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Dalam dokumen Preserving Digital Materials (Halaman 164-170)

We first need to establish what migration refers to in the context of digital preser- vation. Is it format migration, software migration, or version migration? In its simplest definition migration is:

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to copy data, or convert data, from one technology to another, whether hardware or software, preserving the essential characteristics of the data (Kenney et al., 2003).

A longer definition that is commonly encountered (for example in its use by Howell (2001, p.14) and Kenney et al., (2003)) is that migration is

a set of organized tasks designed to achieve the periodic transfer of dig- ital materials from one hardware/software configuration to another, or from one generation of computer technology to a subsequent generation.

The first use of this definition appears to have been by the Task Force on Archiving of Digital Information (1996).

The term migration is sometimes used in the same sense as refreshing (defined earlier as ‘the copying of data onto new media’), but it is considerably more than that. Unlike refreshing, which is carried out because of concerns about obsolescence of the physical carrier, migration is additionally concerned with obsolescence of data formats and attempts to ensure that file formats remain readable. It is included in this chapter, rather than in Chapter 7, because it is based on ensuring that the digital materials remain accessible in the current technology, and are modified as and when this technology changes. Kenney et al. (2003) tell us more:

The purpose of migration is to preserve the integrity of digital objects and to retain the ability for clients to retrieve, display, and otherwise use them in the face of constantly changing technology . . . Migration includes refreshing as a means of digital preservation but differs from it in the sense that it is not always possible to make an exact digital copy or replica of a data base or other information object as hardware and software change and still maintain the compatibility of the object with the new generation of technology. Migration theoretically goes beyond addressing viability by including the conversion of data to avoid obsolescence not only of the physical storage medium, but of the encoding and format of the data (Kenney et al., 2003, quoting in part from Task Force on Archiving of Digital Information, 1996, pp.ii,5).

Migration has many varieties. Thibodeau, for example, notes simple version migration, format standardization, typed object model conversion, Rosetta Stones translation, and object interchange format (Thibodeau, 2002, p.23). The most commonly used migration process is simple version migration: migration

‘within the same family of products or data types’, for example versions of WordPerfect (.wpd files) or Excel (.xls files). He notes that software vendors provide this kind of migration and there is, therefore, the likelihood that support will be discontinued when such products are withdrawn (Thibodeau, 2002, p.23).

Another migration process is format standardization, noted elsewhere in this chapter as a prerequisite or favourable pre-condition for successful migration over time (Thibodeau, 2002, p.23).

Wheatley discusses in more detail the different kinds of migration and offers an extended example taken from his work on the Domesday Project (Wheatley, 2001). He notes that migration has to date been concerned mainly with relatively simple digital material and that maintaining access to this material has largely

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occurred by applying format migration. What happens, he asks, with complex digital material? The definition in the Task Force on Archiving of Digital Information 1996 report (noted above) indicates ‘a set of organised tasks’ and Wheatley defines these tasks in terms of the preservation techniques currently available. He identifies these as:

Minimum preservation – preserving a copy of the bit-stream (noted in this chapter as bit-stream copying and refreshing)

Minimum migration– migration that uses simple manual or automated tech- niques to improve human viewing; for example, removing all characters except common ASCII characters from a word-processed file, resulting in a text file that is easy to access but no longer has any formatting or structural information

Preservation migration, broken down into

Basic preservation migration – recording screen shots of the software in use;

for example, a snapshot of the screen display on the obsolete platform – Annotated preservation migration – basic preservation migration, with the

addition of textual descriptions describing the original material’s function and look and feel

Complex preservation migration – annotated preservation migration with the addition of descriptive information about the original material; for example, video sequences captured to record key processes such as running the application, scrolling through content

Recreation– recoding the digital material by hand; for example, retyping the text in a current application and adding formatting to match the original

Human conversion migration – migration with elements of the original incor- porated into the final migrated material; for example, text and image data from the original is incorporated into the migrated object

Automatic conversion migration– uses software tools to interpret digital mat- erial and modify it into a new form; for example, a file from obsolete word- processing software is output as a current Word document. Wheatley notes this as ‘a good example of a traditional view of migration’.

Wheatley illustrates each of these tasks with examples from the digital mate- rials which were the test cases in the CAMiLEON Project. He examines the advantages and disadvantages of each and the possible situations where each is best applied. For instance, he suggests that the minimum migration approach has the advantages of simplicity and ease of execution, and although all func- tionality is lost it provides a ‘cheap and reliable way of getting to a substantial amount of the intellectual content’. It has potential for application as a ‘useful stop gap measure’ as long as the original bit-stream and documentation are also maintained. He concludes:

Although much recent work has gone a long way to establish the termi- nology that provides a common language for the discussion of preservation issues, the description of migrationterms in particular has remained relatively confused. To continue progress in the development of practical preservation strategies we should not be afraid to introduce new and more specific language or to redefine ambiguous terms of old (Wheatley, 2001).

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No matter how it is defined, migration has been, with emulation, the principal preservation technique applied to date. It has a long history. Granger notes that it ‘has been the only serious candidate thus far for preservation of large scale archives’ (Granger, 2000), and there is considerable expertise on the part of data administrators and computer scientists in migration.

The literature of digital preservation includes some substantial studies of migration. One is the report Preserving the Whole: A Two-Track Approach to Rescuing Social Science Data and Metadata (Green, Dionne and Dennis, 1999), a detailed case study of preserving data in obsolete column binary format, and its associated documentation. This case study is based on the experience of the data archiving community, in particular that of Yale University Library’s management of social science numeric data since 1972. It identified that the best strategy for data in column binary format was to convert it to ASCII, because this format is software independent and also preserved the original content.

This approach did, however, require ‘a file-by-file migration strategy’ that is time-consuming for large numbers of files (Green, Dionne and Dennis, 1999, p.24). One conclusion of this study was that the existence of detailed docu- mentation about the obsolete column binary format meant that there were many options available to migrate this format to others and also to read data in it (Green, Dionne and Dennis, 1999, p.[vi]).

A Dutch study of migration investigated the issues of large-scale migration, in the order of 100 terabytes (Van Diessen and Van Rijnsoever, 2002). This quantity of data poses major resource issues:

Let’s say you want to migrate all this information to an optical storage medium. Current optical storage media have a capacity of around 5 GigaBytes and a write speed of around 4 MegaBytes/second. A quick calculation shows that a complete migration to optical storage would take at least 290 days (100 TeraBytes/4 MegaBytes per second)! (Van Diessen and Van Rijnsoever, 2002, p.v).

This report developed ‘medium migration indicators’ which, when applied in conjunction with ‘changes in the system architecture or load characteristics’, can be used to ascertain when migration needs to be carried out. The report also notes the actions required to manage media migration effectively in an elec- tronic deposit system (Van Diessen and Van Rijnsoever, 2002).

The National Library of Australia has long experience of migration. In 1998 it surveyed some of its material stored on disk and reported on the practical aspects of migrating floppy disks to CD-R (Woodyard, 1998). The aim was to migrate Australian publications that existed on floppy disks to CD-R. The data on a sample of disks, chosen to represent variables such as operating system, software, disk size, and age, was transferred to a network drive, downloaded to the hard drive of a PC containing disk writing software, and then written to CD-R. This study identified problems such as lack of the appropriate hardware or software, disk errors picked up by disk scan software, and illegal characters in file names. This trial highlighted the need to take further actions, including copying existing floppy disk publications selected for preservation to CD-R as soon as possible, establishing ongoing copying procedures for floppy disks, developing guidelines for selecting material to be preserved, and continuing trials of other forms of migration. The National Library of Australia has also

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investigated digital materials in its manuscript collections. Here some issues assume greater significance – for example, the material is often old by the time it reaches the Library, and there may be a need to maintain authenticity of features such as layout (crucial to the understanding of poetry and some other literary works) (Woodyard, 2001). The Library established a Migration Strategy Group to develop further understanding of the issues and to draw up strate- gies for migration. One of its activities was a migration of PANDORA files to identify ‘dead and depreciated HTML tags in the archive, which may not be recognised by later browsers’ (Webb, 2000c) and to see what the issues were in migrating to a later version of HTML. The outcome has suggested that there are likely to be scalability issues if this is carried out on a large scale (for example, 127 dead HTML tags were found). Software used by data recovery companies to determine older file formats and write translation tables has been purchased and used in the Library’s migration exercises. The National Library has recog- nized that these methods of migration are not a guarantee of preservation, but considers that they are necessary steps to increasing the period during which digital information remains accessible.

Migration, as suggested above, is the preferred preservation strategy for most digital archives. It is favoured for the reasons already noted: the long history of its use, and our experience with it, at least for some kinds of materials and formats. There is some optimism that it will become simpler to apply as auto- mated techniques are developed (Jones and Beagrie, 2001, p.102).

However, the list of arguments against migration is long. Rothenberg, whose view is that migration is ‘essentially an approach based on wishful thinking’

(Rothenberg, 1999a, p.15), trenchantly summarizes these when he characterizes migration as ‘labor-intensive, time-consuming, expensive, error-prone, and fraught with the danger of losing or corrupting information’ (Rothenberg, 1999a, p.13). Migration needs to occur on a regular basis throughout the life of the mater- ials, each time different in that it requires analysis of data structures, rules to be developed to control the transformation from one data format to another, pro- grams to be written, and quality control procedures (UNESCO, 2003, p.139).

Migration, therefore, has significant ongoing costs associated with it. It is unlikely to benefit from increases in computing power, Rothenberg suggests, because it is ‘highly dependent on the particular characteristics of individual document formats’. He also considers it unlikely that automated migration techniques will assist; in fact, he encourages us to consider them ‘with great suspicion because of their potential for silently corrupting entire corpora of digital documents by performing inadvertently destructive conversions on them’ (Rothenberg, 1999a, p.15). Complex materials are not, at present, considered to be migratable because the loss of functionality and compromising of integrity and other attributes of the materials will be outside acceptable ranges (Beagrie, 2001, p.104). Finally, Hedstrom notes that despite our long experience with migration, we have no reliable data about the costs it will incur (Hedstrom, 1998, p.198).

Version migration is worth noting in more detail. The backwards compatibility of software can be used to migrate digital materials: most applications can read older file formats created in earlier versions of that software. Relying on this for migration means depending on software vendors to develop and maintain their products’ ability to read earlier formats, and experience shows that this is not often the case (University of Leeds, 2003, p.4). Jones and Beagrie note that, although backwards compatibility is offered by an increasing number of vendors, 1111

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‘its continued availability is dependent on market forces which are notoriously volatile [and] it may therefore cease to be available with little or no warning’

(Jones and Beagrie, 2001, pp.107–108). The UNESCO Guidelines distinguish between backwards compatibility and version migration: for the former, ‘the presentation may be limited to temporary viewing’; by comparison, version migration ‘permanently converts documents into a format that can be presented by the current version of the software’ (UNESCO, 2003, p.137). Common examples are word processing software and web browsers, which can usually interpret and display material created in earlier versions of that software or in earlier versions of HTML. The National Archives (UK) has decided that

In the case of passive systems, we are quite convinced that migration is the only way to go. However, we intend to use migration sparingly;

our view is that we should only migrate a system when it becomes absolutely necessary; that is to say when it cannot be run on future generations of software or hardware. To take the example of Microsoft Word, we would only migrate documents written in Word version 1 if it ever became impossible to read them on the latest version of Word (Thomas, 2004).

For migration to be successful certain requirements should be met. These include (based on Jones and Beagrie, 2001, p.104 and UNESCO, 2003, p.139):

• Written policies and guidelines

• Rigorous documentation of the procedures that were followed

• Strict quality control procedures, applied during the development stages and also after migration

• Retention of copies of the original material if some essential elements may be lost in migration

• Testing the migration process before it is fully implemented.

Migration is best applied to less complex digital materials ‘where the essential elements to be preserved are reasonably straightforward and do not depend on the look and feel of the material, and do not involve executable files’ and to collections of materials that are in uniform formats, such as collections of audio or digital image materials, especially if these formats are not proprietary (UNESCO, 2003, pp.139–140).

Some thought has been given to the functions that migration software should be required to perform. It should

• Read the source file and analyze the differences between it and the target format

• Identify and report the degree of risk if a mismatch occurs

• Accurately convert the source file(s) to target specifications

• Work on single files and large collections

• Provide a record of its conversions (Lawrence et al., 2000, p.13).

The aim of migration is to ensure that when it occurs, usually in response to specific triggers such as software upgrade or installation of new software, there is little or no loss in content or context (Jones and Beagrie, 2001, p.103). While some commentators envisage an increasing role for migration, especially for

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migration of simple data objects and for migration on demand (Wheatley, 2001), others suggest a diminished role as we move towards open standards and formats, and towards software with built-in format conversion functions (Dollar, quoted in Wheatley, 2001). Experimentation with migration continues, such as the ‘on-access’ format migration experiments by LOCKSS in relation to web content (Rosenthal et al., 2005).

Dalam dokumen Preserving Digital Materials (Halaman 164-170)