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B. Discussion

After analyzed the data, the writer would like to discuss the result of the findings of the research.

1. Students’ ability in writing narrative text based on analyzing the generic structure of narrative text.

Narrative text there was the generic structure that contains such as orientation, complication, and resolution. Orientation was the introduction of the story in which the character, setting and time of the story are established.

Complication was explored the conflict in the story. Then resolution, was situation which the problem has been resolved. In every generic structure the writer identified the content of students‟ narrative text.


The researcher found the data students‟ ability in writing narrative text at the third semester students of English Department at Unismuh Makassar with the classified the criteria score of generic structure and counted of mean score. And the result of students score classification the generic structure of narrative text from 20 students, the organization of orientation there were 15 students got score (90-100) in very good specification, there were 2 students got score (80-89) in good specification, there are 3 students got score (70-79) in fair specification, and there was no student got poor and very poor specification.

The organization of complication there were 15 students got score (90- 100) in very good specification, there were 5 students got score (80-89) in good specification, and there was no student got fair, poor, and very poor specification.

The organization of resolution there were 12 students got score (90- 100) in very good specification, there were 6 students got score (80-89) in good specification, there were 2 students got score (70-79) in fair specification and there was no student got poor and very poor specification.

And the mean score from 20 students of orientation was 93, mean score of complication was 94.8, and mean score of resolution was 89.65.

2. The Frequency of All Types of Grammatical Cohesion found in narrative text and the Percentages.


Classified the frequency and counted percentages the types of grammatical cohesion by Haliday and Hasan theory found in narrative text written by students‟.

Haliday and Hasan (1976: 28) had distributed grammatical cohesion into reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. The researcher found 20 narrative text written by the third semester students of English Department at Unismuh Makassar. After analyzed the text, references is the mostly used in the narrative text with 557 times of used with the percentages was 69.02 %. The reference used is personal reference, such as I, we, me, and she. And demonstrative reference, such as this, that, these, and the. Azzouz (2009: 50) argues that such phenomena can be caused by the students‟ mastery of grammatical devices and their knowledge regarding such devices.

Conjunction is the second with 221 times of used with the percentages 27.4 %. Students‟ previous knowledge may help them to use kinds of conjunction. The conjunction used additive conjunction and, or, adversative conjunction but, however, causal conjunction because, and temporal conjunction after that. Substitution is the third that most used by students with 28 times of used with percentages was 3,5 %. The example substitution used by students is one, do, and did. Azzouz (2009: 51) argued that students‟ awareness regarding items to be substituted or omitted may affect the use of it. Ellipsis is the fourth that most used by students with 1 times of used with the percentages was 0,12 %. The example of ellipsis used by students is most of them.

According to the results, students are not familiar with the use of Ellipsis


concerning the use grammatical cohesion. The students may rarely or never use any ellipsis in their text writing which has been taught before, that‟s why ellipsis is rarely found in students writing.

From 20 text narrative written by students, the percentages four types grammatical cohesion used dominantly is Reference.



After presenting the findings and the discussion in the previous chapter, the study concluded and provided some suggestion.


The researcher concluded the students‟ ability to written narrative text was classification of generic structure of narrative text and the types of grammatical cohesion are found in narrative text written by the third semester students of English Department at Unismuh Makassar. And narrative text written by students


is 20 narrative texts. The researcher found the mean score of students‟ ability from the criteria score organization generic structure in narrative text. The mean score of orientation was 93, complication was 94.8, and resolution was 89.55.

The researcher found grammatical cohesion from the analyzed the frequency all types of grammatical cohesion by Haliday and Hasan theory, they are references, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. And the total frequency of grammatical cohesion produced by 20 students was 807. The most grammatical cohesion used by students is reference with 557 times of used, the second is conjunction with 221 times of used, he third is substitution with 28 times of used, and the last is ellipsis with 1 times of used. Then, the researcher calculated the percentages of each type of grammatical cohesion found in narrative text written by the third semester students of English Department at Unismuh Makassar. The researcher found that there were 69.02% of reference, 27.4% 0f conjunction, 3.5%

of substitution, and 0,12% of ellipsis. It can be conclude from the percentages cohesion above, for the grammatical cohesion used dominantly is References.


Based on the analysis students‟ ability in write narrative text and the types of grammatical cohesion found in narrative text written by the third semester students of English Department at Unismuh Makassar, the researcher made suggestion, that are as follow:

1. For the students


The researcher suggests the students in making narrative texts must pay attention to the generic structure and language features of narrative text. And the students when writing text must understand about grammatical cohesion in order to improve English writing in giving all the ideas they want to write.

Hopefully after knowing the cohesive devices especially grammatical cohesion, the quality of the students in writing also increase. Writing is the most difficult skill that has to be accomplished by the students, thus the students should practice more to increase their skill in writing.

2. For the next researcher

Hopefully, there will be the next researchers who want to do similar research as the authors did. They can use this research as the researcher did.

They can use this researcher as previous research. And if they want to do similar research, they can use sources related to this. Many other references have been written by other researchers.



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http://gosrok.blogspot.com/2012/02/grammatical-cohesion.html accessed on February 10, 2019.

Ningsih, Rachmawati. 2004. Error Analysis in the Students’ English Writing.

Jakarta: Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University.

Rahman, Muhammad Fatur. 2016. The Use of Cohesion in Students Narrative Writing at English Department of Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang. Malang: Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University.

Rohim, Abdul. 2009. Cohesion Analysis on the Jakarta Post’s Editorial. Jakarta:

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Tsareve, Anastasia. 2010. Grammatical Cohesion in Argumentative Essays by Nurwegion and Rusian Learner, M.A. Thesis. The University of Olso.

Ulfa, Maria. 2016. An Analysis of Lexical Cohesion In Narrative Text Three Children Storybooks of “Oliver and Jumpy” by Werner Stejskal.

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Widiasprasetyo, Aniq. 2013. An Analysis of Grammatical Cohesion Found Narrative Written by the Second SemesterStudents of English Education Department of Muria Kudus University In Academic Year 2012/2013.

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Appendix 1

Narrative Text Topic : “My Embarassing Moment”

Name : Class :

 Write down a story narrative text with the topic “My Embarassing Moment”

with the interesting stories that you have experienced!

Appendix 2

Writing Score Analysis

No Name Code Organization

Orientation Complication Resolution

1 S-01 95 100 95

2 S-02 95 100 100

3 S-03 75 89 85

4 S-04 70 95 80

5 S-05 95 85 98

6 S-06 100 95 80

7 S-07 89 95 100

8 S-08 79 100 70

9 S-09 89 100 80

10 S-10 100 80 80

11 S-11 90 89 89

12 S-12 100 98 90

13 S-13 100 100 95

14 S-14 95 100 98

15 S-15 100 100 95

16 S-16 100 95 100

17 S-17 95 80 70

18 S-18 98 100 100

19 S-19 95 95 90

20 S-20 100 100 98

Ʃx 1860 1896 1793

Mean (X) 93 94,8 89,65

Average 92,53

The mean score of the students‟ test result :

Orientation : X = = 93 Resolution : X = Complication : X = = 89,65

Appendix 3

Analysis Grammatical Cohesion Found in Narrative Text Written by Students Class BG3C.

Text 1

No Sentences

Grammatical Cohesion Rf Sb E C 1 One day on Monday, I left for school at 07.00

am. 


I departed wearing neat clothes, wearing a tie or hat but on that day I wore a narrow skirt (span skirt) because the skirt that I used to use (loose skirt) was dirty.

3 At the time I was ceremony. 

4 I passed it just fine. 

5 This time I did not faint until the ceremony was over.

 


After that ceremony, we were immediately told to enter the classroom to begin our first lesson, namely Indonesian.

7 After the first subject is finished we processed to this second subject which Mathematics.

8 The subject of mathematic has already been passed.

9 Its time we entered the break at 09.30. 

10 Since then, we have used our rest time by feeling the stomach with food.

11 One day way to the canteen I passed the field.  12 I the field there are many students who play

takraw ball and play volleyball.


When I was in the middle of the field accidentally the person who kicked the takraw ball hit my feel and I immediately took the ball and kicked it to the person who was playing the takraw ball.

14 I forgot that I was wearing a narrow skirt.

15 Without aba‟da I immediately kicked him and at the time I was falling with I central position.

16 During the incident many students laughed at

me. 


There I felt ashamed because I fell in the middle of the field during recess when all the students did not do the learning process.

18 I immediately ran back to my class without seeing people laughing at me.

19 That’s when I thought, I should have been careful in making decisions, not rash.

20 Otherwise we will experience problems that can be embarrassing to ourselves.

Total 45 3 11

Percentage the type of grammatical cohesion in text 1:

Reference : Substitution :

Ellipsis : 0%

Conjunction :

Text 2

No Sentences

Grammatical Cohesion

Rf Sb E C 1 One day, when I has been 3 high school class. 

2 I experienced a shameful event.  3 At the moment, me and all my classmate are in

the class waited for mathematic teacher.

4 For 1 hour we waited the teacher but the teacher did not came.

  

5 We were all very happy and nourished shouted

“yeay free class”.

 


A moment letter a classmate of my class was made a tiktok video that was at the moment was trend.

7 Me and all classes who are in the class are interested in made some tiktok video together.

 


We also started setting the table for in place by some of my friends to dance and rest only stood on the floor.

9 The time when passed and we had finished make the video.

 

10 Two days later BK teacher saw or tiktok video on facebook than reported is to the principal.

 


And on Monday where all teachers and students have finished did ceremony, we are one class in the principals called to advanced to the middle of the field.

 


We got some punishment of respect for the flog around I hour for had used school equipment to made the ridiculous video.


After completed the punishment, we also had another punishment that is pick up all to the trust seated around the school environment.


Me and all my classmate are very sorry made a tiktok video and promised after the incident me and my classmate agreed to not longer made tiktok video again.

Total 17 2 14

Percentage the types of grammatical cohesion in text 2 Reference :

Substitution :

Ellipsis : 0%

Conjunction :

Text 3

No Sentences

Grammatical Cohesion Rf Sb E C 1 A month ago, I have embarrassed moment. 

2 Because I am humble with people.  

3 In campus I called one someone, but I was wrong.

  

4 Beginning of the story, I finished study basic

grammar. 

5 And I was still dizzy with the material.   6 When I walked in front of the class, I saw the

boy twins with my senior.

7 I am automatically called the boy I called the boy use name of my senior.

8 When the boy saw my face, that‟s very make me

embarrassed. 

9 Finally, I runned go to the next floor and chat the boy in whatsapp and I apologize.

Total 13 1 5

Percentage the types of grammatical cohesion in text 3:

Reference : Substitution :

Ellipsis : 0%

Conjunction :

Text 4

No Sentences

Grammatical Cohesion Rf Sb E C 1 The small embarrassing moments in my life that

made us laugh and cry.  


I have done countless embarrassing things in my life and when I look back I laugh about it, because most of them are extremely foolish acts by me that back fired on me.

3 Every break in school, my friends and I walked through that same corridor.

4 Where the same science labs were, that lead to

the field. 

5 That day, however was different.  6 It still plays in my memory like a video.  7 My friend and I were joking and laughing

around. 

8 As a “joke”, my friends shoved me.  9 Never did I think that such a little force would 

 

put me on the floor.

10 I stumbled on a few and tumbled on the

someone.  

11 I was extremely ashamed to look at who it was.  12 But I remember seeing some seniors standing


13 My so called friends were having a giggle while

trying to help me up. 

14 I will never forget how mortified I was. 


Later on finding out that out all the people I dived on the Hue head boy made my situation hundred times worst.

16 From that day on 1 couldn‟t love at him straight

in the face. 

17 Later on my friends mimicked me throughout the entire break, which made me trip over again.

18 This time, however it was just flat surface.   19 According to my friends it was only possible for

me to topple over nothing. 


The event that hope place are still discussed when I speak with my friends we all have laugh about this situation.

21 How such a stupid act was only possible by me.  

22 At that moment it was extremely embarrassing for me but now we have a laugh about it.



23 These small moments in our life makes it interesting.

Total 38 1 1 12

Percentage the types of grammatical cohesion in text 4:

Reference : Substitution : Ellipsis : Conjunction :

Text 5

No Sentences

Grammatical Cohesion

Rf Sb E C

1 One day, I went to market. 

2 I brought a veil and any vegetables.  

3 After 2 hourse, in the market I back to home.

4 In the way, I saw someone like my friend. 

5 I felt very shy. 

6 And then, I said sorry to her.  

7 So sorry because I disturb her time.  

8 But she said it‟s okay.

9 Oh so kind of her.  

10 Although in fact, it‟s the moment very embarrassed in my life.

Total 13 4

Percentage the types of grammatical cohesion in text 5:

Reference : Substitution :

Ellipsis : 0%

Conjunction : Text 6

No Sentences

Grammatical Cohesion

Rf Sb E C 1 One day, I met my friend at Nipah Mall. 

2 My friend came from Malang city on vacation to Makassar.

3 That‟s why I invited him to play games in one of the places to play games in Nipah Mall.

4 We felt hungry after playing games. 

5 So we decided to eat at one of eating places there.

 

6 We sat side by side in a long chair.  

7 I sat on the edge. 

8 Feeling uncomfortable, I told him to move, and a shameful thing happened.

9 I fell when he stood up.

10 Immediately, I came to people‟s attention.  11. A waiter brought a new chair for me. 

12 My friend kept laughing but I was ashamed to tell him to stop.

13 So I searched for a topic so we could talk and he stopped laughing.

14 At the time I felt very ashamed. 

15 So next time I will be careful in my actions.  

Total 20 7

Percentage the types of grammatical cohesion in text 6:

Reference :

Substitution :

Ellipsis : 0%

Conjunction :

Text 7

No Sentences

Grammatical Cohesion

Rf Sb E C

1 One funny experience that I still remember.

2 The experience took place in one of the restaurants in Makassar.

3 I was actually the most lazy when eating there.  4 The reason is simple, I can‟t use chopstick! 

5 But because there are spoons too, I dare to eat there with my friends.

6 We chose several menus there.

7 Finally, I chose a special package that caught my attention.

8 I asked the restaurant clerk for a spoon. 

9 Calmly, I eat well.  10 Likewise, my friends.

11. Not far from us sat, there was one woman and one man who were also enjoying their food.

 

12 But what concerns me, they seem awkward.  

13 Maybe they are still in approach, so we thought.   14 One thing that makes us forced to hold back

laughter, the man is so difficult to eat his food.

15 He took his food using chopsticks.

16 Surely he is not good at using it, just like me.

17 Suddenly, his meal in the form of a man‟s box fell and scattered on the floor.

18 Ouch, we can‟t hold back our laughter anymore. 


Yes, we finally laughed and the woman looked embarrassed to see the exhausted man use chopsticks.


My advices to you, if you are approaching a woman, don‟t eat at a restaurant that uses chopsticks.

21 Especially if you only eat with a spoon. 

22 If you just want to style, something undesirable will happen

 

Total 28 9

Percentage the types of grammatical cohesion in text 7:

Reference : Substitution :

Ellipsis : 0%

Conjunction :

Text 8

No Sentences

Grammatical Cohesion

Rf Sb E C

1 I will tell you a little about the experience of pesantren.


Even thought the memories are only the most embarrassing things that should not to be told, but still I will tell because memories are one of my life when I was boarding school and most important in my life.


When pesantren, I once carried like a bad boy, a child who often violates the rules of the boarding school.


Not only in one part, but in various parts especially in the security section or commonly called kismul amni.

5 Maybe the beginning I entered the boarding school was very proud first bears to be a Santri.


Naughty in that day is a natural thing, because if it‟s not naughty what is the pleasure of boarding if it does not violate and there is no challenge there is no sense of upholding when chasing with kismul amni but shame on my seniors.

 

7 And I had super embarrassments like being told to stand up in the middle of the field.

 

8 If the word kismul amin let me give up. 


And when I was dried in the middle of the field because I did not go to down prayers in the mosque in congregation like my other friends.

 

10 And I was very unlucky with my friends because they go.

Total 16 3 11

Percentage the types of grammatical cohesion in text 8:

Reference :

Substitution :

Ellipsis : 0%

Conjunction :

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