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Academic year: 2017



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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Magister Humaniora



Registration Number: 8136112081






Suriati. Stylistic Analysis in Iwan Fals’ and Ebiet G Ade’s Song Lyrics. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistic Study Program. Postgraduate School. State University of Medan. 2016.

This thesis deals with the stylistic analysis used in Iwan Fals’ and Ebiet Ade’s song lyrics. The objectives of this study are to describe types of figures of speech found in the Iwan Fals’ and Ebiet G Ade’s song lyrics, to describe the interpretation of Iwan Fals’ and Ebiet G Ade’s song lyrics and to elaborate the reason why they use it. A qualitative descriptive research was applied. The data source were taken from the album of Iwan Fals and Ebiet G Ade’s album from 1982 to 1990. There are 11 album of Iwan Fals and 6 album of Ebiet G Ade.Iwan Fals’ album are choosen randomly as well as Ebiet G Ade’s album.To take the album is used percentage namely 30 percent of Iwan Fals’ album and Ebiet G Ade’s album. There are 3 album of Iwan Fals and 2 album of Ebiet G ade that will be the source of data. The songs that characterized the most representative are taken respectively from the album collection. The researcher takes 30 percent of it as the data namely 8 song lyrics of Iwan Fals and 6 song lyrics of Ebiet Ade. Documentary technique is applied in collecting the data. The instrument for collecting the data is documentary sheet. The data were analyzed by using Mile and Huberman’s data analysis. The findings show that there are 10 types of figures of speech are found in the Iwan Fals song lyrics namely: personification, apostrophe, simile, metaphor, synecdoche, metonymy, symbol, paradox, allegory, and overstatement/hyperbole and 8 types of figures of speech are found in Ebiet G Ade’s song lyrics namely: personification, apostrophe, metaphor, symbol, paradox, allegory, overstatement/hyperbole and understatement. It is found that Iwan Fals and Ebiet G Ade wrote song lyrics as the medium to convey message and advice. The reasons of using Figures of Speech in song Lyrics are (1) style as personality/individuality, (2) Style as deviation from the norm, (3) Style as situation or relationship between message and medium.



Suriati. Stylistic Analysis in Iwan Fals’ and Ebiet G Ade’s Song Lyrics.

Thesis. Program Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris . Sekolah Pascasarjana. Universitas Negeri Medan. 2016.

Tesis ini berkaitan dengan analisis majas yang digunakan dalam lirik lagu Iwan Fals dan Ebiet Ade. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan jenis majas yang ditemukan dalam lirik lagu Iwan Fals dan Ebiet G Ade, untuk menjelaskan interpretasi lirik lagu Iwan Fals dan Ebiet G Ade dan untuk menguraikan alasan mengapa mereka menggunakannya. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif digunakan. Sumber data diambil dari album Iwan Fals dan Ebiet G Ade dari tahun 1982 sampai tahun 1990. Ada 11 album Iwan Fals dan 6 album Ebiet G Ade. Album Iwan Fals dan Ebiet Ade dipilih secara acak. Untuk mendapatkan album tersebut digunakan persentase yaitu 30 persen album Iwan Fals dan 30 persen album Ebiet G Ade. Ada 3 album Iwan Fals dan 2 album Ebiet G ade yang menjadi sumber data. Lagu-lagu yang paling reprentatif diambil masing-masing dari koleksi album tersebut. Peneliti mengambil 30 persen sebagai data yaitu 8 lirik lagu Iwan Fals dan 6 lagu lirik Ebiet Ade. Teknik dokumenter diterapkan dalam mengumpulkan data. Instrumen untuk mengumpulkan data adalah lembar dokumenter. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan data analisis Mile dan Huberman. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa ada 10 jenis majas yang ditemukan dalam Iwan Fals lirik lagu yaitu: personifikasi, apostrof, simile, metafora, synecdoche, metonimi, simbol, paradok, alegori, dan hiperbola dan 8 jenis majas ditemukan dalam lirik lagu Ebiet G Ade yaitu : personifikasi, apostrof, metafora, simbol, paradoks, alegori, hiperbola dan litotes. Ditemukan bahwa Iwan Fals dan Ebiet G Ade menulis lirik lagu sebagai media untuk menyampaikan pesan dan nasihat. Alasan menggunakan majas pada lirik lagu dapat dikategorikan sebagai (1) gaya kepribadian, (2) Gaya sebagai penyimpangan dari norma, (3) Gaya sebagai situasi atau hubungan antara pesan dan media.




First and foremost, the writer would like to direct her very special expression to Allah SWT the almighty and most merciful for the continuous blessing good health and luck until this piece of academic achievement appears in its present forms. The sincerest shalawat and greeting are also given to the great prophet Muhammad SAW for his invaluable struggle in making the people’s life better.

This thesis could have been completed because of the guidance, encouragement, suggestion, comment from several people, for which she would like to extend her sincere and special thanks. Firstly, the writer would like to express her gratitude to Dr. I. Wayan Dirgayasa M.Hum., her first adviser and Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed., TESP, her second adviser for their generous assistance,

guidance, advice, constructive comments and precious time on supervising and commenting the process of finishing this piece of thesis.

Secondly, the writer would like to to express her gratitude to Dr. Rahmad Husein, M. Ed., and Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum, the Head

and Secretary of the English Applied Linguistics Study Program and Farid

Ma’ruf, the administration staff for completing the administration procedures.

Thirdly, the writer also would like to express her gratitude to Prof. Dr.Sumarsih, M.Pd., Dr. Rahmad Husein,M.Ed., and Dr. Anni Holila

Pulungan,M.Hum, the reviewers and examiners for the valuable suggestions to



In Addition, the writer wishes to express her deepest gratitude to her beloved husband Drs. Azwani Lubis, M.Ag for the endless love, affection, care and support, her beloved children Najihah Silmi Lubis and Najhan Ahmad Muttaqiy Lubis who have inspired her to keep struggling for life, and a very

special special expressions of gratitude is directed to the writer beloved parents, Alm. H.Abdul Halim and Almh. Hj. Rajmah. Although they are in heaven now

but their love and care are always in her heart. also her brothers H. Ibrahim, H. Razali, Muhammad Haris, Muhammad Fahmi, Muhammad Mukhlis and

Aldiansyah for their moral support.

Finally the writer wants to thank to her beloved classmates especially Nur Laili, Margaretha Debora, Jamil Reza, Intan Rizqi, Ahmad Rifai

Rangkuti, and Sumarni who responded when their assistance was needed, who

have given their support and their friendship. And the last, the writer extend special thanks to her student Azizah Nur Fitriana for her support and assistance. May Allah, the almighty be with us always.

Medan, July 2016 The writer



3.4 Instrument of Data Collection ... 43

3.5 Trustworthiness ... 43

3.6 The Technique of Analyzing the Data. ... 44


4.1 Data Analysis ... 47

4.1.1 Type of Figures of Speech in Iwan Fals and Ebiet G Ades’ Song Lyrics ... 47

4.1.2 The Interpretation of Iwan Fals’ and Ebiet G Ades’ Song Lyrics ... 61

4.1.3 The Reasons of Using of Speech in Song Lyrics ... 80

4.2 Findings ... 82

4.3 Discussion ... 82


5.1 Conclusions ... 86

5.2 Suggestions ... 87


APPENDIX .……….. 91





1.1 The Background of the Study

Literature can be a portrait of a human life because the content of literature can be a description of experience of the human nature or expression of our feeling that is reflected in the language. By literature, we enrich our knowledge and experience since literature is a reflection of human life. Reading literature does not simply enjoy the pleasure and excitement, but we can dig the meaning inside because literature is the medium for learning about life.

Literature represents human‟s experiences of life using language as its

medium. Literature offers the readers either imaginative stories or any factual information. Therefore, literature is divided into two; imaginative and nonimaginative. Non imaginative literature consists of the works in the form of essay, criticism, biography, autobiography and history. Imaginative literature are poetry (epic poetry, lyric poetry, and dramatic poetry) and prose (fiction and drama). Kind of fiction are novel or romance, short story, and novelet. Whereas the kind of drama are comedy, tragedy drama, melodrama, and tragicomedy drama. ( Sumarjo & Saini, 1994 ).

Reading literature is not something that is without meaning. Many lessons can we take from the story. There are some benefits of reading literary works namely giving effect of inner satisfaction , giving lesson on the realities of life and refine feeling , provide knowledge, good for psychotherapy for people who were having a heavy burden of life.



The lyrics of the songs included in the literary genre because the lyric are literary work (poetry) which contains the outpouring of personal feeling and the wording of a song (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia 1991:598). So the lyrics is the same with poetry but is presented in the fom of singing. It is a kind of short poems that are not only read but also accompanied by musical instruments. Since lyrics of a song are kind of short poems, they can be learnt and found the sense of meaning.

Language in literary work especially song lyrics is employed for its aesthetic qualities in addition to its semantic content. The song lyrics uses unusual words to convey meanings, emotions, or ideas to the readers or listeners. Revealing the meaning of a song lyric is not simple, therefore, stylistic analysis is regarded as a good device in exploring and understanding the song lyrics . This research aims to find out types of figures of speech, the interpretation of the song lyrics and the reason why Iwan Fals ad Ebiet G Ade use figures of speech. The researcher in this study selected Iwan Fals and Eiet G Ade‟s song lyrics as the

subject of the study and choose stylistic approach in examining these song lyrics.

Stylistics is the study of style and the methods used in written language as a means of analyzing works of literature . Style is the use of language by a writer or a speaker in a specific way. Lawal (1997) defines style as a feature of language that deals with the choices of diction, phrases, sentences, and linguistics materials within a text. Leech (1969) states style as the way of speaking, writing or performing something.



not role as an independent area on its own, and can be applied to an empathetic of literature and journalism as well as linguistics. (Mahmood and Jamil, 2015:2).

Stylistics analysis examines how linguistics and rhetorics are used in writing it tries to explain the choices of the devices made by an author.(Sulaiman, Jauro and Job, 2012:2)

Stylistics can be described by and large, as the study of style of language usage in different contexts either linguistic or situational. It is concerned with the examination of grammar, lexis, semantics as well as phonological properties ad discursive devices. Stylistics examines oral and written texts in order to determine crucial characteristic linguistic properties, structure and patterns influencing perception of the text. (Mark, 2012:4)

Many figures of speech can be found In song lyrics. Not all the song

lyrics are easily understandable, especially when the lyrics are full of figures of speech or figurative language in the words, phrases, or sentences which have hidden meaning inside them. Here are an example quoted from Iwan Fals‟ song


Kisah usang tikus-tikus kantor Yang suka berenang disungai yang kotor

Kisah usang tikus-tikus berdasi Yang suka ingkar janji lalu sembunyi

dibalik meja teman sekerja Didalam lemari dari baja

Kucing datang cepat ganti muka Segera menjelma bagai tak tercela



The old story of office rats Which like to swim in the dirty river

The old story of the rats worn tie Which like to break a promise and then hide

In the behind of table of fellow worker in the steel cabinet

The cats come quickly then change their face Immediately transformed as if they are unimpeachable

Not care if they lose self-esteem If it is not proven ah certainly go again

A parable of man as an animal has often written Iwan Fals in his song lyrics. In this song Iwan uses kucing and tikus . Rat pictured here is the figure of office workers which are greedy, cunning and sycophants. While the cat here translated as being a leader who is not disciplined and like corruption or accept bribes.

Figurative language is used to describe an object, person, or situation by comparing it to or with something else. In Ebiet G Ade‟s song lyric figures of speech can be found. Ebiet G Ade use personification in his song lyric “Ada Sisa Sisa Suara”

Ada sisa-sisa suara yang bergema dalam dada Aku tak mendengar apapun, gemuruh di luar pintu,

ia terus mengejarku, ia terus menghatuiku Mengendalikan seluruh gerak dan naluriku

There are the rests of sound that resounding in the chest I don’t hear anything, rumbling outside the door,



There are the rests of sound that resounding in the chest describes the

sound which is as if a person who control someone activity and his mind . In this example, it compares the sound with a person.

Figures of speech show up not only in literature, but also in nonliterary material, such as our textbooks. Whether we know it or not, we use figures of speech in our speaking and writing every day of our life. When we say something that appears on the surface to mean one thing, but has to be interpreted correctly in order to be understood, we are using figurative language. Whenever you say, “Working a double shift was a killer!” or “If the phone rings one more

time tonight, I‟ll scream!” we are using figurative language. Doing two back -to-back shifts at work wasn‟t literally a “killer” in the sense that a person can be a

killer; we simply mean that it was exhausting. And we don‟t mean we will

actually scream if the phone rings again; we mean that we are annoyed and frustrated at having it ring so often. We are also using figurative language when we use words to paint pictures in people‟s minds. For example, when we say,

“My backpack feels like a bag of rocks!” we have painted a vivid picture of how

heavy our backpack feels.



are forms of expression in which words are used differently from their normal meanings. According to Croll (1986:65) figures of speech are forms of expression that departs from normal word or sentence order or from common literal meanings for words, for the purpose of achieving a special effect.

In addition, Perrin (1991 ) states that “A figures of speech are another way of adding extra dimension to language”. A figures of speech is any way of saying something other than the ordinary way.

Poets often use figure of speech because, as Emily Dickison once said, a mission of a poet is to „speak the truth, but to put it in an implicit way” in order to

seize the readers‟ interest ad stimulate their imagination. (Xu, 2009:3)

However, figurative language can surely be little mystery. The artists have mysterious and special sentences, which are different from one another. It cannot be separated from the writer‟s ways or technique to express, to reflect, and describe his or their songs lyrics. Therefore, it is sometimes very difficult to analyze figurative language completely and perfectly.

Figurative language creates pictures or images in the context. It appeals to our senses, stirs our imagination and thought and adds beauty and intensity to the text. (Niazi, 2013)



are important if the readers or listeners who want to fully comprehend the material in which figurative language appears.

This study is focused on studying stylistic analysis especially figures of speech and interpretation in Iwan Fals and Ebiet G Ade in song lyrics. All Figures of speech and interpretation of in Iwan Fals and Ebiet G Ade‟s song lyrics will be explained. The researchers choose Iwan Fals and Ebiet G Ade in this study because according to the researcher‟s opinion the two singers have something unique in the use of symbolic language especially figurative language in their song lyrics. Iwan Fals specifically is always uses symbolic words to express social condition and social criticism while Ebiet G Ade is always uses symbolic words that are specifically related to natural phenomena and ethical values. Iwan Fals and Ebiet G Ade tested in history. Both of them are the legend who are worthy to be researched.

To make Iwan Fals and Ebiet G Ade‟s song lyrics keep in mind and

exist, the researcher feels important to conduct the study on stylistics analysis in their song lyrics because by this research common people, new generation and educatebd people that interesting to conduct the research about stylistic analysis will understand the meaning and the figures of speech of the song lyrics.



Based on the explanation above , the researcher is interested in exploring deeply the figures of speech, and meaning in Iwan Fals‟ and Ebiet G Ade‟s song lyrics.

1.2 The problems of the Study

The problems in this study are formulated as the following :

1. What types of figures of speech are used in the Iwan Fals‟ song lyrics and Ebiet G Ade‟s song lyrics?

2. How are the interpretation of Iwan Fals‟ and Ebiet G Ade‟s song lyrics? 3. Why are the figures of speech used the way they do?

1.3 The objectives of the Study

In relation to the problems, the objectives of the study are:

1. to describe types of figures of speech are found in the Iwan Fals‟ song lyrics and Ebiet G Ade‟s song lyrics.

2. to describe the interpretation of Iwan Fals‟ and Ebiet G Ade‟s song lyrics and

3. to elaborate the reason why they use it . 1.4 The Scope of the Study

In accordance with the research problem, the study is focused on stylistic analysis that consists of figures of speech and the interpretation of Iwan Fals‟ and Ebiet G ade‟s song lyrics. Iwan Fals and Ebiet G Ade‟s album which was



1 .5 The Significance of the Study

Findings of the research are expected to be useful for the readers both theoretically and practically.

Theoretically, this research findings are expected to develop the theories of stylistic analysis, specifically in the written language of song lyrics.

Practically, the finding can be useful for :

1. Lecturers, they can use this research result to enlarge their knowledge about stylistic anaysis that is used in Iwan Fals‟ and Ebiet G Ade‟s song lyrics.

2. Students especially in the university level have better understand deeply of the use of stylistic analysis in Iwan Fals‟ and Ebiet G Ade‟s song lyrics.

3. Other researchers, this research will be useful as a relevance of study to identify the level of stylistics analysis especially the use of stylistic in literary text.




5.1 Conclusions

Based on the data analysis conducted in Chapter IV, the conclusions are stated as the following :

1. There are ten figures of speech found in Iwan Fals’ song lyrics and there are eight figures of speech found in Ebiet G Ade’s song lyrics. It was

found that the least figures of speech used by Iwan Fals is metonymy which has only one expression and it is about 1% of the whole Iwan Fals’ song lyrics, while Ebiet G Ade used symbol which has only two expressions or as many as 2.2% of the whole Ebiet Ade’s song lyrics.

2. Iwan Fals and Ebiet G Ade wrote song lyrics in order to give messages and advices. Both of them used song lyrics as the medium to convey message and advice by using any figures of speech. Iwan Fals specifically is always uses symbolic words to express social condition and social criticism while Ebiet G Ade is always uses symbolic words that are specifically related to natural phenomena and ethical value.



5.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusions, suggestions are staged as following.

1. It is suggested to other researchers to conduct the same topic with different literary work and diferent topics to see the role of figures of speech used by song writers whether they have similar or different style. 2. It is suggested to the teachers to enrich and develop the student’s

knowledge of figures of speech.


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