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Alfred University Monthly April, 1904


Academic year: 2023

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The product of the Celadon Roofing Tile Company, manufactured in Alfred, N. Y., is considered the standard of excellence for Roofing Tiles in the United States. Hundreds of references might be given to the most satisfactory slated Government and public buildings and private residences of this Company during the last fifteen years, each of which requires investigation. As French explorers sailed up this river in the early seventeenth century, many wanted to go further and so settled along the coast.

Many of the homes that were established there still stand as monuments to the work and struggles of these hardy settlers. At the beginning of 1793, when the Reign of Terror in France was at its full height, the Comte de Reske realized that as a member of the nobility, he would sooner be persecuted. Lawrence was deeply impressed by this ideal location for a home and he immediately purchased the current site of Chateau l'Exile.

At the time our story opens, Jean de Reske was in possession of the estate, which Lad passed down from generation to generation. Jean lived in the old castle with no one by his side except his motherless daughter, Louise, and the old family servants. He could only think that this girl was the cause of her mother's death and so Louise de Reske was raised by servants and sent to a convent without knowing the care and love of a parent.

She found him in the garden, pacing slowly up and down, his hands clasped behind him and his head bowed to the ground.


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She knows the way well: it is the one that eventually leads back to town over six miles of rough country roads. It is three in the morning when she goes to town and she is very tired. That morning at cb:1pel the attention paid to him by every student and girl makes him even more tired.

It seems like the proverbial last straw when the girl approaches him and thanks him for his company during her midnight walk.

The next day the excitement in the college was high and the faculty felt the necessity, as all well regulated faculties do, to investigate the matter, so a meeting was called and Mr. I think I can with regard to the first indictment. ,'' VanDozen replied, then recounted the evening's adventure but didn't mention any names. I would climb to the dwellings of the dwarves who are perched on the strongholds of creation, I would not tell, for I consider it a great honor to be assisted by those who did assist me.

This answer created so much laughter that the faculty tended to look at the humorous side of the question and after much discussion advised Van that they would. Near midnight on the second night of VanDoozen's stay in the hall, he was awakened by the creaking of the door. The doctor grabbed the man's arm while Van grabbed him by the collar of his coat and with a little struggle they led him to the doctor's office where he was safely locked up, then they returned to the ward, with a lantern, and go to the southeast corner raised. the boards and discover, what do you think?.

Another meeting of the faculty was called, and all the parties concerned were present, including Squire Marlow. Everyone laughed, and the older members of the faculty remembered the larks from their student days and forgave the good-hearted youngsters here and there.

34;There, there, Dover," interrupted the old Squire hastily, "I don't want this faculty to hear all I did when I was at college and if Dover's grandfather and I were big chumps, think me if you will forgive all these 'clever' pranksters we will make things right and bury the ghost, eh?''. THE SCRIBE The same old window, the same old view My face greets now, there is nothing new." And as he thought of days of old, He drew the curtain fold, and seeing there the blushing lady, He murmured, "Ah , same old game.”

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Indecisiveness is a habit that will creep up on us if we let it, and we must be careful to prevent it from taking root in the fertile soil offered by the diversity of student life and work. Some say that students are examples of indecisiveness, but the truth is only if they let the habit creep up on them.

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Bennett is a social recluse, bored by the frivolity of his younger daughter and the silliness of his wife, who is utterly impossible and utterly amusing, through her clumsy attempts to secure husbands for the girls. Beneath a condescending exuberance of manner, she is obnoxious, hypercritical and extraordinarily jealous of the attention Elizabeth receives from a Mr. Darcy received. Jane.

Darcy, and rightly resents what she suspects is his attitude towards Jane: she constantly imagines him as selfish and cruel, and her prejudices continue to grow until she is brought to realize his modesty by his old housekeeper friendliness. That Darcy's pride had already given way may be shown not so much from the fact that he extended his hand to Elizabeth, as from the fact that he forgave her contemptuous refusal and wrote her a letter explaining the points on which she thought he was most guilty used to be. Thanks to the housekeeper, Miss Austen had now succeeded in making Elizabeth finally understand Darcy, now that her prejudices had been banished, all Miss Austen could do was bring them together, which she did with great pleasure.

All the characters are almost the same at the end and the beginning of the story - the only purpose of this is to expand Elizabeth's nature and improve the gentleman. We liked Catherine de Burgh, and forgave her rudeness, for she also entertained us well. , with his appeal to Elizabeth to release Darcy, which, given the girl's stubborn nature, hastened the final deal with Darcy. Probably much of the charm which the book has for us afterwards arises from the unusual style compared with Scott's rant, "Poor little Jane."

This gentleness is perhaps partly to do with the lightness of the book, and actually with the language which sometimes seems almost archaic. Any brief attempt to give credit to a story so simply wrapped in conversation and immeasurable detail must be futile. 34;Pride and Prejudice" to allude to our enjoyment of the story, and to insist that for its realistic atmosphere, for the skill shown in the simple plot and portrayal of characters, the book is good and certainly worth the trouble worth reading.

During the time when King Edward was recovering from a threatening illness with appendicitis, thanksgiving services were held throughout the kingdom. At one of these the service was said to conclude with the singing of a well-known song which happened to be at the end of the books used in that parish.

Once upon a time there was a young bachelor who fell into bad habits, then amassed a fortune, eventually fell in love and got married in the fall. Cox, '05, recently visited the major potteries and brickyards in Western New York to obtain the most suitable materials for display. Clark, Campbell and Davis have received well-deserved praise from the entire college for their tremendous efforts.

A certain second-year student, whose name begins with the eighth letter of the alphabet, regrets the fact that he recently became acquainted with the large rocking chair in the reception room. It is said that a worthy young freshman whose name is very expressive makes his mark in German.


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ALUMNI NOTES 195 Naturally, everyone expects to win the next one, which will be played in the near future. In the next match we hope that both teams will be at their best so that their true relative strength can be seen. The girls from the state school defeated the girls from the university gymnasium class by a score of 26 to 15.

This was especially interesting as it was the girls' first public game.

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Kenyon, and after his death, was for several years instructor of Modern Languages ​​at the University, Y.

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The meetings of the past month have been of the usual standards and interest prevailing among the Oros.

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Stat¢ School

Cox bas made a tour of the pottery and brick yards west of Syracuse, for the sake of the State Exposition, of which Professor Binns has charge. It occurs to many people that the girls have saved the State School from complete disgrace.

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What makes a violin's tone great is because it has been heard for hundreds of years.

In another issue there is an account of winning the Ohio State Oratorical Contest. 34;A Winter Ramble" in the Wells College Chronicle is practical and shows things about Nature which are secret to some of us at least. The Cornell Fellows of the upper classes have placed narrow limits on the freshman girls.

If these rules are followed as well as they were made by our faculty two years ago, the upperclassmen will be kept busy.

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