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Dalam dokumen Ikhtisar Laporan Tahunan Perseroan (Halaman 39-42)

The Company produces and distributes cosmetic hair care products under the Makarizo brand which includes shampoo products under the Makarizo Hair Energy brand, hair dyes under the Makarizo Concept brand, hair straighteners with the Rebonding and Hair Energy brands, hair vitamins under the Makarizo Advisor brand and Makarizo Vita Caps with the various sizes and packaging. The Company’s Cosmetics Products in 2021 provide the largest contribution to the growth of the

terbesar atas pertumbuhan Penjualan Perseroan. Saat ini produk kosmetika Makarizo sudah tersedia di seluruh kota di Indonesia dan dijual melalui offline and online. Produk Makarizo saat ini juga sudah di ekspor ke beberapa negara Asia seperti Malaysia, Myanmar, Arab Saudi, Korea,Jepang, India, China.

Penghasilan dan Keuntungan

Penjualan bisnis kosmetika Perseroan berkontribusi terhadap 49,2% dari keseluruhan penjualan bersih Perseroan ditahun 2021. Ditengah pandemi Covid 19 yang banyak memukul sektor riil, penjualan kosmetika tumbuh secara konsisten sehingga Perseroan mampu mencacatkan pertumbuhan penjualan yang sangat baik. Penjualan bisnis kosmetika adalah sebesar Rp 459,8 miliar yang merupakan kenaikan sebesar 48,3%

dibandingkan tahun 2020 sebesar Rp Rp 310,0 miliar.

Dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia mulai membaik di 2021, Peseroan melakukan akselerasi pertumbuhan dengan melakukan berbagai upaya antara lain dengan melakukan digitalisasi proses internal, memperbaiki komunikasi antar karyawan, pengembangan varian produk, memperbaiki strategi pemasaran, serta melakukan efisiensi disegala bidang. Dengan usaha-usaha diatas Perseroan mampu mencatatkan keuntungan bersih sebesar Rp 265,8 miliar yang merupakan kenaikan 96%

dibandingkan tahun 2020 sebesar Rp 135,8 miliar.

Kinerja dan Pangsa Pasar

Sektor kosmetika tumbuh cukup baik di 2021. Ini terlihat dari kinerja industri kosmetika diperkirakan tumbuh diangka 10%, walaupun di tengah tekanan dampak pandemi covid-19.

Kenaikan penjualan produk kosmetika, di 2021 karena kondisi perekonomian yang mulai membaik dengan usaha pemerintah mempercepat dan memperluas program vaksinasi, serta pemberian berbagaimacam insentif termasuk perpajakan yang mengakibatkan meningkatnya daya beli masyarakat. Disamping itu produk kosmetika saat ini sudah menjadi kebutuhan pokok yang pembeliannya dilakukan secara rutin ditengah pandemi Covid 19 yang belum berakhir.

Akibat dari pandemi Covid 19 penjualan secara on line meningkat tajam sejalan dengan pembatasan sosial yang diterapkan Pemerintah dan harus diakui bahwa salah satu motor pertumbuhan penjualan kosmetika Perseroan saat ini berasal dari penjualan on line.

Mengenai Pangsa pasar produk kosmetika Perseroan, hingga saat ini kami tidak melakukan riset secara spesfik mengenai pangsa pasar produk Perseroan di industri kosmetika nasional.

Strategi Pemasaran

Tahun 2021 Divisi Beauty Care berhasil mencatat pertumbuhan penjualan versus tahun 2020 ditengah situasi pandemi yang masih berlanjut menjadi era new normal. Produk-produk yang dipasarkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan konsumen terutama untuk perawatan rambut, seperti Shampoo, Creambath pH

Company’s Sales. Currently, Makarizo cosmetic products are available in all cities in Indonesia and are sold off line and on line.

Currently, Makarizo products have been exported to several Asian countries such as Malaysia, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, Korea, Japan, India, China.

Revenue and Profit

Sales of the Company’s cosmetics business contributed to 49.2% of the Company’s total net sales in 2021. In the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic which hit the real sector a lot, cosmetics sales grew consistently so that the Company was able to record very good sales growth. Sales of the cosmetics business was Rp 459.8 billion which was an increase of 48.3% compared to 2020 which was Rp. 310.0 billion.

With Indonesia’s economic growth starting to improve in 2021, the Company accelerates growth by making various efforts, including by digitizing internal processes, improving communication between employees, developing product variants, improving marketing strategies, and implementing efficiency in all fields. With the above efforts, the Company was able to record an increase in net profit of Rp 265.8 billion which is an increase of 96% compared to 2020 which was Rp. 135.8 billion.

Performance and Market Share

The cosmetics sector will grow quite well in 2021. This can be seen from the performance of the cosmetics industry, which is estimated to grow at 10%, despite the pressure from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The increase in sales of cosmetic products, in 2021, is due to economic conditions starting to improve with the government’s efforts to accelerate and expand the vaccination program, as well as the provision of various incentives including taxation which results in increasing people’s purchasing power. Besides that, currently cosmetic products have become a basic need, purchases are made routinely in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic which has not ended.

As a result of the Covid 19 pandemic, online sales have increased sharply in line with the social restrictions imposed by the Government and it must be acknowledged that one of the motors for the growth of the Company’s cosmetics sales currently comes from online sales.

Regarding the market share of the Company’s cosmetic products, until now we have not conducted specific research on the market share of the Company’s products in the national cosmetics industry.

Marketing Strategy

In 2021 the Beauty Care Division managed to record sales growth versus 2020 in the midst of the pandemic situation which is still continuing into the new normal era. Products marketed according to consumer needs, especially for hair care, such as Shampoo, Creambath pH Balanced which helps maintain

Balanced yang membantu menjaga kesehatan kulit kepala sampai Pelurusan Rambut yang bisa dilakukan secara DIY (Do It Yourself).

Era New Normal berdampak positif mendorong percepatan adaptasi penggunaan teknologi dan komunikasi melalui Kanal Digital (online) sehingga perusahaan bisa memanfaatkan untuk lebih mendekatkan produk kepada konsumen, mempermudah konsumen mendapatkan informasi dan melakukan pembelian produk tanpa harus keluar rumah.

Secara keseluruhan Strategi Divisi Beauty Care di tahun 2021 masih tetap konsisten melakukan komunikasi pemasaran yang difokuskan mendukung penjualan pada produk-produk potensial dengan gross profit margin yang tinggi sehingga menjaga bottom line tetap baik. Komunikasi terutama dilakukan secara online dan didukung dengan komunikasi offline.

Divisi Beauty Care juga terus menerus melakukan perbaikan kinerja secara menyeluruh termasuk restrukturisasi team internal Marketing, melakukan penambahan aktivitas Demand Creation lebih tepat sasaran dan peningkatan jumlah titik distribusi potensial.

Divisi Beauty Care terbagi dalam 2 (dua) business unit yaitu Beauty Care Consumer dan Beauty Care Professional.

1. Beauty Care Consumer

Beauty Care Consumer mengandalkan komunikasi Rangkaian Perawatan Rambut DIY (Do It Yourself) yang bisa dilakukan sendiri di rumah saat era new normal. 10 kategori produk dari total 13 kategori produk di beauty care consumer mengalami pertumbuhan penjualan sepanjang tahun 2021.

Selain konsisten melakukan komunikasi pemasaran pada target market yang tepat, kualitas produk yang unggul menjadi nilai tambah bagi konsumen seperti Shampoo dengan formula pH-Balanced yang aman digunakan setiap hari untuk membantu menjaga kesehatan kulit kepala selama pandemi.

2. Beauty Care Professional

Beauty Care Professional dengan merk Makarizo Professional yang berfokus pada penjualan produk untuk Salon, mampu mencatat pertumbuhan di tahun 2021 vs tahun 2020; walaupun masih mengalami kendala banyak Salon menutup sementara bisnisnya selama PPKM.

Komunikasi pemasaran tetap konsisten pada Edukasi Service Styling: Hair Texturing dan Hair Coloring serta Hair Treatment secara online bagi para Hair Dressers/Praktisi Salon; sehingga pada saat Salon beroperasi kembali, para praktisi salon ini bisa menerapkan ilmu yang didapat dengan menggunakan produk Makarizo Professional.

Kategori Hair Treatment (Texture Experience, Honey Dew dan Salon Daily) juga menjadi sumber pertumbuhan penjualan Makarizo Professional. Karena hair treatment masih bisa dilakukan dengan Hair Dressers datang ke rumah atau dilakukan sendiri dengan petunjuk Hair Dressers langganan.

Hair Dressers juga memanfaatkan penjualan produk kategori treatment ke para langganan untuk membantu menahan turunnya omzet akibat Salon belum bisa beroperasi rutin.

a healthy scalp to Hair Straightening which can be done by DIY (Do It Yourself).

The New Normal era has a positive impact on encouraging the acceleration of adaptation to the use of technology and communication through Digital Channels (online) so that companies can use them to bring products closer to consumers, make it easier for consumers to get information and make product purchases without having to leave the house.

Overall, the Beauty Care Division’s Strategy in 2021 is still consistent in conducting marketing communications that are focused on supporting sales of potential products with high gross profit margins so as to maintain a good bottom line.

Communication is mainly done online and is supported by offline communication.

The Beauty Care Division also continues to make overall performance improvements including restructuring the internal Marketing team, adding more targeted Demand Creation activities and increasing the number of potential distribution points.

The Beauty Care division is divided into 2 (two) business units, namely Beauty Care Consumer and Beauty Care Professional.

1. Beauty Care Consumer

Beauty Care Consumers rely on DIY (Do It Yourself) Hair Care Series communication that can be done at home during the new normal era. 10 product categories out of a total of 13 product categories in consumer beauty care experienced sales growth throughout 2021. In addition to consistently conducting marketing communications to the right target market, superior product quality is an added value for consumers such as Shampoo with a pH-Balanced formula that is safe to use every day. day to help maintain a healthy scalp during the pandemic.

2. Beauty Care Professional

Beauty Care Professional with the Makarizo Professional brand which focuses on product sales for Salons, able to record growth in 2021 vs 2020; although they are still experiencing problems, many salons temporarily close their business during PPKM. Marketing communication remains consistent on Service Styling Education: Hair Texturing and Hair Coloring and Hair Treatment online for Hair Dressers/

Salon Practitioners; so that when the salon operates again, the salon practitioners can apply the knowledge gained by using Makarizo Professional products.

The Hair Treatment category (Texture Experience, Honey Dew and Salon Daily) was also a source of Makarizo Professional’s sales growth. Because hair treatment can still be done with Hair Dressers coming to your house or doing it yourself with the instructions of a subscription Hair Dressers. Hair Dressers also take advantage of the sale of treatment category products to customers to help curb the decline in turnover due to the salon not being able to operate regularly.

Proses Produksi

Bahan baku, penimbangan, pencampuran, pengisian dan pengemasan.


Saat ini produk kosmetika diproduksi di pabrik Perseroan yang berlokasi di Kawasan Industri Pulogadung Jakarta Timur.

Sanitizer dan Disinfektan

Perseroan melakukan mulai melakukan produksi produk dan sanitizer dan disinfektan ditahun 2020. Perseroan memproduksi sanitizer dengan merek Skin Energy dan Qlemira dalam kemasan 30 ml, 60 ml, 70 ml, 100 ml dan 235 ml dalam bentuk cair dan gel. Saat ini produk sanitizer dan disinfektan sebagian besar dijual melalui on line.

Strategi Pemasaran

Perseroan melakukan pemasaran dan penjualan produk sanitizer dan disinfektan melalui daring dan titik penjualan khusus seperti rumah sakit.

Proses Produksi

Bahan baku, penimbangan, pencampuran, pengisian dan pengemasan.


Saat ini produk sanitizer dan disinfektan diproduksi di pabrik kosmetika Perseroan yang berlokasi di Kawasan Industri Pulogadung Jakarta Timur.


Jumlah Aset Perseroan pada tanggal 31 Desember 2021 adalah Rp 1.304,1 miliar naik 36,0% dibandingkan 2020 sebesar Rp 958,8 miliar Kenaikan Jumlah Aset tersebut dikarenakan Aset Lancar dan Aset Tidak Lancar mengalami kenaikan.

Aset Lancar

Aset Lancar Perseroan per 31 Desember 2021 naik 23,5%

dibandingkan tahun 2020 menjadi Rp 673,4 miliar. Kenaikan Aset Lancar tersebut terutama disebabkan kenaikan Kas dan Setara Kas sebesar Rp 41,7 miliar atau 12,3%, sejalan dengan peningkatan laba bersih Perseroan dan kenaikan Piutang Usaha sebesar Rp 43,3 miliar atau 36,2%.


The Total Assets of the Company as at 31 December 2021was Rp 1,304.1 billion, an increase of 36.0% compared to Rp 958.8 billion in 2020. The increase of the Total Assets was due to increase in Current Assets while Non-current Assets increase.

Current Asset

Total Current Assets of the Company as at 31 December 2021 increased by 23.5% from 2020 to Rp 673.4 billion. The increase of the total Current Assets was mainly due to the increase in Cash and Cash Equivalent by Rp 41.7 billion or 12.3%, aligned with the increase of Company’s net profit and increase in Account Receivable amounting to Rp 43.3 billion or 36.2%.

Production Process

Raw material, weighing, mixing, filling and packaging.

Manufacturing Plant

Currently, the cosmetics product is manufactured in the Company’s factories located in Pulo Gadung Industrial Estate East Jakarta;

Sanitizer and Disinfectan

The company started producing products and sanitizers and disinfectants in 2020. The company produces sanitizers with the Skin Energy and Qlemira brands in 30 ml, 60 ml, 70 ml, 100 ml and 235 ml packages in liquid and gel forms. Currently, most of the sanitizer and disinfectant products are sold online.

Marketing strategy

The Company conducts marketing and sales of sanitizer and disinfectant products online and through special points of sale such as hospitals.

Production Process

Raw material, weighing, mixing, filling and packaging.

Manufacturing Plant

Currently, sanitizer and disinfectant products are manufactured at the Company’s cosmetics factory located in the Pulogadung Industrial Estate, East Jakarta.

Kinerja Keuangan

Dalam dokumen Ikhtisar Laporan Tahunan Perseroan (Halaman 39-42)