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Instrument of Data Collection

Dalam dokumen One of them is scientific approach (Halaman 43-50)

Instrument of data collection can show as the table below:

Table 3.1 Instrument of Data Collection

Title of Research Variable Indicator Subject

Technique No. Item

The Effectiveness Of Scientific Approach in Developing Writing Skill At Twelfth Grade Of Ma Darul Huda Ponorogo In Academic Year 2015/ 2016

Writing skill

 The

students are able to write the

exposition paragraph based on the topic in terms of contents, grammar, and


The twelfth grade students of MA Darul Huda

Ponorogo in academic year


Test Chose one of the topic on computer and make the

exposition text. That consist of thesis, argument, and

conclusion D. Technique of Data Collection

1. Test

In teaching activity, test has been considered as important instrument.

It is used to measure the students’ achievement and know whether the teaching is success or not. Test may be constructed primarily as devices to reinforce learning and motivate the student of primarily as a means of assessing the student’s performance in the language. In this research, test is applied to measure scientific approach in developing writing skill at the twelfth grade of MA Darul Huda Ponorogo in academic year 2015/ 2016.

The test is constructed by the researcher based on the standardized procedure of making test. The test is used to know students’ writing skill.

For measuring the writing skill of students in MADarul Huda Ponorogo, the researcher used analytic scoring by Brown and Bailey, in which as many as six major elements of writing are scored, thus enabling learners to home in on weakness and to capitalize on strengths.42

Brown J. D and Bailey K. M designed an analytical scoring scale that specified six different levels in each category, ranging from “unacceptable”

to “excellent”. This analytical scoring has the four categories (Content, organization, vocabulary, grammar).

Table 3.2The Analytic Scoring Rubric for the Students’ Final Compositions43 Aspect of


Weighting Score Converted score


Content 30% 5 30 Complete (identification and

orientation), provide complete supporting details, relevant to the topic, and easy to understand.

4 24 Complete, provide almost complete supporting details, relevant to the topic, and easy to understand.

3 18 Complete, provide fairly complete supporting details, relevant to the topic, and fairly easy to understand.

2 12 Complete, provide less complete supporting details, relevant to the topic, and little bit easy to understand.

42H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices (NewYork: Pearson Education inc., 2004), 243.

43 Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices (San fransisco:

long man.com, 2003), 244-245

1 6 Not complete, quite relevant to the topic and quite easy to understand.

Organization 30% 5 30 Well organized and utilize effective use of connectors.

4 24 Fairly well organized and utilize effective use of connectors.

3 18 Loosely organized, main ideas clear, logical but incomplete connectors.

2 12 Not quite organized, lack of connectors

1 6 Lack of organization and does not utilize any connectors.

Vocabulary 20% 5 20 Effective choice of words and word forms.

4 16 Effective choice of words and some misuse of word forms.

3 12 Adequate choice of words but some misuse of words, and word forms.

2 8 Limited range, confusing use of words and word form.

1 4 Very limited range, very poor knowledge of words, and word forms.

Grammar 20% 5 20 No errors in the use of past tense, pronoun and other aspects of grammar.

4 16 Few errors in the use of past tense, pronoun and other aspects of grammar.

3 12 Some errors in the use of past tense, pronoun and other aspects of grammar.

2 8 Many errors in the use of past tense, pronoun and other aspects of grammar.

1 4 No mastery of past tense, pronoun and other aspects of grammar -- dominated by errors in the use of past tense, pronoun and other aspects of grammar.

1 1 No control over spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.

For the table of analytic scoring above, that can conclude, if each aspect has a weighting score. For example: the aspect of organization is 30, so the maximal score of organization is 30. Then mix all of score of writing based on below:

Content : 30 Organization : 30 Vocabulary : 20 Grammar : 20 Total : 100

By far the most complex criterion of an effective test is validity.

For the clear understanding, the researcher explained about validity.

a. Validity

Validity is “The degree to which evidence and theory support the interpretations of test scores entailed by the proposed uses” of a test. A test has high validity if it measure what should be measured. Validity can be divided into four types, namely content validity, construct validity, predictive validity, and concurrent validity. To test the validity of the instrument in this research, researcher used a type of construct validity for the variable in this research relates to phenomena and abstract objects, but the symptoms can be observed and measured.44 As for how to calculate it by using the SPSS 19 program.

44SuharsimiArikunto, ProsedurPenelitianSuatuPendekatanPraktik(Jakarta: PT RinekaCipta, 1998), 170.

With df or db is n-r 30-2 = 28 in 5% significance the r index is 0, 361. When the index of rxy is below the r index it could be concluded that the items were not valid instruments. Thus, the item said to be valid instruments if the coefficient of correlation (r xy) is more than 0, 361.

To measure the validity of instruments of research, the researcher put the total sample 30 respondents in Twelfth grade of IAGA I with the scoring of writing is rubric content, organization, vocabulary and grammar. So the researcher calculates the validity test from four scoring rubrics of writing. From of result the test validity instruments, and all questions or scoring rubrics are valid.

From the result calculation item validity instruments, could be conclude in table 3.3 as follow:

Table 3.3 the result of validity Calculation

Item “r” calculated “r” index Notes

Content 0, 975 0, 361 Valid

Organization 0, 968 0, 361


Vocabulary 0, 955 0, 361


Grammar 0, 956 0, 361


b. Reliability

Reliability is the degree of consistency that the instrument of test.45 A data collection test is considered to be reliable if it yields consistent results in its successive administration. Reliability is also extremely important externally, and another researcher should be able to perform exactly the same experiment, with similar equipment, under similar conditions, and achieve exactly the same results. If they cannot, then the design is unreliable. This research applied SPSS 19 program.

Table 3.4 Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.923 4

Reliability of the result of the calculations was the value of the variable instruments reliability students’ of Twelfth IAGA I is 0, 923. And the test is reliable because the index of reliability test is 0, 923, it is higher than r index that showed 0, 361.

2. Documentation

Documentation technique was used to collect the data about MA Darul Huda Ponorogo, like the profile of school, the teacher and staff, the goal of school, mission and vision of school, etc.

45ZainalArifin, EvaluasiPembelajaran (Bandung: RemajaRosdakarya, 2011), 258.

Dalam dokumen One of them is scientific approach (Halaman 43-50)

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