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A Skripsi presented to the

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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This skripsi titled "DOMINANT FACTORS OF FOREIGN MUSIC ATTRIBUTE FOR STUDENTS STUDY IN PRESIDENT UNIVERSITY" The skripsi prepared and submitted by Dinda Chintamy Vellissa in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor in the Faculty of Business has been reviewed and found to have met the requirements for a skripsi fir to be examined. I certify that this skripsi entitled "DOMINANT FACTORS OF FOREIGN MUSIC ATTRIBUTE FOR STUDENTS STUDY IN PRESIDENT UNIVERSITY" is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work that has not been submitted, in whole or in part, to any other university for to obtain a diploma. To my beloved friends, Bella, Farah, Indri and Fachri, thank you for the support and help you all have given me, and for all the memories we have created together during our college life.

I take this opportunity to thank all the lecturers, staff and fellow students for the experience and knowledge I have gained during my time as a student President of the University, which I believe will be useful later in life. Finally, thanks to those people who gave their time to contribute and participate, directly and indirectly, in the completion of this skripsi, whom I could not mention individually. This research aims to identify the dominant factors of music listening behavior by applying the theory of consumption value which includes functional value, social value, emotional value, epistemic value and conditional value.


  • Background
  • Problem Statement
  • Research Questions
  • Research Objectives
  • Limitation
  • Thesis Organization

Wallach and Clinton (2013) note that record stores in Indonesia were full of American popular music. As a result, Western, K-Pop and J-Pop artists have become a presence in the Indonesian music scene. This research will be useful for the reader to understand the factors that influence the cultural dominance of music in culture in Indonesia.

This research can be used for future researchers as a reference for their research on the same or related topics about the local music culture in Indonesia. Where is targeted at the late youth aged 17-25 as the respondents study at President University. The population is Management (MGT) and International Relations Batch (IR) 2016 students of President University as the two majors known to have the largest number of students compared to other majors in the university.

Figure 1.1 Prambors Top 40 Charts
Figure 1.1 Prambors Top 40 Charts


  • Consumer Behavior
  • Consumption Value Theory
  • Functional Value
  • Social Value
  • Emotional Value
  • Epistemic Value
  • Conditional Value
  • Previous Research
  • Research Gap

Functional value is the probabilistic estimation of the product's performance to meet functional, utilitarian or physical performance attributes (Sheth et al., 1991). Quantitative The study showed that social value does not have a huge effect on the acquisition of the gadget, especially with regard to ringtones. Quantitative The most significant variables found in the adoption of the device are functional, emotional and epistemic values.

Quantitative The investigation showed that the consumption related to the use of the mobile phone is basic in the control of degenerate practices and school exhibitions of students. Three components of brand goal evaluation, considered emotional, social, and epistemic attributes, were found to influence the strength of their goals. There is also a section of individuals who have developed new models dependent on the first hypothesis of consumer values.

Table 2.1  Previous Research  No Author(
Table 2.1 Previous Research No Author(


  • Theoretical Framework
  • Research Framework
  • Operational Definition of Variables
  • Questionnaire
  • Population and Sampling Design
  • Research Instrument
    • Data Collection Process
    • Validity Test
    • Reliability Test
  • Normality Test
  • Factor Analysis
    • Correlation Matrix
    • Factoring Extraction
    • Factor Rotation
    • Labeling the Established Factors

Music therapy, because of its restorative attributes and potential applications, increases effectiveness and provides physical relaxation treatment. Before the survey is fully distributed to the respondents, the unwavering quality of the compiled notices must be proven. The reliability test value is from 0 to 1 which comes from Cronbach's Alpha coefficient method.

The Anti-picture Matrix is ​​the latest advancement of the relational network, which also plans to predict the relationship between variables. What's more, the combined change is resolved as a result of the collection, all things being equal. As can be seen from Table 4.1, it can be seen that there is no r value below 0.514, all the interpretations of functional values ​​are significant, and the r value is more noteworthy than 0.514, which means that all the publications should still be used in the next stage of research .

As indicated in Table 4.2 above shows the social value proclamation, there is one statement that is not substantial in light of the fact that the r-value below 0.514, i.e. social value 7, will be discarded and proceed to the next stage of the exploration. As shown in Table 4.4, the main epistemic value statement is invalid, with an r-value of 0.251, which is less than 0.514, and the other five statements with an r-value greater than 0.514 proceed to the next stage of the exploration. The result of the test that will be considered recognized whether the unshakable quality coefficients are 0.70.

In Table 4.7 it is shown that each information is typical since all variables meet all the required significance score of the Lilliefors test, which implies that all variables can continue to be normally distributed since all variables are normal. 1 Functional Value 7 The song has a lot of foreign engineering tempo to convey the message of the song. 3 Functional value 6 Many of the lyrics and rhythm that match the perceived foreign songs convey the message of the song.

To the reader: This research will be useful for the reader to understand the factors that influence the cultural dominance of music in Indonesian culture.

Figure 3.2 Research Framework               NO
Figure 3.2 Research Framework NO


Validity Test

The validity test is considered legitimate if the relationship estimate of anything more prominent than 0.514 with r table transfer for N=15 with the magnitude dimension of 0.05. As indicated by the table 4.3 above showing Emotional Value Statement, there are two statements that are not legitimate with r-value 0.292 and -0.166 below 0.514, and the other articulation has r-value greater than 0.514, which means that the five explanations will be used for the next phase of research. Table 4.5 shows that all six statements are substantial with r-values ​​more prominent than 0.514 and one statement will be omitted because the cause has an r-value < 0.514 and will not progress to the next stage of investigation.

The legitimacy test for all announcements is shown in the table above, there are seven statements that are considered invalid as the r-value below 0.514 is required. And all five statements have been eliminated and will no longer be included in the poll passed to respondents for further investigation.

Table 4.2 Validity of Social Value
Table 4.2 Validity of Social Value

Reliability Test

Normality Test

In addition to determining the significance value in the Lilliefors test, it should be possible by analyzing the probability plot of the information, in Figure 4.1 showed that that of the variable is typical, since the plot is scattered and follows the inclined line of the probability plot.

Table 4.7 Kolmogrov - Smirnov with Adjusted Lilliefors Normality Test
Table 4.7 Kolmogrov - Smirnov with Adjusted Lilliefors Normality Test

Factor Analysis

  • Preliminary Analysis
  • Factor Extraction
  • Factor Rotation
  • Dominant Factor

In order to simplify the new factor that emerged from the analysis, the researcher decided to increase the eigenvalue to 1.5 and only four new factors emerged. The scree plot further showed that there are indeed nine variables that qualify for further use in the variable review, as the eigenvalues ​​of these components are above. Table 4.12 shows the modified factor loading of each display variable under the four removed items.

As shown in the table above, the distinct variables that formed the first factor represented the user connection with the messages and rhythm in foreign music. The author therefore decides to define the second factor as "Personal sentiment". For adolescents, music can provide a sense of comfort and companionship (DiRaimondo, 2002). The second factor produced from variable investigation is constructed by five indicator variables, conditional value and four functional values.

As shown in the table above, the different variables that formed the second factor represented the ability to socialize with foreign music. The results of the review showed that there were two dominant components that arose from, in particular, the implementation of attractive quality and reliability. According to the degree difference after rotating each variable, among the components, the performance of attractive quality is the most dominant, with the first factor being formed by “personal sentiment”. For teenagers, music can provide a sense of comfort and companionship, and another factor is "Socialization Ability". explained that music plays a key role in forming a relationship.

Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa penyelidikan ini memberikan kontribusi untuk implikasi tertentu, ada keterbatasan yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam penelitian masa depan. Preferensi musik, persahabatan, dan perilaku eksternalisasi pada masa remaja awal: Tinjauan SIENA tentang teori penanda musik menggunakan studi SNARE. Saya sering mendengarkan musik asing ketika saya sedang depresi, lirik lagu asing sering mengangkat mood saya.

Musik asing biasanya memiliki pesan yang dalam. Mendengarkan musik asing membuat saya lebih gaya. NILAI SENTIMENTAL.

Table 4.9 Anti-Image Matrices
Table 4.9 Anti-Image Matrices



The distinguishing components of consumption value hypothesis that impact on the buyer's behavior of the music audience in Indonesia, with five variables used for the investigation to be specific practical value, social value, emotional value, epistemic value, conditional value . Similarities in music can increase the likelihood of friendship, as they can talk about their common preferences and use the music to lighten the mood.


The future researcher: This research can be used by emerging researchers as a reference for their research in the same or related topics about local music culture in Indonesia. Although, those consumers are not just those who have access to use music elsewhere, may not be the same as those who took part in this study. Subsequently, it is advisable to focus future research on better places with different types of respondents.

How we share: A cross-cultural comparison of tablet adoption and use between the United States and Taiwan. The magic within music: exploring the use of music in adolescent psychotherapy (Doctoral dissertation, Alliant International University, California School of Professional Psychology, San Francisco Bay Area). Music consumption and perceived value in the digital age: Adolescents and young adults as music consumers.

Model of the relationship between perceived values ​​and purchase behaviors towards innovative products, Journal.


Figure 1.1 Prambors Top 40 Charts
Table 1.1 List of Age Category  Depkes RI (2009)
Table 2.1  Previous Research  No Author(
Figure 3.1 Theoretical Framework


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