• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


F. Techniques of Data Analysis

Data analysis is the way data analysis by the researcher. The analysis used to find the significant difference of the students‟ writing descriptive text ability before and after used of using Instagram as a media. The steps to analyze data as follows:

1. Scoring the students‟ answer the researcher used as follows:


a) The score Classification of Writing

Table 3.1. The score Classification of Writing

Score Classification

96 – 100 Excellent

86 – 95 very good

76 – 85 Good

66 – 75 fairly good

56 – 65 Fair

46 – 55 Poor

0 – 45 very poor

(Depdikbud: 1985:6) b) The Scoring Rubric for Writing

Table 3.2. The scoring rubric for Writing Categories Score

Content 30

Organization 25

Grammar 20

Vocabulary 20

Mechanic 5


Table 3.3 Scoring profile of Descriptive Text

No Categories Score Description

1 Content

- Topic - Details





Excellent to very good

The topic is complete and clear and the details are relating to the topic.

Good to average

The topic is complete and clear but the details almost relating to the topic.

Fair to poor

The topic is complete and clear but the details are not relating to the topic.

Very poor

The topic is clear and the details are not relating to the topic.

2 Organization - Identification - Description





Excellent to very good Identification is complete and

descriptions are arranged with proper connectives.

Good to average

Identification is almost complete and descriptions are arranged with almost proper connectives.

Fair to poor

Identification is not complete and descriptions are arranged with few misuses of connectives.

Very poor

Identification is not complete and descriptions are arranged with misuse of connectives.

3 Grammar

- Use present tense - Agreement





Excellent to very good

Very few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies.

Good to average

Few grammatical or agreement

inaccuracies but not effect on meaning.

Fair to poor

Numerous grammatical or agreement inaccuracies.

Very poor


Frequent grammatical or agreement inaccuracies.

4 Vocabulary 20-18




Excellent to very good

Effective choice of words and word forms.

Good to average

Few misuse of vocabularies, word forms, but not change the meaning.

Fair to poor

Limited range confusing words and word forms.

Very poor

Very poor knowledge of words, word forms, and not understandable.

5 Mechanics - Spelling - Punctuation - Capitalization





Excellent to very good

It uses correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization.

Good to average

It has occasional errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization.

Fair to poor

It has frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization.

Very poor

It is dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization.

(Adapted from Brown 2007) 2. Calculating the mean score of the students‟ answer by used the formula :

X =




X = Mean score

X = Total score

N = The number of subjects, (Gay, 1981:298)

3. Finding out the significance difference between the pre-test and posttest by calculating the value of the test. The following formula was employee :

( 1)


( 2


 



t D


T = t significant

D = the difference between the scores of pre-test and post-test

D= the mean score of the difference between the scores of pre-test and post- test

N = the number pairs of subject in the study, (Gay, 1981:331).



This chapter talks about the findings of the research. The chapter also presents the description of the data (pre-test and post-test), the analysis of the data, and the interpretation of the data.

A. Findings

1. The Description of The Data

The researcher found the data from student‟s pre-test and post-test score of experimental class. The pre-test was given before the treatment begins and the post-test is given after the treatment finish. Table 4.1 presents the student‟s achievement in descriptive writing from the experimental class before the researcher does his experiment (pre-test). In addition, also present the students‟

achievement in descriptive writing after the researcher does his experiment (post-test) in the experimental class.

Table 4.1 The score of pre-test and post-test.

Indicator Pre-test Post-test

69.82 85.41

1187 1452

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the mean score of pre-test is 69.82 from the sum 1187 and the mean score of post-test is 85.41 from the sum 1452. Based on the result, it concludes that the use of Instagram is able to give greater contribution in teaching and learning writing descriptive text.

2. The Analysis of The Data

a. The score classification of students‟ achievement in descriptive writing.

Table 4.2 Classification score Classification Score

Pre-Test Post-Test

F % F %

Excellent 96 – 100 0 0 0 0

very good 86 – 95 0 0 7 41.18%

Good 76 – 85 3 17.65% 10 58.82%

fairly good 66 – 75 11 64.70% 0 0

Fair 56 – 65 2 11.77% 0 0

Poor 46 – 55 1 5.88% 0 0

very poor 0 – 45 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 17 100% 17 100%

Based on the rate percentage on Table 4.2, in pretest it is found that there are not student got excellent classification and very good classification, students‟ got good classification 3 (17.65%), students got fairly good classification 11 (64.70%), students got fair classification 2 (11.77%), students got poor classification 1 (5.88%), and there is not student got very poor classification. Then, in posttest it is found that there is not excellent classification, students got very good classification 7 (41.18%), students got good classification 10 (58.82%), and there is not students got fairly good classification, fair classification, poor classification and very poor classification. It means that the average students got obtained a passing grade and improved their writing achievement.


b. Calculating the mean score of the students‟ answer by using the formula : Table 4.3 Mean score pre-test and post-test.

Indicators Pre-Test Post-Test Improvement %

Writing achievement 69.82 85.41 22.33%

Based on Table 4.3, indicated that the mean score of pre-test and post-test was improved. In the pre-test the students got low score that is 69.82. In the post-test the students achievement in descriptive writing was improved became 85.41. Hence, the improvement of mean score indicated that there was 22.33%. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that using Instagram enhanced students' descriptive text writing.

c. Finding out the significance difference between the pre-test and posttest by calculating the value of the test. The following formula is employee :

Table 4.4 Distribution the value of t-test and t-table

t-test t-table

11.91 2.05954

The data on the table above showed about the value of t-test is higher than the value of the t-table. It indicated that there was the effect of Instagram improved writing descriptive text of students.

It can be inferred that using Instagram as a learning tool is a successful method for teaching descriptive text writing. This also mean that null hypothesis (H0) There is no significant students‟ writing in descriptive text through Instagram this rejected and the alternative

hypothesis (H1) There is significant students‟ writing in descriptive text through Instagram is accepted.

3. Hypothesis testing (t-test of Significant).

The null hypothesis (H0) is dismissed if the t-test outcome is higher than the t-table value, and the null hypothesis (H0) is accepted if the t-test result is lower than the t-table value. The product of a statistical study using a t-test with a significance level of 0.05 and a degree of freedom (df) of n – 1, where n is the number of students. As you can see, it's as follows:

df = n-1,

df = 17-1, df = 16

The t-table value is 2.11991, based on the level of importance and the degree of freedom (df) = 16 (p ) = 0.05. The following is the product of a t- test to see whether using Instagram enhanced students' writing in descriptive texts:

Table 4.5 The T-test value of Students‟ Writing in Descriptive text.

Mean score of Pre- test

Mean score of Post- test

t-test t-table Comparison Classification

69.82 85.41 11.91 2.11991 t-test>t-table Significantly Different Table 4.5 shows that the t-test value for writing in descriptive text, which focuses on the impact of Instagram on improving students' writing in descriptive text, is 11.91>2.11991. It means that the t-test value for each


variable and predictor is higher than the t-table value. It means that the results of the pretest and posttest in writing descriptive text differed significantly.

Based on these findings, it can be inferred that there was a noticeable difference in improving students' descriptive text writing before and after using Instagram.

B. Discussion

In this part, the result of findings would be explained clearly about the effect of Instagram in improving students‟ writing after teach Descriptive Text. It was when the researcher gave the students assignment in pre-test and pest-test result. It proved the media that the researcher was successful as previous said.

Alfiyatun (2018), Examining the Effect of Instagram Captions as Media on Teaching Writing Skill to EFL Learners, conducted research. Students who are taught using Instagram captions as a teaching medium have greater writing abilities than those who are taught using pictures as a teaching medium, according to the findings. The researcher came to the conclusion that using Instagram as an instructional medium would help students write better descriptive text. This section discusses how to view the findings.

From the row score, all of the students gave good answer for explanation about the content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics of descriptive text after using Instagram. It showed most of the students showed their improvement in their achievement. It supported Irfan (2017), Improving Students‟

Writing Skill Using Instagram in Grade X of Science 5 at SMAN 5 Yogyakarta.

The study showed that the use of Instagram in the teaching and learning process

significantly improved the students‟ writing skill. The students made a good improvement on the aspects of content, vocabulary, organization, grammar, and mechanics. The social medium worked well to improve their interest, focus, and proficiency in writing. They were more interested in the teaching and learning process and kept focused on the class.

Based on the findings, the students wrote descriptive text on the pre-test before receiving treatment, but after receiving treatment, they were classified as successful in key ideas on the post-test. The key ideas increase by 22.33 percent from the pre-test score of 69.82 to the post-test score of 85.41. It means that the post-test score for students writing descriptive text using Instagram is higher than the pre-test score.

Through the result of pre-test and post-test, the result of t-test value of the level of the significant 5% = 0.05, degree of the freedom (df) = 16 indicated that t-table value was 2.11991 and t-test value was 11.91. Therefore, it can be concluded that statistically hypothesis of H1 was accepted and the statistically hypothesis of H0 was rejected. It means that the use of Instagram in teaching descriptive text can improve the students‟ in writing.

The data of this research showed that there was a significant difference of students‟ writing between before and after used Instagram in teaching descriptive text. It was beneficial for the students in senior high school who studied English as foreign language because it could improve their writing descriptive text. It also caused by the involvement of the students during the process. The same thing was said to Purwandari (2017). the use of Instagram can encourage the students to be


more active and creative. Instagram can motivate the students during the process of learning. In addition, the students are interested using photograph in Instagram during learning descriptive text. She stated that photograph in Instagram was effective to help them in improving students‟ writing skill.



A. Conclusion

After conducting the Experimental Research about The Effect of Instagram as an Instructional medium to Students Achievement in Descriptive Writing and based on research findings in the previous chapter, the researcher concluded that teaching material about the effect of Instagram in descriptive text is effective to improve the students‟ in writing, it was proved by the mean score of students‟ achievement before and after giving treatment is 69.82 become 85.41. There was significant difference of students‟ writing descriptive text before and after using Instagram. It could be proven by the value of t-test (11.91) was higher than t-table value (2.11991).

B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the data analysis and conclusion above the researcher suggests:

1. Students should practice continuously to make good paragraph or arrange text. They should enrich vocabularies as supporting to arrange a good text.

Then the students can observe used social media (Instagram) and then write the idea into as practice of making a good simple text.

2. The English teacher at SMK Negeri 6 Bulukumba is suggested to use Instagram as a media because Instagram can encourage the students to be more active and creative also make the students more interesting and easy


to writing descriptive text, therefor the lesson material would be effective and efficient.

3. The result of this research can also be used as an additional reference or future research with different discussion for the next researcher.



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65 Appendix A (RPP)


Sekolah : SMK Negeri 6 Bulukumba Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X TKJ 1

Materi Pokok : Descriptive Text Alokasi Waktu : 8×45 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajari di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat


2.3 Menunjukkankan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.

3.7. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks deskriptif sederhana tentang orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah


terkenal, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.8. Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana.

4.9. Menyunting teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, sederhana, tentang orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.10. Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks.

C. Indikator

1.1.1. Menunjukkan kesungguhan belajar bahasa Inggris terkait teks deskriptif sederhana tentang orang.

2.3.1. Menunjukkan perilaku peduli, percayadiri, dan tanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan komunikasi terkait teks deskriptif sederhana tentang orang.

3.7.1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan pada Teks deskriptif sederhana tentang orang.

4.8.1. Merespon makna dalam teks deskriptif, lisan dan tulis, sederhana, tentang orang.

4.10.1. Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang orang.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi generic structure of Descriptive text.

2. Siswa mampu menuliskan kalimat descriptive text melalui media yang akan digunakan.

E. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Definition and function of Descriptive text.

Descriptive text adalah, “…… is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.” Or Is a text which used to describe something, someone, or place. [teks yang menjelaskan gambaran seseorang atau benda.

2. Function : used to describe something, someone, or place.

Tujuannya adalah mengambarkan atau mengungkapkan orang, tempat atau benda tertentu]

Jadi, bisa dikatakan bahwa descriptive text ini adalah teks yang menjelaskan tentang seperti apakah orang atau suatu benda dideskripsikan, baik

bentuknya, sifat-sifatnya, jumlahnya dan lain-lain. Tujuan (purpose) dari

descriptive text pun jelas, yaitu untuk menjelaskan, mengambarkan atau mengungkapkan seseorang atau suatu benda.

3. Generic Structure dalam Descriptive Text Descriptive text has two main parts :

a) Identification

Berisi tentang identifikasi hal / seorang yang akan dideskripsikan.

b) Description

Berisi tentang penjelasan / penggambaran tentang hal / seseorang dengan menyebutkan beberapa sifatnya.

Ketika kita menulis descriptive text, hal yang wajib kita ketahui adalah cara kita menyampaikan deskripsi tulisan kita tersebut. Oleh karena itu pemahaman tentang adjective (kata sifat bahasa Inggris) wajib kita kuasai.

F. Model/Metode Pembelajaran Pendekatan kontekstual Process Approach G. Media dan Bahan

Media : Aplikasi Instagram

Bahan : White board, board marker, picture.

H. Proses Belajar Mengajar

• Pendahuluan

Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

1. Mengondisikan kelas (mempersiapkan siswa untuk mengikuti pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan dengan meminta siswa untuk duduk dengan rapi (teratur), berdoa bersama dan melakukan pengecekan daftar hadir siswa

2. Siswa menyimak tujuan pembelajaran yang disampaikan guru.

3. Menyampaikan secara singkat garis besar materi yang akan disajikan selama pembelajaran.

4. Guru menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelari dengan menyampaikan kompetensi yang harus dikuasi siswa.

5. Guru menjelaskan tentang fungsi Instagram.

±15 menit

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