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Buku Ontologi dan Buku Linguistik - UNIVERSITAS BUMIGORA


Academic year: 2023

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Muhammad Romzi, Nur Wilandhani F, Saprudin, Nyoman Mega Prema Laksmi, Zainal Abidin, Giana Tiffany Said, Ulfatunisa’, Tina Apriatul Aeni,

Haliza Hakim, Tina Mariyana Lisa Rahmawati, Komang Ayu Gusta, Lalu Satya Imam Rizki, Meka Saraswati, Andra Putra Malik, Sulpiani Dewi, Gde

Wetan Pragena Anggara, Alan Cahya Saputra

Ontologi Puisi


Love, Laugh and Longing


Ontologi Puisi ODE to FAMILY: Love, Laugh and Longing Penulis

Muhammad Romzi, Nur Wilandhani F, Saprudin, Nyoman Mega Prema Laksmi, Zainal Abidin, Giana Tiffany Said, Ulfatunisa’, Tina Apriatul Aeni, Haliza Hakim, Tina Mariyana Lisa Rahmawati, Komang Ayu Gusta, Lalu Satya Imam Rizki, Meka Saraswati, Andra Putra Malik, Sulpiani Dewi, Gde Wetan Pragena Anggara, Alan Cahya Saputra


Dr. Diah Supatmiwati, M.Hum Layout

Muhammad Zul Amri Izzudin, S.Pd Desain Sampul

Muhammad Zul Amri Izzudin, S.Pd Ukuran

viii + 21 hlm, Uk: 16 x 24 cm ISBN



Jl. Halmahera Raya, Perumahan Panorama Alam, No. 38, Kota Mataram, NTB 83124

Website: www.pustakamadani.net

E-Mail: penerbitpustakamadani@gmail.com admin@pustakamadani.net

Instagram/FB: @penerbitpustakamadani WA: +62 896-7136-9707

Cetakan Pertama, Juni 2022

Anggota Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia (IKAPI)

Dilarang mengutip dan memperbanyak isi buku ini tanpa izin tertulis dari penerbit




1. Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf i untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 1 (satu) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp 100.000.000 (seratus juta rupiah).

2. Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang Hak Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf c, huruf d, huruf f, dan/atau huruf h untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 3 (tiga) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah).

3. Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang Hak Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (l) huruf a, huruf b, huruf e, dan/atau huruf g untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 4 (empat) tahun dan/ atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp1.000.000.000,00 (satu miliar rupiah).

4. Setiap Orang yang memenuhi unsur sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (3) yang dilakukan dalam bentuk pembajakan, dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 10 (sepuluh) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp,00 (empat miliar rupiah).



Buku antologi puisi ini merupakan outcome atau hasil dari proses belajar mahasiswa Sastra Inggris Universitas Bumigora. Buku ini adalah kumpulan puisi yang merupakan hasil karya Mahasiswa semester 6 angkatan 2018/2019. Pelatihan penulisan puisi dan apresiasi puisi tersebut telah diadakan Kampus Universitas Bumigora Mataram. Pelatihan tersebut dilaksanakan untuk mewadahi atau mencari bibit penulis di kalangan mahasiswa sastra Inggris Universitas Bumigora agar memiliki kesempatan untuk mengembangkan minat dan bakatnya dalam menulis karya sastra khususnya puisi.

Tema dari antologi puisi ini adalah Ode to My Family: Love, Laugh, and longing, tujuan dari penulisan buku ini adalah sebagai ungkapan cinta dan kerinduan untuk keluarga. Secara tersirat puisi-puisi dalam buku ini dibagi menjadi tiga, ungkapan cinta untuk keluarga, gambaran kebahagiaan dan canda tawa dalam keluarga, serta kerinduan kepada orang tercinta yang telah pergi.

Penerbitan buku antologi puisi Ode to My Family: Love, Laugh, and longing merupakan salah satu upaya turut serta mengenalkan dunia literasi.

Selain itu, juga sebagai upaya memberikan dukungan dan stimulasi kepada para mahasiswa sastra, untuk terus berkreasi dan memproduksi karya serta mensosialisasikannya ke hadapan khalayak.

Buku antologi ini sendiri diharapkan dapat menjadi semacam momentum para penulis pemula di dalam lintasan sejarah perkembangan sastra, sekaligus dapat memperkaya khazanah dunia pustaka sastra kontemporer.

Terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang terlibat dan semoga kehadiran buku ini dapat memberikan manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya, khususnya kepada para masyarakat pembaca

Mataram, Juni 2022 Editor Dr. Diah Supatmiwati, M.Hum






A Beautiful Glimmer Light ... 1

by Muhammad Romzi... 2

A Place to Stay ... 3

by Nur Wilandhani F ... 3

A Reason to Live. ... 4

by Saprudin ... 4

Broken Ring ... 5

by Nyoman Mega Prema Laksmi ... 5

Gloomy Day ... 6

by Zainal Abidin ... 7

Infinity Love ... 8

by Giana Tiffany Said ... 9

Light of My Life ... 10

by Ulfatunisa’ ... 10

My Broken Life ... 11

by Tina Apriatul Aeni ... 11

My Father Is My Hero ... 12

by Haliza Hakim ... 12

My Heaven ... 13

by Tina Mariyana ... 13

My Mother My Light ... 14

by Lisa Rahmawati ... 14

My Precious Lady ... 15

by Komang Ayu Gusta A ... 15

Real ... 16

by Lalu Satya Imam Rizki ... 16

The Faithful Dock ... 17

by Meka Saraswati ... 17

The Lost Tone ... 18

by Andra Putra Malik ... 18

The Moon Light ... 19


by Sulpiani Dewi ... 19

The Wagging Happiness ... 20

by Gde Wetan Pragena Anggara ... 20

Warmness on the Heart ... 21

by Alan Cahya Saputra ... 21



Ode to My Family adalah lagu cinta untuk keluarga, kehangatan cinta, canda tawa dan kerinduan diramu menjadi satu dalam sebuah kenangan di tengah kehidupan, nyata makna keluarga bukan hanya sekedar ikatan darah melainkan tempat berkembang menjadi manusia seutuhnya. Keluarga bukan hanya diri sendiri, orang tua, kakak atau adik, tapi semua yang melebur di dalamnya. Itulah yang tercermin dalam kumpulan antologi puisi karya mahasiswa sastra Inggris Universitas Bumigora. Puisi-puisi mereka didedikasikan untuk keluarga tercinta.

Dr. Diah Supatmiwati, M.Hum


A Beautiful Glimmer Light

By Muhammad Romzi My spirit comes from their smile

Simple happiness is always there at all times The spinning wheel like our life

Sometimes there is joy and sorrow that we feel

Sincere support from them is always an encouragement Give strength to face life's problems

A small family that is always grateful to God Warm smiles seen every day from them Mother

My place to talk Who take care of me?

Take care of me wholeheartedly My heaven under your feet

Father My hero

The iron wire muscle Work hard non-stop

I will always remember you give to me Sister

True friend

A place to share stories Always give support Best sister of the best

Your love can't be paid with money Always support me

My encouragement when I'm in a slump You are the diamond that I have to protect



Muhammad Romzi, I am an English literature student of Bumigora University. I live in the village of Pesinggahan, Mataram city. I am 23 years old. I like traveling and swimming. And I also like service activities in the field of education. Besides being a student, I am also a tourist guide for the city of Mataram. I work while studying. I am friendly, confident, and tolerant of inter-religious people. I have a dream to become a teacher. My social media (Ig: @mromzized).


A Place to Stay

by Nur Wilandhani F Family will always together

In sickness or in health Will always be there forever In poverty or in wealth Family make my life bright Like a beautiful sun Make my day warm Like a light of the sun Mother and father Trying my best Cherish you harder Family always do the best Family is a place to share stories Family is place to share Dreams Family will be the best stories Family will support our dreams


Nur Wilandhani Fitrina, I am an English Literature student at Bumigora University, Mataram. I was born on January 3, 2000, I come from Pancor, East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. I like listening to music and watching movies. my hobby is playing badminton. I like spicy and sweet food and I like it when people talk to me. I have a desire to serve the community. My social media (Instagram: @nrwilandhanif_)


A Reason to Live

by Saprudin Family and I

Without mom and dad, my life is not fun anymore.

My hero has gone to heaven.

He is in heaven now.

Leave me alone here.

I can't get my dream.

My father told me, so that you take care of family.

Father is my spirit to live.

Thank you.

You always guide me.

Taking steps to the future.

May the Lord always protect you


Saprudin, I was born in April 04, 1998 in Batulayar west Lombok, I am an English Literature student at Bumigora University Mataram. My hobby is travelling, and my goal is to become an interpreter and make my family proud.


Broken Ring

by Nyoman Mega Prema Laksmi In the night cold and the storm hits the leaves

A pair of pigeons is reluctant to fly together Shouts, screams, like a stretch of waves Like strong corals need a breaker A million dream every another years But a coin always has two sides

Like looking in a mirror with a smile behind the tears.

A solid cage shattered into pieces.

Tic tock tic tock The clock is ringing Tic tock tic tock

A pigeon count his crying The darkness end

No one's hand to lend


Nyoman Mega Prema Laksmi, an English Literature student at University of Bumigora Mataram, I was born in Mataram, 2 November 1999, I love swimming, trying a new variant of food and beverage, playing game online, and hanging out with friends. I like to hang out with friends who loved sense of humor. I love capture something with camera also, like sunset at beach, mount, or all of something nature, because if you capture something beautiful it will be create the beautiful memorize too. I have media social, facebook : Prema, and ig: @Premaega.


Gloomy Day

by Zainal Abidin Leave and never be back

That is a reality

The sadness that never ends That is a feeling

It's hard to make a word saying Tears of sadness are explaining I am sad with your leaving Because you are my everything Goodbye, my dear father Let me be your mirror I will draw your life in my life

Because you are the best person that ever I had O my Lord with all your goodness

Let me mourn my sadness

Sitting prostrate asking for your kindness Accept him with all your happiness Leave and never be back

That is a reality

The sadness that never ends That is a feeling

It's hard to make a word saying Tears of sadness are explaining I am sad with your leaving Because you are my everything Goodbye, my dear father Let me be your mirror I will draw your life in my life

Because you are the best person that ever i had


O my Lord with all your goodness Let me mourn my sadness

Sitting prostrate asking for your kindness Accept him with all your happiness


Zainal Abidin, a student of Bumigora university. I am really like Reading, Looking for a new something, Gaming, Music, imagination, Quiet; do not like spicy food, Astronomy. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Universitas Bumigora Mataram, Jalan Ismail Marzuki no.

22 Mataram Nusa Tenggara Barat, Kode pos 83127,


Infinity Love

by Giana Tiffany Said

I felt hard to face the reality You are getting old

Feel so close

Fall into the dark cloud and lost

Sadness occur when I saw line drawn on her face So hard to cover sadness when i saw her tired face Confuse word like live on my brain

Bad always drawn So many things happened

At the same time, so many things that not really important I wish I could change the problem

Then I will cover and take your problem to lighten How heavy to be a good and be a nice legacy

How can I cover this little brittle hand and my tiny finger without your lovely So much love that you give is like the salt in the vast sea

Event can’t calculate in the fantasy When the moment is appearance Something would be nice Just wait and see

This seeds will grow to blossom daisy



Giana Tifany Said, I am a student of University Bumigora Mataram, born in Bandung, 30th of November 1998 and grown in Sumbawa. Now, I stay in Mataram for my study in English Literature. I love adventure and create an aesthetic photography. Singing love song is my other way to express myself. If you interest with my story you can follow my social media on. Facebook: Giana Tifany.

Instagram: @gianatifany. Twitter: @gianatifany


Light of My Life

by Ulfatunisa’

When I see the moon’s shining A symphony playing

Loving you give me strength

An endless dead end showing the length Your love brings me home

Enfolds me and warm me Thank you for giving me some Of such a wonderful life in me Butterflies can’t show its wings As my thoughts flow on paper

One thing should be back like what I’m doing Is love I’ll remember forever

Your love in this world is rare No one will replace your place My love for you won’t change forever As my love for you is a beautiful grace


My Broken Life

by Tina Apriatul Aeni broken home

There are endless conflict and endless wars Father and mother hurts me

Abandoned and ignored

By those who should taugth me the meaning of love

A father ruined my childhood and mother ruined my dreams I fell and cried

life was hard for me

I’m so tired, weak, and dying by a broken heart My parents are supposed to embrace me Is the one who knocked me down Why I was born

Be a good fake For everyone to see That I grew up very well

Love and affection I’ve ever witnessed Is hate an abomination


Tina Apriatul Aeni, I am a student of Universitas Bumigora, like reading novels and traveling …love delicious and hot spicy food. I can be reached at: instagram

@tina_apria and Program Studi Sastra Inggris Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Universitas Bumigora Mataram, Jalan Ismail Marzuki no. 22 Mataram Nusa Tenggara Barat, Kode pos 83127,


My Father Is My Hero

by Haliza Hakim You have said a thousand words.

You have given thousands of love.

You have poured a thousand love.

Only for your daughter.

Every drop of your sweat In the patter of your tired breath

The one full of extraordinary love

For me you are willing to be stung by the sun You work hard for a penny

Every day you work hard without getting tired.

You taught me the meaning of struggle You taught me the meaning of success.


Haliza Hakim, born on June 7, 2000, a student at Bumigora University Mataram, has many hobbies, namely reading novels, traveling, listening to songs, singing likes to eat, and lovers of spicy food, using several social media as

communication media, namely email

halizahakim@3gmail.com, instagram @imizhaaa, and facebook Liza Marwan, Program Studi Sastra Inggris Fakultas Ilmu Sosialdan Humaniora Universitas Bumigora Mataram, Jalan Ismail Marzuki no. 22 Mataram Nusa Tenggara Barat, Kodepos 83127,


My Heaven

by Tina Mariyana The woman who is loved all the time

A fighter who has earnests Take care of me with all my heart Who always works all the time

For the sake of my future and my success

Mother you are the one who gives me endless love You taught me to always be strong like you You taught me many things

Mom, thank you for fighting for me Thanks you for fighting for me I hope to always be with you Today tomorrow and forever Thank you mom for everything Sorry I can't make you happy But I promise

Will always be the best for you Thanks you mom for everything I love you


My Mother My Light

by Lisa Rahmawati Dear mom

You are the sunlight of my day You have lighted my way Since the day I was small Till the day I become tall You raised me with your love I grew up with love you gave You are number one in this world You will never be old

You always there when I need you

You always comfort me when I feeling blue You are my guardian angel

Your smile is like an angel You are very the best

Because you are none like the rest Thank you mom

You know I love you mom Author

Lisa Rahmawati, a student of English literature at the Bumigora University, Mataram. I live in east Pagutan. I was born and raised in Mataram, I am currently 22 years old. My hobby is traveling and I like listening to music. My dream is to make my parents happy. If you want to know me more follow my instagram @lisaarmw, Thank you.


My Precious Lady

by Komang Ayu Gusta A You are the prettiest lady in the whole world You always be there for the good times or bad Give all the best for me

Pushing me and guiding me God has been so good Who did all they could?

I have an excellent mother Her strength is make me stronger She always listening and understanding She can do anything

You always be there forever No matter what’s the weather I love you

Cause every road that leads to heavens right inside you I’m proud to say you’re mine

Forever and a day, in the time of my life


Komang Ayu Gusta Arysandi, a literature student of Universitas Bumigora. I live in Perumnas, Shopping and fashion like mix and match clothes for my appearance is my passion. I am 20 years old and I am a friendly person sometimes indifferent depending on the mood. I like meeting new people and making friends. I like cooking let’s be friend you can follow me on

@ayugustaa, or ayugusta8@gmail.com



by Lalu Satya Imam Rizki Real...

Your soul is strong like the wing of the dragon You create real love in this cruel world

The expanse of your love is like rain in the dry season Your drops of sweat are the source of life from the god Mother...

Even when the world is silent Your presence is like a light Even the earth has fallen

Your love will guide me to fight Mother...

Your sacrifice is a real thing of dedication Your love is a real manifestation of God's love Your smile is like the rainbow in rainy season Your guidance is the greatest way to move Dear mother you are the real love...

Author Hello...

I’m Lalu Satya Imam Rizki.A student in Bumigora University. Ilive in kuripan village west Lombok. Ilove spicy food, i love doing a social life, i love to looking for new experiences, and sharing experiences with everyone.


The Faithful Dock

by Meka Saraswati

I’m waiting for the sunrise I enjoy the twilight

With the sound of the waves Water drops met the face Faint rays began to highlight Collapsed alone left my hopes Maybe you come back again?

I’m looking for a starting point Where I can pour everything A place that always faithfully awaits Come back, bring pain and disappointment A dock that is ready to accept anything Willing to leave for no reasons

The faithful dock is my family.


Meka Saraswati, A student of Bumigora University. I was born in Dompu Lanci 1, 23 October 1999. The beach is one of my favorite tourist spots, and I love to cook interesting food. You can also follow me on Instagram



The Lost Tone

by Andra Putra Malik The laughter you gave me.

Laughter like my father gave me.

Like melodious tones to be heard Melodious rhythm enters the heart

We don't live together, we don't sleep together.

But we can eat together, without ever having anger.

Although not all day,

Let the boundary wall witness our proximity.

Spare time that you give me, day by day.

it means so much to tell us some day.

Hope a cheerful story brings a smile to appears Through sorrow and tears.

Millions people send you to the rest.

Prayer as helper,

until you forgot to open your eyes.


Andra Putra Malik (1800630005), A student of Universitas Bumigora, Born on kuripan sedayu, West Lombok and living in Karang makam village, listening to songs is my favorite and singing while playing music is my hobby.I can be reached at my email :andrasmekers23@gmail.com or come to my collegeUniversitas Bumigora Mataram, Jalan Ismail Marzuki no. 22 Mataram Nusa Tenggara Barat, Kode pos 83127,


The Moon Light

by Sulpiani Dewi Sunny day has passed to dark

The moon looks shy to show its light What is up with tonight?

The stars also seen reluctant to blink Covered by the silence of the night

Something in the eyelid struggles to rush out What is up with tonight?

Restless, upset as if settled in the heart No one expected a ray of light to come

Illuminate the moon that hasn’t been seen for a long time Thank you for the blessings

We will protect with all of our souls


Sulpiani Dewi, A student of Universitas Bumigora, traveller, like to reading novels, story tellings, comics, and sometimes watching comedy and adventure movies. I can be reached at: Instagram @Wiikiii_ and Program Studi Sastra Inggris Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Universitas Bumigora Mataram, Jalan Ismail Marzuki no.

22 Mataram Nusa Tenggara Barat, Kode pos 83127,


The Wagging Happiness

by Gde Wetan Pragena Anggara One two one two

Excitement raising and furs are dancing One two one two

Kicking, jumping, and symphony making Three four five six

Worry not free your mind Three four five six

Sweet sour all be mine One two one two

I am very happy and the reason is you One two one two

Wagging here and be with you Every second every season

Always together and bond deepen


Gde Wetan P.A, student of UniversitasBumigora, writer, really love fantasy and imaginary things, believe that the eyes are the window of one soul, try to capture every moment into words or songs. Say hello to me at my:

facebook (GdeWetan) or Instagram (genawetan)


Warmness on the Heart

by Alan Cahya Saputra Precious as gold

That could bring changes Shiny as a diamond

That could make your way shines Sharp as a blade

Stabbing right of your heart’s But, tender as cottoned Protecting your souls Tell me everyone Why are they so fair?

When I lay my life upon my own

They will lay their hand to aid this weak bear Wish that I could feel the sense of loves What I am dreaming of families


Alan Cahya Saputra, a student of Universitas Bumigora. I was born on 26th of August 2000 in Magelang. I love music, spicy food and sweet beverage. I have many hobbies start from playing music, game, reading comic, and many more. I use many of social Medias, but I would highly share you my Instagram account. Please follow me on Instagram @alan.saputra11 thank you.


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