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AYU ASTARI REG. NUM. 17.1300.009


Academic year: 2023

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Identification of Instructions in English Teaching at SMP Negeri 6 Model Parepare Name of Student: AYU ASTARI. Identification of Instructions in English Teaching at SMP Negeri 6 Model Parepare Name of Student. Alhamdulillah, to begin with the researcher would like to say a part of much obliged to Allah SWT for guidance who has given the author his grace, blessing and a chance so that the researcher can complete this research.

Next, the researcher would like to sincerely thank Muhammad and Kartika beloved parents who constantly wish her well. The teachers and the Tarbiyah staff who taught and taught the researcher during his consideration in this welcome campus. Many thanks for their information, exhortation and inspiration which they gave to the researcher in the midst of her study on this extraordinary campus.

Akbar Nursal and Elwianto who have been continuously on the part of the researcher in the confrontation with all laughter and tears during college, giving help, support, motivation and exhortation, continuously working together, going together and endeavoring together to complete this thesis. Identification of Teaching English Teaching at SMP Negeri 6 Model Parepare (Supervised by Nanning and Amzah Selle). This study identifies teaching that teachers did in teaching English at SMP Negeri 6 Model Parepare.

2.1  Figure Conceptual Framework  19
2.1 Figure Conceptual Framework 19


Research Questions

Objective of the Research

Significance of the Research

Based on the above study, the researcher formulates a research question about what kinds of instructions the teacher uses in teaching English at SMP Negeri 6 Model Parepare. For students, this study is useful to improve the mastery of the English language through teacher instructions using English. For additional researchers who are interested in the identification of English teaching, can get the basic information from this study to conduct further studies.


Some Pertinent Ideas

The English teacher should create good instruction for the students to meet the teacher's request during the learning process. When the perspective, purpose, or topic of the conversation changes, a metaphorical code-switching occurs. In this study, English teachers' code-switching is limited by the grammatical classification.

So the research object is an English teacher consisting of two people. The data obtained from this documentation are pictures and screenshots of the instructions of the English teacher in the WhatsApp group chat. So the documentation in this case is in the form of a screenshot containing the teacher's instructions.

This chapter presents and discusses research findings that consist of the instructions made by the teacher in teaching English. In extract 1, the teacher gave instructions for students to read a text with the theme in the classroom. After explaining the material, the teacher gave instructions in the form of an assignment to describe the students' friends.

So, it can be concluded that teacher 1 in extract 1 used code switching with tag switching type. The data shows from extract 1 that the teacher gave instructions for students to read a text in the classroom. In the third instruction, the teacher used two types of code switching, namely tag switching and intra-sentential switching.

This code switching by the English teacher it can be seen when the English teacher asks the students to read the text and. An analysis of code switching used by English teachers in the eighth grade classroom at Smp.

Conceptual Framework


  • Location and Duration of the Research
  • Object of the Research
  • Focus of the Research
  • Types and Data Source
  • Instrument of the Research
  • Data Validity Check
  • Techniques and Procedure of Collecting Data
    • Data Analysis

Qualitative research is descriptive and data is collected in the form of words or pictures rather than numbers. According to Bogdan and Taylor, qualitative research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of speech or writing and the behavior of the people being observed20. In this study, researchers will conduct research on English teachers in SMP Negeri 6 Parepare Model in the academic year 2020/2021.

The screenshot provided information about using WhatsApp in the classroom and examples of how the teacher used instructions, either in English, Indonesian or a combination of the two. Documents can be in the form of someone else's writings, drawings or monumental works. Documents in the form of images, for example photos, live images, film sketches, videos, CDs, DVDs, tapes and others.

Documents in the form of works of art, paintings, sculptures, manuscripts, writings and inscriptions and so on. Meanwhile, the document data that can be obtained in this study are in the form of screenshots and images of the use of instructions in the WhatsApp group chat during the teaching process, regardless of whether the teacher uses English, Indonesian or combines them. In qualitative research, data presentation is carried out in the form of short descriptions, tables, graphs and relationships.

And it is analyzed all the extracts to identify the instructions made by the English teachers in the teaching process. Teacher one consists of four extracts because the researcher did four times to take a documentation of the English teachers in the teaching process. The instruction given by the teacher in extract 1 is in the sentence "Ini materi anda silahkan dicatat nanti tebumani sari saya jelaskan, ok.

Teacher two consists of four extracts because the researcher has done four times to obtain a documentation of English teachers in the teaching process. In addition, in the second instruction, code switching is shown in the clause "please describe the people" and is classified as intrasentential switching because it occurs between the Indonesian language.



The researcher collected the necessary data of the teachers using instrumental documentation to answer the research question: What kind of instructions does the teacher use in teaching English in SMP Negeri 6 Model Parepare. Teacher one in extract one, English teachers teach the comparative scale, consisting of definitions, formulas and sentences. After giving the comparative diploma material, the English teacher instructed the students to mark the material, then read it and it will be explained in more detail in the next meeting.

Then the students were asked to record their voices while reading the text with the correct pronunciation and then send it to the teacher to be checked. In excerpt 2, it is almost the same as excerpt 1, where the teacher familiarizes the students with practicing speaking English by reading a text repeatedly. And then record the sound of the reading of the text and send it to the teacher.

In Passage 3, the teacher reads and then the students are asked to answer several questions related to the question so that the students understand the content of the reading they are studying. The teacher shows an example sentence with the topic I'm proud of Indonesia, then asks the students to translate it.

Figure 4.2 Teacher 1 (2)
Figure 4.2 Teacher 1 (2)


Kalimat instruksi yang diberikan guru pada bagian (1) Tugas Anda selanjutnya adalah membaca teks halaman 134 titlex di kelas (2) Merekam suara Anda saat membaca teks tersebut lalu mengirimkannya (3) Membaca dengan pengucapan yang benar ok . Pergeseran tag ditandai dengan kata “ok”, sedangkan pergeseran intrakalimat ditandai dengan kata “pengucapan” di antara kata bahasa Indonesia. Tampak pada kalimat di bawah ini (1) Dibacakannya di rumah Dayu. 3) Segera mengirimkan rekaman pesan suara untuk dibaca di rumah Dayu.

The English teacher said "at school" in the second lesson and "at Dayu's home" in the third lesson. In passage 3, this time the teachers gave some quizzes that contained questions related to the previous material. In addition, the teacher also gave instructions in Indonesian for the sentences (1) " Pilih salah satux baru d terjemahkn hal 163 materix I'm proud of Indonesia" and (2) " Tugas klian please describe the people, silahkan descriptsikan tmanmu".

The code switching shown in the first instructions for "I am proud of Indonesia" as an intersentential circuit. Based on Poplack's theory, the researcher found that in order to provide instructions on what students should do, teachers are more dominant in using code switching. The types of code switching used are usually different; some use tag switching, intra-sentential switching, or inter-sentential switching.

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This is so that the students can better understand the instructions given by the teacher, because in general not all students understand the instructions in English fluently without being reinforced with Indonesian during English language learning.


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2.1  Figure Conceptual Framework  19
Figure 4.1 Teacher 1 (1)
Figure 4.2 Teacher 1 (2)
Figure 4.3 Teacher 1 (3)


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