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Scratch Animation tools


Picture 2.4 Scratch Animation tools

When students use Scratch, they can make projects by using downloaded or webbased software, and then uploading their projects to the Scratch online site to be shared.

Therefore, the researcher wants to use animation on scratch in teaching vocabulary to students


Computational thinking is thought to have been initiated by the journal Wing article in 2006. However, in fact a similar subject has been referred to by Papert (1996) under the name prosuderal thinking.

Wing (2006, p. 33) argues that computational thinking involves problem solving, system design, understanding human behavior by reflecting on basic computer science concepts.

What are the stages? As previously explained, computational thinking involves 4 main stages, namely:

a. Decomposition, is the division of the problem into smaller or simpler parts.

b. Pattern recognition, which is looking for or recognizing similar patterns within and between problems to be solved.

c. Abstraction, looking at the problem fundamentally so that it can see a broad range that is more important and ignores small details that are actually less relevant.

d. Algorithm, developing a system, sequence, or solution steps that can be applied thoroughly to the same pattern so that it is more effective and efficient.

It can also be said that what is computational thinking or computational thinking is a method for solving problems through the stages of thinking in designing the development of computer systems or applications.

Usually, application development starts with system requirements.

System requirements will cause many problems between the wishes of the user (who needs the application) and the programmer or computer system used to develop the application.

D. The Concept of Vocabulary

1. The Definitiont Of Vocabulary

Vocabulary has several meanings put forward by several experts, Linese (2005: 121) stated that vocabulary is the collection of words that an individual knows. While Hornby (2006:1645) said that vocabulary was all the words that a someones knows and used in they are talking about particular subject in particular language.

Nauman and Drawyer as cited in Bintz (2011;44) said that vocabulary can be defined as the word must know to communicate effectively: Words in speaking ( expressive vocabulary) and words in listening ( receptive vocabulary).

From the all definition above it can conclude that vocabulary is the one of important thing that we use in communication and foreign language learning.

2. The Important Of Vocabulary

To understand and communicate a foreign language well, we must have sufficient vocabulary. This is important because the lack of vocabulary mastery can affect other language skills such as speaking, listening, reading and writing. Mastery of sufficient vocabulary will


greatly assist a person in understanding, acquiring and also facilitating the process of transferring more knowledge. with sufficient vocabulary mastery will also open up our opportunities to develop in various fields such as economics, politics, technology, tourism and education.

Vocabulary is one of the important elements in learning English as Wilkins in Thornbury (2002:13) also said that without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed, this means that no matter how much we understand something but without mastery of vocabulary enough, then all of that means nothing because they cannot be equated.

Rivers in Nunan (1992:17) states that a person's success in learning a foreign language depends on mastery of foreign language vocabulary, therefore it is not wrong if vocabulary mastery is a measure of success someone in learning English.

Vocabulary itself refers to every word in various languages that is used in certain variations. according to Harimukti Krisdalaksana, Vocabulari is a part of a language that continues all of records Appoxymately that means and the usage of a phrase in a language, it means that vocabulary also has a role to maintain information about a word in a language

3. Teaching Vocabulary

The teaching of vocabulary is not easy to teach. thats why some people think that vocabulary teaching only wastes the time because of the vocabulary number is unlimited. That much be batter if the English teachers had to teach English vocabulary first than other aspect of this

language, such as, speaking, grammer reading and writing. and If the students had mastred alot of vocabulary, it will be easy for them to learn another aspect in English language..

Vocabulary is an important aspects of English language acquisition, as according to Celce and Murcia (2001. p: 285) vocabulary learning is a central to language acquisition whether the language is first, second, or foreign. According to Hornby (1995. p: 125) teaching is defined as giving instruction to someones knowledge, skill, etc.

From the statements of several experts above regarding teaching English vocabulary, it can be concluded that, teaching vocabulary is an activity where the teacher gives the students knowledge about vocabulary so that students can understand and know how to used it in daily life.

Harmer (2001: 155) gives the wide explanation about some technique for teaching vocabulary that is summarized as follows:

a. Demonstration

The teacher demonstrates the language where he/she wants the students to study by offering them there in action.

b. Explanation

The teacher explains the construction of language in diagram, using textbook, using board or OHP.

c. Discovery

d. The students can be encouraged to understand new language form by discovering them in a test or by looking at grammatical evidence in order to work out a grammar rule.


A noun is a word used for a thing, person or place. Everything, which has a name and we talk about it, that is a noun. We called everything by a name and that naming word is “noun”.

sometime a noun will be the name for something we can touch likes lamb, pen, table, but sometimes a noun will be the name for something we cannot touch lik happiness, truth, determinism.

Merriam Webster Dictionary defines noun as: a word or a phrase that is the name of something as a person, place, or thing and that is used in a sentence especially as subject or object of a verb or as a subject of a preposition.


Oxford Learner’s Dictionary defines noun as a word that refers to a person, such as Ann or doctor, a place such as Paris or city, or a thing, a quality or an activity such as plan, joy or tennis.

2. Kinds of Noun

There are many types of noun depending upon some aspects a. Proper Noun

A proper noun is the given name of a person, or a specific place or thing, i.e. its own name Imran, Karachi, Rover. A proper noun always starts with a capital letter. All days and months are proper noun and start with capital letters Sunday, March, December.

Name of all Person, name of countries, name of oceans are counted in category of proper nouns Mashal, Pakistan, Atlantic

b. Common Noun

A common noun is a type of noun that we use for a class of person, place, or thing e.g., person, city, and dog. We do not capitalize common noun unless used in start of a sentence. There are some exception like in poetry where every word of new line is capitalized. Some thing that is personified in poetry is also capitalized e.g., “So Nature incites them in their hearts”

PrologueGeoffrey Chaucer, here word poetry is personified, therefore it is capitalized.



F. Conceptual Framework

Seventh Grade Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar

Using Google CS First

Vocabulary Learning

The Application of Google CS First For English Vocabulary Learning

The Students Positive Response by The Using

of Google CS First Noun

Based on the conceptual framework above, the researcher wants to describe how the use of learning media using Google CS First with Scratch in learning English vocabulary of students and to see the response of first graders at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar to the use of Google CS First in learning English vocabulary, especially common nouns , the researcher will use descriptive qualitative method, in descriptive research itself there are several tools used to collect information, data collection tools that used by researcher include observation.




A. Research Design

This research was used qualitative decriptiv method, it was an approach that intends to understand the phenomenon of what was experienced by research subjects such as perception behavior,action , motivation and others, holistically and by way of description in the form of words and language, in a natural context and by utilizing various methods ( Moleong, 2005: 6). From the implementation of qualitative method produced data descriptive in the form of written or spoken words of people and behaviour which can be observed. Qualitative research had a descriptive nature, namely is where are the data collected in the form of words, pictures, not numbers ( Danin, 2002: 51)

In this case, descriptive qualitative research method was used to describe the researcher efforts to find out the opinions and effects of using Google CS First in English vocabulary learning at seventh group SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar.

B. Research Variables and Indicators 1. Variables

In this research, researcher were used the application of Google CS first and students' response as a research variable

2. Indicators

The indicator of this research was the students positive respons to use google cs first in learning English vocabulary, especially common nouns

C. Subject 1. Population

The population that used in this research was seventh class students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar which consisted of three classes.

Each class consisted of an average of 25 students so that the population was 75 students.

2. Samples

The research was conducted at A group at Seventh grade SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar, where there were 25 students divided into 10 male students and 15 female students

D. Research Instrument

In this qualitative research, the research tool or instrument was the researcher himself. Therefore, the researcher as an instrument also must be validated to what extent qualitative researcher was ready to carry out research which then went to the field. In qualitative research, the main instrument was the researcher himself, but after the focus of the research became clear, it was possible to develop research instruments simple, which was expected to complete the data and compare with the data that has been found through Fieldnotes and Observstion Checklist . The instrument in this study was the author must master


all related to research ranging from mastery of the theory used and the methods used in research. Researcher used Fieldnotes and Observstion Checklist to collect the data related to research.

E. Data Collection Technque

The instrument used by the researcher in this study was observation, according to Sutrisno Hadi (1986), observation is a complex process, where some process was composed of various biological and psychological processes. Two of the most important are processes of memory and observation,. This technique was used when the research is related to human behavior, natural phenomena, work processes and if the respondents who were observed are not too large (Sugiyono, 2010: 203),

In collecting data, researcher was used observation for describe the application of Google CS Firat and to see how the students respons of the use of Google CS First in English Vocabulary learning.

1. Field Notes

This field note could be in handwritten or computer form, in this field note the researcher described events, places, people, objects, activities and conversations. in this case it can helped researcher in expressing ideas, strategies, reflections in the form of notes, In this research, the researcher uses field notes to describe the application of Google CS First in learning English vocabulary.

2. Observation Checklist

The Observation Chacklist used in this research was to see the response to the use of Google CS First in learning English vocabulary.

The observations made in this study, require there was a reference used in the observation guidelines. As for The reference used is was follows

Table 3.1 Observation Table

NO Observstion Aspect

Assessment Observation

Yes No

1 Visual activities 2 Oral activities 3 Listening activities 4 Writing activities 5 Mental activities 6 Emotional activities

Grid of Observation (Lestari Puji : 2013)

Data on student responses to learning English vocabulary using Google CS first by looking at the percentage of student responses.

The criteria for success or student responses was said to be good if they are minimal 75% of the students involved gave a positive response to learning English vocabulary using Google CS First. Data on student responses analyzed by calculating the percentage of the number of students who responded by using formula:



p = Percentage of student who responses f = The number of students who responds n = Total number of students

F. Data Analysis Technique

The data analysis that were used in this research was the Flow Chart Analysis where there was 3 stages that are carried out including

1. Data reduction

In data reduction, the record of analysed that concise, sharp, focused, discarding unnecessary data, and organize data as a way to describe and

verify the final conclusion. Data reduction includes data organizing activities so that it can assist and facilitate researchers in conducting further analysis. Data that has been collected in the field, such as the results of Field noetes and observation checklist that have been carried out, are then reduced to sorting and organizing them according to the research focus.

2. Data display

In the data display, the data that has been obtained as well as In relation to the focus of research carried out as a basis for making

appropriate conclusions, data presentation can be made in the form of narratives, graphs, matrices, tables, and so. In this study, the data that has been reduced based on the results of documentation and observations by researcher were presented as narrative form.

3. Verification

In the verification is activities to formulated research conclusions, both conclusions provisional and final conclusions. Tentative conclusions This can be made against any data found at the time research is ongoing, and final conclusions can be made after all research data were analyzed.

Thus, Verification is an analytical activity in which data that has been collected at the beginning is analyzed to determine whether something is meaningful or not having patterns, regularities, explanations, possible configurations, propositions, causal relationships, and propositions.

Verification aims to conclude research results based on the data obtained from the reduction and display of the data.

1. The Application of Google CS First for English Vocabulary learning

In this research the researcher first provided training for the use of google CS first to the teacher the day before, from the results of observations using the Checklist Field conducted by researcher on the seventh grade English teacher of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar based on the steps of using Google CS First in learning English, the following results were found. the application of google cs first in learning English vocabulary for the group A at seventh grade SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar there are two stages, namely the preparation stage and the implementation stage.

a. Preparation stage

At this stage, the researcher assisted the teacher to prepare Google CS first to be used in learning English, a day before implementation must be prepared suches: Computer or laptop and English class VII K13 textbook revised edition, Internet Connection as well.

Table. 4.1 Preparation Stage Table

No The Steps of Using Google CS First Yes No Note


Make sure the device is connected to the internet

Mastered By

Teacher 2 Enter the browser via GOOGLE Chrome Mastered By

Teacher 3 Enter the address CSFirst.withgoogle.com in the

browser Mastered By


4 Click "Sign In" Mastered By


5 Click " I'm a teacher Mastered By

Teacher 6 Create Account with Google Email Mastered By

Teacher 7 Login to Google CS First Dashbord Mastered By

Teacher 8

Click on the "Plus" icon to create a new

project or create a class

Mastered By Teacher


Once you click "New Project" you can create a project with all of the original Scratch blocks

Mastered By


10 Save The Project Mastered By


From the observations, it was known that from the 10 steps of using Google CS First quoted from the Google CS First website itself, it was known that the teacher has mastered the 10 steps so that it is included in the Very Good category


b. Implementation stage

At this stage was where learning using Google CS first was carried out with the help of a projector, the teacher just presses the red button to run the Scratch animation.

Table, 4.2 Implementation Stage Table

No The Steps of Using Google CS First Yes No Note

1 Connect the Computer To Projector Mastered By Teacher 2 make sure the device is connected to the


Mastered By Teacher 3 Enter the browser via GOOGLE Chrome Mastered By

Teacher 4 Enter the address CSFirst.withgoogle.com in the

browser Mastered By

Teacher 5 Click "Sign In"

Assested By

Resarcher 6 Login to Google CS First Dashbord Mastered By


7 Click on “Project” icon Assested By

Resarcher 8 Chose the Projeck That Has been Created Mastered By

Teacher 9 Click the “Flag’ icon to play the progreme Mastered By


At the preparation stage, it seems that the teacher had dominantly mastered the use of Google CS First in Prepertion Stage and implementation Stage, but the teacher has difficulty at the Implementation stage suches “Click the Project Icon” because the teacher does not understand how to display the results of learning media that has been made previously, for that with the help of

researcher then show it, in a way teacher was first asked to open the Gooogle CS First Dashboard then click the "Project" item then selected the previously created project and run it by clicking the flag item, the project will run automatically.

2. Students response by the use of Google CS First for English Vocabulary Leaning

From the observational data obtained by the researcher using the observation checklist, which was carried out twice, to see students responses when studying without using Google CS First and when lerarning with Google CS First

a. Observation Day-1 Studying without using Google CS First Table. 4.3 Oservation Table of the Group Respons Day -1

NO Observations Aspects

Observation Result

Yes No

1 Visual activities

Students pay attention to

the teacher's explanation


Oral activities

Students ask about the material given by the teacher

Students actively ask questions during presentations

Students respond to their

friends' answers

3 Listening activities

Students listen to the

teacher's explanation well

Students listen to their friends' answers or

responses well

Students take notes on

important things explained


4 Writing activities by the teacher

Students make a summary

of the material

5 Mental activities

Students can quickly form


Students cooperate with

their group of students

Students dare to present the results of the discussion

6 Emotional activities

Students are enthusiastic in

the learning process.

From the results of observation table made by researcher in the classroom on day 1, Bbased on several aspects of the activity observed, the first was in visual activity, students paid less attention to the teacher's explanation, this was seen from some students who were not seated when the teacher was explaining.

Next in the oral activity, it is seen that there was no students who ask the teacher during the presentation so that there are no students who provide responses to their friends' answers, in the listening activity, the students did not listen to the teacher's explanation well, so that no student is able to answer or listen to the responses of other students

In writing activities, there was no students who was seen writing or summarizing the material explained by the teacher, furthermore, in mental activities, students was quite active when asked to form and work together in groups and present the results of their group discussions, and finally, the emotional activity could showed that students was less enthusiastic in participating in learning, as can be seen from the condition of students in the class that was not conducive during learning.

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