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Academic year: 2023



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The first book titled When English Rings A Bell shows that women dominate three aspects, namely the number of female/male pictures, the number of female/male called, pattern of calling female/male names. While men dominate two aspects, namely the number of female/male roles, the number of female male role models. And there is one aspect that has the same dominant, namely the number of female/male games.


As a result, there is a gender bias in textbooks that affects students' thinking about men and women. From the results of the construction, the division of work roles between men and women emerged in which the division of work roles. So don't be surprised if it causes a gender bias to cause injustice in the role of work between men and women.7.

Identification Of Problem

Based on the Logsdon theory, a good textbook is one that represents gender equally and has six aspects, namely the number of women/women. The author chose this book because it uses the 2013 curriculum published by the Ministry of Education and Culture, and most MT schools in Bengkulu city use it. The total number of Mts schools in Bengkulu is 8, 6 schools use the same book, namely When English Rings A Bell and Think Globally Act Locally.

Limitation Of Problem

Regarding the authors, they chose the type of school at the MOH level, because the author had spent several months teaching at the MOH level.

Research Problem

Research Objectives

Research Significance

Operational Definition Of Key Terms



Stereotypes of representation of femininity (read: women) and masculinity (read: men) can be seen in the following table. This idea is found in the schools of biological interest; the differences between men and women and differences in masculinity and femininity are natural. The components of gender stereotypes contained in the characteristics of men and women are as follows:

This shows that there are differences in the division of housework between men and women. Second, the number of women/men mentioned indicates how often women/men are mentioned in the textbook, such as names and pronouns.


The fifth aspect is female/male role models which means how many female/male role models are found in texts, sentences and illustrations. Textbooks can be defined as textbooks in certain fields of study, which are standard books prepared by experts in the field with learning goals and objectives, which are equipped with harmonious and easily understandable teaching tools for users, so that they can support the curriculum. .21. This book is distributed free of charge to all schools in Indonesia that have already applied the 2013 curriculum and is also available on the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture for.

In addition, all schools in Indonesia are starting to implement the 2013 curriculum in the new academic year, so this book will automatically be used by all junior high schools in Indonesia. In the process of teaching and learning in the classroom, the accessibility of textbooks is very necessary for teachers and students. The teacher does not have to explain all the content contained in the textbook, but only explains some of the material that he thinks is difficult for the students to understand. 23.

The teaching models in the textbook illustrate illustrations that provide an overview of the learning concept. Having certain foundations, principles and perspectives underlying the concepts used in the textbook should be clear. The textbook must be able to stimulate, stimulate the personal activities of the students who use it.

The textbook should appreciate the personal differences of the students who use it.26.

Previous Study

The textbook must consider linguistic aspects so that it is in accordance with the abilities of the students who use it. The textbook must consciously and firmly avoid vague and unusual concepts, so as not to confuse the students who use it. The handbook must have a clear and fixed starting point so that it will eventually become the point of view of the loyal users i.

The research on gender construction in language books was also conducted by several researchers such as Muhammad Jafar Shodiq. The title of the study was The Perspective of Gender Equality in Arabic Language Books of MTS Students Using Scientific 2013, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia conducted in 2016. The results showed that the textbook represented Arabic textbooks for grade X students. The 2013 scholarly approach concluded that there was still a gender bias in this book. Images and practical questions in Arabic textbooks for students of class .

The results of the studies he conducted show that men dominate in four aspects;. Several studies conducted above indicate that gender differences still exist in textbooks. Therefore, it is important that teachers in schools are aware of gender equality in textbooks and how they can shape the perception of gender equality in students in the future.

The researchers tried to analyze gender equality in books to find out if there were gender constructions in the English textbooks.

Research Method

Research Subject

The textbook was chosen because it is the other textbook compiled based on the curriculum 2013, apart from the textbooks published by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and used in the early stages of the implementation of the 2013 curriculum.

Research Instrument

The table sheet below will hopefully help the researcher to analyze gender construction in English textbook for secondary school related to gender construction which is the number of male/female pictures, the number of male/female mentioned, the number of male /female roles, the number of male/ female games, pattern to call female/male names. Data collection technique is a technique or method used by researchers to be able to collect data related to the problems of the research they are doing. According to Koentjaraningrat, library technique is a way to collect data from various materials contained in the library, such as newspapers, books, magazines, manuscripts, documents and so on that are relevant for research.36.

According to Sugiyon, library studies are related to theoretical studies and other references related to the values, culture and norms that develop in the studied social situation, and in addition, library research is very important in conducting research, this is because the research will not be separated from science fiction.37. A literature study is the collection of data based on literary books that are relevant to a related research. Primary data in the form of two textbooks, the first book for VII. class "When English Rings A Bel" and another book for IX.

Secondary data includes other literature in the form of books, journals and other information media.

Data Analysis Technique

Female/male games: the writer counts the number of games or sports played by females/males (eg football, tennis) in the textbook. Female/male role models: the writer calculates the role models found in the text or exercise. Female/male naming pattern: the number of times female and male nouns were mentioned in a single sentence (eg Sally and John) was counted.38.

Data Validity

Third, peer review, which describes the research process and results with peers, in the form of repeated peer discussions and readings.


Gender representation in terms of the female/male picture in the textbook that female and male pictures are presented unequally. The total number of men is one and of women is three. The total number of women mentioned is three hundred and thirty-six, while men are mentioned as one hundred.

It was found that women and men in the textbook are balanced in playing games or sports. The total number of female games or sports is two, while the total number of male games or sports is also two. Pattern of mentioning female/male names, the number of male is one and the number of female is two.

The total number of women mentioned is eight hundred and two, while men are mentioned as eight hundred and twenty-two. It was found that women in the textbook playing games or sports is zero, while the total number of men playing games or sports is five. Female/male role models were only found in Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter VI and Chapter IX, where the number of women found is five and the number of men is six.

The number of females found in this book is two and the number of males is three.


  • Gender Construction in English Textbook “When English Rings a Bell”
  • Gender Construction in English Textbook “Think Globally Act Locally”

This means that the representation of women is dominant in the aspect of the image of women/men. The images in the textbook When English Rings A Bell show that women are more dominant in terms of the number of female/male images in the textbook and there are no gender stereotypes in the image. So as far as the aspect of number of women/men mentioned in the textbook is concerned, it is dominated by women.

Furthermore, the representation of men and women is balanced in the number of female/male games or sports in the textbook. Regarding aspects of the number of female/male role models in the textbook, males dominate over females. There are five male models presented in the textbook (eg Edo, Udin, Sihombing, Udin, Laode).

The picture shows (see appendix 11) that women are assigned to work as cashiers in the store. The fifth is the number of female/male role models in the textbook, males dominating over females. There are six male role models presented in the textbook (eg Udin, Edo, Beni, Mr. Sidin, Mr. Dede).

Meanwhile, five female models are presented in the text (eg Lina, Mrs. Ani, Dayu, Ibu Tuti, Siti).



Gender representation in a series of basic English textbooks in Hong Kong: the relationship between planning and social policy, current issues in language planning.


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