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B. Discussion

1. The students’ ability in writing

The writing test was used to find out the students’ ablity in writing Narrative paragraph faced by the students at class XI IPA 5 of SMA Negeri 8 Pinrang. The results of students written test then processed into the mean score to find out the students’

ability. In this processing, the students’ score classifiedd into five level. The mean score 90-100 was classified as very good. The score 70-89 was classified as good. Next level was classified as average if the students got mean score 50-69, and poor if the students

mean score 30-49. The last level was classified as very poor if the students got mean score less than 30.

Based on the result of the students writing test, their ability to write Narrative paragraph in accordance with the rule were still lack. The students faced many difficulties in the all elements or items of writing. It was proofed by the students’

writing which was found many mistakes in it.

The finding showed that the students’ ability to write obtained were connected with students contains existing were stiil low. It was proofed by the result of the writing test, in this item the students got mean score 47,93 classified as poor. It meant that they were poor in developing the topic given. One student got score 90 for this content item and most of them got score≤50.

Based on the aalysis of studets’ writing test the findings identification of difficulties in several categories. One of the difficulty was on ideas concept. Here, the students were very difficult to develop their ideas. So the development of sentences to be very poor and did not develop absolutely. Furthermore, it was found that the development of ideas were irrelevant with the first idea of paragraph. Some of the students also develop the paragraph but it was found that the paragraph is not a kind of narrative text. So it made the text to be difficult to understand.

Next, the assesment of the students’ mechanic in writing obtained the data about two students got score 85, and the other students got score ≤ 50. The students’ mean score in this item was 45,00 classified as poor. It described us that almost students got

difficulties i writing with the correct punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. That is why the students’ ability in this item was poor.

Based on the students’ writing test was found their difficulty in writing Narrative paragraph with the good mechanic. Idetification of their difficulty was at using capitalization were incorrect and it was iappropriate with the rules. One of them was in using full stop, comma, exclamation mar and the using of capital letter. Some of them also write the words with the incorrect spelling. This was the main students’ difficulty in writing Narrative at mechanic item. The following was the examples of the students’

writing with problems in using punctuation, capitalization and spelling with the rule of english :

a. three month ago I when to karomba together my cousin and my friends.

b. and finnaly I and my cousin and my fiends untill in karomba and take picturue and around karomba.

We would find some problems if we analyze the sentences above. At the first sentence, the beginning of the word “three” and “and” should use capital letter. Besides that, the word “when” and “finnaly” should be written as “went” and “finally”.

Furthermore, for the last item in grammar/structure in writing. It showed us that the students’ ability was still poor. It was proofed by the students’ mean score in this item 46’76. Besides that, in the result for individual score, one student got 85’ most of them existed at level score≤ 50. It meant the students’ ability to use the correct simple past in writing Narrative paragraph was poor.

Based on the analysis of the students writing test, the researcher found that the students got difficulties in writing by using the correct grammar. The main difficulty faced by the students here were the using of simple past tense. In writing the students could not be able to distinguish between the using of the verb I and verb II. The example of student writing with the problem of grammar item as follow : “I can went together with my friends”. The sentence showed the incorrect of using simple past, the word “can” should be replaced by the word “could” and went should be replaced by the word “go”. “And mother him came for napkin snot him and carried him went to out the room. So, it was the mistaken o using the appropriate grammar.

2. The students’ difficulties in writing

This research was aimed to find out the difficulties that faced by the eleventh grade students at XI IPA 5 of SMA Negeri 8 Pinrang in writing Narrative paragraph.

The researcher used questioner to find out the data about the students’ difficulties in writing. The result which gained through the questionaires showed that the students faced some difficulties in writing Narrative paragraph. The results of questionnaires were :

a. The first item which discusses the students’ difficulties in writing Narrative paragraph with the topic given. The result was 60% of the students chose less of vocabulary, 16’67% chose difficult to develop the topic, 23’33%

chose difficult to translate. From this finding, we could see that most of them faced diffficulties because of less of vocabulary, then the second problem was in translating, and the last was in the developing the ideas.

That is why the researcher assumes that option B (difficult to develop the ideas) was not a difficulty.

b. The second item which asked about the students’ difficulties in developing the topic given by the teacher in writing Narrative paragraph. The result was 10% of the students answered difficult to find main idea, 90% said difficult in word arrangement, and no one did not like the topic given. This result showed us variation answer of the students, so that the whole answers were considered as difficulties. Based on the result of the questionaire, the students faced problem in finding main idea, and arranging the words.

c. The third item asked about which punctuation was difficult for the students in writing Narrative paragraph. The result was 40% of the students answered comma, 30% answered full-stop, and 30% aswered exclamation mark. From these results obtained that most of the students chose comma as difficult punctuation, it was because they did not understand when they should use comma. For the full-stop and exclamation mark of this item was balance.

d. The fourth item asked about the students’ difficulties in using capitalization in writing Narrative paragraph. The result was 13’33% of the students answered they did not know when they should use capital letter, 6,675%

said they never learnt about capitalization, 80% answered seldom pay attention to the capitalization in writing. From the data, we could see that most of the students seldom pay attention to the capital letter when they

were writing. they only write and did not care about the use of capitalization, so that they made mistakes. In this item, the whole optios were considered as difficulties in using capitalization.

e. The fifth item asked about the students’ difficulties in writing with the correct spelling. The results showed that 33,33% of the students answered difficult without looking dictionary, 6’67% answered seldom use the english word, 60% answered they were less of vacabulary. From these data meant that most of the students were difficult in writing a Narrative paragraph with the correct spelling because english is not their daily language or they seldom use english word and less of vocabulary also. So they need to see dictionary to write with the correct spelling. In this item the researcher concluded that the students faced three difficulties in writing with the correct spelling such as difficult without dictionary,seldom using english word and they were less of vocabulary.

f. The sixth item asked about the difficulties of the students in writing a Narrative paragraph with the appropriate grammar the answer was obtained as follows, 73,33% students faced difficulty in using tenses and 26,67%

answered they faced difficulty in using verb. Most of the students chose tenses as their difficulties in grammar, it proofed also by their written test where the researcher found mistakes not only in tenses but also in verb.

g. The seventh item asked about what tense was difficult for them in writing Narrative. The results were as follows, 13’33% of the students answered

simple present tense, 16,67% answered present continuous and 70% of them answered simple past. It could be said that most of the students faced difficulty in using simple past tense. In writing Narrative paragraph, we frequently use simple past, but most of them faced difficult in this tense, that is why they were difficult in writing Narrative paragraph. In this tenses item, the researcher considered that the students got difficulty was in simple past.

h. The eighth item asked the students about the difficulty faced by the students in using verb. The result of that as follows, 56,67% of the students answerd less of verb II and 43’33% answered difficult to differentiate between verb I and verb II. Through this response, it could be concluded that the students did not have enough vocabulary about verb II to write Narrative paragraph.

As we know that verb II is one of language feature in writing Narrative paragraph. In this item, less of verb II was considered as difficulty of the students of SMA Negeri 8 Pinrang.



Based on the result of data analysis and the research findings and discussion in the previous chapter, the research concludes that:

1. The ability of the students in writing Narrative paragraph was still poor. This could be viewed from the analysis of the various items available. The students’

ability in the session:

a. The first was the ability in content of their writing. The students were poor in developing the topic given. It was described from the class mean score that the students got and this content item was classified as poor.

b. Next, on the mechanic item, the students also got difficulties. From the result of the test the researcher could concluded that the students’ ability to write with the correct mechanic were poor.

c. In grammar item, it could concluded that the students’ ability classiified as poor also based on the students’mean score.

2. The students’ difficulties in writing Narrative paragraph were analyzed by using questionaire, and the results were as follows:

a. The students could not develop the topic given, and they had less of vocabulary. The students were difficult to find the main idea, they got difficulty in the word arrangement.

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