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Chapter V: Future Directions

5.2 Maze navigation

The maze experiments presented in Chapter III reinvigorate a style of research that was much more prevalent a century ago. Machine vision has advanced considerably in recent years [152]. This enables robust and detailed tracking of animals, even in complex environments such as ours. I believe this research is timely, given the prevailing emphasis on behavioral tasks that take an exorbitant amount of time to train. Both on the grounds of data throughput, as well as ethological relevance to the animal, our free-foraging approach to studying navigation presents an exciting opportunity to generate truly novel observations of experimental subjects. To my knowledge, no task elicits as much learning, measured in the memory for sequential decisions, in as little time as the maze navigation paradigm.

Ongoing work, conducted by Jieyu Zheng and Rogério Guimarães, seeks to determine the upper limits of mouse spatial learning. No limit has been found as of yet despite expansion of the maze to require more than twenty branch points between the home cage and water port. Multiple animals, presented with multiple distinct mazes of this degree of complexity, demonstrated the ability to navigate perfectly to the water and back without errors. Other preliminary experiments have found that mice can quickly learn multiple reward locations and adapt to changes—like shortcuts or blockages—in maze connectivity. Ultimately, we aim to further characterize the underlying representations or heuristics the mice use to navigate these complex environments by looking for repeatable correlations between variations in maze configuration and variability in rates of learning.

Concurrently with these behavioral extensions, I am developing a wireless elec- trophysiology approach to enable recordings of neural activity during navigation behaviors. Daniel Pollak and Jiang Wu are simultaneously exploring more traditional approaches in which data leaves the brain and connects to a computer via a cable.

These latter approaches are more easy to implement and allow recording of more neurons but come at the cost of impeding free action through a maze with a closed ceiling.

Myriad fascinating questions might be addressed with a combination of neural recording and complex maze navigation. For instance, what neural events precede moments of sudden insight? Is the rate of learning correlated with replay or theta

events? Is there a neural signature that accompanies rapid changes in behavior, such as switching from exploration to exploiting known direct routes between resources?

Theoretical work that extends the scope of the Endotaxis model to include other aspects of navigation may generate predictions and hypotheses that can be tested in maze experiments in which neural activity is recorded.

Finally, preliminary data presented in the Appendix suggest that mice can recover from a range of experimental sensory and neural perturbations. How might the brain maintain an appropriate homeostatic state or recover such a state after perturbation?

Answers to this question may suggest new ways to restore homeostatic brain function in humans suffering from psychiatric illness.


The maze experiments described in Chapter III leave open many questions regarding the sensory systems employed by the animal during navigation. We showed that a 180 degree rotation of the maze did not markedly impair the ability of the animal to navigate efficiently from the maze entrance to the water port. However, this tests the ability of the mouse to navigate to the waterafterlearning the location of the reward. Perhaps olfaction is necessary for initial learning of the environment despite not being essential for recall of this information late in the experiment. To test this, Jiang Wu performed a series of experiments in which olfactory neurons were ablated with zinc sulfate [154]. Anosmia was confirmed via a digging assay in which hungry mice searched in cage bedding for a hidden food pellet. Animals showed some mild impairment early in the maze experiment but eventually were able to acquire water at a steady rate. Furthermore, mice learned direct routes to the water port from the entrance and some animals showed sudden insight, assessed via a sharp increase in the rate of long paths to the water from multiple locations throughout the maze.

These olfactory ablation experiments bolster the idea that the sense of smell is not critical for the mouse to be able to navigate effectively.

What about the other sensory modalities? Is one especially essential? The experi- ments described in Chapter III occurred exclusively in the dark thereby demonstrating the dispensability of vision for maze navigation in mice. Additional experiments performed by Jiang Wu tested mice navigation after whisker trimming. Mice still managed to reach the water and develop direct routes. One caveat is that we did not anesthetize the animal’s face, so the animal was presumably still able to sense the presence of walls, albeit only upon much closer inspection.

Setting peripheral sensory systems aside, one might reasonably ask which brain regions mediate the maze navigation behaviors of Chapter III. In collaboration with Zeynep Turan [251], I collected data from animals lacking hippocampus and the majority of cortex. These lesions were performed either via genetic [128] or surgical means. These lesioned animals showed drastic impairments in efficient exploration early in the session, often repeating movements in small regions of the maze an enormous number of times. Yet, remarkably, these same animals eventually succeeded in learning to take short, often direct, paths to the water location.

Lastly, as part of a collaboration with Anand Muthusamy and Henry Lester, supported by the Chen Innovator Grant, mice were administered high doses of the opiate drug Fentanyl before being tested in the same paradigm as the other binary maze experiments described here. This data is highly preliminary, but there is at least an intriguing similarity between the early trajectories of acortical animals and those of animals under opiate intoxication in that these animals excessively repeat actions and movements, failing to sufficiently cover the environment. Intoxicated animals may be no longer thirsty, unable to generate sufficient choice variability to explore the maze, unable to remember prior actions, or may lose interest in spatial novelty, among myriad possibilities. Further experiments are necessary to support one of these interpretations over others.


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