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6.2 Saran

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Lampiran 1.Hasil Penelitian Limfosit Total Pasien HIV di RSUP M.Djamil

Limfosit tb limfosit relative

0.08 8

0.16 16

0.24 24

0.11 11

0.07 7

0.1 10

0.04 4

0.06 6

0.13 13

0.13 13

0.07 7

0.17 17

0.11 11

0.01 1

0.11 11

0.1 10

0.24 24

0.19 19

0.08 8

0.1 10

0.1 10

0.2 20

0.1 10

0.16 16

0.3 30

0.22 22

0.04 4

0.04 4

0.19 19

0.2 20

0.21 21

0.16 16

0.22 22

0.2 20

0.33 33

0.25 25

0.1 10

0.08 8

Jumlah 540

rata rata 14.21

Sd 7.63


Lampiran 2. Hasil Penelitian Limfosit Total Pada Pasien TB Paru di RSUP M.Djamil

Limfosit hiv limfosit relatif

0.16 16

0.2 20

0.07 7

0.23 23

0.12 12

0.13 13

0.55 55

0.32 32

0.18 18

0.01 1

0.16 16

0.16 16

0.14 14

0.17 17

0.08 8

0.11 11

0.05 5

0.1 10

0.12 12

0.16 16

0.22 22

0.03 3

0.13 13

0.07 7

0.18 18

0.13 13

0.04 4

0.02 2

0.38 38

0.33 33

0.16 16

0.36 36

0.23 23

0.15 15

0.04 4

0.21 21

0.03 3

0.1 10

Jumlah 603


rata rata 15.87

Sd 11.26

Lampiran 3. Hasil SPSS Uji t Independent Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnov(a) Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

HIV .119 38 .197 .912 38 .006

tb .103 38 .200(*) .955 38 .126

* This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a Lilliefors Significance Correction

Group Statistics


ok N Mean




Error Mean hasil limfosit


Tb 38 1385.97 849.875 137.868

HIV 38 919.50 653.776 106.056

Independent Samples Test Levene's

Test for Equality of

Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. T df


(2- taile

d) Me

an Diff ere nce


Error Differ



Confiden ce Interval

of the Differenc

e Low


Uppe r

Low er

Up per

Low er

Up per

Lo wer

Up per

Lowe r hasil


Equal varian


1 .034 2.68

2 74 .009 466 .47

173 .94


888 813


50 total ces

assu med

4 1 9

Equal varian ces not assu med

2.68 2


433 .009 466

.47 4

173 .94 1


509 813

.43 8


Lampiran 4. Surat Keterangan Lolos Kaji Etik

52 Lampiran 5. Surat Balasan Izin Penelitian

53 Lampiran 6. Surat Selesai Penelitian

Dalam dokumen Plagiarism Checker X Originality Report (Halaman 57-69)

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