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B. Discussion

Discussions are presented as the way to discover the ideas related to the findings, previous study and correlated theories. The finding shown that the fifth semester students of English major of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar used linking words in their essay. This indicate what has been observed in previous studies that “ideas are overtly linked throughout the essay. Use cohesive device (such a logical connectors) is always accurate. Compound and complex sentences are used accurately to create clear connections across sentences and paragraphs” (Gennaro, 2016:


From the findings, it was known there were 426 times linking words that appear in the students’ essay. Addition became the most dominant type of linking words that used by the students with 270 times.

“And” became the most frequent linking words that appear in addition types.

This is another indication of what has been observed in previous study that

“the appropriate use of particular linking words depends on the organization of the essay” (Apse and Farneste, 2018).

From the findings, it was also known that there were nine types of linking words that appear in students’ essay from ten types. The only type of linking words that did not appear was summation (summary). This is another indication of what has been observed in previous study that

”considering the linking words and phrases these authors recommend to be used in each type of essays and organizational patterns, it can be observed

that the same groups of linking adverbials are common for several essay types and organizational patterns, for example, to illustrate, to persuade and to argue, enumeration linking adverbials are used, and all essays are recommended to be finished with the summation linking words and phrases”

(Apse and Farneste, 2018). It is allowing us to assume why the summation (summary) types did not appear in students’ essay. Students’ essay was a descriptive essay and as we know descriptive essay did not use to persuade (persuasive essay) or to argue (argumentative essay), it is just to describe a thing.

Even the total numbers of linking words uses were 426 times, the kind of words that appear only 35 types of word from total 120 types of word that found by the researcher. Which means that the students only use several linking words that they have known and compatible with the kind of essay. This indicate what has been observed in previous studies that “at a proficient user’s level, linking words and phrases are not among very frequently used discourse markers to keep the written text coherent and unified” (Apse and Farneste, 2018).

On the other side, the finding also shown that the fifth semester students of English major of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar made errors in their essay. Learners’ errors need to be analysed because they provide significant information to the researcher about the language acquisition process, to the teacher – ‘how far towards the goal the learner has progressed’, and the learner can also learn from them (Corder, 1967:

161). The explanation from Corder are related to the significance of this research.

From the findings, it was known there were 32 errors that made by the students in their essay. Misinformation error became the most dominant types of error with 13 errors. All of the observed errors may be classified as intralingual errors base on the source of the error, which coincides with conclusion that more advanced learners mainly demonstrate intralingual errors (Apse and Farneste, 2018). It also related to Heydari and Bagheri (2012: 1588) as learners’ progress in acquiring the norms of the target language, more and more intralingual errors are manifested.

The findings shown that only 32 errors that found in the students’

essay from total 457 linking words that appear (426 was correct uses). That was a small number of errors which related to Ngadda and Nwoke (2014:

13) their research indicates that errors in the use of connectives appear to be the least frequent ones. Which mean that beside this research only focus on the errors in the using of linking words, it also because error in use of connectives, like linking words, is one of infrequent one.

As seen also in the findings, there are four types of error that occur in the students’ essay and the sources of those errors was intralanguage errors, which means that the sources of errors came from target language itself, in this case English. It was because all types of error that occur in the students’ essay were in the English essay form and English was the target language from the students where Indonesian was the source language of

them. It supported the statement form Apse and Farneste (2018) that the main type of errors found in the essay is intralingual errors. The intralanguage errors are caused by overgeneralization, ignorance of rule restriction, incomplete application of rules, and false concept hypothesized.

Because the research was only focused on error in using linking words, so there are only three possible cause that became the cause of the errors besides false concept hypothesized.

From all discussion above, it can be summarized that the fifth semester students of English major of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar who learn English as foreign language tend to use linking words in their essay specially addition, contrast and apposition type which consist the basic linking words (and, or, but). However, the most dominant still addition types. It allows us to assume that the result of this research correlate with the research observations mentioned in Apse and Farneste (2018) the main findings of the research indicate that proficient users of a language tend to use linking words and phrase appropriately.

The students also tend to make some errors, especially misinformation errors that become the most frequent error that found by the researcher. It allows us to assume that the result of this research correlate with the research observations mentioned in Apse and Farneste (2018) the students demonstrate good knowledge and skills of the use of appropriate linking words and phrases in illustration essays as there are rather few errors observed. And also related to another Apse and Farneste (2018) knowledge

and skills of how to use LWPs properly do not result in the overall correctness of a written text and the students’ ability to express themselves comprehensively and without errors.

A. Conclusion

After conducting the research, doing the analysis and presenting the result, the researcher could draw some conclusions. The conclusions of this study presented as follows:

1. Based on the finding of the analysis, it can be seen that the students’ used total 457 linking words, 426 correct uses and 32 errors. The findings shown total 426 linking words that found by the researcher which consist of 13 enumerations (3.05%), 270 additions (63.38%), 0 summations (0%), 24 appositions (5.63%), 23 results (5.40%), 12 times (2.82%), 5 place (1,17%), 51 contrasts (11.97%), 17 concessions (3.99%) and 11 transitions (2.58%). Addition became the most dominant kind of linking words that found by the researcher with the word “and” became the most frequent linking words. While summation is the most infrequent kind of linking words of all.

2. Based on the errors that occur in the students’ essay, source of those error was intralanguge errors. The findings shown total 32 errors appear in the students’ essay which is consist of 4 omission errors (12.50%), 11 addition errors (34.38%), 13 misinformation errors (40.63%) and 4 misordering errors (12.50%). Misinformation errors was the most dominant kind of

errors that found by the researcher, while omission and misordering were the most infrequent kind of error of all.

B. Suggestion

The researcher would like to propose some suggestions. It is expected that the result of this research will hopefully give a new idea for a better teaching and learning process especially in teaching writing in the English major of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

1. For lecturers

The researcher suggested the lecturers of English major to pay more attention of their students’ ability in using linking words especially the errors in using it. The lecturers can use interesting technique in teaching process to increase students’ ability and decrease students’ errors. This research can be used as a reference to developing a new teaching method which can be applied in a lesson plan.

2. For students

As the students, make errors in the writing essay is normal, include error in the use of linking words, they have to learn more about the function of the linking words and how to use them. This research can be used as learning materials for self-teaching.

3. For the next researchers

The researcher expected that the result of this study can give an informative input to the next researchers who probably conduct similar research variable.


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INSTRUMENTS FOR COLLECTING DATA Error Analysis on the Use of Linking Words in Writing Essay (A Descriptive Quantitative Research of the Fifth Semester Students of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in the Academic Year 2018/2019)


1. Write a descriptive essay that consist of at least 3 paragraphs.

2. Each paragraph consists of at least 4 sentences.

3. Pay more attention on the linking words uses.

4. You may look up to your dictionaries in case there are some vocabularies which you are not familiar with.

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