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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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The purpose of this study is to discover the moral and educational values ​​of the Sami Yusuf song lyrics, to explain the moral and educational values ​​presented in the Sami Yusuf song lyrics, and to analyze the moral and educational values ​​found in the Sami Yusuf song. texts. The result shows that the moral value contained in the lyrics of Sami Yusuf's song is about thirty-two times, which are justice, courage, self-control, truthfulness &. uprightness, reliability and loyalty, trust and faith, modesty, humility &. aloofness and love of the remote. At the same time, the educational value found in the lyrics of Sami Yusuf's songs is about thirty-two times dealing with honesty, courage, peace, confidence and potential, self-discipline and moderation, loyalty and reliability, respect, love, sensitivity and selflessness, kindness &. kindness and justice and mercy.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan nilai moral dan pendidikan dalam lagu Sami Yusuf, menjelaskan nilai moral dan pendidikan yang terwakili dalam lirik lagu dan menganalisis nilai moral dan pendidikan dalam lirik lagu Sami Yusuf. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai moral yang terkandung dalam syair Sami Yusuf ada tiga puluh dua kali, yaitu keadilan, keberanian, pengendalian diri, kejujuran dan ketulusan, amanah dan kesetiaan, amanah dan iman, kerendahan hati, kerendahan hati dan sikap menyendiri, dan cinta untuk remote control. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menemukan penerapan kejujuran, keberanian, kedamaian, kepercayaan diri dan potensi, disiplin diri dan moderasi, kesetiaan dan keandalan, rasa hormat, cinta, kepekaan dan. tidak mementingkan diri sendiri, kebaikan dan kebajikan dan keadilan dan belas kasihan.

Great gratitude to almighty God for his guidance, blessing, mercy, love and opportunity given in completing this undergraduate thesis entitled "Analysis of Moral and Educational Values ​​in the Lyrics of Sami Yusuf's Poems" as a partial requirement for an undergraduate degree in the Department of English education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, State Institute of Islamic Studies Metro.


  • Research Question
  • Objective and Benefit of Study
  • Prior Research
  • Research Methodology
    • Type and Characteristic of Research
    • Data Source
    • Data Collecting Technique
    • Data Validity Testing Technique
    • Data Analysis Technique
    • Research Approach

The text in the lyrics of a sung song is a language of meaning. The meaning of the lyrics can be different, such as a message, story, advice or value. In this case, the researcher will try to find out and analyze the moral and educational values ​​in the lyrics of the Sami Yusuf. What are moral and educational values ​​that can be found in the lyrics of Sami Yusuf.

An analysis of Indonesian moral values ​​found in Maher Zain's Song Lyrics Forgive Me album. Ary said in the book that "content analysis is a type of research that aimed to identify specified characteristics of materials."9 The material analyzed could be written or visual material, which could certainly be the lyrics of the lyrics, could be one of the materials that can be analysed. . In the study, the researcher will use a qualitative approach that relates to moral and educational values ​​in Sami Yusuf's song lyrics.

In this case, the researcher will analyze the moral and educational values ​​in Sami Yusuf's lyrics.


Concept of Moral Value

  • Function of Educational Value
  • Types of Educational Value

Based on the Encyclopedia, value is a quality of an object that has to do with some kind of appreciation or interest.8 The above explanation means that value affects the quality of the object that it brings. Justice based on Hartman "the person who justice does right or intends to do, sees and treats others in the light of the equality required".16. Hartman stated that brotherly love is similar to altruism in that it is not selfish and transfers interest from self to others…. The nature of brotherly love is quite familiar and knowing one another.24 Hartman also stated that "brotherly love affirms and welcomes all the welfare of others, despairing and facing their difficulties of every kind".25 .

79 Suharto and Edi Subroto, "The Equivalence of Translated Songs, Lyrics and Their Effects: The Case of Translated Decclesial Songs," Harmonia Vol. In support of educational value, the lyrics of song usually have values ​​inside as in Sami Yusuf's song lyrics. The moral value presented in Song Lyrics of Sami Yusuf album as follows:.

Analysis of moral and educational values ​​found in song lyrics of Sami Yusuf Yusuf. The average found of moral value in the lyrics is twice.

Concept of Sami Yusuf Song Lyrics

  • Definition of Song lyrics

Moral and Educational Value of Sami Yusuf song Lyrics

  • Moral Value of Sami Yusuf song Lyrics
  • Educational Value of Sami Yusuf song lyrics


Moral and Educational Values that was Found in Sami Yusuf song

Explaining about Moral and Educational Values which are

The lyrics can be represented of courage because the lyrics directly describe that a singer who dares to fight and take many risks for a goal to succeed. The lyrics can be represented of loyalty because the lyrics directly explain about a singer. f. The lyrics can represent trust and faith, because the lyrics represent about the singer's beliefs that know that God exists and is always by his side.

The lyrics can be rendered because the lyrics mean that the singer believes that God will always be with the singer. The lyrics can be rendered as faith, because the singer realizes that he cannot cope alone without guidance from God. The lyrics can be rendered as trust and faith because the lyrics explain that the singer is humble and realizes that without guidance from God, the singer cannot cope alone.

The lyrics can represent confidence because the lyrics of 'I know' show that the singer means to wait for a good reward to come to him. The lyrics can represent trust and faith because the lyrics clearly explain about a singer who always believes in God. The lyrics indirectly represent about the value of courage because one of the characteristics of courage is speaking courageously, even if it is only a statement or something.

The lyrics explain that the singer will always be together and keep the words in actual deeds. The lyrics may be rendered out of respect as the singer indirectly goes to another person to make a decision. The lyrics explain that the singer is sincerely trying his best for the targeted person.

The lyrics explain that the singer has an expectation that he will stop feeling sinful and return to the right track. The lyrics explain that the singer expects to stop feeling sinful and get back on track.

Analyzing of Moral and Educational Values that Found in

Based on the chart above, the highest percentage of moral value is trust and faith with 12 times with a percentage of 38%. Then consecutively from the second to the last place, truthfulness and uprightness, which is found 6 times, which has a percentage of 19%. Then 2 tenses are found which have a percentage of 6% namely self-control, modesty, humility and aloofness and love of the remote.

An analysis of the moral value found in the lyrics of Sami Yusuf's songs The results also showed that the researcher found as many as thirty-two types of educational values ​​contained in the lyrics of the songs. Based on the chart above, the highest percentage of educational value is honesty, which is found about 6 times, which has a percentage of 19%. After that, the types of values ​​are courage, self-confidence and moderation, and sensitivity and selflessness, which are found 4 times, which has a percentage of 13%.

The last one, the values ​​found only once, are peace, respect and love, which have a percentage of 3%.


While the moral values ​​in the lyrics of the song are justice, courage, self-control, truthfulness and honesty, reliability and loyalty, trust and faith, modesty, humility and aloofness, and love for the distant. Because the educational values ​​found in Sami Yusuf song lyrics are honesty, courage, peace, confidence and potential, self-discipline and moderation, loyalty and reliability, respect, love, sensitivity and selflessness, kindness and kindness and justice &. And here the researcher gives a percentage about the found moral and educational values.

From these tables we can see that the researcher has found some value in the lyrics of the song. This chapter concludes the analysis and discussion of song lyrics in the previous chapter. The lyrics of the songs were analyzed and discussed according to the types or indicators of moral and educational values.

The moral value in this lyrics is about justice, courage, self-control, truthfulness &. At the same time, the educational value found in Sami Yusuf's lyrics is about honesty, courage, peace, self-reliance and potential, self-discipline and moderation, loyalty and reliability, respect, love, sensitivity and selflessness. kindness & kindness, and justice & mercy. The moral and educational values ​​are represented by the rendering-based meaning of each song's lyrics.

The researcher takes the meaning of the text and then makes the group based on types or category according to moral or educational values. The highest moral value found is faith and trust which is 12 times and the percentage is 38%, while the lowest is justice because it is found only once with a percentage of 3%. Moreover, in the educational value the highest percentage is 19%, which is honesty up to 6 times, while the least are peace, respect and love which are found only once with a percentage of 3% each.

The lyrics on the Sami Yusuf album can be used as a reference by teachers as a learning medium. English department can use this research to add the reference about the moral and educational values ​​and add reference in the literature.

Table 3 Percentage of Data Finding in Moral Value
Table 3 Percentage of Data Finding in Moral Value



Teachers need not worry because the songs on this album really have a lot of value that can be used as a teaching tool. This research is expected to be a reference and may be useful to other researchers who will conduct research on the same topic or type of research. The researcher also proposes to the other researchers to develop a similar study with a different data source and a better research technique.

Emphasis on morals, values, ethics and character education in science education and science teaching" MOJES Vol. Luxemburg, Jan van, Mieke Bal and Willem G. Urgensi Pendidikan Moral dalam Membentuk Kepribadian Anak,”Jurnal Al-Ta‟dib. Moral Value in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre,” in 1st Annual International Conference on Language and Literature, KnE Social Sciences.


Table 1 Data Coding Result of Moral Value in  Sami Yusuf‟s Song Lyrics
Table 2 Data Coding Result of Educational Value  in Sami Yusuf‟s Song Lyrics
Table 3 Percentage of Data Finding in Moral Value
Table 4 Percentage of Data Finding in Educational Value  No  Educational


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