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Cycle II

Dalam dokumen TABLE OF CONTENT (Halaman 70-78)


B. Description of the Research

3. Cycle II

The action in the cycle I was not success enough, the cycle must be continued to cycle II. Cycle II was used to repair the weakness in the cycle I. the steps of the cycle II as follows:

a. Planning

Based on the activities in the cycle I, the process at cycle II was focused on the problem on cycle I. There were some weaknesses on

cycle I. Then, the researcher and collaborator planned to give the material for students in reading comprehension ability by recount text with the method of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) method.

The researcher and collaborator prepared the lesson plan, observation sheet of the students’ activities, identified the problem, and found the causes of problem at the first and the last of learning activities. The researcher also planned to give evaluation to measure the students’ mastery on the given materials.

b. Acting

1) The first meeting

The first meeting was conducted on Thursday, Mei 31th 2018 at 12.45 until 14.15 that followed by 30 students. The researcher greeted the students and checked the students’ attendance list then the researcher asked question related to the topic orally.

For the beginning of the meeting, before the students had gathered with their group, the researcher told a text untitled

“Founder of Whatsapp” in front of the class to give stimulus for the students in making interested and enjoy the lesson. Some students who knew the meaning would give their big smile and became more interested, but the others were only speechless and looked very confused.

Then, the researcher divided the students into some groups that each group consists of five students. The researcher said, “Well guys, now please find the difficulty words, and you can ask me!”

A student asked, “Ms. what is the meaning of descent?” The researcher answered, “Descent is keturunan”. After that, the researcher asked the students to discuss it together.

Next, the researcher called one of the students, and gave the questions. The student could answer it. From this activity, the researcher still found out some problems in reading faced by students, but the students’ desire in reading recount text was increased.

2) The second meeting

The second meeting was conducted on Thursday, Juni 07th 2018 at 13.15 until 14.45 followed by 30 students. The researcher began the lesson greeting, praying, checking attendance list and asking the students’ condition. The researcher continued the material in the last meeting, explained the generic structure and tenses in the text.

Next, the researcher gave the tasks that should be discussed by the group and all of the members should know the answer. In this stage, the students were very active in following the lesson. It might be caused they could adapt the condition of the class. The students looked getting more spirit and enthusiasm in following

learning process. It looked from their activeness in the class. The good condition of the environment of the class was very helpful in teaching learning process.

Then, the researcher discussed and gave the explanation to all of the students about the problem of reading comprehension ability that often faced by the students through the effective method; Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) method.

3) The third meeting

The third meeting was conducted on Friday, Juni 08th 2018.

This meeting used to post test 2 at the end of cycle II. The researcher gave post test to the students. In this meeting almost all of the students could answer well. It could be seen from the result of the post test 2. There were only 6 of 30 students got the score under the minimum mastery criteria in MA Darun Nasyi’in.

Table 12.

Students’ Post Test 2 score

No. Students’ Name Score Note

1. A. M. 70 Completed

2. A. N.W 85 Completed

3. A. D. R. 65 Completed

4. A. S. 65 Completed

5. A. M. H.A.A 70 Completed

6. D. A. 75 Completed

7. E. S. 75 Completed

8. E. P. S. 80 Completed

9. H. N. A. 60 Uncompleted

10. I. S. 80 Completed

11. L. S. 75 Completed

12. L. N.F. 60 Uncompleted

13. L. N. 70 Completed

14. M. R. 75 Completed

15. M.S.H. 80 Completed

16. N.O.A 70 Completed

17. N. E.N 85 Completed

18. N. H. 70 Completed

19. R. 65 Completed

20. R. N.S 80 Completed

21. N. F. 80 Completed

22. S. K.S 70 Uncompleted

23. S. M. 75 Completed

24. S. M. 80 Completed

25. S. 70 Uncompleted

26. S. 95 Completed

27. S. 75 Completed

28. Y. A. 60 Uncompleted

29. I. I. 80 Completed

30. E. L. 80 Completed

Total 2.220

Average 74

Highest Score 95

Lowest Score 60

Table 13.

Frequency of students’ score in Post test 2 No. Grade Category Frequency

1. ≥65 Completed 27

2. <65 Uncompleted 3

Total 30

Source: The result score of reading post test 2 at X class of MA Darun Nasyi’in Bumi Jawa on Juni 08th 2018.

Based on the result above, it could be inferred that 27 students were successful and 3 other students were not successful. From the post test 2 results, the researcher got the average of 74. It was higher than post test 1 in cycle I.

c. Observing

The observing was done by the researcher that represented about two meetings in cycle II. In this stage the students were more active and enthusiastic in following the teaching and learning process. It could be seen as follow:

Table 14

The Students’ Activities in Cycle II

No Students Activities Freque


Percentage 1. The students’ pay attention of the

teacher explanation

32 88,89%

2. The students ask/answer question 28 77,78%

3. The students were active in group 30 83,33%

4. The students able do the task 32 88,89%

Total students 30

The table showed that not all the students’ activity in cycle II was increased. The students’ activity that high percentage were pay attention of teachers’ explanation (88,89%) and the students’ able to do the task (88.89%), the second high percentage was active in group

(83,33%) and the third was the students ask/answer the question (77,78%) were able to do the task.

Based on the result above, the researcher indicated that learning process in cycle II was successful because the third students’ activity got percentage > 60%.

Based on the result of the research in cycle II, it could be inferred that cycle II was successful. The researcher felt satisfied about the result of the research. There were >80% of students passed the examination. It means the students’ reading comprehension had increased. From the result above, the researcher concluded that this research was successful and would not be continued in the next cycle.

The students’ score on reading comprehension from post-test I to post-test II was be seen on the table below.

Table 15.

Comparison between the Students’ score at post-test I and post-test II

No Name

Post- test I score

Post- test II




1. A. M. 60 70 10 Increased

2. A. N.W 85 85 0 Constant

3. A. D. R. 55 65 10 Increased

4. A. S. 50 65 15 Increased

5. A. M. H.A.A 55 70 15 Increased

6. D. A. 70 75 5 Increased

7. E. S. 70 75 5 Increased

8. E. P. S. 75 80 5 Increased

9. H. N. A. 45 60 15 Increased

10. I. S. 75 80 5 Increased

11. L. S. 70 75 5 Increased

12. L. N.F. 50 60 10 Increased

13. L. N. 60 70 10 Increased

14. M. R. 55 75 20 Increased

15. M.S.H. 80 80 0 constant

16. N.O.A 60 70 10 Increased

17. N. E.N 85 85 0 Increased

18. N. H. 60 70 10 Increased

19. R. 55 65 10 Increased

20. R. N.S 75 80 5 Increased

21. N. F. 80 80 0 Constant

22. S. K.S 50 70 20 Increased

23. S. M. 70 75 5 Increased

24. S. M. 75 80 5 Increased

25. S. 60 70 10 Increased

26. S. 90 95 5 Increased

27. S. 70 75 5 Increased

28. Y. A. 60 60 0 Constant

29. I. I. 80 80 0 Constant

30. E. L. 80 80 0 Constant

TOTAL 2005 2.220 215

AVERAGE 66,83 74 7,17

Based on the result of above, it was be inferred that STAD method could increase the students’ reading comprehension because there was increasing from average in Post-test I 66,83 became 74 in post-test II. In the cycle II most the students’ could develop their reading comprehension Ability. It means that cycle II was successful.

The table is to describe the comparison of the students’ result in post 1 and post-test II.

d. Reflecting

From the result of learning process in cycle II the researcher analyzed that generally by using Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) method, the reading comprehension ability would increase.

Most of the students enjoyed when they were studying by using STAD and it also made the students had good interested in reading English, although at the beginning lesson before treatment they felt confused.

Based on the observation of learning process in cycle II, it could be inferred that the result of cycle II was success. The researcher felt satisfied about the result of the research. The researcher concluded that this research was successful and would be not continued in the next cycle.

C. Interpretation

Dalam dokumen TABLE OF CONTENT (Halaman 70-78)

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