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an undergraduate thesis

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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All thanks to Allah SWT for his gift, especially the precious health to the author that she could carry out the research proposal. The research proposal is titled "TO IMPROVE STUDENTS' PRONOUNCING BY (KWL) KNOWING WHAT TO LEARN ENGINEERING AT SMP N 1 SEPUTIH AGUNG". The author cannot stay alone, there were many people who contributed their meaningful hands in the execution of this research proposal, which the author cannot mention one by one.

First of all, the writer wants to thank Mr. Drs. Kuryani Utih, M.Pd. Further, the writer would like to thank all the people who have supported her, the esteemed lecturers of the English Study Program, who. The writer understands the imperfection of this work, but hopes that this small work can contribute to the improvement of English teaching in general.


The Background of The Study

The four skills of language are important for every learner and all are related to one. It is very important to improve the four language skills that are very useful for carrying out communication and studying other languages. From the above data, it can be seen that students' skills are still low.

It proves of 15 students out of 30 students in the poor categories 50% because the students failed with the highest grade 30 and the lowest grade 50 with the criteria indicator performance for English is 65. In this research the researcher intends to conduct classroom action research and it is expected can overcome problem in the class and I hope in the classroom action research next will be to increase the students' pronunciation and make the students enjoy learning English especially speaking.

Problems Identification

Problems Limitation

Problems Formulation

Objective and Benefits Of The Study 1. The Objective of the Study

  • Students Pronounciation
  • Through (KWL), Know What To Learning Technique

The essay or engage stages are to introduce the students to the topic so that they are motivated to study it. In other words, it aims to prepare the students with the subject they are studying. Based on the explanation above, the teaching of speaking is essential to the success of teaching speaking. the successful teaching of speaking depends on the teachers, but also the students.

Then the test must be functional and can also demonstrate the student's speaking skills and normal usage. Therefore, the teacher must give the students lesson material that they must easily understand. Next about what they have learned and write it in the L (Learned) column, then the students talk about it.

Action Hypothesis

Object of the Study

In this classroom action research, the author wants to carry out the research in three cycles. Each cycle will be carried out twice and consists of planning, action, observation and reflection. Planning is the first step in every activity, Researcher explains about what, why, when, where, who and how the action is done.11.

It is the realization from the planning that the researcher has done.12 This step is about the implementation of the plan. Based on the observation, the researcher can determine if there is anything that the researcher needs to improve soon so that the action can achieve the goal sought by the researcher. In this step, the writer observed the teaching learning process using format observation.

The writer will analyze and discuss the observation result during the teaching process, as well as the weakness and strength from the action in this step, the writer uses the data from the evaluation to make improvements for the second cycle. In this step, the researcher observes the process of teaching learning by using format observation to collect the data in Action Plan II. The researcher reviews and reflects on the students' activity and the teacher's efforts, whether it is positive or negative.

Based on the condition, if the students' speaking score is increased or the indicators of success are achieved, the cycle will be stopped and if the student's speaking score is not increased, the cycle will continue to cycle III.

Setting and Subject of the Research

Data Collection Method

The form and method of the post-test is the same as the pre-test. In this research, the writer uses the documentation method to know the history of SMPN 1 Seputih Agung and the information about this research. In order to collect the data more accurately, it uses the field note, it will make the analyzed data easier.

In many professions, it is good practice to make "field notes" while actually engaged in professional work14. In general, the field note is divided into two types, namely the descriptive field note and reflective field note15. The reflective field note is perfected from descriptive field data. This note has been prepared systematically and given an interpretation of the research.

Data Analysis Technique

This validity asks how the fit between the tool and the purpose and the description of the material being taught or issues that will be learned. To know that the arrangement of instrument should be based on a grid grid prepared for that purpose. Construct validity asks whether the questions in the instrument match the relevant scientific concept.

This validity is about trying to minimize subjectivity in both the process and the outcome of the research. Democratic validity relates to the validity of the role given by each group involved and the suggestions and considerations given in relation to the action taken by the researcher. Catalytic validity that connects the new way and role in accordance with an action to solve the problem this validity is closely related to the process. 27.

Results of the Reseach

  • The Profile of SMP N 1 Seputih Agung
  • The Profile of the school
  • Description of finding

In this chapter, the researcher will discuss the research result and its interpretation. Because the criterion of students who are successful in acquiring the material are the students who get the minimum score of 65 and the class can be said to be successful in achieving the material if 85% of the students in the class get a score of at least 65. In this meeting, the students were expected by the teacher to have enough courage to engage in the learning process and brave enough to speak English.

It was opened by praying, greeting, checking the attendance list and asking about the condition of the students. In KWL technique, every third step, the first is K (Know), the students know about the material or subject. In process learn the same with KWL technique in second meeting, in this meeting the students are more active.

At the end of the learning process, the teacher concluded the learning process by giving homework and motivated the students to study hard. It was opened by praying, greeting, checking the attendance list and asking the students about the lesson at the last meeting. In order to know the ability of the students before giving an action, all students are given a pre-test during the first meeting, which must be done individually.

Although the researcher explained the method, the students are still confused and struggle to speak fluently. The students who scored more than 65 in pre-test cycle 1 were only 9 students out of 31 students. So the researcher took the post-test score to know if KWL technique is able to increase speaking performance for the students.

The researcher as a teacher gave the students some material on how to make a story about family. The students write about the topic and after writing the students tell the story again in front of the class. When the time was up, the students tried to complete the learning process on the day.

The  students’ speaking performance can be seen in table 6. Table 6 shows that there is no students who gain 90-100
The students’ speaking performance can be seen in table 6. Table 6 shows that there is no students who gain 90-100


  • Interpretations and Learning Result at Cycle I
  • Interpretations and Learning Result at Cycle II Table 11
  • Interpretations and Learning Result at Cycle I and II

From the table above, it can be seen that the post-test score meets the criteria of the Perfection Standard (KKM), where 96.67% of 30 students get a score > 65. The post-test score shows that the highest score is 96 and the lowest is 60. On based on the observation of the learning process in II. cycle, we could conclude that the result was II.

Preparing a table to prove whether there is any difference between the pre-test and post-test result of seventh graders of SMPN 1 Seputih Agung. From the results of the pretest and posttest cycle I, it can be concluded that the students' score increased. Based on the results of the pre-test and post-test in II. cycle, it can be concluded that the KWL technique can improve students' pronunciation.

All students attend the class from the first treatment to the last treatment. The result of students in the II cycle has increased, it can be seen from the average result that increases from 61.7 to 79.06. It means that students can achieve the target, the target is 70% for students to score more than or at least 65.

Based on the increase of each cycle, it can be seen that the use of KWL can improve the pronunciation of the students. The students understood the material and were very enthusiastic about following the lesson from cycle I to cycle II. It means that the students can reach the target, the target 70% students get a score of 65 or more.

From the data above, it can be seen that the KWL technique can improve students' pronunciation.

Graph of the Result of Pretest and Posttest
Graph of the Result of Pretest and Posttest


Based on the above explanation, it can be concluded that there has been an increase in students' pronunciation using the KWL technique. We looked at the progression of the average score in each cycle, the average score of the pretest was 51.2 and in cycle I 61.7, then in cycle II 79.06. From pretest to posttest I, the score increased by 16.1 points, and from posttest I to posttest II, it increased by 9.36 points.

From the above data, it can be concluded that KWL technique can improve the pronunciation of the students in the seventh grader of SMP N 1 Seputih Agung in academic year 2012/2013.


English teacher should prepare some books to improve their knowledge especially in English subject. The director is recommended to do further research about increasing speaking performance through the KWL technique.


The  students’ speaking performance can be seen in table 6. Table 6 shows that there is no students who gain 90-100
Graph of the Result of Pretest and Posttest


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