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2. Cycle 1


researcher intended to use PPS method to the next activity to make students interest and enjoy in learning process.

Due the identification of the field problems, it could be seen that the English teaching and learning process in seventh grade of SMPN 06 Seluma needed to be improved. The researcher designed some plans to overcome the problems seventh grade of SMPN 06 Seluma. The researcher decided to apply Participation Point System (PPS) as the method for teaching and learning of speaking. The students were expected to make some improvement in their speaking performance using PPS method.

These actions that would be carried out during the teaching and learning process are presented in the table below.

Table 4.2 Planning the Actions

No. Field Problem Solution

1 The students had low motivation in learning English

PPS would be the main method in presentation, practice and production activities. The researcher also planned to encourage the students to be involved actively in the whole teaching and learning process by appreciating each of their participation and achievement to raise their motivation in learning English.

2 The students were not interested in learning speaking skill because the lack of vocabulary

To improve the students‟ vocabulary, the presentation activities would be done by giving written input texts to be analyzed, doing pronunciation drill, and involving them in oral discussion about the content of the input texts and the language function such as the key vocabulary.

The practice activity would be done by doing interview game and for production activity would be done by performing situational PPS method.

3 The students felt learning English is difficult to


The classroom English was planned to be carried out to expose the use of English in the real context to the students. The researcher also planned to give more opportunities to the students to speak English during the teaching and learning process using PPS method.

4 The score of the students‟ English speaking is still low

The researcher decided to involve the students in presentation, practice and production activities using PPS method. She also planned to encourage the students to be involved actively without feeling threatened in the whole teaching and learning process by appreciating each of their participation and achievement will be competed higher than KKM (>70).

5 The teacher did not use any method to teach speaking

PPS method would be promoted as the main method for the students in presentation, practice and production activities in teaching speaking to improve their speaking skill.


b. Action

In this activity, the researcher becomes a teacher and she was accompanied by the teacher as observer. In the first cycle, the topic is about introducing yourself. There were 30 students who present. In her classes the dialogues are given to the students for fulfilling what would possibly be considered standard for speaking English and answering questions, while the marbles are given for attempting more challenging issues. When the responses are short and one-worded they usually receive one point. If they elaborate in any way, add some “depth”, or attempt to answer more difficult questions, then they receive more points. Even if a student has a wrong answer, that students will keep the participation points because points are given mainly for making an effort to communicate in the classroom, and not primarily for correct answers.

The action of engaging the students through the use of PPS method in presentation activities generally motivated the students to learn English. It also improved their pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. It is also raised their motivation to speak English, raised their confidence to speak English. In cycle 1, classroom English was used during the teaching and learning process to greet the students, ask their condition, give them simple instruction, give them simple explanation, ask them simple questions, draw back their attention and thank them.

c. Observing

The teacher observed the students‟ conditions when the researcher applied PPS method. The teacher also was helped by the collaborator. Based on observation in cycle 1, there was improvement students‟ participation during teaching learning process. The students very enthusiast and enjoy during practice PPS method. During the practice PPS method, there were 2 students asked to the researcher and there were some students‟ speak more. It caused by the steps of desirable behaviors such as asking for opinions, asking questions, volunteering for classroom activities, etc.

When students speak up in front of class, students still did not have high confidences therefore they were so shy and afraid if they would do mistake on their pronunciation because they were not only lack of vocabulary but also in the using of grammar was not good enough. And many students used present tense when they told their activity in the last holiday. But the students were active enough.

d. Reflecting

Due the implementation of the actions in Cycle I, there were some actions that were successful and unsuccessful. The descriptions of the successful and unsuccessful actions were as follows:

1) The effort to increase the students‟ enthusiasm in speaking learning process was successful. The actions by giving points were very effective to interest the students in the teaching and learning


process. They felt happy when they got points. The students were more involved in the activity. They could solve the problem by discussing with their teammates. The interaction among the members of the groups developed well. However, few students were passive in the teaching and learning process. They joked and chatted with their friends.

2) The use of PPS method as interesting method in speaking learning process was successful in getting students‟ interest toward the material. The students enjoyed learning the material through the PPS method. The students also feel more relax and not bored when learning speaking through PPS method. It could minimize the students‟ boredom.

3) The implementation of speaking performance as an interesting activity was effective in increasing students‟ interest and involvement in speaking learning process. The students said that the activity was interesting because they got both knowledge and pleasure. Moreover, they could practice their skill in speaking.

In addition, most of the students could answer questions about the content of the input texts. This implied that the meanings conveyed in the texts were understood by the students. While discussing the key vocabulary, some of the students could answer what the words meant.

Though, several students still tended to keep silent when they did not know the meaning of the words. Meanwhile, the input texts helped the











23.33% 23.33%





Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor

students to comprehend the grammar rules. However, some of the students sometimes needed personal guidance to comprehend the materials in the input texts.

Hence, after the researcher used PPS method to teach speaking in the classroom, the researcher gave test to the students. The result of the first cycle can be seen in the figure below:

Figure 4.2

Students’ Speaking Score Distribution on Cycle 1

Based on the figure 4.2, it showed the result of cycle 1 showed that the students‟ speaking skill consisted of 23,33% students were very poor, 50% students were poor, 23,33% students were average, 3,33% students were good and none student got very good category. The data also shows that the average of students‟ speaking score was 50,33. The highest score is 70 and the lowest score was 30. Due to the result above, the mean of


students‟ speaking skills was low. But, the average of students test result increased 17,67. It was from 32,66 to be 50,33. The researcher concluded that students‟ speaking skills improved, but the result of students score in cycle 1 not satisfied to KKM (70). So the researcher conducted the next cycle with some improvement for the best result.

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