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Cyber Literature-based English Instructional material in promoting independent learning

Dalam dokumen PDF Current Research in Elt - Unibos (Halaman 83-96)


C. Cyber-literature

3. Cyber Literature-based English Instructional material in promoting independent learning

There are four main components in the learning process, namely students, teachers, learning environment and subject. These four components influence students in achieving their learning goals. Certainly, each student has a variety of different levels of ability in terms of the faculties, prior knowledge, motivation to learn, learning skills, goals for learning, etc. Therefore, to create ideal learning, some basic things need to be considered.

Internet as one of the causes of the emergence of various advances in the human life system, which provides convenience in all its activities including in the education system with internet-based teaching methods (cyber-literature). This is in line with the opinion of Fathu Rahman (2017) that the birth of the internet as one of the media of information and science development, which in turn is also being used as a media of promoting literary works. Numbers of works that are read through the internet media are categorized as cyber literature.

This section point tries to explore students’ needs in advance to developing cyber literature-based instructional materials. Students’ need analysis is crucial as the feasibility of a product should also be measured by the demands and needs of the users. In measuring the needs of the students, the researcher tries to find out the present condition of students’

capabilities in learning English and also their expectation. This includes, their objectives in learning English, how they think English material should be delivered in terms of language orientation, the endorsement of the four language skills within the course, the learning topics, and their learning preferences. As Maslow (in Kiel, 1999) proposed in his hierarchy

of human needs, basic wants must be met before students can turn their attention to learn. People will seek as their next most important needs affection, belonging, and esteem. In the process of coming to know the students, a caring and interested teacher can establish the rapport and trust not just between teachers and students but among all the teaching and learning subject such students and students, students and teachers, and students, teachers, and stakeholders. The trust and acceptance create a psychologically safe atmosphere in the teaching and learning environment which provides the security students need to experience the intellectual discomfort of new ideas and adjust their pre-existing mental models to accommodate new deep learning. A sense of belonging and being valued maximized the chances that students, teachers, and stakeholders will take such risks.

It is in line to what stated by Soriano (1995: 21) indicates that needs analysis collects and analyses data to determine what learners “want”

and “need” to learn, while an evaluation measures the effectiveness of a program to meet the needs of the learners. Furthermore, Brown (1995:

7) stated that needs analysis results will serve as the basis for developing a curriculum which meets the learning needs of a particular group of students. In language programs, the needs are language related. Once identified, needs could be stated in terms of goals and objectives which, in turn, can serve as the basis for developing tests, materials, teaching activities, and evaluation strategies.

The importance on doing need analysis for learning was supported by Heinich, et.al (2001) who stated that perfect match between characteristics of the learners, content of method, media, and materials can assist die form of well instructional media and technology. Therefore,

instruction module which meet learning needs. Pujianto, et.al (2014:99) said that giving more attention to the role of teacher will support better writing activity.

This phase refers to the need analysis of students. The measurement parameters in this need’s analysis include basic parameters about their strengths and weaknesses in English literature. It refers to the analysis of students’ present situation, students’ proficiencies and difficulties to English language skills, students’ needs, the existing materials, the objectives of learning English as General English course, as well as the identification of the results of analysis. It is in line to what stated by Soriano (1995: 21) indicates that needs analysis collects and analyses data to determine what learners “want” and “need” to learn, while an evaluation measures the effectiveness of a program to meet the needs of the learners.

Furthermore, Brown (1995: 7) stated that needs analysis results will serve as the basis for developing a curriculum which meets the learning needs of a particular group of students. In language programs, the needs are language related. Once identified, needs could be stated in terms of goals and objectives which, in turn, can serve as the basis for developing tests, materials, teaching activities, and evaluation strategies.

The researcher gave some solutions to accommodate the gaps and needs of students and lecturers, among others; a) Adopting and adapting appropriate teaching method and strategy; b) Optimizing the multilingual teachers’ performance to reach the vision and goals of pesantren; c) Establishing rapport with the credible institution to improve students’

English mastery; d) Conducting the evaluation to the students language mastery per semester internally and externally; e) Creating the appropriate program to accommodate the student’s multilingual skill; f) Arranging

pesantren; g) Motivate and prepare students to join the competition and scholarship, and h) Be updated and creative to discover teaching methods and strategies.

Cyber literature is mediated by technology of computer. The technology has triggered the interest of many authors to allow their motivation and creativity to make use the space (internet wall). In some cases, both printed publication and cyber publication have differences and similarities. But the presence of media technology has changed the way of view and barriers of the world so far. The era of technology (internet) has at least shifted the perspective and attitude of the people about the importance of documenting a literary work. Through the internet space, the literary documentation becomes easy. It is just like a book or any pieces of literature that can be recorded as source of document where the writer and reader can look them back at what they have written (Fathu Rahman, 2017).

Students are aware of the importance of the language skills. However, the reality presents that the teaching method and materials has not yet increase students’ capabilities in their skills. This is proven by many students still find the four language skills namely listening, speaking, writing and reading skills to be difficult.

From the findings found that students need the concept of independent learning in improving their learning. Independent learning means learning by initiative, with or without the help of others in learning.

The most important thing in independent learning is the ability to identify sources of information. Identification of this information source is needed to facilitate the learning process when learners need help or support.

In the learning process, at least students need 4 (four) pillars, namely

knowledge, skills, independence, and the ability to adapt and cooperate.

This is in line with the affirmation of UNESCO in its annual conference in Melbourne (Diptoadi, 1999: 165) which emphasizes the need for learning based on four abilities, namely: (1) learning to know, (2) learning to be able to do, (3) learning to be independent, and (4) learn to be able to work together.

As shown in the analysis of existing syllabus and content of the materials, they are not designed based on students’ needs and expectation.

Most of the meetings are dominated by lecturers’ talk, explaining about structure, or enquiring students to write, lack of exploring students to be more active in classroom. While students’ need and expectation have need of interactive learning and teaching process. As shown on the students’

need analysis, students are expecting the materials designed by involving technology that can enhance learning.

In measuring the needs of the students, the researcher tries to find out the different present condition of students’ capabilities in learning English and also their expectation. This includes, their objectives in learning English, how they think English material should be delivered in terms of language orientation.

Students disclosed their main objectives and perceptions on the goal of learning English and the finding showed that the learning objectives are mainly for enhancing their ability in communication, as one of the important qualifications for seeking jobs and most importantly so that they can be able to prepare themselves for studying abroad. However, their expectations on learning English are not parallel with the present condition particularly on the methods of material delivery, the boring materials and most importantly on its irrelevance of the materials with

Regarding the topics, contents, language skills, learning activities, model of process, learning approach, place and time allotment, it was found that the existing materials of general English course are less attractive, interesting and less motivating. This is due to the fact that the existing materials are not in line with the learners supposes exist and present. The existing materials present less interactive and less activity which assign the students to be involved in all language skills activities.

Information is nowadays accessed through internet including knowledge. Online classes are becoming more frequent, class sources such as journals, thesis, articles and electronic books are signs that the internet may present as modern library for students. With the growing importance of the internet, the frequent uses of the internet for information, and most importantly the needs for students to learn independently and access knowledge not dependent to the teachers, the researcher is highly enticed to develop cyber literature-based instructional materials at Department of English Language and Literature, UIN Alauddin Makassar.

The exclusive feature of cyber literature-based instructional materials is on how it offers learners to unparalleled access to instructional resources that surpasses the reach of the traditional classroom (Olson &

Wisher, 2002). The flexibility of the learning atmosphere allows students to access the materials anytime and anywhere. This lets them to not solely depend on the teachers and classroom to study. Its accessibility creates continuous practice of students accessing materials by their own and eventually promotes independent learning in the future if maintained in a sustainable routine. In addition, an alternative solution to the educational problem in develops a smart learning. As evidenced by the studies reviewed here, one can conclude that teaching and learning via cyber literature-

based instruction is a crucial way to enhance the students’ learning ability and their willingness to participate in the classroom. Moreover, cyber literature-based learning also encourages the students to be independent learners (Katherine, N. 2010).

At the preliminary stage it was found that many students could not understand quickly in following some learning concepts. Various teaching methods are used, but the instructors feel that many basic concepts are not mastered by most students even though they have previously taken introductory courses. In fact, the introductory course is designed to provide basic provisions for students so that they are no stranger to important concepts that can make it easier for them to take relevant English lessons.

The survey results provide information relating to the provision of this learning concept, for example regarding the presence or absence of syllabus, what topics they get, reading and reference books, methods commonly applied by lecturers, their preparation and activeness in class, and others. Based on the conversations between lecturers and the survey results, it was concluded that the possibility of lack of understanding of the basic concepts of learning that emerged in the following classes was the lack of preparation of students before the class and the low participation of students in the class. Likewise, the assignment of tasks that make students become independent also needs to be improved.

After discussing to determine some problems that are considered to hinder students’ understanding, researchers and lecturers concluded that 3 (three) main actions need to be done with the aim of changing the general conditions in learning, namely:

1) Creates an independent learning through a) making independent learning materials assisted by information technology, in this case

the internet to attract student interest; b) assignments in groups in accordance with the material that must be prepared every week; and c) the names of websites that provide linguistic material;

2) Increasing the readiness of students with a) giving students guidance (subtopic points) clear material so that it is in accordance with those listed in the syllabus; and b) distribution of paper to audience students a week or several days before the presentation.

3) Increase student involvement in class activities. This will be done by the lecturer, for example by a) giving time for questions and answers after the student’s presentation; and b) affirmation that in the presentation all members must actively explain; and c) giving questions when the presenters do not or forget to give the audience the opportunity to respond.

The way how to encourage and facilitate student learning is by providing flexibility in accepting students’ approaches to solving problems can increase students’ participation, reduce anxiety, and increase positive attitudes toward learning. Indeed, a web-based practice can create different learning and assessment contexts, and produce flexible approaches to instruction and evaluation (Nguyen & Kulm, 2005; Middleton & Spanias, 1999; Beevers, McGuire, Sterling, & Wild, 1995).

Based on some evidence research studies and supporting data from preliminary study that student’s needs for attractive ways of learning by utilizing cyber-literature is very important. This is to support and develop better learning skills at Department of English Language and Literature UIN-Alauddin Makassar.

In addition, an important thing that needs to be done in achieving

of students is the availability of adequate support facilities. This is in accordance with the opinion of Yusring Sanusi (2016) that what is of concern in this application is the availability of supporting facilities both that support programming and the means used by users to access them, and the managers and their use.

Cyber literature refers to the written literary texts, distributed (uploaded) and read on screen of computer. Because the formation of computer networks, together with the volatility of inscription of digitized information, allows fictional worlds to grow, to be modified from the inside and outside, and to give birth to other worlds (Ryan, 2013). The reason for preferring this term (cyber literature) to others is that it alludes to the two umbrellas of this broad category of text: the literary tradition and the literary on computer. In some cases, the study of cyber literature is closely related to the study of cyphertext. Cyphertext focuses on ergodic literature, where the user has to do non-trivial work to traverse the text (instead of merely interpreting it) after a through critique of existing paradigms (Eskelinen, 2012).

Based on the discussion, the researcher concluded that the students need to develop their potential and competence in cyber-literature competence by adapting and adopting the syllabus, lesson plan, and course book to the existing curricula which focusing on daily speaking and communication.


Most of students expect that their lecturers teach them by integrating the language skills. In terms of learning objectives of general English course, the students expect to be able to communicate in English well that would boost their added value in continuing their study abroad as well as

to be able to compete in finding jobs. The existing instructional materials that used by lecturers for General English Course are inappropriate, as a result lead wide gap between students’ expectation and the real condition. The teaching method applied by most of the lecturers are delivering speech and explaining about grammar and leaving assignment for student. Most of the teaching activities dominated by lecturers and the students are not assigned to activities which train their skills with meta-cognitive. In other words, students became passive learners.

Students need more modern teaching methods to improve their abilities in English and they feel that they need it because it is considered the best and quickest way to master English.


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