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Alfred University Student Handbook 1971-72


Academic year: 2023

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Alfred was even one of the first institutions to involve students in the selection of a president. Lowther, Director of Public Affairs 3. Shops in Alfred village open around 9am. Below is a list of the exact opening hours of each store: Copies of the policy are available upon request from the Treasury or Student Affairs Office.).

As part of the educational program, all freshmen and sophomores are required to live in college dormitories and eat their meals in the college dining halls. An application to participate in the Semester Abroad Program must be submitted to the director of the Study Abroad Program by March 1 for the first semester abroad and by October 1 for the second semester.

University Government

University Committees

He may recommend to the President (or through the President to the faculties) any matter of University-wide concern, whether academic or non-academic.


  • WITHDRAWAL AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE FROM THE UNIVERSITY A student who is obliged to withdraw from the University during the academic

Registration of the social function requires that all details regarding the function, including hours of serving alcoholic beverages, be approved by the Office of Student Affairs. Dismissal from the University will be made only after consideration of the matter by an appropriate panel, and according to the procedures described in the Student Handbook. The instructor will only advise the student verbally at the time of the violation and later in writing about the violation and what the penalty will be.

All reports will remain confidential and will be destroyed upon graduation of the student.). The Vice President for Student Affairs will inform parents, in writing, about the Commission's action. Violations of University regulations should be reported to the Vice President for Student Affairs or his designee.

A "Constitution of the Residence Judicial Councils" is available from the Student Affairs Office for readers who desire detailed information. If the provisional suspension is upheld, the President of the University will be notified before separation of the student from the University is effected. If the matter comes to a hearing, a written summary of the student's complaint will be presented to the Student Giving Committee for deliberation in the presence of the relevant faculty member or administrator.

The decision of the Student Grievance Committee will be in the form of a voted recommendation which must be acted upon in good faith by all concerned.

Orga nizations

Purpose: to review any specific complaints or criticisms against members of the faculty and administration and attempt to resolve them. The aggrieved student has the opportunity to see the department chair or dean of his school or college. It has been a Fiat tradition to maintain a high rating among US college and university publications.

The KANAKADEA, Alfred University's yearbook, provides pictorial coverage of the events of the college year. The Review, a winner of the Pi Delta Epsilon national college competition, is published each semester. The Alfred University Student Nurses Association is composed of students in the School of Nursing, and is directly under the auspices of Area 2 of the Student Nurses Association of New York.

The association strives to introduce professional organization at the school level by enabling nursing students to participate in state and national organization activities. The Alfred Guild was organized by art and design students to stimulate a professional attitude on the part of students through exhibitions of student work, guest speakers and exchange programs with other universities; to acquaint members with trends and directions in the visual arts and to foster an interest and understanding on the part of the University and the community for the arts. The primary goals of the fraternity are to promote and emphasize knowledge and character in the thinking of ceramic students, stimulate mental development, and promote interest in the professional aspects of ceramic engineering, technology, and science.

Psi Chi is a chapter of the National Honorary Psychology Association and is the student chapter affiliated with the American Psychological Association.


Its main purpose is to emphasize scholarship and character in the minds of college students, to promote the significant purposes for which institutions of higher learning were established, and to stimulate spiritual achievement through recognition through election to membership." The National Honorary Journalism Fraternity. is composed of those students who, through their continued effort to raise the level of the collegiate publications on campus, have shown their interest in an improved type of journalism Membership includes a limited number of faculty and upperclassmen who must have a cumulative index of at least 3.0 , with an average of at least 3.3 in the social sciences covering no less than 24 hours in Economics, History and Political Science.

To be eligible for membership, an undergraduate student must achieve an index of 3.3 or higher in all psychology courses and complete a 3.0 in other scholastic areas with at least eight semester hours of psychology courses. Graduate students must have an index of 3.5 or better in all graduate courses including psychology. The Alfred Silver Key* is awarded for 75 points and the Alfred Gold Key for 180 points.

Blazers are awarded to women who have earned their Silver Key and who excel in leadership, ability and personality. To qualify, the senior must have been issued a blazer and must be the most notable of the senior women who have blazers. Students who have been on campus for only two years and have accumulated 50 points receive the Alfred Silver Key in their senior year; those who have collected 125 points will receive the Alfred Gold Key.).

Students who have been on campus for only three years and have accumulated 75 points receive the Alfred Silver Key in their senior year; those who collect 150 points will receive the Alfred Gold Key.).

Religious life

These women, the officers elected by the previous year's board, comprise the Women's Athletic Governing Board (WAGB) for 1971-1972. promotes and oversees all women's sports. Women's sports include campus tournaments in archery, badminton, basketball, fencing, hockey, rifle shooting, softball, table tennis, tennis and volleyball.

Military Training

To promote camaraderie and esprit de' corps within the Cadet Corps, and to provide social and extra-curricular activities for the members. DRILL TEAM: An activity for those cadets interested in the art of precision and trick drilling. RI FLOOR TEAM: Rifle shooting training is supervised and conducted by the Military Science Department.

The Alfred University Rifle Team, under the supervision of ROTC cadre, is open to all Alfred University students.



Such information must be available to all members of the campus community and subject to publication on campus. These publications are also a means of bringing student concerns to the attention of the faculty and the administrative officials of the University. The student has the right to inspect any corrected test and to be notified by the instructor of his mark on any assignment on which the instructor's evaluation of the student's work in the course will be based.

An instructor will, in any course, at the request of the student concerned, explain his reasons for the final grade assigned to the student. The student's right with reference to inventions and patentable ideas is covered by the University's Patent Policy, which can be requested from the chairman of the University's Patent Committee. Students are both citizens of the larger (or political) community and members of the campus (or academic) community.

The University reserves the right to suspend or expel students who, by reason of serious misconduct on their part, pose a clear and present danger to the safety, welfare and property of the University community. It should be noted that the sole purpose of such action by the Board is to protect the University community, and not to punish the student's actions. Student folders are properly kept at the Student Affairs Office, the office of the relevant study deans, the various internship offices and the administration.

Categories of university folders not mentioned above should only be made available under legal obligation or to protect the safety, welfare or property of the university community.


All demonstrators, those being protested, and spectators must promptly, fully, and cooperatively comply with the requests of the Vice President for Student Affairs or his designee. Pending the determination of any such appeal, all demonstrators, those being protested, and spectators must promptly, fully, and cooperatively comply with the requests of the Vice President for Student Affairs or his designee. Upon appeal to the President of the University or his designee, his decision shall be final.

If any protesters, anti-demonstrators or spectators refuse to comply with the requests of the Vice President for Student Affairs or his designee, or~ in case of appeal, the President of the University or his designee, they will be subject to disciplinary action by the University, including suspension or expulsion. Whether the student willfully disregarded any reasonable request of the Vice President for Student Affairs or his designee or the President of the University or his designee. Prior to the hearing, the Vice President for Student Affairs will take reasonable steps to notify each student subject to such disciplinary action of the time and place of hearing.

Prior to the hearing, any student subject to disciplinary action has the right to request and receive from the Vice President for Student Affairs a written copy of the charges against him. The hearing will be scheduled by the Chairman of the Review Board to begin as soon as possible. The President of the University immediately conveys his decision in writing to the student and the Review Board.

Whether the faculty member has willfully disobeyed any reasonable request of the Vice President for Student Affairs or his designee or the President of the University or his designee.


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The qualitative data used is in the form of interviews with Badan Pendapatan Daerah Bitung City employees and several taxpayers regarding the exemption from administrative