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a thesis - Repository IAIN PAREPARE

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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The research Title: The model of parental motivation in students learning English at SMPN 1 Cempa Kab. Fitri Ayu. The model of parental motivation in learning English at SMPN 1 Cempa Kab.



Research Question

Objective of the Research

Significances of the Research

The first preliminary research finding comes from Cathy E.Daniel, Florentine Halimi, and Iqbal .A.Alshammari in their research entitled "The Impact of Motivation and Parental Encouragement on English Language Learning: An Arab Learner's Perspective". Their research discussed teaching English as a second or foreign language to Arab students has received considerable attention in the past decade. And finally, Viviana Lisma Lestari, in her diploma thesis entitled "The role of parental attention and learning motivation in increasing the learning success of students in English", the researcher illustrates that learning motivation is one of the internal factors that influence learning achievements.

Some Pertinent Ideas

  • Learning Motivation
  • The Concept of Environment
  • Conceptual Framework
    • Figure of the Concept Framework

So it can be concluded that parents are biological fathers and mothers, adults or guardians who have a function as the person in charge of the household in the education of their children. The aspect of motivation is very important in the whole teaching and learning process is very important because motivation can encourage students to perform certain activities related to learning activities.

Location and Time

This research used a descriptive case study as part of qualitative research to seek in-depth information about the phenomenon in the field. Cresswell argued that qualitative research has descriptive characteristics in that the research is interested in the process, meaning, and understanding gained through words or pictures that the respondents paint.

Definition Operatonal Variable

Focus of the Research

Types and Data Source


In qualitative research, one of the ways used to collect information is through interviews. An interview involves one or more speakers exchanging information using e.g. verbal communication. It is a communication that leads to finding the answer to the phenomenon that the interviewer asked. The interviewee is called the informant. In this research, the target was informants with 3 different categories, namely expert informants (teachers who are experts in certain skills), main informants (this is the key to the research topic or students) and support informants (friends, family or colleagues).

The audio recorder will be used in this study while interviewing the study subject. Documentation is one of the ways to collect data by maintaining the information from different sources.7.

Technique of Data Analysis

  • Figure of Technique of Data Analysis 1. Data Reduction

Based on the above statement, the researcher interviewed the expert informant, the main informant and the supporting informant to find out the pattern of parents' motivation among English learning students. Data obtained in the field probably too much, so it should be carefully noted in detail. As mentioned earlier, the longer the researcher is in the field, the more complex and complicated the amount of data will be.

For that, the researcher analyzed data reduction. Summarizing data means selecting the basics, focusing on the important and patterns or the data that has been reduced would give a clearer picture and would facilitate the researcher to do further data collection. In reducing the data, the researcher was guided by the goals to be achieved; the main purpose of qualitative research is the result. But in qualitative research, the presentation of the data uses the form of a short description diagram, among categories and relationships.

Miles and Huberman, narrative text is most often used to present data. The preliminary conclusions presented were provisional and changed if no strong evidence was found to support the next phase of data collection, but if the conclusions drawn in the initial phases were supported by the evidence and when the researcher returned to the field to collect the data , conclusions draw a reliable conclusion. It describes the output from what the researcher saw, heard and thought while making an interview and observation checklist.

Research Findings

  • Asking about learning activities at school
  • The parents do when they ask to be taught a difficult task
  • The Supporting factors to increasing children motivation
  • providing learning facilitiesfor children
  • Giving Prizesand praise to motivate their children
  • Additional tutoring (courses)

Sometimes, so that even the children are monitored and not bad and study hard to achieve their goals". f) Parents 6. Well son, of course I encourage children to want to do their homework and provide facilities in the form of telephones and those related to learning English”. e) Parents 5. Researcher: "What will you do when your child has difficulties in completing English assignments from school". Hahaha, when it comes down to it son, I actually don't understand English teaching either, but if a kid asks to be taught, I teach him the best I can with the help of google translate of course." e) Parents 5.

34;Eeeehhhhhhhh.. so what, by contacting the subject teacher at school and asking about the tasks that the child has." i) Parents 9. Hahaha, speaking of that, son, actually I don't understand either learning English, but if a child asks to learn it, I teach it to the best of my ability, of course with the help of Google Translate.” j) Parents 10. Eeeeehhh, enough attention, sometimes I ask about learning activities at school, praise, check grades and ensure proper conditions for children to be active in learning.” e) Parents 5.

All the necessary things are used to help my child be more active in learning." h) Parents 8. Yes, of course, like English dictionaries, posters, videos for learning English, audio dictionary and books with subjects related to learning English”. i) Parents 9. Yes, sometimes I give according to achievement, whether the value increases or not, I still give praise to encourage him to study harder". f) Parents 6.

4.1  Table of Observation checklist
4.1 Table of Observation checklist


From the explanation above, the results of the interview show that there are 5 out of 10 parents of students who involve their children in tutoring or courses outside school hours to increase their children's insight or knowledge by enrolling them in such tutoring institutions. Parents should pay attention to their children's school, namely by paying attention to their experiences and appreciating their efforts. It is not enough for parents to just call an outside teacher to teach their children at home, but parents are also responsible for guiding children in the family environment as a form of directed and sustainable child guidance.

Parents also need to monitor their children to ensure these values ​​are met when the sentence is completed. The species model can be used by parents to motivate their children to learn if parents are willing to seriously guide and nurture their children. Steps like the above can be a guide for parents to find and create motivation to learn in their children.

This is supported by the theory put forward by Slameto which states that the way parents have raised their children has a great influence on their children's learning. As expected, parents are able to show enthusiasm to give their best to their children in the learning process and parental participation in the student learning process can have a positive influence on students and can increase their grades and achievements in school. Based on the results of observation checklist and interviews, the role of parents in motivating students' learning by paying more attention, showing a very good response, and the parents can recognize children's learning problems, provide learning facilities for children, explain that most parents support their children and by giving praise, rewards when students get good grades, or punishments when students are lazy to study, using daily grades as an initial trigger.


This chapter has presented the conclusions of the study based on the findings and results of the data analysis in the previous chapter, which consists of 2 phases, namely the observation checklist and interviews. Anwar Hidayat, 2017. “Teknik Sampling dalam Penelitian,” Statistikian, https://www.statistikian.com/2017/06/teknik-sampling-dalam-penelitian.html,. Cathy E.Daniel, Florentina Halimi, Iqbal .A.Alshammari 2018 "The Impact of Motivation and Parental Encouragement on English Language Learning: An Arab Students".

Cambridge University Press https://media.neliti.com/media/publications/171216-ID-none.pdf (diakses 10 Juni 2021). Agama https://www.kompasiana.com/nawwirmasyfa0115/5fcb449a8ede4867c37d16 42/strategi-dan-teknik-guidance-belajar-bagi-siswa-guna-meningkat-motivasi-dan-interest-belajar?page=all (diakses 21 April, 2021). Nana Syaodih, 1980. Sikap Aktif Belajar Siswa dan Motivasi Guru Melalui Prestasi Akademik, (Bandung: IKIP).

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, (Jakarta: Balai Pustaka) UU RI 1989 “Sistem Pendidikan Nasional”, Website Resmi Pemerintah. Menjadi Guru Profesional, (Bandung: PT. Juvenile Rosdakarya) Windi Novia, Kamus Ilmiah Populer, (Surabaya: Gama Press). Yudrik Jahja, 2011. Psikologi Perkembangan, (Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group) Zakiah Drajat, 1995, Pendidikan Islam dalam Keluarga dan Sekolah, Jakarta: Ruhama).


Pedoman Wawancara

  • Memberikan Perhatian
  • Mengenali kesulitan belajar anak
  • Memberikan fasilitas belajar

Jawaban : “Hmmm, untuk pertanyaan ini nak, sebenarnya aku juga kurang paham belajar bahasa inggris, tapi kalau ada anak yang minta diajar, aku belajar semaksimal mungkin dengan menggunakan Google Translate sesuai anjuran guru.” Jawaban : “Ehhh untuk kebutuhannya ya, saya sediakan kamus dan handphone untuk memudahkan anak-anak belajar bahasa Inggris di sekolah.” Jawaban : "Hehehe..seperti yang saya katakan sebelumnya dek,..hehehe memfasilitasi buku-buku yang berhubungan dengan bahasa Inggris tentunya".

Jawab: “Baiklah nak, tentu saja saya mendorong anak-anak untuk mau mengerjakan PR dan memberikan bantuan berupa handphone dan yang berhubungan dengan belajar bahasa Inggris.” Answer : "Hahaha, kalau tentang anak ini, sebenarnya saya juga tidak mengerti belajar bahasa Inggris, tapi kalau anak itu membutuhkan pengajaran, saya mengajarinya sebisa saya, menggunakan Google Translate tentunya." Jawab: “(Tidak ada kata-kata) sesuai kebutuhan, nah, saya sediakan kamus untuk belajar di sekolah kalau bisa, dan izinkan membawa handphone untuk membantu anak-anak belajar bahasa Inggris di sekolah.”

Jawaban : “(Pikirkan sejenak) Sebenarnya saya juga kurang paham dengan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dek, jadi saya hanya menyuruh anak saya bertanya dan meminta untuk diajar langsung oleh guru melalui grup WhatsApp jadi,” ujarnya. Jawaban : “Iya pak, berikan fasilitas seperti buku untuk belajar bahasa inggris secara seadanya, jika kurang kadang saya suruh anak saya meminjam buku dari temannya karena. Jawaban : “Iya pak, saya menyediakan video belajar bahasa inggris melalui youtube dan lain sebagainya.

Jawaban : “Hmmmmmm..Tetaplah bersikap positif dan jangan membebani pola pikir belajar bahasa Inggris anak anda dan selalu berikan dia dukungan moril agar anak tetap aktif dalam belajar bahasa Inggris”. Jawab : “Iya, saya sediakan karena ada faktor pendukungnya seperti kamus, handphone untuk Google Translate bila diperlukan, kamus dan buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.”


Table Number  Name of tables  Page
4.1  Table of Observation checklist


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