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Exercise: For each of the 17 upcoming lectionary texts below, record (using the numbers 1-18, in the chart above) at least two apologetic issues connected to the

Dalam dokumen Chapter 1 (Halaman 106-112)

What I Would Do Differently

Part 12 The Lectionary and Apologetic Illustrations 1. The Lectionary is designed to bring Christ to His people

3. Exercise: For each of the 17 upcoming lectionary texts below, record (using the numbers 1-18, in the chart above) at least two apologetic issues connected to the


Last Sunday of Church Year, Nov. 22: I Cor. 15:20–28, Matt. 25:31–46 Thanksgiving Day Phil. 4:6–20, Luke 17:11–19

Advent 1, Nov. 29: 1 Cor. 1:3–9, Mark 11:1–10 (Or Mark 13:24–37) Advent 2, Dec. 6, 2 Peter 3:8–14, Mark 1:1–8

Advent 3, Dec. 13, 1 Thess. 5:16–24, John 1:6–8, 19–-28 Advent 4, Dec. 20, Rom. 16:25–27, Luke 1:26–38

Christmas Eve, 1 John 4:7–16, Matt. 1:18–25 Christmas Day, Titus 2:11–14, Luke 2:1–14


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Edwards, M. J., Martin Goodman, S. R. F. Price, and Christopher Rowland, eds.

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Fesko, J. V. Reforming Apologetics: Retrieving the Classic Reformed Approach to Defending the Faith. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2019.

Frame, John M. Apologetics: A Justification of Christian Belief. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R, 2015.

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Gecewicz, Claire. “‘New Age’ Beliefs Common among Both Religious and Nonreligious Americans.” Pew Research, October 1, 2018. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact- tank/2018/10/01/new-age-beliefs-common-among-both-religious-and-nonreligious- americans/.

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Gill, David W. J., and Conrad H. Gempf. The Book of Acts in Its Graeco-Roman Setting.

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Gould, Paul M. Cultural Apologetics: Renewing the Christian Voice, Conscience, and Imagination in a Disenchanted World. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2019.

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Johnson, Luke Timothy, and Daniel J. Harrington. The Acts of the Apostles. Sacra Pagina Series, vol. 5. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2006.

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Victor Henry Nelson, Jr., DMin

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2021 Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Andrew T. Walker

This project sought to train pastors of the Atlantic District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod to use apologetic illustrations in their sermons. Chapter 1 presents the need for apologetics within the region of the Atlantic District, and the lack of pastoral training in using apologetics within the sermon and the goals of this project. Chapter 2 provides an exegesis of Acts 17:16-34, where Paul employs apologetic arguments in Athens. Chapter 3 presents the blessings given to the listeners through apologetic illustrations in preaching. Chapter 4 describes the project itself, recounting the content and teaching methodology of the specific course curriculum. Chapter 5 evaluates the efficacy of the project based on completion of the specified goals. This project sought to train pastors to regularly employ apologetic illustrations in their sermons so that their listeners are strengthened in faith and witness.

Dalam dokumen Chapter 1 (Halaman 106-112)

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