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Type Conversions and Rounding

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

13.21 Type Conversions and Rounding

Depending on your math background, you may not have used the integer division or remainder operations before. The thing to keep in mind is that these two operations are closely related. Integer division tells you how many times one number goes into another, and the remainder tells you how much is left over. Mathematically you could write the idea like this: a= (a/ /b)(b)



As an example application, suppose we calculated the value of our loose change in cents (rather than dollars). If I have 383 cents, then I can find the number of whole dollars by computing 383//100 = 3, and the remaining change is 383%100 = 83. Thus, I must have a total of three dollars and 83 cents in change.

By the way, although Python (as of version 3.0) treats regular division and integer division as two separate operators, many other computer languages (and earlier Python versions) just use


to signify both. When the operands are ints,


means integer division, and when they are floats, it signifies regular division.

This is a common source of errors. For example, in our temperature conversion program the formula

915 * celsius + 32

would not compute the proper re­

sult, since


would evaluate to


using integer division. In these languages,

you need to be careful to write this expression as

9. 015.0 * celsius + 32


that the proper form of division is used, yielding a fractional result.

3.2. Type Conversions and Rounding

in mixed-typed expressions, Python will automatically convert ints to floats and perform floating-point operations to produce a float result.

Sometimes we may want to perform a type conversion ourselves. This is called an explicit type conversion. Python provides the built-in functions




for these occasions. Here are some interactive examples that illustrate their behavior:

>>> int (4.5) 4

>>> int (3.9) 3

>>> float (4) 4.0

>>> float (4.5) 4.5

>>> float (int (3.3) ) 3.0

>>> int (float (3.3) ) 3

>>> int (float (3) ) 3


you can see, converting to an int simply discards the fractional part of a float;

the value is truncated, not rounded. If you want a rounded result, you could add 0.5 to the value before using

int 0,

assuming the value is positive.

A more general way of rounding off numbers is to use the built-in


function, which rounds a number to the nearest whole value.

>>> round (3.14) 3

>>> round (3.5) 4

Notice that calling


like this results in an int value. So a simple call to round is an alternative way of converting a float to an int.

If you want to round a float into another float value, you can do that by supplying a second parameter that specifies the number of digits you want after the decimal point. Here's a little interaction playing around with the value of pi:

>>> pi = 3.141592653589793


>>> round (pi, 2) 3.14

>>> round (pi,3) 3.142

Notice that when we round the approximation of pi to two or three decimal places, we get a float whose displayed value looks like an exactly rounded result.

Remember though, floats are approximations; what we really get is a value that's very close to what we requested. The actual stored value is something like 3.140000000000000124345 ... , the closest representable floating-point value to 3.14. Fortunately, Python is smart enough to know that we probably don't want to see all of these digits, so it displays the rounded form. That means when you write a program that rounds off a value to two decimal places and print it out, you'll end up seeing two decimal places, just like you expect. In Chapter 5, we'll see how to get even finer control over how numbers appear when printed; then you'll be able to inspect all of the digits, should you want to.

The type conversion functions




can also be used to convert strings of digits into numbers.

>>> int ("32") 32

>>> float ("32") 32.0

>>> float ("9.8") 9.8

This is particularly useful as a secure alternative to


for getting numeric data from users.


an example, here is an improved version of the change-counting program that opened the chapter:

# change2.py

# A program to calculate the value of some change in dollars def main () :

print ("Change Counter") print ()

print ("Please enter the count of each coin type.") quarters = int (input ("Quarters: ") )

dimes = int (input ("Dimes: ") )

nickels = int (input ("Nickels: ") )

3.3. Using the Math Library

pennies = int (input ("Pennies: ") )

total = .25*quarters + .10*dimes + .05*nickels + .01*pennies print ()

print ("The total value of your change is", total) main ()



instead of


in the


statements ensures that the user may only enter valid whole numbers. Any illegal (non-int) inputs will cause the pro­

gram to crash with an error message, thus avoiding the risk of a code injection attack (discussed in Section 2.5.2). A side benefit is that this version of the program emphasizes that the inputs should be whole numbers.

The only downside to using numeric type conversions in place of


is that it does not accommodate simultaneous input (getting multiple values in a single input), as the following example ilustrates:

>>> # simultaneous input using eval

>>> x,y = eval (input ("Enter (x,y) : ") ) Enter (x,y) : 3,4

>>> X 3

>>> y 4

>>> # does not work with float

>>> x,y = float (input ("Enter (x,y) : ") ) Enter (x,y) : 3,4

Traceback (most recent call last) :

File "<stdin >", line 1, in <module >

ValueError: could not convert string to float: '3,4'

This is a small price to pay for the added security, and you will learn how to

overcome this limitation in Chapter 5. As a matter of good practice, you should

use appropriate type conversion functions in place of


wherever possible.