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Rencana Tindak Lanjut Dan Proyeksi Hilirisasi …

Sesuai dengan kesimpulan dan rekomendasi maka rencana tindak lanjut adalah Hasil Penelitian 1. Membutuhkan buku pembelajaran sejarah lokal

untuk perguruan tinggi

2. Perlu membuat pemetaan digital sejarah lokal berbasis cagar budaya

Rencana tindak lanjut 1. Menyusun buku pembelajaran dan

2. Membuat pemetaan digital dengan program ARTgis .9.3.1


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2349 DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I7/S20201194

*Corresponding Author: Jumardi, Email : jumardi_7127140043@mhs.unj.ac.id Article History: Received: April 09, 2020, Accepted: July 11, 2020

Learning Program in Indonesia

Jumardi1, Soeprijanto1 and Diana Nomida Musnir1

1Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract-Learning local history is important to learn because it has values and a spirit of struggle that must be known to students. This research is intended to evaluate, how the planning, implementation, problems of local history learning programs in Indonesia and the efforts made to improve learning takes place. The study uses a qualitative method with an informal approach. Interviews and observations were conducted with 50 students who had taken local history learning. The results showed that only 12% were able to master and understand the meaning of local history learning. This shows that local history learning has not yet reached the learning outcome.

This indicates the process of learning local history at the tertiary level has not been maximized. This report can be a reference for evaluating and changing teaching methods to teachers.

Keywords: Illuminative, Program Evaluation, Local History


Quality human resources can only be obtained through education that is carried out on an ongoing basis, carried out professionally and designed in a good program. Program achievements occur because of the synergy of various programs in a system. (Dick and Carey, 2015) defines the system is "the system is technically a set of interellated parts, all of which work together towards a define goal". As one of the learning programs, local history has advantages when it is delivered with appropriate materials and methods (Dilek, 2016). The National Council for Social Studies [NCSS], establishes the theme of local history a. Time, Continuity, and Change, b.

People, Places, and Environments, c. Individual Development and Identity, d. Individuals, Groups, and Institutions, e. Power, Authority, and Governance, f. Civic Ideals and Practices (Pickett, 2014). Local history learning methods in several countries such as Turkey (Goksu and Somen, 2019), using cultural geography approaches and field studies, Portugal (Magro, et al, 2014) using software for georeferencing local history and Norway (Hutchison, 2005) using project models. So important that materials and methods are of particular concern to be designed.

Local history gives students the ability to understand about a past event whether a person, or a group, in a particular geographical area. Local history examines how to build a city in a particular region in the past, who lived there and what they did, giving students an understanding of the multicultural (cultural diversity) that exists in the community. (Walker, 2015), (Brook, 2008; 1), (Goubert, 2015). DKI Jakarta as part of local Indonesia, has a diverse culture, religion and customs compared to other localities in Indonesia. Suswandari

(2017) explained, As a part of Jakarta's local history, ethnic Betawi history can be explored as a source of inspiration and a source of awareness in instilling multicultural souls in Jakarta, as a metropolitan city with diverse ethnicity towards social life within the framework of peace and harmony.

In Indonesia, local history learning is given by face-to-face method in class with material that is not focused on local history. Local history as an important part in transferring information to students to appreciate the nation's history has not been done well. (Jackson, 2013). Local history in Indonesia does not yet have clear objectives and outcomes in the learning program, so it is important to conduct a program evaluation. Evaluation of an ongoing program (Macfarlane, et all, 2018) is one way to maintain the quality of education (Muhammad Nurtanto, Arifin, et al., 2020). Evaluation of a program can emphasize its characteristics, activities, results, or some combination of these (Anderson and Postlethwaite, 2007). Program evaluation using an illuminative approach can provide broader exploration (Soeprijanto and Femalia, 2019) Evaluation not only includes the results of students but also the design, implementation, supporting components, environment and other educational activities. Research questions are as follows:

1. How is the planning, implementation and learning outcomes of local history programs in universities in Indonesia?

2. What are the problems with learning local history courses?

3. What are the efforts made by study programs to improve learning of local history courses?

2350 and Hamilton (Topper and Lancester, 2016). The illuminative approach emphasizes the importance of continuing or ongoing assessment during the process of implementing education. (Dearden and Laurillard, 2007). The illuminative evaluation model supports the process of improving the local history learning program, so that sufficient and integrated information will be obtained as a basis for correcting and perfecting the learning program that is being carried out. (Ying and Mursitama, 2017). ‘Now, one characteristic of an illuminative evaluation is that the investigator operates with sufficient flexibility to measure opportunities that might afford further insight” (Dearden and Laurillard, 2007). Program evaluation covers program background, implementation and results. Evaluation also sees problems or difficulties that arise on the side of educators and students as a result of this learning (Alderman, 2015) (Rabiman et al., 2020). The research was carried out in the History of Education Study Program University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA Jakarta Indonesia, held in February 2017 - April 2018.

Data collection technique

Data obtained using interview instruments to 50 students who have taken local history courses, observation and document analysis. Document analysis is carried out by reviewing the RPS (Semester Learning Plan),

Academic Guidance document. Researchers make observations on the curriculum in force. then study, analyze, interpret and draw conclusions from phenomena that exist in the field.

Table 1. Students interviewed by semester

Student SMT 6 T.A 2015 SMT 8 T.A 2014

Total 25 25

Data analysis

Data analysis was performed by reviewing curriculum documents, RPS, and guidebooks. Classifying data from interviews and observations, and classifying findings. Triangulate data and link programs, program implementation and program results. Then an interpretation of the findings and focus on the problem are carried out. The third step is an explanation of the findings.

Findings and Discussion

Findings and comments for the first sub-problem

Local history is a course given to history education students. Local history is included in the group of scientific courses and skills. Local history is given to enrich students' knowledge about history around themselves, the campus environment, home environment or even family residence. The Local history gives students the sensitivity level of the history because the students will better understand the objects that occur in their environment. Besides, the local history has the history of local wisdom values that exist in society. The values of local wisdom can be a matterial for the formation of students' character (Djono, 2013) Local history does not explain the role of national figures, but local history learning is given to raise awareness of national history and prevent students from ignorance of historical values that around him.

Local history is given when students enter semester five (5). The reason for giving this course is to strengthen students' understanding of the history around (Vasilevski and Vysokov, 2001). The purpose of learning local history in Uhamka is (1) increasing students 'knowledge about historical objects outside the museum, (2) increasing students' analysis of history as stories and history as a science and strengthening courses on historical tourism and museum history.

Local history learning is carried out 14 times. Learning methods use varied lectures (face to face), group discussions and make resumes. The learning achievement of local history is able to clarify the definition, and scope of local history and be able to analyze the reconstruction of local history. (RPS document of local history course in history education study program in 2017, 2017). In general, the data obtained from the group of SMT 6 and SMT 8 students is that 88% of students have not mastered local historical theory. Students cannot distinguish between local history and regional history. Only 12% of the total students interviewed were able to master the theory of local history and were able to distinguish between local history and regional history.

2351 DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I7/S20201194

*Corresponding Author: Jumardi, Email : jumardi_7127140043@mhs.unj.ac.id Article History: Received: April 09, 2020, Accepted: July 11, 2020

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