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The Concept of Choral Reading Method


B. The Concept of Choral Reading Method

c. The Measurement of Reading Comprehension

There are some criteria commonly use in measuring students’

reading comprehension ability, these are:28 1) Main idea (topic)

2) Expression/idioms/phrases in context 3) Inference (implied detail)

4) Grammatical features

5) Detail (scanning for a specifically stated detail) 6) Excluding facts not written (unstated detail) 7) Supporting ideas

8) Vocabulary in context.

B. The Concept of Choral Reading Method

read English. In the other word, choral reading improves oral reading fluency for the specific text being read. As a result, students comperhend those pages more fully and gain deeper concepts from the text.30

Choral reading is well suited for short story, poetry, rhymes, and dialogues. Choral reading give students the opportunity to try out language. This practice also helps students improve their sight vocabulary and develop oral language skills.31 In the other hand, Wood states that choral reading can be an enjoyable and engaging method to employ. Having students read at significant point in a selection can increase suspense or express an emotional reaction intended by the author.32

Based on state above, the writer concludes that Choral reading is reading together by a group of students. In this method there is a leader that will be guided to read the text. The leader reads loudly and the other students will follow the leader.

2. The Benefit of Choral Reading Method

The benefit of choral reading method According to McCormack and Pasquarelli is when children are choral reading a 200-word passage, every student gets the same a mouth of practice. The students are not listening or scrutinizing each other. If the student makes an

30Allan Wigfield, etc, Motivating Reading Comperhension Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction, (London: LEA publisher) p. 201

31 Judie Haynes, Getting Started with English Language Learners, (USA: ASCD, 2007), P. 83

32 Barbara J. Wendling and Nancy Mather, Essentials of Evidence, p. 38

error reading, no one really knows. Choral reading is also an excellent method to build prosody. As students listen each other, those students have natural expression and phrasing will model those characteristics of the others.33

Based on statement above, it can be conclude that choral reading can make the students more active in reading because they read aloud with their friends. It can help students to practice their reading comprehension with expression. By choral reading method, the students will enjoy study English especially reading.

3. The Procedure of Using Choral Reading Method

In choral reading, students read a designated passage aloud. The leader is usually the teacher or another model reader. First, the teacher or model reader previews a passage for the students, and they all make predictions about what the passage will be about. Then the teacher reads the passage aloud—first by herself, then with the students joining in. Next the teacher fades her voice and allows the students to take the lead reading the passage aloud. The last, the students were asked to retell the text and answer comperhension question.

During this exercise, students should read as quickly as possible as a group without speed-reading. If there is time available, the teacher should select pairs of students to read the passage again. Again, it is important that teachers ensure that English language learners have

33 Rachel L. McCormack and Susan Lee Pasquarelli, Teaching Reading, p. 57

adequate background knowledge and vocabulary knowledge for the passages they are reading. Also, many English language learners are sensitive about reading aloud because of their pronunciation and difficulties with English.34

4. Common Elements in Choral Reading Method

a. Students listen to text as they follow along with the book.

b. Students follow along with the print using their fi ngers as guides.

c. Reading materials can be used that students would be unable to read independently.

d. Procedures are done 10 to 15 minutes daily.

e. More advanced readers provide feedback and assistance.

f. Comprehension activities can be added before and after reading.35 5. The advantage and disadvantage of Choral Reading Method

a. The Advantage of Choral Reading Method 1) Helping students learn to decode.

2) Developing effective and fluent read aloud skill.

3) Improving sight vocabulary.

4) Helping students learn to pronounce new word by hearing others reading aloud at the same time.

5) Helping students understand rhythm, meter, patterns, rhymes and characters.

6) Demonstrates the importance of oral tradition.36

34 Sylvia Linan-Thompson and Sharon Vaughn, Research-Based Methods of Reading, p.


35 Barbara J. Wendling and Nancy Mather, Essentials of Evidence, p.61

b. The disadvantage of Choral Reading Method

1) The teacher cannot observe the students one by one.

2) No one really knows if the student makes an error reading.37

C. Theoretical Framework and Paradigm 1. Theoretical Framework

Reading comprehension ability is ability to know how far the knowledge about the text after reading. Comprehension is the key for students to understanding the content of text. If they have good comprehension, they will easier to know the meaning of the text.

Choral reading method can help students to develop the students’ reading comprehension more effectively. Giving the students text and asking them to read loudly together can attract the students’ attention more than normal reading. Reading with expression will help students more understanding the text. It is also interesting for the students because they not read alone.

In the other word, choral reading method improves oral reading fluency for the specific text being read. As a result, students comperhend those pages more fully and gain deeper concepts from the text.38 So that, with such advantages will give the positive influence also.

36 Ibid.,

37 Rachel L. McCormack and Susan Lee Pasquarelli, Teaching Reading, p. 57

38Allan Wigfield, etc, Motivating Reading p. 201

A researcher must have a theoretical framework as a concept for basic in research. Theoretical framework is foundation concept that support relationship two or more variable. Therefore, if the choral reading method is applied perfectly, the students’ reading comprehension ability will be good and if the choral reading method is not applied perfectly, the students’ reading comprehension will be bad.

2. Paradigm

Based on the theoretical framework above, the writer describes the paradigm as follows:

Based on paradigm above, A researcher must have a theoretical framework as a concept for basic in research. Theoretical framework is foundation concept that support relationship two or more variable. Therefore, if the choral reading method is applied perfectly, the students’ reading comprehension ability will be good

Choral Reading


Reading Comprehension


Good Fair Bad


and if the choral reading method is not applied perfectly, the students’

reading comprehension will be bad.

D. Hypothesis Formulation

Based on theoretical framework and paradigm above, the writer formulates the hypothesis as follows:

1. Hypothesis Formulation

a. Alternative hypothesis (Ha)

Ha: there is a positive and significant influence of choral reading method toward students’ reading comprehension ability at the seventh grade of SMPN 3 Batanghari.

b. Null hypothesis (Ho)

Ho: there is no a positive and significant influence of choral reading method toward students’ reading comprehension ability at the seventh grade of SMPN 3 Batanghari.

2. Statistical Hypothesis

IF: Fo > Ft, Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected.

IF: Fo< Ft, Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted.


A. Research Design

In this research the researcher applied quantitative research. Creswell states that “quantitative research is an approach for testing objective theories by examining the relationship among variables. These variables, in turn, can be measured, typically on instruments, so that numbered data can be analyzed using statistical procedur.”39 Then, according to Donald Ary et.al quantitative research is the process trough which observasions are translated into numbers..40 One aim of quantitative research is to obtain greater understanding of relationship among variables in population.41 So, it can conclude that quantitative research is an approach for identifying the relationship variables of research by using statistic procedure.

The researcher used one class in this research as an experimental special treatment through Choral Reading Method. The researcher gave assignment like a passage and then students used choral reading method to know the information. So, it was to identify the influence of Choral reading method through reading comprehension ability at the seventh grade of SMPN 3 Batanghari. In this research the researcher used special treatment that is teaching reading by using choral reading method. The researcher gave the test

39 John W. Creswell,Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and mixed Methods Approaches,Second Edition, (London: SAGE Publications, 2003), p. 4.

40 Donald Ary, et.al, Introduction to Research in Education, (Canada: Wadsworth, 2006),p. 101

41 Ibid, p. 199

two times. These were pre-test and post-test which was do before and after treatment to compare the effect from giving the treatment.

This research conducted at the seventh grade of SMPN 3 Batanghari in academic year 2017/2018.

B. Operational Definition of Variables

Variable is the condition or characteristics when experiment can manipulation, control or observation. Variable in this research are choral reading method and reading comprehension ability. Based on the statement above, the operational defines as follows:

1. Independent Variable

Independent variable is one or more group receive the experimental manipulation, or treatment from the researcher. It is the variable which is selected, manipulated and measured by the research. Independent of this research is choral reading method.

By knowing independent variable, the measurements of implementing Choral reading method in reading comprehension ability are:

a. Being able to find main idea and detail information from answering.

b. The students could read aloud the text correctly.

c. The students could apply choral reading method to the reading comprehension ability the texts.

Moreover, based on the explanation above, the researcher use indicator as follow:

a. The teacher or model reader previewed a passage for the students, and they all make predictions about what the passage will be about.

b. The teacher read the passage aloud—first by herself, then with the students joining in.

c. The teacher faded her voice and allows the students to take the lead reading the passage aloud.

d. During this exercise, students could read as quickly as possible as a group without speed-reading.

e. The teacher could select pairs of students to read the passage again.

In this research, the researcher used Choral Reading Method to observe the students’ reading comprehension ability in the seventh grade of SMPN 3 Batanghari. In addition, the researcher collected the data by using essay test. This test is also to know as far as possible in students’

comprehending ability.

2. Dependent Variable

Dependent variable is the variable which is observed and measured to determine the effect of independent variable. Dependent variable of this research is reading comprehension ability. It is can be defined as knowledge in identification the text that students have been read. This variable was measured by giving written test. The criteria of measurement the dependent variable are:

a. Be able to find the main idea from the text.

b. Be able to find the supporting idea.

c. Be able to know detail information.

Moreover, based on the explanation above that is indicator a good category in reading comprehension are:

a. The students could find out the main idea of the reading comprehension text well.

b. Students could comprehending and identify sentence by sentence of the text.

c. The students cuold get the message from the text, includes main idea and specific information.

C. Population, Sample and Sampling Technique 1. Population

According to Donal Ary e.al population is defined as all members of any well-defined class of people, events or subject.42 Marczyk et.al defines population is “all individuals of interest to the researcher”.43 So, populations is all members that will be observed. The population of this research were the students of the seventh grade of SMPN 1 Batanghari that consist 134 students who are devided into seven classes.

42 Ibid, p.148

43Geoffrey Marczk, et.al., Essensial of Research Design and Methodology, (New Jersey:

John Willey & Sons, Inc, 2005), p. 18

2. Sample

According to Marczyk et.al, Sample is representative of population.44 Then, Donal Ary states that sample is portion of population.45 So, Sample is the small group of population that will be researched. It means that the sample of this research was the part of number of the seventh grader at SMPN 3 Batanghari. The sample of this research as respondent was VII.5 that consists of 20 students.

3. Sampling technique

In getting the sample of the research, the researcher used purposive cluster sampling technique. It means that the researcher had to purpose a class depend on some goals. The researcher took one class from all of seventh class to become respondent of this research. Then, VII.5 was choosen.

D. Data Collecting Technique

In collecting data, the researcher uses the following procedures which can be described as follows:

1. Test

The test is using to know the score of the students reading comprehension ability. In that test, the researcher did pre-test and post- test. The researcher gave the text and the students can find out the information by using choral reading method. The purpose of test of this

44 Ibid, p. 200

45 Donald Ary, et.al, Introduction to Research, p. 148

research is to know the effect of using choral reading method toward students’ reading comprehension ability. The type of this test was written test that consist of 10 questions. The score of each number of the questions is 10. So, If the students can answer all of the question correctly, they will get 100 score. Then, if the students answer the question incorrectly they will get 0 score. The time of the test is 45 minutes.

a. Pre-test

The researcher gave pre-test to the students to get their reading comprehension ability before treatment. The purpose of the pre-test was to know how far the students’ reading comprehension ability.

b. Post-post

The post-test conducted after giving the treatment. It was to find out whether there is significant different between pre-test and post- test.

2. Observation

The researcher applied the document to collect the data.

Documentation is a way to get the data from the written language,. That was including the relevant book, the rules, report activity, photos, score of students’ reading test at the seventh grade of SMPN 3 Batanghari and the data which was relevant to help observation.

3. Documentation

The researcher used observation method to get the complete data about the profile of the school, the condition of the school, teachers and the students, and the facilities in SMPN 3 Batanghari. Observation also was used to get information from relatively source of the students at the seventh grade of SMPN 1 Batanghari.

E. Research Instrument

Instrument is the tools used by the researcher to collect data. There were 4 kinds of instrument, these were observation guidance, documentation guidance, instrument blueprint and instrument calibration. The research instrument in this research was described as follow:

1. Observation Guidance

The implementation of Choral Reading Method

The instrument which was used in this research was giving the descriptive text to the students. The researcher explained more about how to understand the text by using choral reading method. The exercise designed for the students is by giving the descriptive text then the students read it by choral reading method. After that, the students answered the question based on the text.

2. Documentation Guidance a. The condition of the school.

b. The condition of teacher, employers, and students.

c. The history of the school.

d. The location of SMPN 3 Batanghari.

e. The pictures during the teaching learing.

3. Instrument Blueprint

Instrument blueprint is the way to get the data that will useful for the researcher to collage information from the field. The instrument included the test. The kind of the test was written test. The researcher used English text to be research instrument. The instrument used to measure the students’ reading comprehension ability as bellow:

Table 3

The Instrument Blueprint of Pre-Test and Post-Test

Indicators Test form

No items Score Total Item 1. Be able to find main idea

from the text.

2. Be able to know inference the text.

3. Be able to know the grammatical features of the text.

4. Be able to find the supporting idea.

5. Be able to know detail information.

Written test

4, 5 1, 9 2,7

8,10 3,6

10 10 10

10 10


4. Instrument Calibration

Instrument calibration is scale of measurement which will be used to screening or examination of instrument items that made by researcher.

The researcher used objective test. The researcher composed the instrument based on the subject matter content which will be researched.

The instrument that was composed represents the subject that has been measured. The test which was given to the students was written test.

a. Validity

The researcher should know the validity of the test to know whether the test have a good validity or not. Validity refers to “benefit of the test not to test itself. Test in valid if the measure what it purpose to measure.

b. Reliability

Reliability is the extent to which a test produces consistent result when administered in the same conditions. In other word, whether it consistent predictability and accuracy.

F. Data Analysis Technique

In applying experimental research to find out the differences between two samples is utilized Chi-Square formulation. The formula of Chi- Square was used to find out the differences of significant between the

frequencies which used to observe and the frequencies in hope. The researcher analyzed the data by using Chi-Square.46

The formulation of Chi-Square:

𝑥2 = 𝐹𝑜 − 𝐹𝑒 2 𝐹𝑒


𝑥2 = 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑐ℎ𝑖 𝑠𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑒 Fo = observed frequency Fe = expected frequency

The researcher analyzed data using t-test to investigate whether there is influence of Choral reading method toward students reading comprehension ability at the seventh grade of SMPN 3 Batanghari. The researcher analyzed the data by using t-test. According to Donald Ary the formulation of t-test as follows:47

t =


∑𝐷 2 − ∑𝐷 2 𝑁

𝑁 𝑁−1

Notes :

t = t value for correlation sample

D = (differences), differences between pre-test score with post-test score.

D2= square of D

N = the number of sample

46 C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques, (New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 2004, p.233

47 Donald Ary, et.al, Introduction to Research, p. 177



A. Description of the Data

1. The History of SMPN 3 Batanghari

SMP N 3 Batanghari was founded by the government in 2004.

SMP N 3 Batanghari is located in the village of Batang Bumiharjo 39 Polos East Lampung District SMP N 3 Batanghari was established by the government by land area of 10.000 m2 , building area of 1.107 m2 , 3.000 m2 yards wide, extensive sports grounds 350 m2 and 5.543 m2 garden.

SMP N 3 Batanghari began to receive an operating permit on October 1st 2003 and operational in 2004/2005.

Since it was established the leader headmaster of the school had been changed as follow:

a. Drs. Sunardi (2005 until 2009).

b. Dra.R. Sunaryanti (2009 until 2011).

c. Hj. Ngatemi, S. Pd (2011 until 2014).

d. Mursidi, S.Pd (2014 until 2017).

e. Ahmad Saidi, S.Pd , M.M (2017 until now).

a. Vission and Mission of SMP N 3 Batanghari.

1) Vision School: “Be the ideal school” with indicators:

a) Excellent in academic.

b) Excellent in the field of nonacademic.

c) Excellent in performing.

b. Mission of SMP N 3 Batanghari.

Based on above vision, the mission determined to make it happen as follows:

1) Supplying of school facilities and infrastructure to support the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and learning activities to produce quality graduates.

2) The implementation of effective learning and guidance so that every students’ can advance optimally appropriate with their potential.

3) Giving the intensive achievement motivation through about the school to students’.

4) Foster appreciation of the teaching of religion and culture of the nationso that the source of wisdom in the act.

5) Implementing participatory management by involving the whole school community and local community school.

6) Improving the welfare of teachers and employees.

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