• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


D. Data Collection Procedure

The data collecting method utilized in this research was a combination of the following:

1. The researcher notified the students about the interview and scheduled the interview time.

2. The researcher performed the interview by asking open-ended questions in order to get a detailed explanation and description of


how to use Google Meet. The researcher focused on students' perceptions of the benefits of Google Meet.

3. The researcher kept track of when students responded to questions or initiated conversations, or took notes as necessary.

E. Data Analysis Technique

After the data was all collected the researcher was do several procedures in data analysis, there are:

1. Data Transcription

Transcription is the process of converting data from the recording into the sentence form. In this step, the researcher listened carefully the result of every interview recording and write down what the students said.

2. Data Interpretation

In this step, the researcher review the results of the interview to know the purpose of the answers given by the students’. The researcher also coded the data.

3. Data Classification

The information from interview collected correctly. When the data is collected, the researcher classified the result of the data interview.

4. Data Presentation

The last step, the researcher verified in narrative form with valid data and consistent evidence to make the reader easier to know the students’ perception of using Google Meet in learning English at


Muhammadiyah University of Makassar (a descriptive qualitative research at the fifth-semester students’).




This chapter discusses the results of research that has been conducted by researcher. This chapter described what the final results of the research conducted by researcher.


The researcher reported the outcome of the data analysis in this chapter, which was based on the problem description from chapter one. The researcher sought to ascertain students' perceptions of utilizing Google Meet for English study at Muhammadiyah University in Makassar. The study results concern the transcription of students' interviews. The purpose of this study was to ascertain students' views of utilizing Google Meet in their English education studies at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The researcher questioned 30 students enrolled in Muhammadiyah University's English education study program.

After collecting data, the researcher categorized the findings. The interview is a component of students' perceptions of utilizing Google Meet for English language learning. According to the interview results, the researcher discovered that the same things that the students were provided by the students contributed to the students' being nice or positive. In this explanation, the researcher chose one or two responses because they were close and almost


identical, with the only difference being in the phrase form and diction. It is necessary to describe the solution in more detail as follows :

1. Practicality

According to the interview, nearly all students believe that Google Meet is a highly beneficial medium for teaching and learning, particularly during the covid19 epidemic, since it is simple to use and has many benefits over other virtual apps. It is evident throughout the interview:

Students A said:

Other students said:

S: easy to use because to access Google Meet, I only click the link that was shared and then I can connect to my Gmail account. If on our phone we have more than 1 account, we can choose which account that we used. after that we can join in the meeting

(applikasi ini mudah digunkan karena untuk mengkses google meet, saya hanya menekan link yang telah dibagikan kemudian saya akan terhubung dengan akun gmail. Jika pada hp menggunkan lebih dari 1 akun kita hrus memilih akun yang akan digunkan untuk join kemudian setelah itu kami bisa bergabung dalam meeting)

S: the advantages of this Application is the duration is not limited like zoom so we can learn indefinitely but my difficulty when using Google Meet is network.

(kelebihan applikasi ini adalah durasinya tidak terbatas sepert zoom sehingga kami bisa belajar tanpa batas waktu tapi kesulitan saya ketika menggunkan Google Meet adalah jaringan)


Google Meet is a video conferencing program designed and developed by Google for use in online meeting procedures. The hypothesis above is consistent with the findings of the study, which indicate that Google Meet is a suitable platform for usage in pandemic situations. Using Google Meet made students more engaged, since it has video capabilities with high-quality and clear voice. All students believe that the Google Meet tool is simple to use, students utilized their Gmail accounts exclusively. They may then join the meeting. Google Meet enables more flexible teaching and learning activities that may be carried out anywhere and at any time. The instructor may provide materials and worksheets through a chat program such as WhatsApp or Gmail, which can be accessible from any location and at any time, regardless of time or space constraints. The hypothesis demonstrated the comparability of the results of the study performed through interview; the majority of students believe that the concept of accessibility is accomplished via the use of Google Meet. This implies that Google Meet may be accessed from anywhere and that the platform can be used in a variety of ways.

2. Effectiveness

According to the interview, nearly all students understood the lecturer's presentation of the subject and improved their abilities while learning to utilize Google Meet. It is evident throughout the interview:

25 The students said:

The majority of students have previously said that Google Meet really helps pupils improve their listening and speaking skills since their talents are so highly developed. Google Meet enhances the effectiveness of teaching and learning activities. The lecturer may present the content by using the elements that assist and support their delivery. Indeed, there is no correlation between pupils' comprehension and the Google Meet Application. However, the Google Meet Application has a number of tools that assist the professor in delivering the course. For instance, the lecturer may utilize 'raise hand' to indicate when a student want to respond to a question or when the professor wishes to gauge the students' comprehension. Additionally, the lecturer may use spreadsheets/slides, etc.

Students get a deeper understanding of the subject.

S: it’s depend on how the lecturer deliver their material so far i can understand the lecturer explanation most of them usually use slides to support their

material. My skill that develop during using google meet is listening skill because it’s very needed in every lesson, especially when the network is poor

(itu tergantung dari bagaimana dosen membawakan maerinya., sejauh ini saya bisa mengerti penjelasan dosen kebanyakam dari mereka selalu menggunakan slide untuk mensupport pembelajaran. Skill yang saya kembangkan selama belajar menggunkan google meet adalh listening skill saya karena itu sangat dibutuhkan dalam setiap pembelajaran terutama jika jaringannya jelek.)

26 3. Affordability

The result of interview showed that there are a several students have a different perception of the affordability when using Google Meet Application. It seen in interview:

Students A said:

Students B said:

Using google meet is affordable for all students then another platform because the cost is cheaper. The students A said that google Meet is affordable then other Application that need more quota like zoom. This representation showed that are appropriate result of the research.

S: yes, affordable than other apps that need more quota like zoom and we got free quota from the government also we don’t need to go to campus it’s safe my money.

(Iya terjangkau daripada applikasi lain yang membutuhkan lebih banyak kuota seperti zoom dan kami mendapatkan kuota gratis dari pemerintah, kami juga tidak perlu kekampus jadi uang saya aman .)

S: in my opinion it is very affordable because every students got free quota from campus.

(menurut saya itu sangat terjangkau karena setiap mahasiswa mendapatkan kuota gratis dari kampus.)


The interview results indicated that students had a favorable attitude about utilizing Google Meet in order to study English as a foreign language at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in terms of its practicability, efficacy, and cost.

Google Meet is a widely used medium for teaching and learning in epidemic situations. Google Meet enables users to conduct mobile meetings, virtual teaching and learning activities, and training courses, as well as remote interviews. Google Meet has tools for making high-quality video calls with groups of up to 250 people (Lobe et al., 2020).

The theory above is consistent with the findings of the research, which indicate that all students agree that Google Meet is extremely beneficial for students in the teaching and learning process during pandemic situations. This is because Google Meet is simple to use, students can join meetings without downloading the application. Students joined the meeting using just their Gmail accounts, which increased the flexibility of teaching and learning by allowing them to take place anywhere and at any time.

Additionally, according to Lobe et al. (2020), the benefits of the Google Meet application include the ability to communicate information through text, voice, video, and animation. Google Meet enhances the effectiveness of teaching and learning activities. Google Meet has many elements that assist students in comprehending the lecturer's content. The instructor may make use of spreadsheet features to assist pupils in comprehending the subject.


Some students stated that they have been able to comprehend the material thus far because almost all teachers used slides to support their material and now there is a new feature called "raise hand" to facilitate teaching and learning. Students can use this feature to respond to a question or make a statement without interfering with the learning process.

The application's weakness or drawback is that it needs a fast and steady internet connection. If the network quality is bad, the resolution and video speed are reduced, and there are additional requirements for constant availability of internet quotas, stable network conditions, and the availability of equipment to enable online learning, such as PCs or laptops. 2020 (Sawitri). However, all students expressed satisfaction with Google Meet and had no reservations regarding its usage.

Additionally, Google Meet now has a new feature called Data Usage Limit. According to Kompas.com (2021), Google Meet now has a new function that enables users to conserve internet bandwidth while using Google Meet on their mobile devices. The interview revealed that utilizing Google Meet is reasonable for all students, since it is less expensive than using another platform. This hypothesis demonstrated that the research's outcome was acceptable.

Based on the findings from the interviews conducted above, it can be inferred that students have a favorable attitude about utilizing Google Meet in educational activities. According to the benefits and advantages students get, such as the practicality, effectiveness, and affordability of Google Meet, it


demonstrates that it can support the learning activity of students even when there is a distance between instructor and students. The Google meetup is very useful in terms of continuing to perform educational activities throughout the epidemic pandemic. covid-19.



According to the findings of the study, the researcher found that the majority of students had a favorable attitude about the usage of Google Meet in educational activities during the outbreak pandemic of covid-19.

Students found Google Meet to be very useful and beneficial, owing to its practicality, efficiency, and cost. Google Meet offers a number of advanced features that are simple to use; it may also be used in conjunction with other learning material to enhance comprehension.

Additionally, Google Meet is less expensive, which allows students to use it more often without fear of incurring excessive costs.


The researcher made the following recommendations based on the results of the data analysis and conclusion:

Prior to participating in a virtual learning activity, students must ensure that their network is stable.

The lecture is required to optimize the learning process by using Google Meet and to be more engaging and innovative in educating students in order to increase their attention throughout the learning process and to accomplish the students' comprehension objectives. They will


eventually be able to meet the demand of that period in the breakout pandemic covid-19.

The subsequent researcher may take this study as a baseline and evaluate the efficacy of Google Meet to that of other apps.



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35 APPENDIX A The result of interview of students:

(I 2021)

R : How long have you been using Google Meet in learning ?

(Sudah berapa lama anda menggunakan Google Meet dalam belajar ?) S : mmm kurang lebih 1 tahun kak, semenjak pandemi Covid19.

R : How often do you use Google Meet during your classes ?

(Seberapa sering anda menggunakan Google Meet selama kelas anda ?) S : Sangat sering kak.

R : Based on your experience, what is the advantages and disadvantages of using Google Meet in learning English ?

(Berdasarkan pengalaman anda, apakah keuntungan dan kerugian menggunakan Google Meet dalam belajar bahasa inggris ?)

S : Keuntungannya applikasinya sangat mudah digunakan ndak ribet dan walaupun kita berada dimanapun kita tetap bisa mengikuti mata kuliah dan menurut saya kak, sejauh ini saya belum pernah mendapatkan kerugian apapu selama belajar menggunkan Google meet.

R : Is the application easy to use? why?

(Apakah applikasinya mudah digunakan ? mengapa ?)


S : Sangat Mudah kak. Karena untuk mengakses applikasinya kita hanya perlu mengklik link yang telah dibagikan, lalu kita sudah bisa lansung bergabung di grup meeting kak.

R : What difficulties did you find when using Google Meet application ? (Kesulitan apa yang anda temukan ketika menggunakan Applikasi Google Meet ?)

S : Kesulitan saya kak ketika menggunakan google meet adalah ketika jaringannya jelek kak. Suaranya akan terputus putus dan karena itumoi kak kadang saya bisa tertinggal penjelasan dosen.

R : Can you understand the teachers’ explanation when using Google Meet ? Why ?

(Dapatkah anda mengerti penjelasan guru ketika menggunakan Google Meet ? Mengapa ?)

S : Sejauh ini mengerti kak, kadang jug atidak mengerti. Tergantung bagaimana dosen menjelaskan materinya sih kak.

R : What skills do you develop the most during your learning English using Google Meet ?

(Skills apa yang paling anda kembangkan selama belajar bahasa inggris menggunakan Google Meet ?)

S : .Sejauh ini skill yang paling berkembang menurut saya yang lebih struggle itu listening kak.


R : In one Google Meet session, how long is the approximate duration of learning process?

(Dalam 1 sesi Google Meet, berapa lama perkiraan durasi dalam proses pembelajaran ?)

S : mmm mungkin 1 : 30 menit, tergantung sih kak berapa jumlah sksnya.

R : How much mobile data do you need for one learning section? please estimate ?

(Berapa banyak data seluler yang anda butuhkan untuk satu sesi pembelajaran ? tolong perkirakan!)

S : Kalau diperkirakan mungkin sekitar 300 Mb kak. Tapi tergantung juga fitur apa yang digunakan kak misalnya kalau kita disuruh aktifkan kameranya dari awal sampai selesai berarti data seluler yang digunakan bisa lebih dari itu kak. Jadi tergantung dari fitur yang digunakan saat belajar kak.

R : Is the use of Hangout Meet affordable for you ?

(Apakah penggunaan Google Meet terjangkau untuk anda ?)

S : Terjangkau kak karena menurutku sih lebih murah dibandingkan applikasi lainnya seperti zoom.

R : Do you prefer to use Google Meet Application in learning than to use conventional face-to-face learning?


(Apakah anda lebih suka untuk menggunakan applikasi Google Meet dalam pembelajaran dari pada menggunakan ?)

S : Yah pastinya lebih suka pembelajaran tatap mukalah kak karena vibesnya lebih berasa trus juga bisa lebih paham penjelasannnya dosen.

Tapi Applikasi Google Meet juga sangat membantu dalam memfasilitasi proses belajar mengajar.

(Adapted from Nurul Ermawati)







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