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opportunities to talk by using group work, pair work, and design classroom activities.


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„„Interview guidelines and the result for teachers interview to analyze teachers‟ strategies for improv ing students‟ speaking ability at SMAN 1

Pringgrata in the academic year 2022/2023.‟‟

No Focus of Research Indicators Question Answer 1 What do teachers'

strategies for improving students' speaking ability?

Role-play Strategy

1) Do the teachers apply the role- playing

strategy in speaking class?

2) Do the teachers give students

examples of role-playing scenarios before

practicing a character in this strategy?

3) How long does it take the teachers to practice this strategy in speaking class?

I always apply this strategy to many students in a large class. It is to make students encourage their vocabulary mastery and thinking creativity through practice activities. Although some are still reluctant to do it, I always try to maximize their learning process I usually give them time to practice and then give them storybooks to train them by reading. It will be helpful when they practice in front of the class to express their self- language.

I take half of their study hours to practice in a pair or groups because, in the first hour, they start learning and explain the learning flow, and in the last hour, they correct mistakes and check

whether their

understanding is unclear.


4) How do the teachers divide their students in practicing this strategy to be effective in speaking class?

In a class with many students, I divide three to four people into one group to build an effective learning process. It’s proven from the activities of this group that it provides positive effects and builds self-confidence when speaking because they have practiced together.

Simulation Strategy

5) Do the teachers apply simulation strategies in speaking class?

6) Why do the teachers explain the purpose and how to use the simulation strategy before practicing it?

7) Why do the teachers always form a group and determine students' respective roles when using this strategy?

8) Will the use of this strategy train students to cooperate in group






Discussion Strategy

9) Does the teachers apply a discussion

No, interspersed with the use of other strategies, such s this week using a


strategy in every meeting with students' in speaking class?

10) Why do the teachers guide,

facilitate, and motivate their student's interactions when using this strategy in practicing speaking?

11) Will this strategy make teachers lower the

inhabitation of students who are unwilling to speak in front of the class?

discussion strategy and next week it is different, depending on the material in their learning book.

That is a crucial thing that teachers do because it’s part of a teacher’s responsibility to hone students' abilities and help them learn materials to achieve successful learning by creating an environment that supports students in facilitating what they need in education and motivating them to grow their thinking and spirit in the learning process.

Ya, this strategy will be adequate proper to overcome the students who are ashamed, nervous, and fearful of being wrong in pronouncing words, phrases, and sentences.

Brainstorm ing


12) How many times do teachers apply brainstorming strategies in speaking class?

In each meeting, according to material in learning books, such as games activity, continue words or sentences to guide students in fun learning and create excitement for students so that they don’t get bored with the way the teachers give them, as

well as make

conversation in a theme


13) Why do the teachers divide their students into group


14) Do the teachers constantly stimulate their students to be ready to express their opinion before practicing this strategy?

15) Do the teachers give students

opportunities to convey a statement of opinion or ideas in every meeting?

with a pair group.

Because it can be an effective way to build students' personalities to socialize with other people, which can make them communicate effectively to discuss the topic.

Of course, in a way that catches students' attention and builds interaction between teachers and students, such as beginning the lesson with an exciting fact, encouraging

enthusiasm and

engagement with writing, grammar, spelling, and reading. With the way to create sentences around things they like, for example, the police shoot his gun at the sky to stop the thief.

Of course, always give them opportunities for anything in the learning context, and control their learning process. At the end of the lesson, the teachers review and confirm whether the material they have learned is unclear or not.

Story Telling Strategy

16) How often do the teachers

use a

storytelling strategy in their speaking class?

Not necessarily how often, depending on the context of material in their learning books.


17) Before practicing this strategy, do the teachers always give students

examples of a story?

18) Why do the teachers instruct their students on how to process storyteller facial

expressions, body

movements, and voice in speaking practice?

19) Why do the teachers often ask their students to produce their own stories for their


Sometimes, the teachers give the example story before they choose the story's topic, depending on their age and relation to the subject of the lesson learned by students.

Because that’s part of the essential aspects, such as gestures or facial expressions, to see and judge the storyteller from facial expressions and body language, whether or not they are understanding, body movements to explain if the storyteller does not know how to say something in English words, and voice in a loud and clear voice, it can be easily heard by their friends who are in the back seat during practice.

To know their interest and seriousness in learning and to hone their skills when composing a story based on experience or even that they have experienced.

113 Drilling Strategy

20) How many times do teachers apply this strategy in speaking class?

21) What are the advantages to students when using this strategy?

22) Do the teachers make learning more enjoyable when using this strategy?

23) Can the use of this strategy

provide students fluency when speaking practice?

In every meeting, to increase students' vocabulary mastery, in the middle of the meeting, teachers give some vocabulary, then ask them to memorize, and teachers check at the end of the session.

It is used in teaching- learning by training students to do an activity repeatedly until they are able to demonstrate the ability to pronounce words, phrases, or sentences correctly, as exemplified.

Of course, they are marked by their activeness during the learning process takes place.

Yes, gradually, in each lesson when students practice speaking to convey something.

This school lacks

facilities and

infrastructure such as reference books, dictionaries, and language development outside class hours.

As much as possible, with the collaboration between teachers and 2 What are the

obstacles faced by teachers in improving students' speaking ability?

Inadequate Facilities and Infrastruct ure

24) Does the school don't provide

facilities and infrastructure?

25) How do the teachers promote their


students' ability if the school has incomplete reference books and dictionaries?

students to bring repective dictionaries and techers endeavors to bring reference book based on students need.

Less effective, besauce they use Bahasa in daily life, which is the local language. it is difficult to be effective when they enter the classroom, because it can affect their concentration while studying, such as disturbing each other, making noise, but teacher always try to make an agreemen if in the classroom, they may not use their respective reginal language during learning process.

Giving punishment when they use the local language in speaking class, it is useful to increase their curiosity to try and use English language even if it’s

wrong both in

pronounciation and grammar.

Non –

English environme nt

26) How can

the non-

English environment be effective

for the

language learning process?

27) Why do the teachers give

punishment if students use their mother tongue in the speaking learning process?

Students cannot remember

28) Why do the students lack

Because not all students are enthusiastic and motivated about learning,

115 anything to say

vocabulary and grammar mistakes?

some are lazy, feel ashamed, and are afraid of being wrong, and their curiosity about language is lacking.

Students characters

29) Do the students' characters influences their learning process?

30) Do the students' character crucial thing to achieving learning goals?

It's very influential to their teaching-learning process in the classroom because it is essential to know and understand the characteristics of each student may achieve better learning.

Of course, the methods used can grow positive student characters.

3 Teachers' strategies to overcome the obstacle in improving students’ speaking ability?

Giving motivation

31) Do the teachers always

motivate the students to achieve an expected learning goal?

32) Why do the teachers always

appreciate what they are looking at in front of their

Always motivate the students to be happy, comfortable, and excited to begin learning well before starting the learning process.

Of course, the teachers always appreciate the student when they seem to be doing their best or not. Still, by encouraging them, congratulation them, and always


friends? supporting whatever they do, they will always strive to do better than before.

Giving the students practice both fluency and accuracy.

33) Do the teachers give opportunities to practice to students who are not fluent in speaking class?

34) How do the teachers train all students in a class to build fluency in speaking?

35) Does fluency refer

to how

successfully students in speaking?

Of course, in every meeting, teachers give time one-third of the lesson to practice do not feel nervous before coming forward.

By practicing in pairs, for example, with their classmates, they are then listening to each other, correcting each other, and understanding each other, whether their understanding is clear or not, and what they show in front of each other.

The learning process of students who is not fluent can hinder the learning process of teaching in the class. On the other hand, if students are fluent in communicating, they will be able to understand various more demanding and longer texts that students hear in English and can also express their ideas fluently and spontaneously without having to stop to think about the right words, phrases, or sentences to use.

Giving the opportuniti es for students to

36) Are group work and pair work effective in building the

Yes, It is very influential

in building


effectiveness with a

117 talk by using group work and pair work

students' effectiveness in speaking learning?

group member.

Designing classroom activities

37) Do the teachers and students

design classroom activities effectively for their teaching- learning process?

Yes, teachers always conducted them to design classroom activities that are fun, uplifting with a comfortable atmosphere, and receive material in an easy-to-understand way.



Observation guidelines and the result for teachers interview to analyze teachers‟ strategies for improv ing students‟ speaking ability at SMAN 1

Pringgrata in the academic year 2022/2023.‟‟

No Focus of Research

Indicators Statement Yes No 3. What do

teachers' strategies for improving students' speaking ability?

Role-play Strategy

1) The teachers often practice role- playing strategies in speaking class.

2) The teachers give students examples of role-playing scenarios before practicings a character in this strategy in speaking class.

3) The teachers give students time for a third of one meeting to practice this strategy in speaking class.

4) The teachers divide their students into three or four groups to be an effective learning process in a speaking class.

119 Simulation Strategy

5) The teachers often apply this strategy in speaking class.

6) The teachers explain the purpose and how to use the simulation strategy to the students before practicing it.

7) When using this strategy, the teachers form a

group and

determine students' respective roles. 8) The teacher trains

students to

cooperate in group situations when using this strategy.

Discussion Strategy

9) The teachers often apply this strategy in every meeting of the speaking class.

10) The teacher guide, facilitate, and motivate their students'

interactions and activities in discussion strategy to be effective in speaking class.

11) Through strategy, teachers lower the inhibition of students unwilling to speak in front of the class during the learning process.

Dalam dokumen Suci Ramdhani NIM 180107 - etheses UIN Mataram (Halaman 120-170)

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