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Dalam dokumen TO IMPROVE READING COMPREHENSION (Halaman 45-48)


B. Discussion

In this part, discussion deals with the interpretation of findings derived from the result of findings about the students’ Literal (main idea, supporting idea) and Interpretative (conclution summarize) reading comprehension. The application of Extending Concept Through Language Activities (ECOLA) Method in teaching reading comprehension at the XI IPS SMA Perguruan Islam Makassar can improve the students’ achievement and their ability to understand the material of reading comprehension in cycle I and cycle II inside the learning process in XI IPS SMA Perguruan Islam Makassar specially English subject is 70.

Before taking a classroom action research through Extending Concept Through Language Activities (ECOLA) Method, the researcher hold diagnostic test to measure the students’ prior knowledge in English reading.

After gave diagnostic test, the researcher found that the students’ reading comprehension at the XI IPS SMA Perguruan Islam Makassar was poor, so it must be improved. The diagnostic tests score was that all of students’ got very poor.

To improve the students’ reading comprehension, the researcher decided to use Extending Concept Through Language Activities (ECOLA)

Method and then prepared to do cycle I that consisted of 4 phases namely:

planning, action, observation, and reflecting. In cycle I, the researcher found that the students still difficult and confused to comprehend the text. The difficulty of the students in reading had been analyzed, so the researcher had to think the solution of the problem. The researcher decided to do cycle II by doing revision in the lesson plan. In cycle II, the researcher got a good response from the students. Students are fair active in classroom. They can enjoy the teaching and learning process, and their score was improved in cycle II.

The mean score of the students’ literal reading comprehension in cycle I was 59.15 and in cycle II was 79.17. Finally the mean score of reading comprehension Extending Concept Through Language Activities (ECOLA) method in cycle II 77.08 and 51.87 in cycle I with the students’ improvement from cycle I to Cycle II 48.6%. It means that the students’ reading comprehension improved significantly through Extending Concept Through Language Activities (ECOLA) method

The observation result of students’ activeness in teaching and learning process improved significantly through Extending Concept Through Language Activities (ECOLA) method in improving the students’ reading comprehension. It was proved by the improvement of the mean score of the students’ activeness in cycle I namely 65.83% became 78.76% in cycle II with improvement 13%. It also means that there is improvement of the

students’ activeness in learning reading through Extending Concept Through Language Activities (ECOLA) Method.

Based on the discussion above, we can know that there was different result between cycle I and cycle II in teaching reading through Extending Concept Through Language Activities (ECOLA) Method. The researcher may say that teaching reading through Extending Concept Through Language Activities (ECOLA) Method is a good way to improving the students’

reading comprehension.



This chapter presents the conclusion and suggestion the conclusion is drawn based on the findings and discussion. And suggestion is given based on the conclusion.

A. Conclusion

1. The students’ reading ability viewed from literal of diagnostic test is 37.05, in cycle I is 59.15, and cycle II is 79.17. The students’ progress from the diagnostic test to the cycle I is 59.7%, the cycle I to the cycle II is 33.8%, and diagnostic test to cycle II is 157%.

2. The students’ reading ability viewed from interpretative of diagnostic test is 36.25, the cycle I is 44.06, and cycle II is 75 The students’ progress from the diagnostic test to the cycle I is 23.05%, the cycle I to the cycle II is 68%, and diagnostic test to cycle II is 107.2%.

B. Suggestion.

Based on the conclusion above, the reseacher addresses the following suggesstion and recommendation.

1. It is suggested that the teachers use Extending Concept Through Language Activities (ECOLA) Method as the alternative among to be used in teaching reading comprehension.

2. It is suggested that the English teachers use Extending Concept Through Language Activities (ECOLA) Method in presenting the reading

comprehension materials, because it is effective to improve the students’


3. For the teachers, they attempt to call up all the abilities to increase the learning process quality as responsibility by doing or using a Classroom Action Research in many classes.

4. For next researcher, they use Extending Concept Through Language Activities (ECOLA) Method in doing researchers, because it can give enough opportunity to the students’ to practice their reading comprehension

5. It is suggested that the teacher help the students enrich their literal reading comprehension of word meaning and main ideas

The students are expected to improve their reading comprehension in learning reading with through Extending Concept Through Language Activities (ECOLA) Method.


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A. Teaching Material B. Lesson Plan

C. Instrument (Test CI&CII) D. Diagnostic Test

E. Observation Sheet F. The Result CI & CII G. Tables of Percentages

H. Table improvement of reading skill I. Tabel Result of Student Activenes

Appendix A


National Exam, expenses or answer?

National Exam (UN) will be held back. To level the educational unit SMA / MA / SMK examination will be held on 16 to 19 April 2012. As for the SMP / MTS will be held on 23 to 26 April 2012. Formula graduation the same as last year, ie 40% of the value of school and 60% of the value of the National Exam.

The purpose is to measure the achievement of student competencies as learning outcomes set curriculum.

But the goal is then dipertegaskan back, ie where the goals are to dicapaikan UN in 2012 and is UN honest achievement. Therefore, beginning with the implementation of the UN 2012 UN pledges honest and achievement. There are three important points pledges made by the students, teachers and education managers. First, building a learning culture based on religious teachings and values of the national character, the faithful, pious, honest, clean, polite, intelligent, disciplined, creative and work well as bertanggungjawab.Kedua, honestly UN success and achievement, and third, receiving and implement anti- corruption education. (Gatra, March 14, 2012).

Irrational Culture

Ideally, the UN is an instrument to measure the success rates of students who conducted properly, natural and full of educational values. But in preparation for the UN has been a tendency contrary to educational values, the natural learning process, full of creativity, process, and still refers to the ability and the reality of the students and school. Reality the opposite is true, the emergence of irrational culture, which is something unreasonable, or contrary to the spirit of science, which is an objective, logical, scientific and critical. Such as developing learning patterns racing last night, mengqosharkan (compacting) examination

subjects in the learning process for months ignoring other subjects. Setting up a successful team, and more.

In this regard, the UN has not been an answer to measure the success rate of students. UN is regarded as a burden to be borne, and implications for the social and moral sanctions for schools that fail to implement the UN. First, they will not get pupils / students because society considers new school even though the school is not standard with the UN hold honest and candid. Second, the school principal will primarily reprimanded Head or Head of Region for not being successful in the learning process so that the school would be reduced assistance or subsidies. Third, these schools feel the school does not mean, because there is a social stigma memperspesikannya as the school is not good.

Therefore, it is rather difficult for us to expect too big on the success of the UN as a measure of success in the learning process because the process of preparation, implementation and post-examination lot of processes or measures taken both by schools, teachers, students and even an actual conflict areas with the spirit of education itself. As learned racing last night, compacting UN subjects with other subjects left, forming a successful team, and a number of other fraud and to sanction schools that fail UN, and others.

Properly, the UN is the answer in our efforts to realize the educational process an honest and achievement. But the opposite happened. Therefore, it should be, the UN should not heralded, let it go natural, reasonable, proceed as appropriate. In other words, the UN should be mounted as an evaluation instrument, not a political instrument. During the UN dianggapkan as political instruments to raise the image of the school, the teachers, the region, the implementation of the UN during the same will be borne not the answer.

In the face of UN no choice but to learn, resignation and prayer. Go for natural learning, natural and proceed as implement tutoring, optimization clinic study (OBK), test questions UN (tryout), remedial for students who have difficulties in learning, enrichment material examination for students who have

the ability to more general motivation (GM) to encourage student learning, private subjects in the UN. In addition to enhancing learning and intensive resignation in the face of the UN, would pray and ask for blessings from the people nearby as parents, teachers and other relatives need to be done because success is not only determined by the intellect alone, but also for spiritual strength, the proximity of our with God Almighty.

Answer the questions below

1. Write the main idea of each paragraph!

answer : ...

2. Write the supporting idea of each paragraph!

answer : ...

3. Make a conclusion from the text!

answer : ...

4. Make a summarizing the text above!

answer : ...

Pertemuan 3 – 4

1. Write the main idea of each paragraph!

answer : ...

2. Write the supporting idea of each paragraph!

answer : ...

3. Make a conclusion from the text!

answer : ...

4. Make a summarizing the text above!

answer : ...

(TEST CYCLE I) Pertemuan 5

(Analisa Kekurangan Hasil Belajar Siswa) cycle II

Opinion About UN from a Teacher

UN can be said to be a scourge and a benchmark for the success of students and schools today. Because it is said to be the scourge of the UN into the estuary of the learning process during the 3 -year study. Although meaningful educational success is the success of the students acquire knowledge that can be taken and applied in real life including the affective aspects of student success .

Various methods are sought for the success of the schools 100 % of their students pass the exam. Determination inner and outer made from issuing additional hour until istighosah together . This is reasonable since graduation predefined benchmark government will inevitably have to be passed and would automatically be a burden for students who will take the exam .

There are many factors that make students do not pass the exam . Starting from the inability of students to answer questions - because the exam is a minimal level of students' ability to problem of stress and self-confidence that makes the students could not answer the questions well . Other factors such as a high enough level of fatigue and lack of ability to concentrate can also be other causes . Stress factors could be due to the existing load in mind to pass a minimum threshold of graduation . Some students are already getting into a good college tickets fail because - because does not pass the National Exam . This is likely due to the inability of students to cope with the stress leading up to and during the implementation of the National Exam .

Stress is what makes the students' ability and memory can be decreased during the National Exam . National exams can make students become frightened . When the memory required , and weak students actually failed the exam . When in fact the students were able to graduate . The key to it all is a good way to learn and effective . How to learn to have a great influence on the performance in the exam . Often we meet a lot of students who study with the method of " credits ( system of racing last night ) " . This way it is a manifestation of the willingness of students to learn , but this method is not effective because it will make the concentration of students will decrease the time to answer sioal - exam . Just imagine , the physical conditions which must be fresh when the test becomes not fit because - because the night had to learn . Not to mention drinking a lot of coffee to stay

awake so it certainly will make the concentration dropped dramatically the next day . Many students also often underestimate granting additional hours . Physical condition was tired of receiving learning materials from morning to make the spirit of the student to be reduced . Students tend to already imagine playing with a friend outside or imagined was home to rest .

With an effective way of learning the students are expected to be ready physically and mentally for the exam . Students feel prepared and relaxed so they can concentrate on exam day . In this case students are required to learn not only diligent but also be smart to set the time and know how good it is to learn .

Pertemuan 5-6

1. Write the main idea of each paragraph!

answer : ...

2. Write the supporting idea of each paragraph!

answer : ...

3. Make a conclusion from the text!

answer : ...

4. Make a summarizing the text above!

answer : ...

Pertemuan 7 - 8

1. Write the main idea of each paragraph!

answer : ...

2. Write the supporting idea of each paragraph!

answer : ...

3. Make a conclusion from the text!

answer : ...

4. Make a summarizing the taxt above!

answer : ...



SIKLUS I Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / Semester : XI IPS

Pertemuan ke : 1, 2, 3, 4 Alokasi Waktu : 8 x 45 menit

Standar Kompetensi : Memahami makna teks monolog/esei bentuk report, narrative dan analytical exposition secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan mengakses ilmu pengetahuan Kompetensi Dasar : Memahami dan merespon makna dalam teks

monolog/esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam teks berbentuk report, narrative dan analytical exposition

Indikator: :

1. Menjelaskan ide pokok deari setiap paragraf 2. Menjelaskan kalimat pendukung dari setiap


3. Menentukan simpulan setiap paragraf 4. Meringka isi teks yang telah dibaca

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Setelah selesai melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan teknik Ecola, peserta didik dapat :

1. Mampu menjelaskan topik bacaan

2. Mampu menentukan gagasan/ ide pokok dalam setiap paragraf teks bacaan

3. Mampu menentukan simpulan isi bacaan 4. Mampu meringkas isi teks yang telah dibaca.

II. Meteri Ajar:

1. Teks ilmiah sederhana (tajuk rencana, artikel, opini, dll.) 2. Topik Karangan

3. Gagasan pokok, Simpulan bacaan III. Metode Pembelajaran

Menggunakan Metode ECOLA (Extending Concep Through Language Activities)

IV. Kegiatan Pembelajaran:

Pertemuan Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran Aloksi Waktu Pertemuan I A. Kegiatan Awal

1. Guru membuka pelajaran dengan salam 2. Peserta didik memulai pelajaran dengan doa


3. Guru mengisi daftar hadir siswa 4. Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa dan

10 menit

perlengkapan pembelajaran.

5. Guru memotivasi siswa agar berperan aktif dalam proses belajar mengajar

6. Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran yang harus dicapai siswa.

7. Guru melakukan pretes dan memperkenalkan materi yang akan dipelajari.

B. Kegiatan Inti

1. Guru menjelaskan ide pokok, kalimat

pendukung, , simpulan, dan ringkasan dalam paragraf.

2. Guru menjelaskan cara menentukan topik, kalimat utama, ide pokok dalam paragraf.

3. Guru memaparkan cara menentukan simpulan bacaan

4. Peserta didik mendengarkan penjelasan guru tentang kalimat utama, ide pokok, dan simpulan dalam paragraf sehingga timbul rasa ingin tahu (Eksplorasi).

5. Peserta didik memahami pengertian, ide pokok, simpulan, ringkasan dalam paragraf.

70 menit

C. Kegiatan Akhir

1. Guru dan siswa melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru saja berakhir

2. Guru memberi penguatan

3. Guru menutup pelajaran dengan salam

10 menit

Pertemuan II A. Kegiatan Awal

1. Guru membuka pelajaran dengan salam 2. Pesera didik mengawali pembelajaran dengan

doa bersama

3. Guru mengisi daftar hadir peserta didik 4. Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa dan

perlengkapan pembelajaran.

5. Guru memotivasi siswa agar berperan aktif dalam proses belajar mengajar

6. Guru memulai pembelajaran dengan apersepsi

B. Kegiatan Inti

1. Peserta didik menentukan tujuan membaca 2. Peserta didik membaca dalam hati teks

bacaan yang dibagikan guru sehingga terbentuk sikap berani (Eksplorasi).

3. Peserta didik memahami isi bacaan

10 menit

70 menit

4. Peserta didik mengomentari keterbacaan/

keterpahaman teks yang telah dibacakan sehingga timbul sikap kritis dan berani (Konfirmasi).

5. Peserta didik menganalisis jenis teks yang dibaca sehingga muncul rasa ingin tahu dan gemar membaca (Elaborasi).

6. Peserta didik menentukan ide pokok bacaan 7. Peserta didik menentukan kalimat

pendukung dan gagasan pendukung setiap paragraf.

C. Kegiatan Akhir

1. Guru dan siswa melakukan refleksi 2. Peserta didik dipandu guru menyimpulkan

pelajaran hari ini.

3. Guru memberi penguatan

4. Guru menutup pelajaran dengan salam

10 menit

Pertemuan III A. Kegiatan Awal

1. Guru membuka pelajaran dengan salam 2. Pesera didik mengawali pembelajaran dengan

doa bersama

3. Guru mengisi daftar hadir siswa 4. Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa dan

10 menit

perlengkapan pembelajaran.

5. Guru memotivasi siswa agar berperan aktif dalam proses belajar mengajar

6. Guru memulai pembelajaran dengan apersepsi

B. Kegiatan Inti

1. Siswa dibentuk ke dalam beberapa kelompok 2. Siswa dibagikan teks bacaan sehingga timbul

rasa ingin tahu (Eksplorasi)

3. Siswa membaca dalam hati teks yang dibagikan guru secara teliti

4. Siswa memamahami isi bacaan

5. Siswa berdiskusi untuk menginterpretasikan isi bacaan

6. Siswa membuat catatan hasil diskusi

diharapkan peserta didik memiliki sikap teliti (Elaborasi ).

7. Masing-masing kelompok menyampaikan hasil interpretasinya di depan kelas secara bergantian, sedangkan kelompok lain menanggapi/ mengomentari diharapkan peserta didik kritis dan kreatif (Konfirmasi).

70 menit

Dalam dokumen TO IMPROVE READING COMPREHENSION (Halaman 45-48)

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