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B. Suggestion

Based on the research results regarding the analysis of the second semester students' learning motivation during the new normal era that has been described, the suggestions of this research can be conveyed, namely as follows:

1. For students, students must adapt and be active in all the methods used by the lecturers. Passive students can learn actively, they can be more active in speaking class. Students must be more active in speaking class by increasing intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Students should not be shy and lazy to try to speak English in class. Then, students are expected to be able to follow the learning that has been conveyed well, even though there are obstacles experienced during the learning process. The importance of

managing time so that you can stay focused while participating in learning and in doing assignments given by the lecturer in the speaking class.

2. For lecturers, you should choose an interesting topic by asking for input from students so that students are more motivated to be active in the speaking class even though the current learning process is slightly different, namely online learning and far from direct lecturer supervision. Lecturers pay more attention to learning method that are interested in students so that students are enthusiastic in learning and do not feel bored.

3. For researchers, it is hoped that prospective researchers can carry out the same research on a wider population and sample than before. Because the level where other research will have different results. However, this thesis is still useful to provide contributions and information for further research. So that other researchers can also feel the advantages and benefits.


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