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Reading Comprehension

B. Suggestion




3. The teacher of SMP 4 Balleangeng kab. bulukumba should be more creative in finding strategies to improve their reading comprehension ability.

4. The students could use contextual guessing technique to understand reading English passages easily and the strategy can work well for one person but not for the others. So, it’s better to know and apply both of those strategies.



Alexander. (1968). English Teaching Reading in Today Elementary Schools.

Boston. Houghton Mifffhin Company. USA.

Anderson . (2009). Reading in a Secind Language: Moving from Theory to Practice. Cambridge, University press. New York.

Arikunto S. 1988. Prosedur Penelitian. Jakarta : P.T. Rineka Cipto

Baldwin and Cunniagham and Syamsiah (1990). Reading Srategies and Practices a Compendium. U.S.A. : Allyn and Bacon.

Darussalam, Ahmad, (2004). Teaching Reading Comprehension Through Cooperative learning to the Second Years Students of MAKN Daya Makassar. Thesis. English Education of Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Alauddin. Makassar.

Debdikbud. (1985). Petunjuk Teknis Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta:


Dressley and Rahmawati. (1989). Variation Reading Skill/Oral Communication for Beginning Students. publisherDuppy, Patricia

Gay, L.R. (1980). Education Research : Competencies for Analysis and Application. U.S.A.: Charles E. Merill Publishing co.

Gay, L.R. 1981. Educational Research. New York. Gharles Menu Publishing Co.

A Bell Homel Company

Herawati, (2003). Improving the Reading Comprehension Ability at the Second Years Students of SMPN 1 Labakkang Pangkep through Students’

Cultural-Oriented Material. A Thesis. English Department Language and Art Faculty of Makassar State University.

Hornby. 1987 Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford : Oxford University

Idawati. (2009).the use of contextual guess in improving students vocabulary of the thirdgrade at smp neg.2 luwu.Published Thesis Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.

Irawati. (2006). Improving The Reading Comprehension Of The First Year Students Of SMA Negeri 1 Makassar Through Communicative Tasks.A Thesis Universitas Negeri Makassar

Kucan. (1991). Current Development in Second Language Reading Research TESOLQuarterly, 25(3), 375-405. Available at http://www.guessingword 2.htm

Nagy, W.E. Herman, P. & Anderson. R.C. (1985). Learning Words from Context.

Reading Research Quarterly, 20.233-253

Nations. (1994). Automatic Acquisition to Word Meaning from Context. Doctoral Dissortation. University of Michigan, Aun Arbor.

Ophelia, and Nanna Eta sri. 1986. Improving Reading Comprehension. Boston:

Houghton Muffin, Co

Parreren, Van. (1984). Lexical Guessing in Context in EFL reading Comprehension. Journalof Research in Reading, 7(1), 15-32.

Rahman and Tahir.(1968). English Teaching Reading in Today Elementary Schools. Boston. Houghton Mifffhin Company. USA

Smith and Johnson. (1976). Teaching reading : A Handbook. U.S.A. : St. Martin Press

Smith, Jonson, Lamahuddin, and Thinker.(2008). Teaching of English. New Delhi, S. B. Nangia

Sukmawati. (2009). The Application of Shared Reading Strategy to Improving Reading Comprehension at the Second Year Students of SMP Muhammadiah 5 Mariso. A Thesis Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar



Anderson . (2009). Reading in a Secind Language: Moving from Theory to Practice. Cambridge, University press. New York.

Arikunto S. 1988. Prosedur Penelitian. Jakarta : P.T. Rineka Cipto

Baldwin and Cunniagham and Syamsiah (1990). Reading Srategies and Practices a Compendium. U.S.A. : Allyn and Bacon.

Darussalam, Ahmad, (2004). Teaching Reading Comprehension Through Cooperative learning to the Second Years Students of MAKN Daya Makassar. Thesis. English Education of Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Alauddin. Makassar.

Debdikbud. (1985). Petunjuk Teknis Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta:


Dressley and Rahmawati. (1989). Variation Reading Skill/Oral Communication for Beginning Students. publisherDuppy, Patricia

Gay, L.R. (1980). Education Research : Competencies for Analysis and Application. U.S.A.: Charles E. Merill Publishing co.

Gay, L.R. 1981. Educational Research. New York. Gharles Menu Publishing Co.

A Bell Homel Company

Herawati, (2003). Improving the Reading Comprehension Ability at the Second Years Students of SMPN 1 Labakkang Pangkep through Students’

Cultural-Oriented Material. A Thesis. English Department Language and Art Faculty of Makassar State University.

Hornby. 1987 Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford : Oxford University

Idawati. (2009).the use of contextual guess in improving students vocabulary of the thirdgrade at smp neg.2 luwu.Published Thesis Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.

Irawati. (2006). Improving The Reading Comprehension Of The First Year Students Of SMA Negeri 1 Makassar Through Communicative Tasks.A Thesis Universitas Negeri Makassar

Kucan. (1991). Current Development in Second Language Reading Research TESOLQuarterly, 25(3), 375-405. Available at http://www.guessingword 2.htm


Nagy, W.E. Herman, P. & Anderson. R.C. (1985). Learning Words from Context.

Reading Research Quarterly, 20.233-253

Nations. (1994). Automatic Acquisition to Word Meaning from Context. Doctoral Dissortation. University of Michigan, Aun Arbor.

Ophelia, and Nanna Eta sri. 1986. Improving Reading Comprehension. Boston:

Houghton Muffin, Co

Parreren, Van. (1984). Lexical Guessing in Context in EFL reading Comprehension. Journalof Research in Reading, 7(1), 15-32.

Rahman and Tahir.(1968). English Teaching Reading in Today Elementary Schools. Boston. Houghton Mifffhin Company. USA

Smith and Johnson. (1976). Teaching reading : A Handbook. U.S.A. : St. Martin Press

Smith, Jonson, Lamahuddin, and Thinker.(2008). Teaching of English. New Delhi, S. B. Nangia

Sukmawati. (2009). The Application of Shared Reading Strategy to Improving Reading Comprehension at the Second Year Students of SMP Muhammadiah 5 Mariso. A Thesis Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar



AKBAR NUR ARFAH, 2014. Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension through Contextual Guessing Technique (A Classroom Action Research of the second year Students of SMP Negerei 4 Balleangeng)Guided by Bahrun Amin and Yasser Mallappiang.

This research aimed to find the improvement of the students’ literal and interpretative in reading comprehension use of Contextual Guessing Technique at in VIII class of the second year students SMP Negeri 4 Ballengeng in the 2013/2014 Academic Year.

The researcher used A Classroom Action Research (CAR). He had conducted two cycles, where each cycle consisted of four meetings. It employed essay reading test as instrument. A number of research subjects were 24 students in class VIII. Those consist of 16 women and 8 men.

The research findings indicated that using Contextual Guessing Technique could improve the students’ reading comprehension, from table 1 indicated that there was improvement the students’ literal from cycle I to cycle II, where as in cycle I the students’ achievement literal process in reading was75.8, but after evaluation in cycle II the students’ literal in reading became 79.8. The other hand the students’ interpretative in reading was improved too from cycle I to cycle II, where as in cycle I the students’ interpretative in reading was 76.9 but after evaluation in cycle II the students’ interpretative in reading became 79.4 It means that the use Contextual Guessing technique could improve the students’ reading comprehension at VIII Class of the second year students of SMP SMPNegeri 4 BallengengKab. Bulukumba


Literal comprehension

comprehension Mean score Main idea Supporting

detail Conclusions

00001 65 80 75 73.3

00002 56 65 70 63.6

00003 60 56 65 60.3

00004 56 60 65 60.3

00005 70 65 60 65

00006 95 85 80 86.6

00007 60 65 70 65

00008 80 80 75 78.3

00009 65 56 60 60.3

00010 60 60 60 60

00011 66 60 56 60.6

00012 80 70 60 70

00013 80 80 70 76.6

00014 60 60 65 61.6

00015 70 65 90 75

00016 60 60 70 63.3

00017 56 60 56 57.3

00018 56 70 80 68.6

00019 60 66 70 65.3

00020 56 70 57 61

00021 70 65 60 65

00022 60 70 66 65.3

00023 80 66 60 68.6

00024 57 60 60 59


Score 1578 1534 1540 1550.6


Score 65.7 63.9 64.2 64.6


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