• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

I. Open with Prayer

Dalam dokumen developing an intercessory prayer ministry to (Halaman 183-200)

II. Review Seminars 1-6 and its assignments. Turn in personal prayer requests to pastor.

III. Theological Discussion

A. God’s loving plan of salvation still remains

1. Israel’s call to be a light to the Gentile nations was fulfilled in Jesus Christ’s life, death, burial, and resurrection

2. Christians are called by Christ to go to the lost.

3. God’s original plan of salvation has not changed—He is still seeking to be reconciled with sinful humanity. Now, because of Christ’s sacrifice, all who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.

B. “The Holy Spirit Initiates Prayer” (Excerpt, Ch. 3 84-103) 1. Read and discuss Romans 8:26-27

2. Discuss agreements or objections

IV. Prayer Groups: twenty five minutes of intercession V. Assignments:

A. Bring personal prayer requests for pastor

B. Prayer Groups pray together once before next Sunday’s seminar C. Review “The Holy Spirit Initiates Prayer” (Excerpt, Ch. 3 84-103) VI. Close the seminar in prayer

Seminar 8 I. Open with Prayer

II. Review Seminars 1-7 and its assignments. Turn in personal prayer requests to pastor.

III. Theological Discussion (cont...)

A. “The Holy Spirit Initiates Prayer” (Excerpt, Ch. 3 84-103 IV. Prayer Groups: thirty minutes of prayer

V. Post Seminar Research Objects Administered

A. Administered the post-seminar Intercessory Prayer Survey (55 questions) B. Group shared answers to the six Personal Interview Questions. The outcome

to this point is the group is realizing the quality time in prayer with God means they must also commit to put in a great quantity of time in prayer.

Nothing in life worthy having is easy!

VI. Close the seminar in prayer VII. Conclusion.

A. The volunteers have made it very clear that “we will” continue meeting to pray and study together so the intercessory prayer ministry will strengthen and grow.

B. The group will take a one-week break to enjoy the Super Bowl on Feb 6, 2011. They have communicated to me they want to return and commit a great quantity of prayer seeking God’s will for our church.

C. The tenacity of this group has surprised and invigorated me. God is definitely moving in our hearts. I pray God none of this is in the flesh and that God will send His Holy Spirit to renew and revive our hearts to be His light to the world—all for His glory!



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Dalam dokumen developing an intercessory prayer ministry to (Halaman 183-200)

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