reseacher to collect data completely and systematically.

The instrumentswere used to measure the students reading comprehension was test. The researcher used some type pre-test and post-test instrument in this research. Pre-test instrument as different with post-test instruments, but have the same difficulty level. The researcher used individual test. In this research, the researcher asks students to match question and answer.

H. Data Analysis Technique

Data analysis was conducted by taking the average score of the pre test and post test. It is to know comparison score between pre test and post test.

So, to analyze the result of the research, the researcher would apply the formula as the follows:

1. Average score MX =∑X n Note :

Mx = Average score

∑X = Total score of follow the test

n = Number of cases.39

2. The percentage of the students who pass the minimum standard criteria The formulas are:

P = F x 100%

N Note :

P = Class Percentage F = Frequency

N =Number of students.40

Furthermore, the researcher will compare between pre test and post test. Then, the result is matched by Minimum Standard Criteria at the school at least 70. If the from cycle 1, there are some students are not sucessful so the researcher will conducted cycle 2. The minimum cycle in clasroom action research was two cycle. So, if in cycle two all of students are sucessful. It is not continue to other cycle.

I. Indicator of Success

The indicator of the success was taken from the process and the result of the action research. This research would be called success if 70% of students got score 70. In addition, there was improvement both of in the learning process and in the learning result.

39Donald Ary, Introduction to Research in Education,(USA:Wadsworth,2010),p.108.

40Yogesh Kumar Singh, Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics, (New Delhi, New Age International, 2006),p.278.



In this chapter the researcher would like to present the result of the research it involves the result of the research and interpretation which had been carried out by the researcher at SMA Purnana Trimurjo particularly at the tenth grade students of SMA Purnama Trimurjo Central Lampung.

1. Description of Research Location a. History of SMA Purnama Trimurjo

SMA Purnama Trimurjo was founded on November 14, 1986 by Purnama Education Foundation (YPP) Trimurjo District Central Lampung. Purnama Education Foundation is a foundation which is engaged specifically in education. Institution establishedby YPP is Purnama Kindergarten, Middle School First, High School.

The establishment of Trimurjo Purnama High School is the result board of directors of full education foundation consultations. YPP Management at that time were:

- Mentor : Suyadi

- Chairman I : R. Atmo Suwignyo - Chairman II : N. Budi Utoyo - Treasurer : Karan

- Member : Suwondo and Misadi

As for the consideration being the establishment of SMA Purnama Trimurjo Central Lampung are:


1. SMA Purnama Trimurjo at that time only existed in city areas, whereas Notoharjo village and its surroundings are quite far from urban areas.

2. There are still many junior high school graduates who have not been able to continue tohigher schools in the city, while residents of the society has realized the importance of education for the futurenation.

In addition, SMAPurnama Trimurjo have guided by follows:

1. Drs. Heri Suncoyo ( in the period of 1986-1997) 2. Bapak Djumingan ( in the period of 1998-2004) 3. Drs. Suparman ( in the period of 2005-2011) 4. Drs. Widodo (in the period of 2012- Now) b. Vision and Mission of SMA Purnama Trimurjo

1. Vision of School

Achievers in competing based on Faith andpiety. there are Indicator of vision such as:

a. Achievement in increasing the value of UN

b. Achievement in order to continue more educational levelshigh.

c. Achievement in extracurricular activities.

d. Achievement in religious activities and social activities.

2. Mission of School

a. Increasing community participation so that it is able support the school program.

b. Complementing the supporting facilities for learning activities insufficient.

c. Promoting the spirit of achievement through out the community school.

d. Increasing the professionalism of teachers so they are able support the school program.

c. Quantity Students of SMA Purnama Trimurjo

The quantities of sudents at SMA Purnama Trimurjo that can be identified as follows:

Table 5

Total of students at SMA Purnama Trimurjo Central Lampung

No Class Sex Amount

Male Female

1. IPA X 4 9 13

2. IPS X 12 4 16

3. IPA XI 7 6 13

4. IPS XI 9 4 13

5. IPA XII 20 8 28

6. IPS XII 12 11 23

Total 64 42 106

d. The Condition of Teacher and Official Employers at SMA Purnama Trimurjo

Condition of the teacher and official at SMA Purnama Trimurjo, the numbers of teacher and official employers in SMA Purnama Trimurjo Central Lampung are that can be identified as follows:

Table 6

Condition of the Teacher and Official at SMA Purnama Trimurjo

No Name Sex Occupation

1 Drs. Widodo Male Principal

2 Drs. Iswadi Male English teacher

3 Drs. Suparman Male Curiculum

4 Drs. Jarot Puruhito Male Public relation teacher

5 Drs. Juheryanto Male Teacher

6 Suradi, S.Pd Male Mathematics Teacher

7 Sri Winarni, S.T Female Physics Teacher 8 Dewi Eliyani, S.E Female Economic teacher 9 V. Lulus Adi Paromo Male Administration 10 Wiwik Widyawati, S.Pd.I Female IPA teacher 11 Zuli kurnia Fitriani, S.Pd Female Culture Teacher 12 Luci Ariyani, S.Pd Female Culture Teacher

13 Heri Handoko, S.IP Male Teacher/ committe 14 Ricci Feriyana, A.Md Female Power of administration 15 Anang Mustofa, S.Pd Male Teacher fysyk

16 Agus Suseno, S.T Male Physics teacher 17 Lismawati, S.Pd.I Female PAI Teacher 18 Sukarni, A.Md Female Indonesian teacher 19 Purwaningsih, S.Pd Female Teacher

20 Ikin sodikin, S. Pd Male English teacher 21 Kiki rohani, A.Md Male Teacher 22 Evi yuliani, S. Pd Female Teacher 23 Wilis nurati, S. Pd Female Arabic teacher 24 y. fajar, S. Pd Male Mathematics Teacher 25 Tri teguh gunawan Male IPA Teacher

26 Agus hartono,A. Md Male Information system 27 Pandu Pinuju widodo,S.Pd Male History teacher

28 M chairul anam Male IPA Teacher

29 Rio nhaldo Japutra Male Teacher

Sources : Documentation in SMA Purnama Trimurjo Central Lampung e. The ConditionBuilding of SMA Purnama Trimurjo

The condition of facilities in SMA Purnama Trimurjo Central Lampung that can be seen on the table below:

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