• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Project Implementation Financial Report


4.5 Project Reporting in the Operational Review Aspect

4.5.2 Project Implementation Financial Report

The Planning Seminar and Organizing Successful Business Strategy Seminars in the New Normal Era Base On Webinar. from the results of submitting proposals to potential sponsors. Meanwhile, funds issued by operations. Detailed reports on financial income. sponsorship fund financial income implementation financial report can be seen in table 4.6 below:

Table 4.6 Sponsorship Financial Income Financial Report

No Name Information

Value Unit Price Total

1 Karina Krisnanda 1 People IDR.400.000,- IDR.400.000,-

Total IDR. 400.000,-

Source: Processed Data 2021

From Table 4.6 above, it is known that the income for the webinar organization comes from one sponsor in the form of cash amounting to Rp.

400,000. Sponsor from Karina Krisnanda, an alumni of the Bengkalis state polytechnic student and my profit is as big as 400.000. the sponsor is a hamburger business he has started his carrer for 3 years in busniess, business is very advanced until now.

Table 4.7 to Give Appreciation Speaker to Society Destitute.

No Name Information

Value Unit Price Total

1 Siti maysitah 1 2 unit IDR 10.000 IDR 10.000

2 Kasmardi 1 2 unit IDR 10.000 IDR 10.000

3 Karso 1 2 unit IDR 10.000 IDR 10.000

4 Dedi 1 2 unit IDR 10.000 IDR 10.000

5 Punomo 1 2 unit IDR 10.000 IDR 10.000

Total IDR 50.000

Source: Processed Data 2020

The Table 4.7 in the explain to head will pay the unpaid fees. after the Planning Seminar and Organizing Successful Business Strategy Seminars in the New Normal Era Base On Webinar was held organizer provided assistance to society destitute to Siti maysitah, Kasmardi, Karso, Dedi and Punomo the next the head of the seminar organizer, providing assistance to the general public of IDR 50,000. a parking worker at sdr Siti maysitah, may and as a parking worker Kasmardi, Karso, Dedi and Punomo they is the general poor category which I


choose, the Mr as a parking worker Kasmardi, a parking attendant at the plaza who had worked Kasmardi , Mr. Karso as a motorcycle taxi worker at the admiral city and selling sugar candy, Dedi and Punomo as people who worked collecting files such as bottles and boxes, they were very grateful for the food aid.

they told me that during the new normal there were difficulties in the economy.

The target participants of this seminar are students, entrepreneurs and the general public The Planning Seminar and Organizing Successful Business Strategy Seminars in the New Normal Era Base On Webinar has taken place as planned. ThePlanning Seminar and Organizing Successful Business Strategy Seminars in the New Normal Era Base On Webinar has been carried out via the zoom application on Wednesday, December 02, 2020.

Table 4.8 The Cost Budget Operational event seminar webinar

No Items Amount Unit UnitPrice Total


1 Activity proposals 10 Unit IDR 50.000 IDR . 50.000

3 ATK 1 IDR.50.000 IDR . 50.000

4 Design Certificate 1 - IDR 50.000 IDR . 50.000

SUB TOTAL IDR. 150.000

A. Supplies

1 Internet Quota 1 IDR. 75.000 IDR. 75.000

2 Design Brochure 1 - IDR. 50.000 IDR. 50.000


B. Event

1 Honor speaker 5 - IDR 10.000 IDR 50.000


TOTAL IDR. 325.000

From Table 4.8 it is explain The Operational event seminar webinar that the number of cost budget details activities the project thesis planning and organizing seminar base on webinar strategies for successful business in the New Normal era.

This Project Implementation Financial Report occurred because planning and organizing the event seminar webinar, namely:


1. The planned budget for operational event seminar webinar is IDR 125.000,- this is to used Activity proposals, pay to ATK and to make design certicate.

2. The planned budget for operational costs, namely suplies , is IDR 150,000,-. This is because pay webinar supplies internat quota and to make design broushure for the webinar.

3. The planning budget for Event is IDR 50,000,- This is because to used for payment webinars to honor speake to general pool.

4. cost budget of operational to the project thesis planning and organizing seminar base on webinar strategies for successful business in the New Normal era total activities is IDR. 325.000,-

5. the financial report income event seminar webinar IDR. 400.000 Obstacles in the Activity

In the implementation of an activity there are certain obstacles, both large and small, which of course hinder the activities carried out. in planning and organizing seminar base on webinar strategies for successful business in the new normal era, there are several obstacles both in project preparation, project implementation and project completion, these obstacles are as follows:

1. During the project preparation stage, there were obstacles in determining the schedule for the organizing activities and the schedule for the webinar. In addition, it is difficult to find sponsors. This is due to the condition of Covid-19 which severely limits the access of the organizing committee to reach sponsor locations.

2. At the project implementation stage there were obstacles, namely participants who were late in participating in the appropriate zoom meeting room

3. At the project implementation stage there were obstacles, namely participants who were slow to register did not register At the project completion stage, the solution is that participants do not leave the WhatsApp application group so that the organizer can provide a certificate.


4. At the implementation stage the head of the seminar organizer had obstacles, namely not using his own laptop because it was damaged and having to use a cellphone to hold the event.

5. The head of the seminar organizer has a problem, namely not having much funds due to lack of finance.

6. At the seminar implementation stage, there were obstacles, namely that the speaker should not be working or leaving the city.

7. seminar implementation must have members not alone because it is very difficult when participants have physical obstacles and participants the admin carrying the event also handling participants entering cloud zoom Solutions for Solving Problems in Activities

The solutions to the obstacles faced in the planning and organizing seminar base on webinar strategies for successful business in the New Normal era are as follows:

1. In the project preparation stage, the solution is to increase optimizing activity funds. To prepare for events, then make activity brochures earlier than other similar programs that also hold seminars.

2. The solution for sponsorship is to divert the target of other potential sponsors such as organizations around the campus and other known communities through social media.

3. At the project implementation stage, the solution to event delays is to alert attendees via WhatsApp groups and provide optimal additional time to join the cloud zoom meeting room immediately.

4. Then the solution for participants who only attended half of the event was still being considered present by monitoring the zoom screenshot by the organizing.




5.1 Conclusion

From the discussion in chapter four about the implementation of planning and organizing seminar base on webinar strategies for successful business in the New Normal era, the author can make the following conclusions:

1. The operational aspect in the event webinar are urgently needed is the determination of the operational. The selection of the head is determined according to their respective duties and competencies, such as head of determination spekers, determination participants, promotion.

2. In selecting a speaker for this webinar, there are several criteria that must be possessed, namely: Have qualified knowledge about the theme and the title of webinar, has experience and has been a webinar speaker related to the theme, can provide material that will be easily understood by the participants, have a good looking and have a high sense of dedication to their duties as a speaker

3. In selecting a participants for this webinar, there are several criteria that must be possessed, namely: Have qualified knowledge about the strategy business and professional, has experience and has been a webinar participants related to the theme, can provide material that will be easily understood by the, have a good looking and have a high sense of dedication to their duties as a speaker.

4. Technical aspects of work in the implementation of activities are divided into 4 stages, namely the project preparation stage, the project implementation stage, project completion and project reporting as follow:

a. The Stages of Project Preparation.

Project Preparation in the operational Review Aspect, consists of:

Determination of the speaker. Determination of the participant, Determine of the promotion mix..

42 b. Project Implementation Plan.

Project implementation in the operational review aspect consists of:

While, project implementation in the operational in the agenda.

Project giveappreciatio of the speaker award.

c. Project Completion Plan

Project completion in the operational aspect consists of: to the head organizer to make Design E- sertificate and give appreciation to participants in the form E-serticate .

d. Project Reporting Plan

Project reporting report in the operational aspect consists of: project implementation report and project implementation financial report, Barriers in the activity, and Solution to solve problems in the activity.

5. Cost budget of operational to the project thesis planning and organizing seminar base on webinar strategies for successful business in the New Normal era total activities is IDR. 325.000,- and profit total is IDR 200.000,-.

6. The solution for the future is to improve communication between the main organizing committees so that they can optimize their free time to prepare for the event. Then, made activity brochures earlier than other similar programs. The solution for sponsorship, namely by diverting the target of other potential sponsors, such as to organizations around State Polytechnic of Bengkalis and other communities known through social media. While, the solution for the delay is to remind participants via the WhatsApp and provide the optimal additional time to join the zoom cloud meeting room immediately.

7. The problems faced are the obstacles in determining the schedule of activities that adjust to the lecture schedule of the organizing and the schedule of webinars from similar communities, the delay in starting the event due to the late attendance of participants in the cloud zoom meeting room. In addition, the obstacle in finding sponsorship is due to the condition of Covid -19 which severely limits access to reach sponsorship locations.


Then there were several committees who returned to their hometowns before the committee's disbandment ceremony ended.

8. Motivating ways that can be carried out by the head of the organizing committee division for all resources involved in this event organizer activities are as follows: Intrinsic motivation with gave certificates to the organizing .

5.2 Suggestion

From planning and organizing seminar base on webinar strategies for successful business in the New Normal era, the authors can provide advice on problems encountered during preparation to completion of webinar activities as follow:

1. Considering that a number of obstacles are still found in the stages of event activities, from the preoperational, operational and post operational stages of the event, it is necessary to prepare well for the next event and take into account carefully so that the implementation of activities runs smoothly.

2. Due to the miscoordination among several head, it is better if in determining human resources people who are sincere, competent, disciplined and understand and have knowledge of the activities to be held. This is so that the tasks that have been given can be carried out properly and can make the activities successful and there are no communication between the head.

3. To sponsorship is to divert the target of other potential sponsors such as organizations around the campus and other known communities through social media.

4. At the project implementation stage, the solution to event delays is to alert attendees via WhatsApp groups and provide optimal additional time to join the cloud zoom meeting room immediately, Then the solution for participants who only attended half of the event was still being considered present.


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Appendix I. Brochure For The Participant Registration


Appendix 11. Sample of the Participant E-Certificate

Appendix 111 Settificate Speaker 1

48 Appendix IV.Settificate Speaker 2

Appendix V Settificate Sponsor


Appendix VI . Absen Webinar Participant Date.

No Name Origin Institution

1 Nursalissa Selatpanjang Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 2 Putri Julianti Tampubolon Sumatera Utara Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 3 Citra Cicilia Simbolon Duri Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 4 Dea Peranti Siak Kecil Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

5 Nur Faiza Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

6 Erika Tangerang Pengusaha/Masyrakat

7 Ristya Rizkynami Dumai Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 8 Betha Rame H Panjaitan Sipahutar Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

9 M Jufri SelatPanjang Masyarakat

10 Suryani Rupat Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

11 Khairul Nizam Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 12 EkaWahyuni Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 13 Romadhona Fitria Lubuk Muda Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 14 Nurlali Kepulauan Meranti Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 15 Vina Ariska Ketam Putih Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 16 Febrilia Fifiani Sungai Pakning Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 17 Hadryan Dwi Artha Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

18 Juli Yusliza Dumai Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

19 Falensia Lidwina Ndaha Sumatera Utara Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

20 Nurasikin Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

21 Karismawati Siak Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

22 Winda Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

23 Febri Yanti Nour Hasanah Bengkalis Masyarakat 24 Soffiya Muttahidah Dumai Universitas Riau

25 Winni Bengkalis Masyarakat

26 Enny Febina Bengkalis Masyarakat

27 AlfiSuhaila Bengkalis Masyarakat

28 Hurin Bengkalis Masyarakat

29 Rizki Pratama Kepulauan Karimun Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

30 Sri Haryani Bantan Tua Masyarakat

31 Ronny Akmal Chaniago Duri Umum

32 Risa Suryani Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

33 Rustika Riana Dumai Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

34 Tri Wahyuni Duri Masyarakat

35 Syafrizal Duri Masyarakat

36 Landinia Safitri Clarisanda Duri Masyarakat 37 Nona Rafika Wahyuni SelatPanjang Masyarakat


No Name Origin Institution

38 Moh. Mus’afadi Saputra Bengkalis Masyarakat

39 Vicky Ardiansyah Sungai Apit Umum

40 Alvina Nurhaliza SelatPanjang Umum 41 Agus Muhammad Alam SelatPanjang Umum

42 Veny Mutia SelatPanjang Umum

43 Shahiba SelatPanjang Umum

44 Indah Nurullatifah SelatPanjang Masyarakat

45 Satria Ari SelatPanjang Masyarakat

46 Mustika Sari SelatPanjang Masyarakat

47 Karina Krisnanda Dumai Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 48 Nurafni Sanova Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 49 Annisa Fitri Rokan Hilir Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

50 Widya Pratiwi Bengkalis STAIN Bengkalis

51 Aldian Listya Ramadhani Jawa Timur Masyarkat

52 Yugo Jawa Timur Universitas Suska Riau

53 Muhammad Amri Dumai Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

54 Igus Awalludin Tangerang Universitas Suska Riau 55 NurulHabibah Mengkirau Universitas Suska Riau 56 WawanKurniawan Mengkopot Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

57 M Sazali Mengkirau Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

58 Rahmatika Pakning Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

59 Melly Pakning Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

60 Nadia Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

61 Nurliliani Mengkirau Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

62 NurfirRizki Kelebok Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

63 IlhamMaulana Dumai Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

64 SitiWakhidah Mengkirau STIKES Pekanbaru

65 Ega Ranaldi Pebriansyah Sungai Pakning Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 66 Wendi Kartika Buruk Bakul Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 67 Elviza Pratiwi Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 68 Erpan Syahrizan Teluk Latak Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 69 Muhamad Nasrullah Meskom Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 70 Nabilla Mauludina M Dumai Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 71 RohulFadli Sungai Alam Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 72 Isnaini Martha Sari Bengkalis Masyarakat

73 Putri Diyah Ayu Reswari Pekanbaru Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 74 Wardatul Mufidah Bengkalis STIE Bengkalis

75 WindaArafah Bengkalis STIE Bengkalis

76 Neneng Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

77 Jumini RokanHilir Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

78 Susanti Bengkalis Umum


No Name Origin Institution

79 Tiyas Wulandari Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

80 BaaiturRahmadIsmah Surabaya Umum

81 Mustika Ratih Sebauk Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

82 Junaida TanjungPadang Umum

83 DewiAriani Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 84 Dwiki Pebriansyah Pekanbaru Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

85 Hermawati Pekanbaru Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

86 Irani Merbau STAIN Bengkalis

87 EllySafika Mentayan Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

88 Yusuf Wahyudi Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 89 Nur Trisna Juliani Duri Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 90 Jelly Andriani Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

91 Ely Kasira Rupat Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

92 Ari Ramdani Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

93 Achtikah Dumai Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

94 YoanaZamadayanti Pertiwi Pakning Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 95 M RidoKurniawan Mungtai Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 96 MalikaNefti Budi Asih Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 97 DewiAfriani Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 98 Luthfi Siskawati Minas Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 99 Amdoco Sutejo Rokan Hilir Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 100 Leni Mega Saputri Siak Kecil Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 101 Rahman Setiawan Siak Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 102 Delvani Silalahi Duri Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 103 Indah SeptyaMerlis Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 104 Annisa April Liyani Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

105 Nicky Candra Dumai Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

106 AmiraSuhada Kudap STAIN Bengkalis

107 Karisma Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

108 Restunia Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

109 AnggiSafira Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 110 T Mirdawati Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis 111 Fitra Nanda Armesta Dumai Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

112 Jamilah Lampung Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

113 SuciWulandari Bengkalis Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis



Author Biodata

Name : Siti Nurmarzidah

Place & Date of Birth : Mengkirau, June 17, 1998

Address : Jl. Kauman

RT 001 / RW 002, Desa Mengkirau Kec. Tasik Puti Puyu

Kab. Kepulauan Meranati Prov. Riau

NIM : 5404171101

Department : Business Administration

Study Program : DIV-International Business Administration Email : sitinurmarzidah95@gmail.com

Educational background

2005 – 2011 : SDN 30 Desa Mengkirau

2011 – 2014 : MTSN Hidayatul Mutaalim Desa Mengkirau.

2014 – 2017 : MA Hidayatul Mutaalim Desa Mengkirau.

2017 – 2021 : DIV-Administration Business International Study Program State Polytechnic of Bengkalis.


2019 : Table Manner Practice in Kuala Lumpur

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