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BAB VIII RENCANA TINDAK LANJUT DAN PROYEKSI HILIRISASI Hasil penelitian dari persepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan TIK dalam pembelajaran Biologi menunjukkan persepsi yang positif. Tetapi masih banyak siswa yang belum menggunakan TIK dalam proses pembelajaran. Kebanyakan penggunaan TIK saat ini hanya untuk hiburan. Sehingga saat ini TIK digunakan dalam pembelajaran akan menimbulkan sebuah masalah, karena peralihan pemanfaatan TIK dari hiburan menjadi edukasi atau media pembelajaran mengakibatkan fokus siswa terganggu. Penggunaan TIK dalam pembelajaran juga membuat kurangnya minat baca siswa. Oleh sebab itu diharapkan penelitian ini dapat dijadikan bahan untuk terealisasinya penggunaan TIK dalam proses pembelajaran. Dan Siswa diharapkan bisa memanfaatkan sumber belajar berbasis TIK melalui sebuah ujian keterampilan serta guru juga memiliki pemahaman yang benar mengenai pemanfaatan perangkat TIK, khususnya dalam pembelajaran biologi.



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44 LAMPIRAN Lampiran 1. Instrumen Penelitian


A. Identitas Responden

Nama Lengkap :

Kelas :

Jenis Kelamin :

Nama Sekolah :

B. Tujuan:

1. Untuk mengetahui dampak penerapan TIK dalam pembelajaran biologi di sekolah tingkat SMA

2. Untuk mengetahui pandangan siswa tentang proses pembelajaran Biologi apa yang dapat ditingkatkan melalui penggunaan TIK.

C. Petunjuk Pengisian Angket

Jawablah pernyataan kuisioner dengan memberi tanda () pada salah satu kolom jawaban yang saudara anggap paling sesuai, yaitu:

SS = Sangat Setuju S = Setuju

KS = Kurang Setuju TS = Tidak Setuju

STS = Sangat Tidak Setuju

D. Pengetahuan dan frekuensi Penggunaan TIK

1. Pilihlah Aplikasi berikut yang Anda ketahui untuk komunikasi?

Email Youtube LinkedIn Blog

Facebook Twitter Skype WhatsApp


Instagram Line Lainnya

2. Pilihlah Aplikasi yang Anda gunakan untuk komunikasi?

Email Youtube LinkedIn Blog

Facebook Twitter Skype Adobe Connect

WhatsApp Instagram Line Lainnya

3. Pilihlah aplikasi berikut yang Anda ketahui untuk kolaborasi dan/atau teknik studi?

Email OneDrive Drobox Google docs.

Facebook Twitter Skype Google Sheets

Blog iCloud WhatsApp Adobe Connect


4. Pilihlah Aplikasi yang Anda gunakan untuk berkolaborasi dengan Guru ?

Email Youtube LinkedIn Google doc.

Facebook Twitter Skype Adobe Connect

WhatsApp Instagram Line Blog

Ms. Word Ms. Excel Ms. Powerpoint

5. Pilihlah program/aplikasi yang Anda ketahui yang dapat digunakan untuk pembelajaran?

Email Youtube LinkedIn Google docs.

Facebook Twitter Skype Google Sheets

WhatsApp Instagram Line Blog

Ms. Word Ms. Excel Ms. Powerpoint iCloud OneDrive Drobox Adobe Connect

6. Pilihlah program/aplikasi yang Anda gunakan sebagai alat pembelajaran berbasis IT?


Email Youtube LinkedIn Google docs.

Facebook Twitter Skype iCloud

WhatsApp Instagram Line Blog

Ms. Word Ms. Excel Ms. Powerpoint OneDrive Drobox Adobe Connect

7. Apakah Anda berharap mendapatkan dukungan untuk belajar menggunakan TIK?

Ya Tidak

E. Pertanyaan dan Pernyatan kuisioner 1. Pernyataan terbuka

a) Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) Dalam Pembelajaran Biologi

No Pernyataan SS S KS TS STS

1. Saya lebih suka pembelajaran biologi dikelas menggunakan TIK dari pada ceramah

2. Dalam pembelajaran biologi guru menggunakan media pembelajaran yang bervariasi

3. Guru sering menggunakan handphone/email untuk mengirimkan tugas sekolah

4. Dalam pembelajaran guru menggunakan fasilitas pembelajaran berbasis online

5. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi pembelajaran biologi lebih menyenangkan 6. Dalam pembelajaran biologi guru menggunakan media

seperti LCD dan laptop/computer

7. Dengan menggunakan media berbasis komputer pembelajaran biologi dikelas lebih menarik 8. Saya lebih suka belajar biologi menggunakan video


9. Saya merasakan manfaat ketika guru biologi

menggunakan media pembelajaran teknologi informasi dan komunikasi ketika sedang belajar

10 Saya menggunakan internet untuk mencari sumber belajar

11. Ketika merasa sulit dalam pembelajaran biologi saya mencari informasi dari internet

12. Dengan adanya TIK membantu saya untuk berkomunikasi dengan teman sebaya

13. Saya mampu mengoperasikan computer/laptop untuk sarana belajar

14. Tersedia fasilitas teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di kelas anda

15. Saya lebih suka belajar biologi menggunakan laptop dan LCD dikelas

16. Tersedianya fasilitas TIK di laboratorium sekolah


b) Penggunaan TIK dalam pembelajaran biologi bagi siswa

No Pernyataan SS S KS TS STS

1. Pembelajaran dikelas lebih nyata dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi

2. Dengan menggunakan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi membuat nilai pelajaran biologi saya meningkat

3. Dengan menggunakan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi guru memberikan tugas melalui E-mail 4. Guru sering menggunakan komputer untuk

pembelajaran dikelas

5. Guru menggunakan media pembelajaran yang menarik menggunakan Power Point

6. Laboratorium di sekolah sudah menggunakan Proyektor LCD


7. Penggunaan TIK disekolah sangat penting untuk sarana pembelajaran

8. Pembelajaran menggunakan LCD dan komputer membuat saya lebih mudah dalam belajar dan membuat saya semangat dalam belajar biologi

9. Guru menggunakan media pembelajaran TIK sehingga saya semangat dalam belajar biologi

10. Saya memiliki banyak referensi berupa E-book dan soft file lainnya mengenai materi pelajaran biologi 11. Sekolah memberikan kebebasan dalam menggunakan

TIK dalam pembelajaran biologi

12. Saya lebih mudah memahami pembelajaran biologi apabila guru menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis laptop atau komputer

13. Guru menggunakan proyektor dan komputer untuk memaparkan materi pelajaran dikelas

14. Dengan menggunakan komputer dikelas dapat membuat saya tertarik untuk belajar

15. Saya menggunakan WhatsApp untuk berkomunikasi mengenai pelajaran dengan guru dan teman

16. Dengan menggunakan pembelajaran menggunakan media bebasis TIK suasana belajar dikelas lebih menyenangkan dan kondusif


49 Lampiran 2. Peta Wright Item-Person

49 A Pemanfaatan TIK dalam

Pembelajaran Biologi Item Mudah disetujui

P Penggunaan TIK dalam Pembelajaran

Biologi Item Sulit disetujui

Responden dengan Abilitas tinggi

Responden dengan Abilitas Rendah

Lampiran 3. Data Hasil Demografi kelas

Lampiran 4. Data Hasil Demografi Jenis Kelamin


Lampiran 5. Data Hasil Aplikasi yang Diketahui untuk Komunikasi

Lampiran 6. Data Hasil Aplikasi yang Digunakan untuk Komunikasi


Lampiran 7. Data Hasil Aplikasi yang Diketahui untuk Kolaborasi atau Teknik Studi

Lampiran 8. Data Hasil Aplikasi yang Diketahui untuk Kolaborasi dengan Guru


Lampiran 9. Data Hasil Aplikasi yang Digunakan untuk Pembelajaran

Lampiran 10. Data Hasil Aplikasi yang Digunakan Sebagai alat Pembelajaran Berbasis IT

49 Lampiran 11. Draf artikel

Perception of biological students about the use of information technology and communication in biological learning

Devi Anugrah1, Susilo1*, Suci Lestari1

1 Biology Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka Jl. Tanah Merdeka, Kp. Rambutan, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia 13830

* Email: susilo@uhamka.ac.id


The ever increasing impact of globalization and the development of technology, information, and communication (ICT) has provided many influences, including education, and has changed the patterns and behaviors of learning both students and teachers. The study aims to determine students ' perception of the use of ICT in biological learning. This type of qualitative descriptive research with Rasch Model data analysis uses Winstep 4.4.4 software. The data collection techniques used are to determine the quality of the respondents ' statements and characteristics, the reliability of items and respondents, the grouping of items and respondents, the consistency of respondents, and the perception of respondents based on demographic profiles. The population in this research is biology students in high school and MAN located in the province of DKI Jakarta, West Java, Tanggerang, and Cikarang. Sample research used 250 students obtained by way of purposive sampling. Research instruments in the form of a poll. Data analysis is done manually by finding the percentage of poll calculations. Students ' perception of ICT utilization in biological learning is in the category of poor to good. There are 13 relatively easy-to-approve statement items, 4 statement items are neutral, 15-item statements are relatively tricky to approve. Most of the respondents replied with the Logit value above + 2.15. Students ' perception of information and communication technology impacts the students' positive and has a good response, so the use of ICT in learning will be engaging.

Keywords: ICT, student perception, biological learning.


In recent years, the education system in developing countries has transformed due to the growth of digital technology. The development of technology, information, and communication (ICT) has changed the mindset and behavior of learning both students and teachers as they are happening in Indonesia. The impact seems to be perceived by the Indonesian society. The Indonesian Government welcomes ICT integration in education by issuing Permendikbud No. 22 year 2016. In this regulation, education institutions are required to be able to innovate in the use of ICT in learning so effective and efficient.

Nowadays, the success indicators of learning are more based on the ability to communicate, adapt, share, and innovate to create new knowledge to solve complex problems. To prepare students for the digital age, teachers are the key to using ICT for everyday learning. A variety of portal-based applications about artificial intelligence that facilities continue to evolve to support current education to make learning more effective.

In the past decade, remote online learning is being common. Technological developments have transformed the paradigm that learning does not have to be faced face-to-face. By utilizing technology, learning allows them to be completed anytime and anywhere. This will certainly provide convenience for students and teachers. Students are expected to no longer focus on learning straight given teachers in class but can seek learning information at home (Kuhlemeier and Hemker, 2007). The use of ICT devices in learning activities can help teachers and students to broaden their knowledge, learning experience, improving understanding, and understanding a concept related to a real phenomenon of events (Ziden et al., 2011),


including biology learning which is easily obtained through the Internet. This allows each student to use free information via the website from anywhere at any time.

Ministry of the Culture Education Republic of Indonesia has issued Permendikbud number 37 year 2018 about integrating informatics content in classroom learning. This government effort has been made by most of the middle-level schools in Indonesia, such as Internet usage, e-mail, e-learning, Facebook, WhatsApp, and other platforms in learning. Improving the quality and skills of teachers has also been done by organizing training and workshops. From teacher perception, ICT integration can recover the didactic conversation, improve collaboration, and curate feelings in class (Mishra & Mehta, 2017). But the user's analysis from the student's point of view in ICT integration in the classroom is still not much known. These students ' roles and perspectives are crucial to be examined because they are essential players in this learning process. By knowing what students think and more easily understand what they are doing with the technology in the classroom.

Worldwide research has shown that ICT can improve student learning and better pedagogical practices. Bransford, Brown, and Cocking (2000) believe that the use of ICT can help students develop the competencies that students need to face challenges in the 5.0 era. The use of ICT can help students to develop their skills, increase their motivation, and broaden their knowledge and information (Grabe & Grabe, 2007;

Hussain et al., 2011).

In line with globalization, the education system in Indonesia is strategic to educate students as a future workforce that understands technology, innovative, and skilled in technical knowledge. Therefore, implementing an effective ICT-based curriculum in the education system is one of the right strategies.

Planning for ICT integration in education is a key element for education improvement and development. The study aims to determine students' perceptions of ICT integration in biological learning. The results of this study are expected to reference in the application of ICT in the process.


This research uses descriptive methods. This study was conducted at some of the upper schools, which are at high and private levels of SMA and MAN in Indonesia. The research was conducted in Jakarta, West Java, Tangerang, and Cikarang provinces from June to September.

Instrument Research

The questionnaire was given to 250 students through Google Form. The research instrument in the form of a questionnaire sheet containing students ' demographic data as well as statements, statements consisting of 32 items with a multilevel Likert scale (very concur, disapproving, strongly disapproving).

Table 1. Instrument indicator

indicator No. Item Amount

Knowledge and frequency of ICT usage. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 7

ICT utilization in biological learning 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 16 Use of ICT in biological learning 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16


Total item 39

Data collection and Data analysis

The data collection techniques in this study include the preparation, implementation, and end stages. The preparation phase was done by making research instruments. Data collection is done online through a Google Form link. And the final stage of processing the data of research results already obtained.


The data collected by the questionnaire was evaluated with Rasch's analysis; therefore, the method of analysis allowed the ordinal data of the survey to be converted into interval data. Bonds and Fox (2015) Note that the Rasch model becomes the most appropriate method for fundamental analysis in the field of human sciences where the instruments (questionnaires) are used and the results of ordinal data measurement. The Rasch model is based on a probability that allows people's responses to be accurately predicted on all items that correspond to the measurement model using only the person parameter (as the size of the person) and the Item parameter on the same scale (as the size of the difficulty). Model Rasch changed scores of items measured on Likert level scales (Fraser and Dorman, 2011). Data were analyzed using the Rasch model measurement with Winstep 4.4.4 application to analyze Person Item Maps, Summary Statistic, and Differential Item Function.


This research uses a questionnaire item statement used to measure students ' perception of the use of information technology and communication in biological learning. The characteristics used in this study consist of gender, class, and the name of the school institution. After researching by providing questionnaires to respondents, then performing data analysis of the results of the survey using the model Rasch through the program WiNstep 4.4.4. Microsoft Excel and data charts from Google form. Here are the research results of the data obtained.

ICT Usage and frequency

WhatsApp applications (91.2%) Widely known to respondents. Whatsapp is used by respondents to communicate (61.2%). Email (43.2%) is an application that is used to collaborate by respondents, while applications that are rarely used to work are Skype (4.8%). In terms of Microsoft Powerpoint learning (51.6%) That respondents used for learning respondents to study in class compared to Skype, which received a response of 2% and continued iCloud application with a response of 2.4%.

ICT Utilization in biological learning

The use of ICT by the respondents most responded in biological learning is that when it is difficult to study the biology of the respondents seeking information from the Internet (A11) and the second most widely responded from the ICT statement helps the respondent to communicate with the colleague (A12), meaning it is easy to approve by the respondent. While the activities that are difficult to accept by the students are the statements, the teacher often uses the phone/email to send school assignments (A3) and announcements in teacher learning using an online-based learning facility (A4).

Table 2. The logit value of ICT utilization

Code Statement Logit


A1 I prefer learning biology in class using the ICT of the talks 0.69

A2 In teacher biology learning using varied learning media -1,06

A3 Teachers often use mobile/email to send school assignments 1,02

A4 In teacher learning using online-based learning facilities 0,87

A5 By utilizing information technology and learning biology communication more enjoyable -0,40 A6 In learning biology teachers using media such as LCD and laptop/computer -0,40 A7 By using computer-based media biological learning in class more interesting -0,24

A8 I prefer to learn biology using video 0,08

Dalam dokumen laporan kemajuan - SIMAKIP (Halaman 43-73)

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