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Concept of Critical Thinking


B. Partinent Ideas

3. Concept of Critical Thinking

directly stated, so we must infer a meaning using your own reasoning and logic.

This type of understanding is sometimes referred to as inferential comprehension.

e) Understanding Advertidement

Writers of advertising copy are amateur psychologist. They know just what will appeal to our instinct and emotion. In general, they are major areas in our nature at which advertising aims preservation, pride and pleasure.

3. Concept of Critical Thinking

(2) making categories, (2) examining small parts and whole, (3) explaining the causes, (4) making sequences / sequences, (5) ) determine trusted sources, and (6) make predictions.

Based on the defenitin above the researcher has conclusion of critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.

b. Characteristics of Critical Thinking

Critical thinking requires continuous effort to analyze and assess the beliefs, knowledge possessed, and conclusions made, using supporting evidence.

Critical thinking requires the ability to identify prejudices, bias (unemployment), propaganda (for example, drug company propaganda), lies, distortion (misdirection), misinformation (false information), egocentricism, and so on.

Critical thinking includes the ability to recognize problems more sharply, find ways that can be done to overcome the problem, gather relevant information, recognize the assumptions and values behind beliefs, knowledge, and conclusions.

Critical thinking includes the ability to understand and use language accurately, clearly, and discriminatively (ie, seeing and making clear differences about each meaning), the ability to interpreting data, assessing evidence and arguments, recognizing the presence or absence of a logical relationship between one guess and another. Likewise critical thinking includes the ability to draw conclusions and generalizations that can be accounted for, test conclusions and generalizations

made, reconstruct patterns of belief that are held based on broader experience, and make accurate considerations about specific things in everyday life.

C. Characteristics of Critical Thinkers

Critical thinking can occur when a person makes a decision or solves a problem. When a person considers whether to believe or not believe, do or not take action, or consider acting with strong reasons and studies, he is using critical thinking. A critical thinker will review whether the beliefs and knowledge possessed or expressed by others are logical or not. Likewise a critical thinking person will not just swallow conclusions or hypotheses that are expressed by himself or others. A critical thinker has a number of characteristics as follows:

1) Expressing important questions and problems, formulating them clearly and thoroughly.

2) Bringing up new ideas that are useful and relevant to do the task. Critical thinking has an important role to assess the benefits of new ideas, choose the best ideas, or modify ideas if necessary

3) Collect and assess relevant information, using abstract ideas to interpret it effectively

4) Draw conclusions and solutions with strong reasons, strong evidence, and test them using relevant criteria and standards.

5) Think openly using alternative systems of thought, while recognizing, evaluating, and seeking relationships between all assumptions, implications, practical consequences.

6) Able to overcome confusion, be able to distinguish between facts, theories, opinions, and beliefs.

7) Communicate effectively with others in an effort to find solutions to complex problems, without being affected by people's thinking others on the topic concerned.

8) Be honest with oneself, reject manipulation, hold credibility and scientific integrity, and are intellectually independent, impartial, neutral.

D. Aspects of Critiical Thinking

Critical thinking has several aspects in between : 1. Clarity

Clariti is the foundation of standardization. If the satement is not clear, we cannot distinguish whether something is accurate or relevant. If there is such a statement, then we will not be able to say anything, because we don’t understand the statement.

For example, the following question is not clear: “what do educators have to do in the education system in indonesia?” for that questions to be clear, the we must understand very well what is thought in the matter. In order to be clear, the question must be changed to “ what do educators have to do o ensure that students really have learned various skills and abilities to help them succed in their work and be able to make decisions in their daily lives?”.

2. Accuracy

Accuracy refers to the detailed breakdown of supporting data. This question can be used as a quide to check the accuracy of a statement . “Is the statement that has been disclosed already very unraleved?” ; “is the statement specific enough?” A statement can hace clarity and accuracy, but it’s not accurate, for example “Aming

is very heavy” (we don’t know how much Aming weighs, whether one poud or 500 pounds!).

3. Relevance, Relation

Relevance means that the statement or answer raised is related to the questions asked. Search for linkages can be revealed by asking the following questions:

“ How to relate statements or responses to the questions?’ “How does the thing expressed support the problem?” problems can be clear, through and precise, but they are not relevant to the problem. For example: students often think, what effort should be done in learning to improve their abilities. However businesses can’t measure the quality of student learning and when it happens, efforts is not relevant to their accuracy in improving their abilities.

4. Depth

The meaning of depth is interpreted as the answers formulated addressed to the questions with complexity, is the problem in the qquestion described in such a way? Has it been linked to significant factors in problem solving? A statement can meet the requirements of clarity, accuracy, relevance, but the answer is very shallow (the opposite of inside)). For example there is the expression “say no”.

The phrase is commonly used by adolescents in the context of rejection of ilegal drugs. The statement is quite clear, accurate, precise, relevant, but very shallow, because the expression can be interpreted in various ways.

5. Breadth

The fulness of a statement can be traced to the following question. Has the statement been viewed from various points if view?; Does it require a review or other theory in response to the statement formulated?; According to the view; As

to whether the statement according to... The statement expressed meet the requirements of calrity, accuracy, relevance, depth, but not broad enough. Just as we submitt an opinion or argument according to someone’s view but only alludes to one of the questions asked.

6. Logic

Logic is related to the following: is the understanding structured with the correct concept?; Gdoes the statement disclosed have a follow up? How to follow up?

Before what was said and after, how are these two things true? When whe think, we will be led to different kinds of thoughts with each other. When we think with a various combinations, supporting each other and supporting the formulation of statements correctly, then we think logically. When thinking with various combinations and not mutually supporting or contradicting each other, it is not logical.

E. Developing the Nature of Critical Thinking

An intellectual property needs to be developed and honed to become a critical thinker. There is no instant recipe for developing the intellectual qualities of a critical thinker. Because critical thinking is developed based on concepts and principles, rather than rigid procedures, or certain recipes. Critical thinking uses not only logic (both formal and informal logic), but also broader intellectual criteria, including clarity, credibility, accuracy, precision (accuracy), relevance, depth, breadth, and significance (significance). One important way to develop the characteristics of critical thinking is to learn the art to delay definitive conclusions.

The trick is to apply a perceptual orientation rather than drawing the final conclusion too early. For example, when reading a novel, watching a movie,

following a discussion or dialogue, avoid the tendency to judge or draw conclusions. To practice critical thinking, one needs to be aware of and avoid any tendency to make mistakes that cause people not to think critically, among others, as follows:

1) In an argument overly generalize position or situation. For example, inside an argument has a tendency to think that everyone knows, even though not everyone knows. Likewise, everyone thinks they don't know, even though there are people who know. Critical thinkers are careful when using the words "all", or "every". It's safer to use the words "most", or "several".

2) Suspect that everyone has a subconscious bias, then questions the reflexive thinking of others. Critical thinkers must be willing to accept the truth of other people's arguments. Debates about arguments can be interesting, but they do not always mean that the argument itself is correct.

3) Adopt opinions that are ego-sensitive. The values, emotions, desires, and experiences of a person influence people's beliefs and abilities to have open thoughts. Critical thinkers must exclude this error and consider receiving information from outside.

4) Recollect old beliefs that are strongly believed but are now rejected.

5) Tendency to think of groups, a condition in which a person's beliefs are shaped by the thoughts of people around him. rather than what he himself experienced or witnessed.

4. Concept of Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) a. Defenition of Directed Reading Thinking Activity

DRTA is a technique developed by Rusell Stauffer (1969). DRTA encourages stydents to make predictions while they are reading. After reading segment of a text, student stop, confirm or revise previous prediction and make new predictions about what they will read text.

The Directed Reading Thinking activity (DRTA) is a comprehension strategy that guides students in asking question about a text, making predictions, and the reading to confirmor refute their predictions. The DRTA process encourages students to be active and thoughful readers, enhancing their comprehension.

“DRTA encourages students to make prediction while they are reading.

After reading segments of a text, students stop, confirm or revise previous predictions and make newpredictions about what they will read next” used to make predictions judgement and for evidence verification. Allows the students to read with a purpose; students readto confirm and revise predict they made or are making; students can use their own experiences to help comprehend the text or the message of the author.(Conner,2006)

The Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) is a produce teachers use to scaffold and extend students thinking regarding their reading content. The teacher guides students to:

1) Activates their prior knowledge for the topic/content of the text to be read.

2) Hypothesize about what might be addressed in text.

3) Establish purposes for reading the text.

4) The students reads through the text confirming, revising, and rejecting hypotheses, Allen, J.(2004).

b. The Purpose of The Directed Reading Thinking (DRTA)

According to Coonner, 2006 in Bradley states that the purpose of the DRTA are follow:

1) Teacher can obtain the sudents prior knowledge of the topic or the text.

2) Encourages students to monitor their comprehension while they are reading.

3) Allows the students to set a purpose for reading.

4) To use the DRTA, teacher give student a text selection and ask them to read the title.

5) Examine the pictures to develop hypotheses about the text.

6) Students generate hypoheses as they read from the text and from their own experiental backgrounds.

7) Determine the purpose for reading.

8) Use prediction when reading text.

9) Make decisions based on reading.

c. The Application of Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)

Teacher should follow the steps below when creating a DRTA, Adlit.org.(2008), namely:

1) Determine the text to be used and pre-select points for students to pause during the reading process.

2) Introduce the text, the purpose of the DRTA, and provide examples oh how to make prediction. Note: Be aware of the reading levels of each students, and prepared to provide appropriate questions prompts and support as needed.

3) Use the following outline to guide the procedure:

a) Direct (D): Teacher direct and activate students thinking prior to reading a passage by scanning the litle, chapter reading, illustrations and other materials.

Teacher should open-ended questions to direct students as they make predictions about the content or perspective of the text.

b) Reading (R): Students read up to the first pre-selected stopping point. The teacher the prompts. The students with the questions about specific information and ask them to evaluate their predictions and refine them necessary. This process should be continued until students have read each section of the passage.

c) Thinking (T): At the end of each section, students go back through the text and think about their predictions. Students should verify or modify their predictions by finding supporting statements in the text. The teacher ask questions such as:

(1) What do you think about your predictions now?

(2) What did find in the text to prove your prediction?

(3) What did you read in the text made you change your prediction?

d. Steps in Using The Directed Reading Thinking Activity

According to Allen,.j. (2004) states that there are some steps aredoing in using DRTA, namely:

1) At the beginning of a new story, chapter, unit, or article have students preview the text by reading the title, nothing picture, graphs, illustration, subtitles, and reading the introductory paragraph included in the story or read the title and first paragraph to the students.

2) Based on the information that students reviewed, ask the students to make logical predictions about what they think will happen in the text.

3) The students read to a place in the text that makes a logical stop point.

4) When the students have completed reading to the logical stop point, read a conversation on the accuracy of their predictions. After the discussion, have the students make new predictions based on references in the text to depend their hypotheses.

5) Repeat the process until the students complete the text.

5. Concept of Narrative Text 1. Defenition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is one of the text (genre) commonly used to write fairy tales or stories, events at the past containing problems which have rhetoric steps (generic structure) of: orientation, resolution, and re-orientation if there is (optional).

2. The Generic Structure of Narrative Text a. Orientation (Beginning or introduction):

o Introduces main characteers, setting and time.

o The opening paraghraph introduces characters/participant of the story and sets the scene ( it answers the questions who, when, what and where).

o Complication (Middle):

 The problem happens among the characters

 It is about the problem which involve the main charactes in the story developed b. Resolutiion (Ending):

 The problem is dissolved

 It is about how the problem in the story are solved (better or worse). Here, the main characters finds ways tosolve the problem.

3. Language feature analysis

a. Using saying verb; answered

b. Using thinking verb; saw, was surprised to c. Using action verb; danced

d. Using time conjunction; once, one day e. Using connectivees; after, the next day

f. Using past tens; there was a young girl named Cinderella, Cinderella was having a wonderfully good time

4. Social Function of Narrative Text

The perpuse is to entertain, create, stimulate emotions, give and teach readers.

A narrative text usually has a moral value.

A narrative text may include folktales, myhts, leegend, etc.

1. Grammar

The lexical grammatical in narrative text is a. Using past tense but can also w ith present tense.

b. Noun phrases as subject or object.

c. Content verb( past verb) likes: reigned, cursed, turned, marrried,etc.

d. Adjectives that explain the state of the noun behind it and form the noun phrase, for example, long black hair, two red apples,etc.

e. Time Sequence Conjuction to short out events, for example then, before that, after that, soon, when, finally, first,etc.

f. Time expressions for example once upon the time, long ago, oneday,etc.

2. Main Idea

The main idea is the most important idea of a paraghraph. A main idea is often stated in the first sentence of a paraghraph. A main idea is what the paraghraph is

all about. A paragraph is a group of sentence related to a particular topic, or central theme. Every paraghraph has a key concept or main idea. The mai idea is the most important piece of information the authors. Wwants you to know about the concept of that paraghraph. When authors write they have an idea in mind that they are tring to get across. This is especially as authors compose paraghraps. An authors organizes each paraghraps main idea and supporting details in support of the topic or central theme, and eeach paraghraph supports the paraghraps preceding it.

A writer will stated his/her main idea somewhere in the paraghraph. So, the main idea may be stated at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the paraghraph.

The ways founded main idea, such as:\

1. To identify a main idea that is derictly expressed in the text.

a. Main ideas are often found at the beginning of paraghraps. The first sentence often explains the subjects being discussed in the passage.

b. Main ideas are also found in the concluding sentences of a paraghraph. The main idea can be expressed as a summation of the information in the paraghraph as well a link to the information in the next paraghraph.

2. The main idea is not always clearly stated. It is more difficult to identify a main idea when it is inferred or implied. It ccan be implied through other words in the paraghraph. An implied main idea can be found in several ways.

a. Several sentences in a paraghraph can imply the main idea by introducing facts about the topic before actually stating the topic.

b. Implied ideas can be drawn from facts, reasons, or examples that give hints or suggestions concerning the main idea in the selected text.

c. Try the passage below to see if you can pick out the main idea.

C. Conceptual Framework

The concept of framework underlying in this research will presented in the following diagram. The theoritical of this research was presented in the diagram below:

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

Based on the diagram above we can conclude that reading refers to the materials is going to read and DRTA teaching refers to the use of strategy in teaching reading materials. Refers to the process through DRTA teaching strategy and reading comprehension to the students comprehend the narrative text to improving critical thinking students in reading comprehension after using DRTA (Directed Reading Thinking Activity).

D. Hypothesis

Based on the review of related literature, the researcher put forward the hypothesis of the research as follow:

INPUT : Reading Materials

PROCESS : Learning Reading

Comprehension through of DRTA

OUTPUT : Improving Students Critical Thinking in

Reading Comprehensiom

through DRTA

a. Null hypothesis (H0): the use of DRTA strategy could not improve the students critical thinking in reading comprehension at SMAN 2 Enrekang.

b. Alternative hypothesis (H1): the use of DRTA strategy could improve the critical thinking students in reading comprehension at SMAN 2 Enrekang.


This chapter consists of research design, variables and operational defenition, population and sample, instrument of the research, procedure of collecting data, and technique of data analysis.

A. Research Design

The research design used pre-experimental research with one group pre-test and post-test design. There was treatment between pre-test and post-test. The treatment was given after conducting pre-test. The design of this research illustrate as follows:

Table 3.1 Research Design Where:

T1 :Pre-test

X1-4 :Treatment

T2 :Post-test 1. Pre-test

Before the treatment, the students were given pre-test to know their prior knowledge in critical thinking. In this stage, the students read the narrative text and after that the students gave some opinions, predictions, and judgement about the text. Pre-test administrated to the students by spend 25 minutes.

2. Treatment

T1 X1-4 T2

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