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Submitted as partial fulfillment of requirement to obtain the undergraduate (S1) Degree in English Education









First of all, the writer gives praise and thankfulness to Allah SWT because his blessing and the merciful with deeply this thesis can be finished.

I dedicated this thesis especially for:

My beloved parents, there are my Mother (Nur asiadi) and My Father (Mulyadi), thank you for your love, material, best support ,and prayer for me. Both of you always give me best motivation when I am down. Your love give a power for me to

finish this thesis. I really love you all.

My beloved sister (Ika Nuryadi Sapitri. S.E) And (Mitra Oktavia) and my beloved brother (Marta Panji Dirgantara) and (Musyarofi Nabili) thank you for your support,

motivationand kindness. You are so patiently with my characteristics, I love you so much.

For all my beloved family, my beloved lecturers, my first advisor (Dr. Mahmud MY,S.Ag, M.Pd) and my second advisor ( Mrs. Juliana Mesalina,M.Pd) thank you

for your times, helps, and advice, teaching me until I finished my thesis.

My beloved squad basing kadak (Sara desmayani, Tasmia, Siti rosnani, Saputra, Fauzan saputra, Syariful huda, Thabrani aziz.), and also my friend delia ajjah thank

you for giving support, helping, and always hear my troubles, it really helps me.

I also want to thank you to all my friends, my classmates (English Member Class of D 2015 )who can‟t mentioned one by one. Thank you for being my friends and

giving support to me.

Good Luck and success for you all



By saying Alhamdulillahirabbil‟aalamiin all veneration to Allah SWT. The beneficence and merciful, who has given us the mercy, and blessing and guidance to complete writing this thesis. May peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has given his life moral improvement and to be mercy to universe.

The goal of this thesis is a partial requirements for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Study Program at The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi which is entitled “English Teachers’ Strategies In The Teaching Reading At The Eight Grade Of The Islamic Junior High School MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi ” .

Then writer also would like to express many thanks to the following people who provided me helps in finishing this thesis, namely :

1. Prof. Dr. Su‟aidi Asy‟ari,MA,Ph.D as the Rector of The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj Armida, M.Pd.I as the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

3. Amalia Nurhasanah, M. Hum as Chief of English Education Study Program of Education and Teacher Training Faculty in The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

4. Mahmud Dr. MY, S.Ag,M.Pd. as the first advisor and Juliana Mesalina, M. Pd as the second advisor who have give me support, guidance for accomplishing this thesis

5. All lecturers at of Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty in The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi who gives knowledge to writer.


6. The official administration staffs at The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

7. All friends who give me support and suggestion to finish this thesis.

The writer hopes that this thesis will give contribution to teaching English. The writer realizes this thesis is still far from being perfect. For that, the writer hopes the contructive critics and suggestion from all readers for perfection of this thesis. May Allah SWT. Always gives guidance and blessing us. Amiin Ya Robbal‟ Alamin.


ABSTRACT Name : Septi Duwi Yanti

Major : English Education Study Program

Title : English Teachers‟ Strategies In The Teaching Reading At The Eight Grade Of The Islamic Junior High School MtsN 8 Muaro Jambi.

The purpose of this study was to determine the strategies used and implemented by teachers who teach reading in the eighth grade of MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi. Researchers examined two English teachers. Researchers collect data through interviews, observation and documentation. Researchers used descriptive qualitative methods to analyze data. This is used to describe something that is known to have happened in the process of teaching activities. From the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that there are two strategies used and applied by English teachers in teaching reading at MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi, namely the translation strategy and the scaffolding strategy.

Keywords: teacher‟s strategy, in teaching reading.


ABSTRAK Nama : Septi Duwi Yanti

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul :Strategi guru dalam mengajar membaca di kelas delapan di MtsN 8 Muaro jambi

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi yang di gunakan dan diterapkan oleh guru yang mengajar membaca di kelSas delapan MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi. Peneliti meneliti dua guru bahasa inggris. Peneliti mengumpulkan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk menganalisis data. Hal ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan sesuatu yang diketahui telah terjadi dalam proses kegiatan mengajar. Dari hasil analisis data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada dua strategi yang digunakan dan diterapkan oleh guru bahasa inggris dalam mengajar reading di MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi yaitu strategi terjemahan dan strategi scaffolding.

Kata Kunci: Strategi guru, dalam mengajar reading.



Page Tittle…………... I

Official Note……….…... Ii

Originality Thesis Statement……… Iii

Dedication………..………. Iv

Motto…... ………... V

Acknowledgment……….……….. VI

Abstract………...……… Vii

Abstrak………... Viii

Table of Content………. X

List of Table…...…..………... Xi List of Appendices….………. Xii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION

A. Background of the Study... 1

B. Focus of the research….………... 4

C. Formulation of the research... 4

D. The purpose of the research... 5

E. Significant of the research... 5

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Definition of the teacher………...…... 7

B. Teaching reading... 10

C. Reading strategy………... D. Relevant study... CHAPTER III METODOLOGY OF RESEARCH A. Research design... B. Setting description... C. Types and source of data... D. Technique of data collection... E. Technique of data analysis... F. Schedule of the research ... 16 23 25 26 26 27 28 30 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Research finding... 31

B. Discussion... 38


B. Suggestion……….. 44






3.1 Schedule of the research………...30



Appendix I : Interview transcript first teacher………. 46 Appendix II : Interview transcript second teacher………….... 48 Appendix III : Observation field note first teacher………. 50 Appendix IV : Observation field note second teacher…………. 51 Appendix V : Documentation transcript first teacher………... 52 Appendix VI : Documentation transcript second teacher…….. 54 Appendix VII : Photo documentation teachers……….. 57


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Study

Education is guide process that done by educators to students in understand and expressly condition to get education. Education will be found in formal and non formal. Education in school is formal education. It is mean, school doing of activity planning and organizing. Include activity in teaching learning process at the class, teacher must also know how to educate the students.

Education is one of the pillars to achieve development in all areas in a state. A good education will great new generations that will bring Indonesia to a glory. As mentioned in the law number 20 year 2003 about education system that serves to develop skills and form the character and the civilization of the nations dignity in the context of the intellectual life of nations aims to develop the potential of learners in order to become a man of faith and piety to god, noble, healthy, knowledge, capable, creative and become a democratic and responsible citizen.

In applying learning strategies, teachers role is needed. Because the teacher is facilitator, motivator and inspiration of the process of teaching and learning activities in the classroom, so that all the qualities of inner children students.

Strategies in the learning process is important to building, educating, and creating the students who have the potential and the mindset that good and positive because it is not an easy thing to become a professional teacher and a duty provide what is already known to the students in class.

Responsibility in serving the students are great and it direct the education of a nation.

Not only intellectual acumen is needed but must be professional in conveying materials to students by using effective methods, technique, and strategy so that the learning process is not monotonous and the students will be fun as be easily in understanding the materials.

Besides, teachers has very important role in the education. One of tasks that must be implemented by teachers at the school is to provide services to students so that they


become competent students. In the process of teaching and learning, teachers musthave a strategy, so that students can learn effectively and efficiently, hit the expected goals. Strategy usually called methods of teaching. It is about knowledge of teaching methods used by teachers or instructors. Presentation techniques should be mastered by teachers to teach or provide teaching materials to students in the classroom, so that lessons can be captured, understood and used by students well.

The teachers should be an example (role model) for students because basically the teacher is a representation of a group of people in community or society expected that can be an example which imitated. Changes in the way teachers teach can be drilled through the improvement of teaching skills so that old habits are less effective that can be immediately detected and eliminated slowly. Thus, it is necessary to change habits in the way of teaching the teachers that are expected to effect students learning, as follow: minimize the habitual way of teaching new teachers (prospective teachers ) who quickly feel satisfied in teaching when many present information and too dominant activity of learners. Then teachers should participate as advisors, mentors, enabler by providing a variety of learning facilities, aid to students who have difficulty learning, and creator of conditions that stimulate and challenge learners to think and work (to do). After that change of just a lecture with a variety of methods that are more relevant to the learning objectives , far habit of learning new ways to learn and feel satisfied if a lot listening and receiving information teacher, or just learning for a teachers. The last teachers must be able to prepare a variety of learning resources so that students can learn trustworthiness, respect, diligence, and responsible.

There are many skill in English language, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. Reading is very important for English learners because reading can enlarge their knowledge, vocabulary, and information. From reading, English learners also can learn about foreign language people‟s habit and culture. When learners want to learn about language , they have to learn about the habit and culture foreign peoples.

It can help them to learn about those foreign language easily. Some students like to


read anything. By mastering strategy to teach, especially reading the students will easier to get the idea after reading. Reading sometimes is applied in daily life. The students read what they want to see because they want to know. But, if they do not understand what they are reading, that is the teacher‟s duty to help the students in reading and can translate the text correctly.

According to Snow (2003:15) reading does not occur in vacuum, if done for a purpose to achieve some ends. During reading the reader processes the text with regard to the purpose. To be a good reader, the learner must learn how to comprehend and understand the passage. So, she or he can achieve the purpose of reading is done.

Reading is very important for English learners because reading can enlarge their knowledge, vocabulary, and information. From reading, English learners also can learn about foreign language people‟s habit and culture. When learners want to learn about language, they have to learn about the habit and culture of those foreign peoples. It can help them to learn about those foreign languages easily.

Indonesian government absolutely realize with this situation. So, they decided English as a compulsory subject for formal schooling. In fact, since 1994, the Indonesian has been established as one of the local content of the subject in primary school in the fourth, fifth and sixth. English foreign language used in a medium of instruction at school, many students think that English is the most difficult subject.

The goal teaching and learning is to produce and comprehend language that are spoken and written. Some people think that successful English learner is a person who can speak English fluently. They do not know that a person who is said a success English learner is a person who is master in all of English skills, in teaching and learning process, most of the teachers in Indonesia have a problem one of them is the strategies.

According to Aswan et al (2010) teaching strategy is a teacher‟s plan in teaching and learning process to achieve a purpose which have be plan. In other word, teaching students. The teacher have to applyed the strategy to balance between the method which the teacher‟s used and the way of the teacher‟s applied the material.


Nunan (1999:249) said that “success in teaching depends on many factors, one of them is teaching strategies. In fact, it is probably true to say that more time is spent teaching reading that other skill.”Based on the statement above, the teacher has to have a strategy to make the students ready to read. By applying the correct strategies in teaching and learning process, the teachers are able to evoke the students confident to read correctly.

Based on an interview, the researcher found that in MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi students who got a scores of 78 were 14 students and those who got a scores of 85 were 13 students especially in reading skill. Therefore the researcher was interesting to investigate the strategy teachers used. Obviously, English teachers as educators are important key to success in improving the quality of education in English language.

And they become key importance in the success of any effort to increase learning achievement and quality of education, especially in English reading and problem of the research also related to the problem in this school.

Based on the phenomena above showed that the strategy in teaching and learning process is very influential to support students‟ success in improving learning achievement in of English education especially focus on reading skill in the State Islamic Junior High School MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi entitled ”English Teachers’

Strategies In The Teaching Reading At The Eight Grade Of The Islamic Junior High School MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi”.

B. Focus of The Research

The research limits the problem on English Teacher‟s Strategies in the Teaching English focused on Readingat the Eight Grade of the Islamic Junior High School MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi.

C. Formulation of The Research

Based on the background of the research, the formulation question of the study as follow :

1. What are strategies used by teachers inteaching reading at the Eightgrade of the Islamic Junior High School (MTsN) 8 Muaro Jambi?


2. How do the teachersapply the Strategies inteaching reading at the Eightgrade of the Islamic Junior High School (MTsN) 8 Muaro Jambi?

D. The Purpose of The Reseach

1. To analyze the strategiesused by teachers in teaching reading at the Eight grade of the Islamic Junior High School(MTsN) 8 Muaro Jambi.

2. To analyzed how the teachers apply the strategies in teaching reading at the Eight grade of the Islamic Junior High School (MTsN) 8 Muaro Jambi.

E. Significance of The Research

In this thesis research is expected to be able to contribute to the theoretical and practicals as follow :

1. Theoretically

The results of this study are expected to be contribute and scientific contribution to the development of scientific treasures and can contribute to the world of public education, it is also expected to be used by future researcher as a benchmark for improvement and perfection associated with practical applications.

2. Practically a. For teachers

We hope this research could be taken into consideration thought for insight English teachers in providing motivation and attention to students who have trouble learning difficulties within a context of English reading and students achievement better and higher quality.

b. For students

The result of this study can be used as an input to be taken into consideration in determining the strategies of effective learning, especially focus on reading skill.

c. For authors

strategiesin the The result of this research are used to improve knowledge about the strategies of English teacher in the teaching reading eight class and these


studies are used as a vehicle to practice analyze some problems that occur in the field, so the writers will have a sensitivity the problems related with the English teachers teaching reading.




According to Suhana (2014 p.100) teacher is educator in early childhood education, basic education of secondary education. That has kind of format qualification. In definition of any broader, people who teach something new can also be considered a teacher. Some of the terms that also describes role of the teachers, are follow : lecture, mentor and tutor.

Teachers is a position strategy for empowerment and learning a nation can‟t be replaced by any element in the life of a nation before the significant of teachers implement the role and duty the guaranteed the creation of the best thing. So, the role of teacher is very significant in the learning process. role of the teacher in the learning process covers many respected like teaching, manager class, as a mediator of facilitators and as evaluators.

According to Supriyadi (2013: 73-75) in principle, the function and the important role of teachers in teaching and learning process was as director of learning. It means that the teacher is expected to be good at directing student learning activities in order to achieve success learning (academic performance) as has been applied in the target activities teaching learning process, so each teacher serves as :

1. Teacher as designer of instruction

This function requires teachers to always be able and ready to design a successful teaching and learning activities effectively and efficiently.

2. Teacher as manager of instruction

This function requires teacher ability to process (organizing and controlling).

3. Teacher as evaluator student learning

This function requires teachers to constantly keep abreast of the progress of learning achievement level academic performance of student each period of learning.


From the definition above, the research concludes that the role of the teachers is educator that in the learning process covering many respected like teaching, manager class, as a mediator or facilitators and as evaluators.

According to Harden (2000:5) the six areas of activity of the teacher can be summarized as:

1. The teacher as information provider a) The lecture

Traditionally students expect to be taught. They believe that it is the responsibility of the teacher to pass on to them the information, knowledge and understanding in a topic appropriate at the stage of their studies.

b) The clinical or practical teacher

The clinical teacher explains the basic skill of history taking and physical examination in clinical practice based and simulated situation.

2. The teacher as role model a) The on the job role model

The importance of the teacher as a role model is well documented. The role models were genuinely interested in facilitating the growth of the students, which manifested in being selected by students as a model.

b) The role model as a teacher

Teacher serves as role models not only when they teach students while they perform their duties as doctors, but also when they fulfill their role as teachers in the classroom, whether it is in the lecture theatre or the small discussion or tutorial group.

3. The teacher as facilitator a) The learning facilitator

The move to a more student center view of learning has required a fundamental shift in the role of the teacher. No longer is the teacher seen predominantly as a dispenser of information or walking tape recorder, but rather as a facilitator or manager of the students learning.

b) The mentor


The role of mentor is a further role for the teacher which is in vogue. Everyone has a mentor or is beginning to want to one. The mentor is usually not the member of staff who is responsible for the teaching or assessment of the student and is therefore offline in terms of relationship with the student.

4. The teacher as assessor a) The students assessor

The assessor role of the teacher is often perceived as different from other roles. While as information provider, role model, facilitator and curriculum planner, the aim of the teacher is to assist the student in a variety of ways to achieve the course goals, as an assessor the teacher has the role of passing judge on the student.

b) The curriculum assessor

The teacher has a responsibility not only to plan and implement educational program and to assess the students earning, but also to assess the course and curriculum delivered. Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the teaching of courses and curricula is now recognized as an integral part of the educational process.

5. The teacher as planner a) The curriculum planner

Most medical schools and postgraduate bodies have education committees charged with the responsibility for planning and implementing the curriculum within their institution. Teachers employed by the school and members of the postgraduate institution may be expected to make a contribution to curriculum planning.

b) The course planner

The best curriculum in the world will be ineffective if the courses which it comprises have little or no relationship to the curriculum that is in place. Participation in course planning gives the teacher an opportunity to exert a significant influence on the educational process and to design courses which will achieve the learning outcomes specified by the institution.


6. The teacher as resource developer a) The resource material creator

An increased need for learning resource materials is implicit in many of the developments in education. With problem based learning and other student center approaches, students are dependents on having appropriate resource material available for use either as individuals or in groups.

b) The study guide procedure

The trend from the teacher as an information provider to the teacher as a manager of students learning has been discussed. While learning is facilitated by face contact with students, the amount of time available for this restricted and can provide only to a limited extent the necessary guidance for students.

From the definition above, the research concludes that the roles of the teachers is educator than in the learning process covering many respected like teaching, manager class, as a mediator or facilitators as evaluators

B. Teaching Reading

Teaching is a complex process, it does not only give the information from the information from the teacher to the students. There are many activities that can be doing especially when the process of teaching and learning in the classroom.

According to Jaremy Harmer, teaching is not an easy job, but it is a necessary one, and can be very rewarding when the teacher see our students progress and know that we have helped to make it happen. It is true that some and students can be difficult and stressful as times, but it also worth remembering that it is best teaching can also be extremely enjoyable.( Harmer, 2008:23). Regarding to some explanation of the teaching, the researcher concludes that teaching is the activities and manage the environment in a good condition to make and give the opportunity for the students in learning process to get the purpose. Teaching reading usually has at least two aspect.

First, it can refer to teaching learners who are learning to read for the first time. A second aspect of teaching refers teaching learners who already have reading skill in their first language.


In the classroom, reading is one of ways to make the students understand in teaching learning process. Every student has different character, so the teacher is expected to present some ways to make the student interesting to conduct their lesson. The strategy of teaching reading which the teacher is present one of ways in the classroom.

1. Definition of Reading

There are four skills in English, they are: speaking, listening, writing and reading. All those skill are very important for English learner. Each skill has different function in English. So, it better for English learners to master all of those skills. One of those skills is reading skill. Definition of reading appears in various perspectives.

Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information.

Reading is the process of constructing meaning through the dynamic

interaction among: (1) the reader's existing knowledge; (2) the information suggested by the text being read; and (3) the context of the reading situation. Reading is a complex conscious and unconscious mental process in which the reader uses variety of strategies to reconstruct the meaning that the author is assumed to have intended, based on data from the text and from the reader‟s prior knowledge.

According to Tarigan (1990:7) reading is a process that is done by readers to be used for getting the message conveyed the writer on the writer on the medium of writing text. Based on Harmer (2007:99) reading is useful for language acquisition.

Reading is a process of understanding written language. Since reading process, it start from viewing the linguistic surface representation and ends with the certain ideas or meaning about the message intended by the writer, thus reading combination perceptual process and cognitive process.

According to Harmer (2007 p.283) to get maximum benefit from their reading, students need to be involved in both extensive reading. Whereas with the former, a teacher encourages students to choose for themselves what they read and to do so for


pleasure and general language improvement, the latter is often (but not exclusively) teacher-chosen and directed. It is designed to enable students to develop specific receptive skill such as reading for gist (or general understanding often called skimming), reading for specific information (often called scanning), reading for detailed comprehension or reading for inference (what is „behind‟ the words) and attitude.

Reading involves an interaction between through and language. It means that the readers carries to the task a formidable amount of information and ideas, attitude and beliefs. This knowledge joined with the ability to make ability predictions, determines the expectation of the readers.

Moreover, reading is considered as a psycholinguistic guessing game. This activity involves an interaction between through and language.

2. Technique in TeachingReading

Psychologically, reading is a viewed as an interactive process between language and thought. There are there kinds of activities involved in relation to the reading class activities: pre-reading activities, during reading activities, and post reading activities.

a. Pre-reading activities

Pre-reading activities are interactional activities carried out before students conduct the real reading activities. In pre-reading activities, activation is concerned with the student‟s background knowledge, objectives of reading class, learning activities, and motivating the students. In this stage, teachers try to activate the students‟ schemata related to the topic or explaining briefly the contents of the text.

Pre-reading is also tell students the purpose of reading and learning. Pre-reading is also to motivate the students. Motivation in reading attracts students; attention the text. The activities of pre-reading are activities aiming at facilitating the students‟

understanding about the reading text.

b. During reading activities

During reading activities are the activities that reader does while reading take place.

Mukhoji (2001) mentions that while reading includes: (a) identify the main idea, (b)


finding detail the text, (c) following sequence, (d) inferring from the text, and (e) recognizing the discourse patterns.

During reading activities are instructional activities that are going on while reading activities are happening. According to Mukhroji (2011), five activities to do while reading. The first, readers identify main idea of the text and identifying topic sentence through skimming. Second, readers find the details in the text and finding specific information. Third, readers follow a sequence by relating items in particular order or process. Fourth, readers infer from the text by trying to understand the text using their schemata and experience. Fifth, readers recognize the discourse patterns to understand the text holistically.

c. post-reading activities

Post-reading activities are the activities conducted by a reader after reading. In post- reading activities, student do post-question, feedback. The post-question are more active in incidental comprehension and the objective, since information of both greater and lesser importance is learned.

Post-reading activities are instructional activities that the students and teacher do after reading take place. According to Mukhroji (2011) point out that post question, feedback, and group and whole class discussion are activities that can be done in the phase of post-reading activities. The activities function to check student‟s comprehension about the text being read. The post-question after reading class activity are very important since information of both greater and lesser important is learned. Besides asking question, summarizing the contents of the text is also applicable to the students.

The activity of post-reading can also be in the form of discussion. Thus discussion can be in group or whole-class discussion. The discussion may depend on the class size, if the class is big, it will be better to have group discussion. If the class is small, it will be better to have whole class discussion.

3. Teaching Reading Skills


According to Mikulecky (2008) reading skill are the cognitive process that a reader uses in making sense of a text. For fluent readers, most of the reading skills are employed unconsciously and automatically. When confronted with a challenging text, fluent readers apply these skills consciously and strategically in order comprehend.

According to Garcia Madruga, Martin &Luque in orbea & Villabeiti (2010) suggest teaching reading comprehension should consist of two stages: the first one should focus on learning and mastering the basic abilities of word understanding; the second one, which has to do with strategy and metacognitive control, should focus on the construction and integration of the texts significance in the readers memory.

According to Bamford and Day (1998: 124-141) in Harris (2001) state that around the world there are at least four distinctive approaches to the teaching of foreign or second language reading: grammar-translation, comprehension questions, skills and strategies and extensive reading.

a. Grammar Translation

Grammar-translation continues to be widely used in some parts of the world today where it reflects local education practice and cultural values. The aim of both language learning and character building the goal of preparing students for national or other examinations that include translation (Richards and Rodgers in Bamford and Day, 1998:126).

b. Comprehension Question and Language

A second common approach to teaching reading is comprehension questions and language work. The general principle behind this approach supposes learners study texts that the teachers explicitly teach „word-byword‟. The text is introduced to the class and unfamiliar words are highlighted, learners are asked to read the text and answer comprehension questions for homework. In the succeeding class the teacher elicits answers and introduces follow-up language exercises, for example grammar and lexis explanation. Some authors argue that the comprehension question and language work approach to reading is similar to the bottom-down approach of grammar-translation, which is typically prevalent in EFL classrooms.


c. Skill and Strategies

Skill and strategies is the third approach to reading, which reflect the top down approach. The third approach requires learners to recall background knowledge to helps answer comprehension questions. Learners answer question in groups and work and task which provide the teacher evidence that learners have developed a global understanding of the text ( Day, R.R. &Bamford. J. 2000: 28-35). Wallace B (2000) proposes that reading across a variety of languages requires the use of the same reading strategies.

d. Extensive Reading

According to Aliponga (2013) how these letters form a particular word to what each word means not just on an individual level, but as part of text (Tennant 2013). The ability to read is acknowledge to be the most stable and durable of the second language modalities. This means that learners may use their productive skills, yet still be able to comprehend texts with same degree of proficiency. To get maximum benefit from their reading (Harmer 2007) the focus of this paper, however, is limited only to extensive reading.

4. The Principle of Teaching Reading

According to Harmer (2001) the principle of the teaching reading as follows:

a. Reading is not a passive skill

Reading is an incredibly active occupation. To do it successfully, we have to understand what the words mean, see the pictures the words are painting, understand the arguments, and work out if we agree with them.

b. Students need to be engaged with what they are reading.

As with everything else in lessons, students who are not engaged with the reading text, not actively interested in what they are doing are less likely to benefit from it.

c. Students should be encouraged to respond to the content of a reading text, not just to the language.


Of course, it is important to study reading texts for the way they use language, the number of paragraphs they contain and how many times they use relative clause.

d. Prediction is a major factor in reading

When we read texts in our own language, we frequently have a good idea of the content before we actually read.

e. Match the task to the topic

We could give students Hamlet‟s famous soliloquy “ to be or not to be” and ask them to say how times the infinitive is used.

f. Good teachers exploit reading texts to the full.

Any reading texts is full of sentences, word, ideas, descriptions etc. it doesn‟t make sense just to get students to read it and then drop it to move on to something else.

From explanation above, the researcher concluded that teaching reading with strategies is reading skill are the cognitive processes that a reader uses in making sense of a text. For fluent readers, most of the reading skills are employed unconsciously and automatically. So the students can read with correctly, and fast.

C. Reading Strategy

a. DefinitionReading Strategies

According to Bull (2011) oxford advanced learner‟s pocket dictionary, strategy is a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose, skill in planning something, especially the movement of armies in war. This definition underscores the active role that readers take in strategic reading. To achieve the results, students need to learn how to use a range of reading strategies that match their purpose for reading.

Teaching them how to this should be a prime consideration in the reading classroom.

Reading comprehension was associated with a reading teacher who dramatized students to read ( Ferry;2010) meanwhile, Farell (2001) research in second foreign language (L2) Reading suggests that effective reading strategies can be taught and that students benefit from such instruction. Strategies training as it relates to L2 reading means that successful reading mainly depends on appropriate strategy use and


that learners can improve their reading comprehension by being trained to use effective strategies. Strategies instruction develops student knowledge about the reading process, introduces students to specific strategies, and provides them with opportunities to discuss and practice strategies while reading.

From the definition above, the researcher concludes that reading strategy is a plan to teaching to be active role that readers take in strategic reading in the reading classroom.

b. The Importance of Strategies in The Learning Process

Knowledge of strategies is important because if one is conscious of the process underlying the learning that she he is involved in, then the learning will be more effective. The fact showed that learners who are taught learning strategies are more highly motivated that those who are not. However, not all learners automatically know which strategies work best for them. For this reason, explicit strategy training, coupled with thinking about how one goes about learning, and experimenting with different strategies, can lead to more effective learning.

According to Hedge (2003) in Sulaiman (2005) states that any reading component of an English language course may include a set of learning goals for

1) The ability to read a wide range of texts in English. This is the long-range goal most teachers seek to develop through independent readers outside EFL/ESL classroom.

2) Building a knowledge of language which will facilitate reading ability.

3) Building schematic knowledge.

4) The ability to adapt the reading style according to reading purpose (skimming, scanning).

5) Developing an awareness of the structure of written texts in English . 6) Taking a critical stance to the contents of the texts.

From the definition above, the researcher concludes that using of strategies in the learning, so students will be eager to learn to read anywhere.


c. Strategies in Teaching Reading

Reading comprehension strategies are seen as comprehension processes that enable readers to construct meaning from the printed page most effectively. In other words, those strategies show how readers tackle a reading task, how they interpret their reading and what they do when they do not comprehend. When learners comprehend, they interpret, integrate, critique, infer, analyze, connect and evaluate ideas in texts.

They negotiate multiple meanings not only in their heads but in the minds of others.

When comprehending, learners strive to process text beyond word-level to get to the big picture. When comprehension is successful, learners are left with a sense of satisfaction from having understood the meaning of a text according by the NSW department of education and training (2010). There are some strategies in teaching reading according to Vacca&Vacca (1999;53) in Nurlaili (2014) sare follows:

1) Scaffolding

A key change in the delivery of instruction that would make a difference in the content literacy of all learners, especially students from diverse background, is to scaffold the strategies for text.

Gasong(2007) stated that scaffolding is a lesson in which students are given some assistance during the early stages of learning and then reducing the aid and providing opportunities for students. Scaffolding allows teachers help diverse learner negotiate meaning and overcome difficulties in text-related learning situation. Scaffolding is as a process whereby a student is helped to solve a particular problem beyond its developmental capacity through the help of a teacher or other person with more ability.

From definition described above it can be concluded that scaffolding is a support, support to students of teachers that enable the development of learning ability so that there is a higher level of mastery of material shown by the completion of more complicated problems.

2) Think-aloud


Think Alouds is a strategy that helps students on learning activities, Aims to recall more significant information from the texts given by the teacher. The ability of teachers to transfer creativity Them and control the students in completing each step of the way think alouds strategy in understanding reading texts and teachers make their thinking explicit by verbalizing their thoughts while reading orally.

3) Reciprocal Teaching

Reciprocal Teaching is a strategy that asks students and teachers to share the role of teacher by allowing both to lead the discussion about a given reading. Reciprocal Teaching involves four strategies that guide the discussion: predicting, question generating, summarizing and clarifying. Reciprocal teaching is a great way to teach students how to determine important ideas from a reading while discussing vocabulary, developing ideas and questions, and summarizing information. It can be used across several content areas it works particularly well with textbooks and non- fiction text.

4) SQ3R

SQ3R is a systematic reading strategy to help you organize the reading process into manageable units. It is only one of many similar strategies that you can use to improve comprehension. It consist five steps, they are: Surveying, questioning, reading, reciting, and reviewing. The SQ3R strategy involves (1) reading the headings in the chapter quickly to get its important part, (2) turning the heading in to question, (3) reading to find the answer to the question, (4) recall the important point (the answer to the question) by retelling them or writing them in one‟s memory at the important point.

A more detailed description of each step is presented in the following section.

a) Surveying

Before reading the text, the readers survey the text to get the general ideas of the text.

This activity is done systematically in only a few minutes. The readers are required to find the important ideas quickly. Surveying a text or an article can be done in five ways:


(1) Read the title. The title does not only give the readers illustration about what they are going to read but also stimulates them to think further about the text.

(2) Read every sub chapter. Subtitles give the readers about the text as a whole. They show the details of the text.

(3) Pay attention to tables (4) Read the instruction.

If there is no introduction, read the first two paragraphs very quickly to get the idea, background, tone, atmosphere, and the writers style of writing. It will be helpful for the reader to grasp the main points of the text. If the paragraphs are too long, the readers can read only the first and second sentences.

(5) Read the first sentence of the sub chapters, the first sentence often describes the content. Otherwise, read the last sentence because if usually restates the main idea of the paragraph.

b) Questioning

Questioning step is the second step of the SQ3R procedures. It is done before the actual reading. The students create some questions based on what they have surveyed.

The main function of such questions is to facilitate students in adjusting their reading purposes.

In this step, the students create some question based on the title of the text. They can also turn the introductory sentence in paragraphs into questions such as what, who ,when and how.

c) Reading

The third step of the SQ3R procedures is reading. The students are required to read the text carefully to find the answer to the questions key have made. In this step, the students are supposed to concentrate on the main ideas of the text and their supporting details. They are suggested. They are suggested to lower down their speed of reading in the important pats or in the pats which are considered difficult to


understand, and fasten up their reading in the less important parts or in the parts that they have already known.

(1) Reading the text silently

(2) Answering the prepared questions

(3) The students are asked to get the main ideas and its supporting details (4) Making a note the main points of the text

(5) Discussing about what has been found during reading.

d) Reciting.

The fourth step of SQ3R procedure is reciting. This activity is done after the students read the text. Having read the text, the students answer the questions that have been formulated earlier without looking back at the text. The students have to answer not only by using the information they find in the text but also by using their own knowledge.

e) Reviewing

Reviewing is the last step of the SQ3R strategy. It is done by the students be rereading the important part of the text.

5) Question Answer Relationship( QARs )

QARs is a reading strategy through understanding and analysis of questions. In other words this strategy guides students to understand the questions in order to get an information in a reading itself. So that in practice in the classroom students only glance read the reading and to understand further the focus of students is the questions given by the teacher about the text reading.

The teacher gave some question to the student and then the student wore the answer in their book. This strategy was used by the teacher to see if students really understand it with text they read. The procedure QARs could be taught directly to students by reading teachers and could be reinforced by content area specialists.

English teachers on MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi uses two strategies:

1) Translation


Translation is an effort of finding equivalent meaning of a text into the second language. We emphasis meaning equivalence since in translation meaning is the object to be rendered from the source language text into the target language text 2) Scaffolding

Scaffolding strategy were used by teachers when student got difficulties, teachers need to provide tailored help to the needs of the students, like the teacher doing the classroom, the teacher gave help to the students to know how to correctly read the text. Scaffolding helped the students how to read properly and then told the students read the text but when the student either mentioned the words in the words in the text the teacher helped them and also the teacher asked the students which word they did not know in the text. Gasong (2007) stated that scaffolding is a lesson in which students are given some assistance during the early stages of learning and then reducing the aid and providing opportunities for students. Scaffolding allows teachers help diverse learner negotiate meaning and overcome difficulties in text-related learning situation. Scaffolding is as a process whereby a student is helped to solve a particular problem beyond its developmental capacity through the help of a teacher or other person with more ability.


D. Relevant Studies

Studyrelevant by Karang entitled Improving Reading Comprehension Through KWL Strategies At The English Grade Students Of Smp N 1 Amlapura In Academic Year 2013/2014. This research is improving reading comprehension through KWL strategy. This research conducted by Karang in English Education Study. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Mahasaraswati Denpasar University Denpasar. The result of his research is convincingiy related that teaching reading through KWL strategy could effectively improve and increase the low ability in reading comprehension of the eighth grade students of SMP N 1Amplapura.

The other study by Nguyen entitled Teachers’ Beliefs About Teaching Reading Strategies And Their Classroom Practice: A Case Study Of Viet BA High School. This research is teacher‟s beliefs about teaching reading strategies and their classroom practices. This research conducted by Nguyen Thi Thu Nga in department of postgraduate studies. The result of this research is necessary for a teacher to be aware of this difference and thinkof ways to improve students‟reading proficiency by providing them instructions on reading strategies. In order to do this, teachers should improve their own theoritical knowledge aboutreading strategies. Then, a number of metacognitive and cognitive strategies can be taught to students to develop their reading comprehension ability. These strategies may include advanced organizers (i.e. previewing the title, the text and illustrations) selective attention (i.e. scanning for specific information), elaboration of prior knowledge, making inferences about meanings of new word, taking notes, producing oral written summary and so on.

Moreover, in the research Armawati (2016) at the Islamic University of the Sultan Thaha Saifudin Jambi in his thesis entitled Teacher Strategies in Teaching English At Tarbiyah Masniyah Islamic Junior High School Jambi. Discussed the teacher‟s strategy in teaching English which includes two levels of education for young learners and junior high schools, different with my proposal. In my proposal focus on discussing one skill in English namely reading. The similarity between Armawati research and my proposal is to discuss the teacher‟s strategy together.


Next in the research Poniyati (2016) at the Islamic University of the Sultan Thaha Saifudin Jambi in his thesis entitle Teacher’s strategy in Teaching Speaking for Grade 11th senior high school 11 Jambi city. Discuss the teacher‟s strategy in teaching English especially in speaking skill different from my proposal, in my proposal discussed reading skill. The similarity between Poniyati research and my proposal is to discuss the teacher‟s strategy together.

The research by Bambang Hendri (2016) with the title English Teachers Strategies in Teaching Speaking SMPN 10 Kota Jambi in academic Year 2015/2016. The research designed in this study was a descriptive qualitative based on the research findings, it can be concluded that the most teachers teaching strategy that used in teaching speaking in SMPN 10 Kota Jambi are using recording & transcripts, dialogues, discussion, classroom conversation and casual chat. Teachers used those technique because it is based on handbook and it is easy to practice. Some other strategy sometime used by teachers, but the frequency is very rare. Short story and many more. The good ability of the students should be based on good strategy in teaching by teacher.

The difference of those researches done by each researcher is. The research done by Karang resulted the result of this research is convincinglyrelated that teaching reading through KWL strategy could effectively improve and Increase the low ability in reading comprehension of the eighth grade students of SMP N 1 Amlapura. Next result by Nguyen is teacher‟s beliefs about teaching reading strategies and their classroom practices. Meanwhile, in my research only focused on teachers strategies in teaching English focus on reading skill at the eighth grade of the Islamic junior high School MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi.




A. Research Design

The purpose of the research is to describe the English teachers‟ strategies in teaching reading at the eighth grade of the Islamic junior high school MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi. Based on the general purpose of the research, the study is classified as qualitative descriptive research that describe phenomenon which happened at the school. This research is qualitative descriptive. The purpose of research is to identify, describe and explanation about English teachers‟ strategies in the teaching reading at the eight grade of the Islamic junior high school MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi.

According to Moleong (2006:5) descriptive research is a method of research which trying to picture out and interprets the objects as in the fact. So, in this research descriptive research is conducted in the purpose to describe systematically about the fact and characteristics of the subject (the teacher and the students of MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi accurately.

The researcher uses descriptive design in this research because this research focused on a certain phenomenon in the school environment. In this case the phenomenon is the activities of teaching reading at the eight grade of the islamic junior high school MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi. This research also does not need to give the treatment to the object of the research. Then, the researcher observes and describes the phenomena as in the fact as clear as possible without manipulation.

Therefore, the appropriate design can be used in conducting this research is descriptive research. The design consists of two stages. The first is observation to the teacher and the student. The researcher observes the class the school condition and teaching learning process. The second stage is doing the interview with the English teachers. This interview happens after the researcher doing the observation. In this process the interview the researcher ask detail about the strategies that she used for her teaching. Doing the observation. In this process the interview the researcher ask detail about the strategies that he used for his teaching.


B. Setting Description 1. Setting of the research

In this study, the research chose the setting in the Islamic Junior High School MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi precisely located on the Jambi-Bulian Sumatra cross road, Muaro Jambi regency. While the reason the researcher chose this location because the researcher considered necessary to determine how the English teachers strategies in the teaching reading in the Islamic junior high school MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi. Because the terms of the basic education of students who are still common in the students understanding of English education.

2. Subject of the research

There were different teachers teach in theIslamic Junior High School (MTsN) 8 Muaro Jambi and also teach in different class, first teacher teach in 8A and 8B and second teacher teach in 8C and 8D class. The researcher only observe and get the data in class 8A.

C. Types and source of the data 1. Kinds of Data

a) primary data

Sugiyono (2015) state that primary data is the data has been taken directly from participant that correlated with research. In this research, primary data was the main data to get information about teachersstrategies in the teaching reading at the eighth grade of the State Islamic Junior High School MTsN 8 Muaro Jambiin form of interview with English teachers.

b) Secondary data

Secondary Data is the data which is supporting of this research. The secondary data were collected by doing observation and documentation in the classroom.

2. Source of Data

The sources of data in this study are teacher situation and papers which are a) Teacher


The data was taken from the English teachers who teach the students in eight grade of the Islamic Junior High School MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi.

b) Situation

Students‟ interaction and situation process teachers‟ strategy to enhance student‟s in Teaching Reading At the eight grade MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi.

c) Papers

The data was taken from a take picture teachers who teach the students in eight grade of the islamic junior high school MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi.

D. Technique of Data Collection

According to Sugiyono (2015:62-83), technique data collecting is the most strategic steps in research, because the main purpose of research is getting data.

The research used a technique of data collecting as follow:

1. Interview

Interview is a meeting of two persons to exchange information and idea through and responses, resulting in communication. of meaning about a particular topic.

The researchers examined the research subject (respondents) directly and deeply in order to obtain further information about the English teachers strategies in the teaching reading, so it gets representative data. Instrument research semi structed interviews can be seen on the rear attachments.

In this research, the researcher conducted face-to-face interview with the two teachers to get some information needed for the research. The researcher proposed some questions related the research title.

2. Observation

Observation is a way of collecting data by conducting direct observation of an object in a given period and held a systematic recording of certain things observed. Number of periods of observation that needs to be done and the length of time at each observation period depends on the type of data collected. If the observation will be carried out on a number of people, and the observation will be used to make comparisons among these people, than it should be observed for each person carried in are lately similar situation. The ways to do observation were: (1) the researcher prepared the materials to conduct the observation such as:

paper, pen and camera. (2) The researcher joined in the classroom, (3) the


researcher observed teacher‟s strategies in teaching reading. This method was used to get any information teaching reading. This method was used to get any information. about the teacher strategies in teaching reading in MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi in second grade. In this case, the researcher observed whatever done by the English teacher related to the teachers‟ strategies in teaching reading in the classroom.

3. Documentation

According to Bodgan as cited in Sugiyono (2015) in most tradition of qualitative research, the phrase personal document is used broadly to refer to any firs person narrative produced by an individual which describes his or her own actions, experience and belief. The documentation was a technique to look for data about history, student condition, school facilities in MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

According to Sugiyono (2015:89) analysis of the data qualitative is inductive, which analysis based on the data collected in school. The models of data analysis were as follow:

1. Data reduction

The data of reduction is the data in gathered from the field is quite a lot, so the researcher will refer to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, transcription of interview. The researcher focused on the English teachers‟

strategies in the teaching reading.

2. Data display

The displayed data, the researcher explicitly provided all the recordkeeping during the interviews in the order to draw the first approach of analyzing data.

3. Conclusion drawing/ verification

The conclusion draw by the researcher was a new finding who before not been there. The finding could be a description or picture an object that previously still dark. As the verification is integrally linked to conclusion drawing, the researcher entailed revisiting the data as many times as necessary to cross-check or verify


these emegent the conclusion about English teachers‟ strategies in the teaching reading.

4. Triangulation

In this research, the researcher used triangulation for checking the validity.

According to (Sugiyono,2015:125) triangulation is qualitative cross-validation. It assesses the sufficiency of the data according to the convergence of multiple data source or multiple data collection procedures.

In this case, the researcher used triangulation to collect and to compare the data from observation to interview result, when researching, comparing the general statement to the personal statement about the result of observation. Compare the interview result to the data of document the related to the object of the research also compare the people statement to the time during the observation at the place of researching (Latif,2014:84). Triangulation can be known as follow:

1. Comparing between the result observation data with the result of the interview result.

2. Comparing between someone‟s opinion in front public with observation.

3. Comparing between observation data and documentation.


F. Schedule of research Table 3.1 Research Of Schedule

No Activities Months

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 1. Preparation √

2. Proposal Arrangement

3. Consultation Of Proposal

4. Proposal Seminar

5. Collecting Data

6. Research Improvement

7. Writing a Thesis

8. Thesis Examination

9. Thesis Revision




1. Interview

The researcher interviewed two English teachers in the State Islamic Junior High School MTsN 8 Muaro Jambi. The interview was used by the researcher to obtain data about English teachers strategies in teaching reading based on theory of indicator in teaching reading strategies by teachers on Thursday, July 24th, 2019 at 11.00-12.30.

The first interview questions to the teachers, researcher asked about their opinions about strategies in teaching reading. And the two teachers answered as follows:

The first teacher said:

"Motivating students is very important, to be diligent in translating and asking them to open dictionaries."

The second teacher said:

"In my opinion, motivating students is very important for students to be diligent to open dictionaries and to build student knowledge, because mastering vocabulary is the most important thing."

The researcher found both English teachers had the same opinions. Namely to motivate students to develop dictionaries and improve their words and build their knowledge.

The second questions to the teachers, the researcher asked about what strategies in teaching reading and how the teacher applied them. And the two teachers answered as follows:

The first teacher said:

'' First, I use the strategy of translating texts with students. After that answer one by one student questions.”

The second teacher said:

“ In my reading subject I use a strategy scaffolding. Scaffolding here helps students in solving problems in a text. Vocabulary that is difficult to note first after reading the text the teacher reads difficult text and children follow how to read the text. "


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